WILMETTE LIFE March 5, 1926 j 1! Explain Function , i 1 of Insurance for Property Damage I "THE PELICAN," NEXT __ THEATRE GUILD DRAMA SPRING calls for smart footwear HJ< ICIIT. 'Unny days ahead~ EYery memlJer ,,f the fan"lily lr)r)k~ tn the pride of . electing n .,\-apparel ir,r ~prin({. .\nd \\·hat\ nHJre impcJrtant u, a . . en:--c: c,f l)eing \\·ell d~c::-;:-.ed th'u1 g. ood-lrJrJking. pc:rfc:ctly fitted 'hCJc· . . : The· "ea:.,(Jn's nc:\\·cst ,-oguc~ arc already here~ Nunn .. Bush Shoes for Men The Arch Preserver Shoe for \\ omen 7 .\ o...hoe· built ior men \vho like ··r.rllfr,l't. \\ ith Jllr·nty cJ( qualit~ · .a11d st.\'1··. Tht- ~Ul tlt-l:u!"h ,'hr,r-:-: <·ltd I IXflll'd~ l"itllJ,!t· fr<Jitl f·i~h 1 · · 1 · · 11 l ll 1 :-: h ·· ti 11 f· f'··rtl-. ]11'1!·· d ;It ~ix attd :tt . t·\'t·lt dt,J) ;t I!'-. "Property damage cr.,·e rage is the !Gene Markey, Author, Uses Kindj least .,understood oi all iorm oi insur ly Offices to· Secure Vehicle ance. says ]. H. l3raun. general coun- . for Local Group sel ior the Chicago :\f otor club. '":\f n_ __ _ o:-i'ts :lr_c prone to belic,·e ~h~t thi" "The Pelican" by F. 'fcnn\·~on 'fc: 5 . rorm or lll'Urancc operate - 'Jmtlar to . \ ' . ~ ·l . cnlli ion insurance. \\'hen a man car- and H .. · f. }_fan,·o~rl, be tJ~e next ric- property damag-e in:-urancc he in·- Jl,n~dtll.'t1:>.n _r>I '.~ 1 c \1.1rth Sh<.)~C I hcatrc: q tcntly i:; oi the opinion that hi-. in- (~UJ!d. _ [ hh \'_Ill J,e the th_t:d prod~c -.urance compan,· "·ill pa\· an,· and all ~:() 1.1 0 ! the fi_Jth :--t·; 1 ' 011 or th~ gudd. claim· made hecau'e oi damacic he ma,· I hl:- ' 11 (I\\' cn;c,y(.·d a !rJitg run m Lon' do to some one else's car or other pr()J; ~!c,n _l:t:-.~ ~ <:a_r Ci~:_cl ., ·· ;l.., prrJ~1uc ·d tl_1i . t:r y. Thi'. oi cnur~e. i- an erroncou-., rail 111 :\e\\' '\ ork ny :\. II. \\ or~ds, " ·rth c:o 11 i n icl!l. \1 a r~<t :-e· L<nne 11 c<: 111 t ht· I cad mg rol . "Prr·J't::-ty danLtl!t 111 , 11 rancc pntThe play was obtainvd in a curiou-. tC't: tlH· hr,Jrln 11 j he polic~- al!ain-.t \\·a;·. it i, rciatcd. .-\lcx and<:r Dean, diJr,..:' irr 111 liabilit y impn-e·r! h~- law ic 1r r-vctnr r1i the Guild \\' ·11t to :\c\Y York rlan~aQ't.' he· 1,r, Jicy hold ·r may cau,t..· ior the purpo-. · oi . . ccuring a plaY fo :r~ anothc-r·, p:-o.·<:r ~- JllQYing or o...ta- the next prc,duction . J It..· att(·mpt. d t<· ionan·. Thi- dnt· . nr· llll.:an hat the ~et "Tht Pelican·· !,ut \\'a . . u:~->urcc·-. .0\\llt:r. c·i thc c1 hc·r c<.r r1:· propcrt~· i . . iul. Jl<: th('n \\·ir· ·d hack tr1 Ctn<.: \f:1r pn, t·ctcd: i· ll<:an, !~:lt th(· pnlin· key. J-:,·anstf·ll attt_ h(lr. ,,.,kin~ him t· 1 hrddt:r i::. prn·cc <:d. Ii ht· prdicy hnlrL:r u:; · hi . . i11tlttcnet· \\·itlt :\fr. \\.ood . . ir1 i-. not lialdt· unrln he· Ia\\', 110 in-.ur- "eruring ior the Thtatn· Guild the right ancc cr·mpany \\'ill na\· ior the clamagc· to ti"C' the play. The iol!O\\·ing da' dor· r Tt'!e r··,pon,ihility ic 1r -.ettlrnwnt \brl>c~· \\ired Dean tiH· icdln\\ing me-.·j, t.:rnul O\"C·r to he in ... urance cnm- ':l.L.t: 11a11_\· L~- the· l'r,lic~- hr~lclt..-:· and it mu-. "Dear .\!lit:lJc· vi tn ht: ~r, 1111 ,an~· tr· dct{'rmin. \fr. \Ynnd-. graciou,J~· and glaclhhv Ji;1 1,iJi:~·." :' t·-.t:t:t-. YOUth~· ritdH.;; to "The Pe·hl';t'l. .. ior \\ hat<:n:r ;tm"tlllt \·ou \\·ant tf· -.end him. :\1 anu-.cript m~ikd t<·da,TALKS TO STUDY CLASS -.pt·ri:t! ch-liYc-r~. \Y c.u.d -.tH!gl·-.t , ()tt \Yedne-:rla,· aite·rnoon :\fr, _ :\n- hank . fr . \Y~,od ... nn . . "nalh· at the ·Elthr,ny Frenc-h :\ft-rrill !!a,·e ot.<· r.i hc·r titll!t..' theatrl' in .I.e n;mH: <1i art o:. . · r i e:- o i i n t t: r c· .. t i 1H! a I k . . t o t h c- . . t u rh · \' h :, t n n ~ r·u r a II i . I cl~":-. o~ ht· :\r,nh ~lnre (~tthoJ(c \.cnc ~farkt.·,- ... \\ rJJllcn . . Jc.ar...ut· ;1 tht· hnmc or \fr-.. \\'het~ thi-. ]da_,. ; . . prt·-.l'nted ll\· the F. T. O'Brien. 73.::: Fr,:--;d;t!t· a ,-~.·nuc. playn:-. ni the: \.uild i \\ill I1L· pr()~l tn·d \\"innetk J. ir1r the fir, ttnh· 111 .\m v ira lJ,- an' (I hc·r than the (lfiC!'ina l romra;n- i;l \" t · \ ·. Y n r k . T h e 1da y i , i n i o u r · a r . . :\frs. J. \\'alter :\cl. on wac: cxrcctt·rl and tt·ll-. thv ,tr 1 n· oi a llH' h~.·r ... · -.arri tn rrturn to her home at 81: Elm\\·ood fi n· i o r h c r -. (In .a n d h e: i n " i . . t a n r l' n i aYenue Tuesday eYening after an ex- tlw lllr·rlnn \·outh on hi-. ri!!ht til a ra . tended Yi -it with relati,-r 111 Dallac:. n·n. Ed\\ ard Fclke oi \\.ilmettc will Texa-:. . tda\· nne r1i the l<:aditH! rnlt-'- . l ,,-J!! l The shoe that gin:s perfection in !-'tyl· fort. with a r r1 a r 't r '1 x- Th·· stylf' i!" \\ h··tt .\ 11u Wf'ar An·h J>re!-'l·r\···r~ - and _...,,u c;tn walk, \vork .\our~ dt ·.L!TH· ~mal'tt-sl f<1<1t Jlf·\\' <Jf com- <Jr play all rla.\· with will Ill' a rr-\' l·lati<m t11 t·ase _\'(JU~ that Sturdy Holland Shoes for Sturdy Boys .\ great shoe ior little iello\\'S. J:Jtu·l~t·r 111 Pied Piper Shoes for Little People The shoe 'in which little feet can g-r<J w and IH· hap· J n all sizt·s up to 1::! with low ht···l and fli ·Xiblt· S()lt·. IL si~·-~ frn· th·· larg£:1· girl's t110 s··l· th·· patt·llt 0111·~trap pump f11r drt·ss Wt·ar. <JXfonls and high ··lk. And in arllJ\' I IXfiJI'd~ ;q,'j:; tr1 ...-, ,:;11.' ' lJ I " · :-: ., ~·. fl (I trJ $ 1; . ;-, II. <·r,ff,., !-'ht1(:~ la~t~. Change in Ownership Mr. John J. Schneider of Wilmette fonn erly with E. A. Tucker of Wilmette. Ras mussen Bros. of Highland Park . Lord's of Evanston, and Chas. A . Stevtns of Chicago, has purchased the Wilmette Shoe Store at 1150 Central Avenue . Wilmette. · }li~h Repairing The finest high .. grade tvork He will carry on the well established busi ness of the former owner, offering only the better class of high grade shoes and accessones. He will maintain the well-equipped repair shop and will continue to gtve exceptioaal service in this department. 24 Hour Service The Satisfactory Store TAYLOR'S , BOOTERY 605 Main Street TAYLO~' S You are all cordially invited to come tn and get acquainted and inspect the up-to date stock of shoes he has to offer. Wilmette 385 DRY GOODS STORE 1125 CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE 1914