Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Feb 1926, p. 5

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February 26, 1926 WILMETTE Y. M. C. A. College G lee club which has just recently r eturned from a su ccessfu l concert tour. A very large audience greeted Horace Ashton Ia t Sunday night in connection with his address on his 4,000 mile flight on~rscas in the air hip Los Angeles. LIFE 5 INDIA'S CIVILIZATION SUNDAY CLUB SUBJECT M. H. H. Joachim, Native of Calcutta, to Tell of Gandhi Nationalist Movement The "tee. .time" frock . For travel-clubseaside--country-sports I ~L H. H. ] oacl.1im, a natiVl' of Calcutta, India, author and traveller, ,,·idely known authority n India and it ' religions, literature s and philo sophies, will he the spea ker at the \ViiOn Sunday. February 2~, a group of llll'ttc Sunday En.·ning club --e n·iccs r 50 girls, who have spent past summers a.t the F.irst .Co ngregational church 1 at Arden Sl.wrc camp, will h,~~d tl:eir ~unday. l·c bruary 2R, at 7:30 o'clock. annual reunton at the camp. I ne gtrls Although a nati\'e of India he ha" him - \\·ill arrive in the morning and will he ~ elf ~mbracecl the 'hristian religion. t·ntcrtainec_l at ditmcr by ~fi ::;s Anna He wdl spea k on "Gandhi ancl the ~a - Bel~e Ferner and other meml!ers ~f the tionali st :\lo\'ement." a mo st timclv "taff. In the afte~noon there wtll .he topic. Peopk all m·er the world haY~ ot~tdoor sports and tndoor gan.1es, wluc~1 hecn ,,·atching with great intereo..,t ';·Ill k_erp the gu ·sb. cntcrtamed :mttl Candhi ao.., a great leader in India. ' t11ne tor departure ·; n the late atter noon. . H V 1 . . a~ It~ Message . :\{rs. C1rl R. Latham, ~fr::>. Le . lic F . ln_c!Ja s ancH·nt hteratu~c a~1d pinto ... - (~ate~. ~lr .... Carol Ridgway. and :\Irs . ... "l~h H:s ha\· ~· long I_H'{'n ta:-rlllattng to f.eorge A. :\la on, from the Arden \\estern mt_nd~. ,,.l11le recent!~· political ~horc board, ,,·ill be present. They ,,·ill t·.n· nt~ - notahl~· the ri:-c oi the na- ;[s~ist in entertaining and will pro\·i ck lllllla!J..;t mnH·mcnt - han· attracted ict· cream and cake for all. t.: rl'a ter . at t l'll t i~111 to 1nd ia it:-.e If than ' This group of girl" holding it:; rcc·n·r hl'tnn·. !·rom thi~ land of my ~- llnion rr~rre-.p(l!lcl~ to the ho~·.., \\·ho arc tt:ry. with it... tn·ming million:; of many ;1t .\rden ~lwre in tlw ,,·in.tn tilllc . Ch tl"> and Crl'ed-., COill<'" .\!r. Joachin;, . nnth group..,, the girls in . Utnmer "hc1 h;h a di~tinrt and \·ita! mes~ag-e , and the hoy~ in ,,·inter. arc :;ent by o delin·r irom the lecture platform. the Chicago Board of Education to be Trained and educated in hi-; own coun- built up phy:-.ically, bciore they can be try, and aJ . . o in Europe, and :\mcrica, . gin·n a W11rking rntificate. Both .\1 r. Joachim ha . a broad international ' group:; are bl'tWt.'l'll 14 and 16 years of nutlook. He j.., a proiound :;cholar, a 1 agl' at the time thl'y arc in camp. c n:-tructiH· thinker. a writer of note, and rank~ a . . one ni the foremost auHOME FROM HOSPITAL tho ritie~ on India. Cifted with a strikT·rank .-\. \\'il ... on. 1118 Central a\·eill~ Jll'r:;r,nality and power of expres- ntH'. 0 ,,·m·r oi \\·iJ, 011 ':- Bakery on \ \ 'ilion, he ha ... earned a brilliant reputa- 111 ette a\'cnuc. ha-. returned home 1·rnm tion a:-. a public speaker. tht.' St. Franci-. ho:-;pital. E\·anston. The mu~ical program lll'Xt . uncia\' \\·hert.' ht.· had bel'll unckrgoing ohsernight ,,·ill he rendered by the Chicago · \·ation for -.t.' H'ral '\\'l'l'K:- . 1 Arden Shore Girls to Gather at Camp for Annual Reunion T he 2d in t he senes COME! '.\'ith your f rien ds Nocable North Shore Musical E ve nts VESPER CONCERT Wilmette Baptist Church SundJy. FebruJry 28th. 4 p. m. At last the knitted frock which fits every outdoor scheme! This charming designed garment made of the finest Australian zephyr yarn is smartness itself. Seven reasons for the popularity of the Tee time frock: 1. H angs straight from shoulder and does not cl ing. 2. Will not stretch . being knitted with a patented lock stitch . 3. Is not too w arm- being porous and absorbs heat as all outdoor woolens do. 4. No hooks. no eyes. no snaps. no buttons ! 5. Nine of the loveliest colors. 6. V or round neck- long or short sleeves. 7. Non -crushable- no need of pressing. These frocks may be chosen with collar, cuffs, and vestees for $35 and $39 .75. Organist- J. Le,vis Bro\vne St. Parrick's C h urch. Chicago Violinist- Milan Lusk In fa rewell :-lorrh Sh ore Ap p eara nce bef ore h is grand Eu ro pean tour. Sopral)o- Sarah Ann McCabe Noted Church Soloist March April 2 2 8 ---:-C iarence Eddy. D ea n o f Am eric an s -S ta nle y Sed er. Organ ist Organ ists May· J O- Stanle y Martin and S. E . Gruenste in . Join q Recital W orthen. .Carrico Co. 114648 w.·lmette Avenue Wilmette C'o n cer t under d in·ction W"ill iam H. Barnes ( Free Will Offering)

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