Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Mar 1926, p. 9

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-1926 March 5, 1926 h WILMETTE LIFE 9 .A Florida Beauty .SPot md- J!'erre Watkins to M estjian Builds · Speak at L~gion $10,000 Building for Rug Cleaning Meeting, March 9 By J . B. S. The next meeting of Wilmette Post Xo. 46, American Le g ion, will be held at the St. Augustine's Episcopal church club hou se, Tuesday evening, :V1arch Q. Ferre Watkins, senior vice-commander of the Department of Illinoi s, will be the Post's guest, and will gin~ a short talk. Fred V. lV1agUire , di strict committeeman for the 7th D ic;trict, is also expected to be present. Entertainment will be provided by "The Four Horsemen" of Pulaski Post, Chicago. These four young men put .on a vari e ty mu sical act that was the I hit of the state convention at Quincy la st year and everybody who ha s heard them know s that they are pur,·eyors of real entertainment. The meeting will be c. ·nducted according to the Legion man u al of c·e remonie s throughout. and t h e evening will be concluded, a s usual, by smo kes and eat s from 1Iac's Bow ling Lunch. Aram K. Mestjian, rug dealer and cleaner, . received a -permit this week to build a new $1.PJOOO add ition to his present plant at 511 Main street. The new building will be one story in height and of brick construction. It ,,·ill not be connected with the present building and will be used entirely a s a rug cleaning and repairing plant. The building itself will cost $6,000 and the equipment will co t more than $4,000. The pre sent building will be used entire]\' as an office and salesroom when · he -new structure is completed. Mr. :\f cstjian said thi s week that the ne\\· nlant, which will. be burglar -proof and fireproof, will have the facilities to pro,·ide unexcelled rug cleaning service. Construction was started this week ;c1.11d it is hoped that the building "\Vill h" completed by April 10. 'M r. ~fest iia n stated that the increase in busitH' S S has necessitated the enlarged quarter s. ~ rs. E. A. Anderso n, 827 L inden a ,·enue. will he hostess to her lu nche on and bridge club on T h ur sday, ~[arch 4. le l.on~ thi . c St: next at r · d ueui ld \\"it h rol ·i o u -. ' d il· nr k f o:d tf· (· I ... ~(· br .... 11 1 ig ln d a~· t tc· ·d ay .FI- \ ··U n:· the 1rvd an: lll A Guaranteed Hot Water Heater Here H ere is a patio scene at the r esidence of Earle E. Carley, former Yicepre -. idcnt of the BelleYiew Biltmore hotel, at Belleair Estates. Belleair. Fla. Oi the many real c~tate deYelopments which have turned their attention to the beautification and improvement of Florida's \ \.est Coa . t, perhaps mor~ d c -.cn·ing than any other of the prai c of the community in which they arc \\·orking, is Belleair E state s. Greater Clearwater's ~faster Development, which j..; located ju st " next -door" t< · the famou s BclJe,·ic,,·-Biltmore hotel. in Belleair, and is but h\·o mile . . o n : r perfect high,,·ay. ir0m the heart of Clearwater' s . ; hopping center. Thi . area of arti sti c home . po. se sse s all of th e adYantages kno\\"11 to other Florida deYel o pment s and orne \Yhi ch are unique to Belleair Estates, it i "aid . One o f the s di stin ctive advantages is its location next to the Belleview Biltm orc. which ha s been for a quarter of a century the winter gatherinf! place for the elite of American . ocial circles, a s welt a the golfing paradi se of most o f America \ capitali!:lt , and other great men of the times. Bellc air F . tatc: s enjoy-... too. another unique advantage of location, . it uated a s it i. ' atop forty foot bluff on the shore of beautiful Clearwater Bay, I with the great Gulf of ~[ cxico the other . ide of the key . . This bluff. which i. the settin g fo r the deYelopment, i. the highe st . b o re eln·ation in the state . of Florida. And it i-., th ro ugh the property of Belleair E stat es that Florida's I o nly wat<:rfall. the Ca srada Cri sta] , break s under a ru _tic bridge. ar , c 1· (l · IS the guarantee: ra wi II We will install a Crane Heater in your home. Try it for 30 days. If it does not prove satisfactory in every respect we will take it out and you pay nothing. A fu rnace coil supplies hot water only half the year. Boiling in the wi nter, lukewarm · in th e spring. O t her old -fashioned systems are eq ually unsat isfactory. Built like a vacuum bottle P R E MIER hot water is uniform , always ready-a fullsize strea m at all faucets. Come in to our Sales R ooms and com pare you r present hot wate r costs with the price of PR EM I E R stored hot wate r th at gives year-'ro und economy, convenience and health ful co m fo rt. Any day this wee k you can see this gas-saving, insulated storage-type heater in operation. 1 ry it.., test it . See for yourself how it saves while .it erves and satisfies. T estimonials gladly furn ished of satisfied users. a Announce Sale of Wares Made by Disabled Vets O n V.'<.· clnL·s d a ~· . :\f arch 2-t. at the IH,m e oi \1 r s. :\ll >e rt .'\y:-trom, 71-t C e nt ra l an·nm·. i ro m 2 unt il (i o'cl ock. i-. to h e held a :- ale oi ;trt irh:-.. mack hy 111 en at C rea t L tl·d ·:-; lw , pi 1 a 1 "\Yi 11 ~ ou help the~e men to lw -.. cli -:-. upp o rting h)· coming t o -..ee ii there is anythinl( YOU can make ll!-<l' oi. Thi s sale i:- OJH:n t o the public . Tt·a \\·ill he "ern·cl." i-; the \Yord irc>nJ tho:-.e in t('re!->t<'d in the conperatin· effort. P E RUA~ E X T \\' A YI XH D ee p ..'\"atural Looking \VaYCS) Our $::!0. 00 qu a lit~· if book (' cl b for e April 30th, $15.00. (Lar ge ~ } t{fj~2~ ~·~ f lt.-~ ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ ~' ~ · (ru ' -;~'S.l ~--1 - ~ R ENC H , ," X " ._ \Yith natural l!a rts a s low as $2 a. OO. FREXCH BOB 'YIGS AS LO\V AS $3 .·.00. XEG R E S C O l:' S 1"R .\ X SF OH lU A 'I IO :VS Great Lakes Veterans · Need Cards, Records The auxiliarv of the \Vilmette Post of the American Legion has received a commun ication from the yeterans' hospital at the Great Lakes naval training station requesting contributions of playh1g cards, phonogr aph records will also he welcome at the hospital. the letter explained. Cont r ibu tions of this character maY be made hv comm u nicating with Mrs . Hopp at · \ Vilmette 1404. .,---...J Dlt .\PE 'VAX ES For a lH'coming- Coiffure. The flatt ~' ring- Drap e \\·av e made to imliYi!lual require ments , giYes a w e llgroomed youthful appearance. Then, faded, streaked, gray o1· broken hair is draped instead of dyed and bleached. Thousands of women have been helped by these DRAPE WAVES. l\Iarcelling, W aterwaving, Scalp Treatments f o r falling hair, etc., uy <'Ompetent r eg istered operators. O u r experience of 30 years on State Street is assu r ance of good servic e . Premier No. 2 , $125 Keeps 23 gallons of hot water always ready Sold and Installed by 1430 LAKE AVE. FRED 0. NELSEN WILMETTE, ILL. WILMETTE 2548 THE WIGGERY ~rl'rE 1314 STEVEXS 'BLDG . 17 ~- Stntt- Strt-t-t 1'.-1. Hanclo1ph 1035 PLUMBE:.t-(5' ESTIMATES FURNISHED REPAIR WORK TAKEN CARE OF There is a right-size Premier for every home Patronize Our Advertisers

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