Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Feb 1926, p. 1

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WILMETTE LIFE A Weekly News-Magazine for Wilmette and Kenilworth \VIL11ETTE, ILLINOTS, FEBRUARY 26, 1926 ·CENTS VOL XV, NO. 22 PRICE FIV NOTED ARTISTS APPEAR I Taxpayer! .Read These Pertinent Suggestions IN RECITAL ON SUNDAY \ Sanborn Hale, township collector, J. Lewis Browne, Organist, and 1 MEDAL MAN HONORED Joseph E. Shantz, Wilmette Postmaster, Cited at Dinner Given for National Legion Commander "GET OUT AND VOTE," CHALLENGE TO ROTAR¥ reports that he has received only Anthony Czarnecki Scores Lazy on<. of the tax book . to date and Milan Lusk, Violinist, on BapTh~.. annual dinner of the Combat that he is doing all he can to Citizens Who Permit Bad ~I cCla I ~fen's association was held procure the others, and, as soon as tist Vesper Program 1 Government ~[on day evening, February 22. at the the hook~ are in his hands, \Yill mail Sherman hotel, in honor of Xational out a II tax bills as shown in the As its contribution toward the enThe apathetic, easy-going, letl'onlJnander ~1cQuigg of th~ :\merican recorcb. From records a \·ail able he richment oi communit,· Iii~.·. the \\"ilGeorge-do-it type of citizen; the soLegion. beg-an mailing per onal property mette Baptist church -i:, ~potboring- a The Combat ~[edal 1Ien·~ associa- called clecen t ·citizen who fires with hills this week. series of Sunday \ 'l'S pcr concerb. The tion is composed of members of the patriotism in time of stress, but neg~lr. Hate offers the following sugl>eautiiul auditorium \\"(b crowd~..·d on .-\merican Legion who, at some time lects his responsibilities at the polling gestions: the (ICCa~ion oi the fir:-.t CCIIICert in January to enjoy the program conductc(l during the world war, distinguished place and winks at thievery and bravery 1. ~I ake a ~eparate check for your !)\· \\'illiam II. Barnes,. the church themselves for heroic deeds and valor. a111ong 1 ublic officials; the citizen who personal property tax. belongs to the big unorganized majoro;·ganist. Sunday, February 28, at -t The citations of these men \vere read itv that is · criminally negligent in its 2. 1f possible, enclose .elf-ado'clock the second concert \Yill he to an audience of 1,000 ·guests. dres~ed and stamped envelope for voting and permits an organized .and given " ·ith prospects of a capacity Included in the li st of these dis- Yicious minority to control the electiOns return rL·ce ipt. ltnu:-e. The entire north shore ha:-. been tinguished heroes was the name of -the ·e citizens were the targets of the 3. He sure your name anti address invited to this _en· ice, so those who i.; correct on both the original and J oscph E. Shantz, \Vilmettc post- sharp and fiery tongue of Anthony plan on attending should be there master, who received numerous medals Czarnecki, correspondent of the C.htduplicate parts of hills. earh·, it i~ emphasiz<:d. and citations for his bravery while a cago Daily ~ cws and Chicago ElectiOn -L Do not detach either 11art of Three cclti>ratcd artists will appear hills. · lieutenant in the 33rd Division. His Commi:'sioner. in an address before the on the program Sunday.' They arc J. 3. Please he prompt in return of citation stated, "that after being \\'ilmettc Rotary club this week, on t~e Lewis Brmn1e, organist of St. Pat\\·ounded in the head by shell fire he presumably mild subject of "Lessons 1n remittance . rick's church, Chicago, Sarah Ann 1 continued in command of his men un- Citizenship." (,. By iollo,Ying the above sugg·es1l cCahc, ~oprano at St. Patrick's and til he received still further wounds tions you "·ill expedite the collecLikened to Soviet hril 1ian t fa ,·o ri te among church . , ingunahling him to carrv on his tion oi taxes and by paying your Starting his talk by relating perSOJ?-al ers in Chicago, and ~Iilan Lu~k. \Yilmeritorius work." He was later com- experience. in Budapest when that c~ty t axe-. to the collector vou will benemette's great violinist. This i ~Ir. missioned to the rank of captain for came under the control of the Sov~et tit the 10\\"tbhip atHi the Yarious Browne's and ~{iss ~fcCahe's fir~t aphis braven·. which rank he held the regime; experiences that made htm local 1axing bodie:-. p('arance in the village and 1fr. I;usk:s balance o( the war. wish every day that he were ~ack home only appearance this season. It 1s h1s Captain Shantz was in charge of the in the land "·hich permttted ~ree farewell as he starts on a concr:-t to~1r arrangements for the evening in which ~peech, freedom of the press, the ng~t that \\·ill take him to England, France. a number of the resid<'nts of \Vil - of assemblage and the ng~t to worshtp German\' and Bohemia. mt:tte participated, including the according to one's own wtll,. Mr. Czar· The Program Sanderson famih· of musicians which necki launched upon ~ scat~t~g denunTlH' program will bf' ns follows: 1 Ut) "Gaudeamus Igitur" .... iurnished the m~tsic for the program. ciation of the Amencan ctttzen who, · ............. Enrico Dossi \ lllCtting of citizens \Yho are favorPn. sidcnt \\"alter Dill Scott of faced with the growing dang~r of ru~e Cb) "Dors, mon enfant" .. :.. , . ing the candidates on the Communitv X ort h \\·est ern un iver~i ty was the by a well orga_nize.d, pl?nd.enng, ~ntt .......... En nco l.o!'sl ticket ·.;elected ' at a caucus ~everal speaker of the c\·cning. He suggested <c) "Scherzo Symphoniqu<' " enforcement mmonty, stts tdly by afid ..........·T. Lcwis Drnwne \\·cek:' ag-o, is announced for SundaY that hronz tablets he placed on the regards the future sere.nely, con .T. L('wis Brown£' :titnnoo;,, February 28, at the \'illag·e school buildings calling to the attendent in the belief that thts great an~ 2 ( n) "Sen·nade" ...... Schubert- Lu!'l;: !1all. at 3 o'clock. tion of the children the heroism and powerful nation ~an never be affecte (Org-an accompaniment by In the notice of the meeting ent out Mr. Darn s) patrioti:-m of the me.n who fought in hy the pernicious influences that .r<?b the thi-. \\Tek. Secretan· S. J. ::\ordoff oi C h) "Song!'! ::\f:-.· l\Iothf'r Taug·ht people of their just rights and pnvtleges -:\le·'- {;qlsv Fantasy .. tlw Commtmit\· Part,· characterizes the thl' world \Yar and other wars. \\'ilmette Post of the :\merican as free men just as surely as the . . .... ·... ·.. Dvorak-Krcislt·r ~athering as =·a nH. ' eting of the Coml\Iilan l..u~k Legion wa~ wl'll represented at two Soviet regime has flattened E~ropeans "Salve l,cgina" ..... Horatio Parl<n munity Party and Ratification of Can- tables headed In· Commander \Y. \V. under the heel of an unrelentm~ desdidates." Sarah Ann :\fcCabc poti;-;m unparalleled in modern lnstory. b of the .local post. 1:1) ".:\ft>lnfly <with Ca<lt·nza h:-.· The Comnnmity Ticket a:; compleh'<l. Hawkit_ ".:\fi' Lusk) ........ . . lla W· ·s "it h l'. D. ~f cCallum, 1225 Hill .:;treet, Bad Element in Control . (Organ accompaniment lly At a recent election to select a Judge a-. candidate for Village Tntster in thr . :\1 r Barnes) oi the Illinois Supreme court, tl~~. ~e plare oi \\.illiam Taylor. previously an, h) Grand F.antn~y on Dizd·s rent dement in Chicago and vtcmtty opcr:t "C:trnH·n" ..... l Iuhay ne ·ti11LT<I · a~ candidate for that office. turned out k~s than 20 per cent strong ~Iilan Lusk ic,Jlo\rs: <a) "Ave :'lln.ria." (n(·W) ..... at the polls. he said. The ':ards- conFor \'illage Clerk. ~r rs. Leland \' . . . . . . . . . . J. Lt· w i:-; I \row II· · tr )lled bY the worst element m the met h) "Consolation" ........... · Pier:;on: ior \"illage Treasurer, Earl :\. fticers and directors of the\Vilmette tr~polis . on the other hand, turned. out .......... J. Lt·Wis nrown~ Pettibone; for Board of Trustees (three CommunitY Chest association have 'cent as they ~to at all electht?£~ ::\fiss l\feCahf> to he elected), C. D. ~IcCallum, Joseph been meeting almost en~ry night re- If)() tl. ·a) "AnclantP" (l'araphras··d from 'tt the bidding- of thetr powerful c t.e F. ()'.\"eill. and Frederick Tilt. cently preparing the campaign for their ~ains of the underworld. That el_ectt<:n an orclH:~tral suitt>) Arthur Bin1 annual drive. The village has heen di- is tvpical of the average electiOn ln , h) "And~;1tl1;~:. · ·:: ~r:~t:tini-Kn·isler Organize Booster Club Yided into 27 districts, or precincts, each , v) Extf>mporiz:ttion on tht>lllP tn ht> Chi~ago and Cook countr·. Wholesa .e which will have a precinct captain furnislwd at time r!( perfor Schmidt Candidacy of and a corps of \\·orkers. There will he graft and plunder in rohttcal office forma ll('t·. the answer, and the runedy-the 0!1 y The Oscar \ Y. Schmidt Booster cluh. .r. Lew is T\rov.· ne a solicitor to even· block in the village, "'mech·-is a 100 per cent outpounng Other vesper concerts arc to he hl'ld nrganizfd to fo~tcr the ranclid:1cy of it was said. · at the Baptist church on the final Sun- Oscar \V. Schmidt, 827 Elmwood aveLast vear there "·ere onlv 13 districts, ~f the. citizenship at the polls, ~ rallyd nue. \Vilmette. whose name will appear daY of 11 arch. April and ~fay. Largely and thi's ga,·e the workers. in the dri,·e ing at the polls at every election an priman· of those of us who too often th;·o~tgh th~ cffo~ts. of 1:r: Ba~·nes, nn thr April Primary election hcuflot as a great deal of territory to cover. \Vith Republican candidate for the office of qrc~tdent ot the Chtcago (,mid ot orthe larger number it is expected that plead that we are too busy to vote, too ~ani:;ts. talent of <'xceptional distinc- Cook countv commissioner, last week the \Yorkers \\·ill not have to spend so busy to ·serve on juries, to~ ~~~Y to tion is being brought to the village for ,.lected the ·following officer : .T oseph much time on the canvassing and that shoulder our common responstbthttes as American citizens. these concerts. Clarence Eddy, long Tf einzen. Jr., president and N. P. 11il- ·olicitation \\·ill be more efficient. 11r. Czarnecki dwelt at some length hailed as the dean of American organ- kr. secretarv. :l\Iany of the precinct captains have A second ineeting of the Booster cluh alreach· been chosen, hut some have on what he termed the da~gerous i:-ts, will play for the first time in \\'ilmettc, ~f arch 28. Follo\\·ing him on ,,·as held last evening at Forrester hall not been selected or have not sig- "slant" many otherwise upstancltng and Sunday April 25, will he Stanley Seder. on Ridge avenue. nified their willingness to act in that law-abiding citizens have assumed re~1r. Schmidt is a well known Chi- ca pacit , .. so that the list of captains has garding those in puhlic office. organi t of the Oak Park Congregational church; then. on Sunday ~fay cago real estate and insurance man and not n·t hern made public. Announce"Nowadays when a man leaves .~ffice 30, the program will he in the n~turc:_ ,vas formerly pre. ident of the Village ment of the date of the opening of the after several years and docs not ~~tsplay nf \Vilmette. of a joint recital by Stanley ~1a!tl11 ot drive is expected soon. evidence of having "cleaned up . over \Vilmette. organist for the ~unday and ahove his specified sala~y, ts. he HOME FROM FLORIDA Evening clnh and S. E. Gruenstein of JOINS KROLL-SMITH STAFF called honest?" 11 r. Czarneckt que ned. \V. G. Stacey of the firm of \V. G. Lake Forest, who \Ya:; one of the Paul E. Gamron, of 206 Sixth street, "Not much." favorites of the series given last year. Stacev and company, real estate 7 has joined the sales force of Kroll and "That man's crazy," many of us brokers. has just returned to \\ ilThese "esprr concert" arc otwn Smith, real estate brokers at 419 (Continued on page 28) everyone in the community. A free-wtll mette from a trip of four months in Fourth street. Florida. offering \vilt be taken. Glommunity Party C ails to Meeting Sunday Afternoon Fortn 27 Districts in Campaign for Community G'hest pc; ;s :0

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