Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Feb 1926, p. 4

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WILM ETTE LI F E February 26, 1YL6 Eat Announce Recent Marriage J Teachers' Club to Sponsor Plays at Fr~nc~s Xavier Chu~ch j The marnage of :Mrs. Sara Stee lc.: of \ Viimette to Ravmond UcDonald of Buffalo \\'as solet1111izcd in the St. Fr.an··is Xavier church ~fonday cvcntn~. February 15, at 7 o'clock, the Rev. Patrick Gleason officiating. . Mrs. Edna \Vharton wa:- matron ot honor and the groom's brother, Clarencc ~f cDonald of Ft. Sheridan .. ern·<l as hc;t man. Follo\\'ing the Cl'reti~t,11~·. a reception ,,·as held at ~f~·s. \Yhart:,_n· ... home 1(>00 \Ya hington a\"Ciltlt' . · llll' bride' wore a frock of tan ~l'Or~L'ttl' crepe and carried S\\'Cet pea:- and rtht' "· ~fr. and Yfr:-. \lcDnnald arl' tllTttp~ - ing ~fr::;. \\'hartnn'..; re:-idenrl' _Ttlr .thrl'e months during her al>..;cnn· 111 \ kn·land. - - -- - - - - -- FISH by N. U . Drama Group Telephone your orders-Wilmet te 649 No Toll Thc Xorth\\'estcrn Players, under the cli.rection of Alexand ·r Dean, wilt prodnre for the \\'ilmctte Teach rc;' rluh two plays at the SLolp school. .( ~1§Jj_m ~' Evanston v·························· ~UJ.Jq 15 57 SHERMAN AVENUE AUNT LOU SAYS: KNOW WHAT YOU EAT ------------------------~ I Tlh· lllilk l-'Uppl~· of C'hkag·o and vincinit:--· i::"; Wt'll takf'n car·· of, \\·t· can r ·ly with ~aft~ty upon tlw J>UI' ity of our milk. hut rlo ~-ou t-\'t·r lwar anything· ~aid about lJn·a<l'.' l>o ~- ou not think we should know atHl have a rig-ht to know s01l1l't hi ng· about the bread Wt· eat·: Is there anything mon· important for ourst·lvt·s and growing childn·n than good, 11utritious bn·a<l'! Havt· :--·ou t>\'t'l' heanl a11~ thing about l>leaclw<l Hour'.' l>o you !~now th:tt thf' g·overnnwnt n·quirvl-' that all hh'a<.:h ·d Hour ~hall hv llr:lntlt·tl hh'aehl'cl and that ~on~t· statt·s prohibit the use of it :tltogl'lh .. r. :\loHt all tlw flout~~ quott·d in tlw dail~· pap<'r:-: :tl't· jutp 'lllt':llling· l>akt·I'.l-' lloul') ar(' l> It> ac h t·<l. tHwting· flour prin·s UIHll'r datt· of Ft·h. 23nl flour iu jute (mean ing· bakt·l"l') S{)() to ~()(), !Iii'; .'-.~~~ to s:~;-, , t ln ~:tllH' pag·p ~lillllt·:tpolt:-: f1our pl'iCl'H 1 family) flours :·:~;-, to !1;',(1 .\linnt>apolis tl':t<'k in car lot;-;. Tht ·st· t1out·s a111l lowt·r gT:tdl·H e:lllt·d strai:. .:-ltt and t'lt·:u·s. <':Ill !Jt> IJIPrtl·lwd so that tlw~· will all :q~p.-ar tlw :-:an1e in color but not in quality . You can nhw hlPa<'h doug-h with ehemica.ls antl high s)>et·tl mixt>r OJ' tn:tkt> a !':now whitt· loaf by using· corn Hour or ('()I'll starch (sold U!Hlt>r dit'ft·n·nt namt·). H.t>mt·ntht>I' a whitt> loaf of hi'<·acl JH'OYt·s nothing in l'l·g-ard to qualit~·You cannot bakP a snow whitt· loaf at hulllt' ht·vauHe it i~ not tht> natu1·al color of tlw wlwat. Tht' ( "··l't·~nta 11our mill:-; ·will not lJh-ach their ht>st gT:I<lt· uf llour . I am g-oing to 11le<lg-e my~t>lf to tile Jlt·oplt· o( \Vilnwtte to g-i\·~~ tht·ni a loaf of bread that is pun... elt-all and good made tlw s~Unt· as ,-ou would have it maclP in your own hom e, no diffet't>nt on!~· I wili he ,-our hake1·. ~lad(' with tht· he!:it 1 family g-ra<le) of C\·rt-~ota Hour, purt· milk ( ;{ ~1!% buttt·t· fat) Diamond 'rystal salt and g-ra 11 u lated sugar. .!': o lard or ani mal fat hut a pu rt· vpg·dahl P t>i 1 callt>d CriHco an<l fn:~h yt·ast. :\'otlting· addt>d and nothing· takt·ll a wa ,.. No l'hang-e i 11 w rappl·t·. .I ust cal I .'·our· gTUC't'l' tll' tlt·a li'I' fqt· Aunt Lou's hread . I These Boy Scouts W ill (~ig" lll'd) .\l'.~\'T I.ot·. \f?Trrlh 41. f p t ,. 1 . R th R . ' ~e :.nn· n · ~ <' )y er a ttrnll nt \\ J!mt'ttl'. \nll hl' the fir ... t ui the pb~· -;. · ,. . ,. 11w rt·nc tor ·The Lnn:- nf Pet(' j.; bid in ~1 tynical \\'mnan'..; rluh rummag-e -;alr. 'The ola~- ckt:d" nnt -.o mnr'h ' ·ith tlw "atin· of -;urh ttndertaking:-;, hut rather \yith a Jon· ~tor~· "·hirh \\Tave-; jt"elf in and out oi tlw t' n·11 b \\' h ic h t a kr place daily . 'J'h,· "l'cond pJa,·. "D11ke." i" a ..;atirP on thl' mndern · . . o -ralkct "c!umhlll'll" Odd Jobs I "iie. ;, caricaturt· ..;aid tn he iull ;~j Be Gl a d f or !udirrnus ... ituatioth·. Tt wa..; )..'in·n thi-. I The ,-ariou" patrol" nf Troop :\o. month h<·inn· a lan.rc a11l '1lthu-.ia -.tic I. of tilt' Kcnih,·orth n ( ) \' ~rnut-.. will :tllflil' TH"l' in r,,-:tn-.t(lt1. cn!~.-a~e in a contr::;t durin~ the lll tlnth Casts from School 1,j \f arch to rai~r motH". it ,r a rnn Tht· ra"'t' i()r tilt'-.!' pl:i\·-. :trl· rom ti,·ent iund for the troop. The rnn - 1111-..cd 11i ' p·1 1il-. fr!1T11 t (ll. Dr;unati · t t \\" i 11 he h c Id un d c r t h e d i r v ct i ' ·n (kn:t 'liH'nt in th\' ~rhool oi Spt'f'rlt. uf . coutma.;;ter Robert Tm\"lllt·y and \"<,rlh\\t' 1t't'11 llnin·r,it,· Tltl· ('lltin· the method~ "·hirh may l>t· tl"'t'd tn compan~- i..; rompn-.ed ·oi "'Oillt' thir'p rai:-t' the mone,· include ~;,in!.!. en- din l' r t' 11 t "'f l1 ( lt-n h. \ ,. h ~) r ( llll t. i r () 1! 1 tertainments. selling old p;qwr-.. ra~ -. 1\\"t·nt,· diffl'rt'nt -.tatt· . . C)i th1· t'nir,n . or other material. .. dnin~· odd jnl>-. and ,~· lw an· ..;pcriali7illl! in tht· TlH·:tabout the villa~:e and other :'imila r 1n· .\ rt-.. rourc;c -. plans open to .hoy..;. Plan..; inr thv Thf' plays han· J,t'l'll dtrn·tl·d by campaign are already beinL: laic! hy .\ !t"Xander Dean. rha irma11 ,,j t lw the variou:- patrllb and nwrh intere-.t Dram at i c d e p a rt me n t a t :\ · 11· t 11 " t · " t e r n , 1" being ~hmnt in the \\tlrk. and direr tor of t he \" n r tIt S h n r 1· T h t atre Guild. Hl' \\·a...; prc,·i()\1"'1~· clirt·ctor ON EUROPEAN TRIP of The Littl{' Thrat re ()i Da !Ia~. .\ . ]. Ruby. 237 Grcenlcai an·nue. Tt"xa ..... dirertnr of dramatic-. at .the prominent Chicago hoc merchant. ha..; rnin·rsit,· of \fnntan:i.. and pr ie-.<Jrrived in Paris on an l'Xtcn--i\·~ hm·- --innal artnr \\"ith John Drl ' ~\- . \far ing expedition in Europe. \[r. Rul)y I garct Tllington. R<ht' Ct)!..!,ldan. and ".iII t r a" r I in France. , \\"it z l' rIa n d <ll'l d o t Ill' r "'. f n t h c "'tt111111 n h t · i-.. d i r l' c tor Germany. returning home late m oi tht· ~tuart \\'alkt-r ..- Tndian;tpnli' I CIJ \\' it Ot 111 a1 I A :-( H ti t( 1 1 (l h t:: ... (I I ················································ ____ .,. ~larch. ~tork contpany. 621 MAIN ST. WHOLESALE CITY MARKET CO. MEATS RETAIL SPECIAL SATURDAY SALES FEBRUARY 27 PRONE: WILMETTE 1810 .Good Meats - Low Prices and Fair Dealing Make and Retain. Our Many Satisfied Patrons SPECIAL - YOUNG ROASTING CHICKENS, lb . ...... . . .. 42c Lamb Legs, choice quality, lb . ......... 34cArmour's S ar Bacon, half or whole slab, lb . ....... . Armour's Cloverbloom Butter, lb. . . .50c - - ---- - --Native Pot Roast Beef, lb .......... 22c ..... 44c Veal Legs, milk fed, lb . ............... 33c Lean Pork Shoulders, lb . ............ 23c - - --- ...!...'---·--- - - Fresh Selected Eggs, doz . ........ 33c Pork Loins, half or whole, lb. .3lc BEST NATIVE RIB ROAST BEEF, Choice Cuts, lb . ...... ............... .. ..40c ----- - - ----- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - HALIBUT - WHITEFISH - PERCH OYSTERS - HERRING - MACKE·R EL 11 A. M. Four Daily Deliveries: 9 A.M. 2 P. M. - 4 P. M. Wilmette, Kenilwortlt, Glencoe, Winnetka . ..... '.

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