Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Feb 1926, p. 36

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36 WILMETTE LIFE FebruarY. 26, 1926 Give Program for a Conference on Parent Education The Korth Shore CountrY Day school, the \ Vinnetka \\"oman's cl~h . the UniYersity of Chicago, the Illinoi s Councils of Parent-Teacher associations, the \\"oman's CitY club. and the Chicago \Voman's club- are among a long list of organizations co-operating for the Conference on Parent Ed ucation gi,·en by the Chicago A ssociation for Child Study and Parental Education in the Red Lacquer room of the Palmer House, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, :March 4, 5 and 6. The purpose of the organization, it i::; announced. is to ·· ~ upply iniormatinn and understanding to parents in order that they may giYe necessary guidance to the proper deYelopment of their 1 children'. li\'e . ." An outline of the program for the I three-day conference follow s : I 'l' hurl'lda y . f· : -15 Parking Regulation Be/ore Board. 'March 2 A VE. WA.SHI N6 TON Jlnr(' Ja 4 Hlt;#LA N D to 12:1 5- ThC' C'hiltl, tht> Hom'-· anct tlw {'ommunity: <:raet· Ahhott, c hildn· n·~ Bun·nu, \\~ashing-ton. I>. t'. : Ern ~t Gro \·es, Boston rniversity. 2 :3tl to 4 ::W- Ht>alth Habits - ~uch ~ubjN·t::: as the following-: Standards of De\·t~ lopmt-nt in hildren, Childrt.·n·s Reactions to V'ood, T h e Xt·w DiseoYt'ry of an Old Power- Sunlight, --ontinuous Ht·a lt h ~upt:n·i!'ion, Fatigu e in h il<lrt>n, Dr. C'a1·olint.· H t· <lger, Llr. ~l artha .M. Eliot, speaker~. J4 'rldny, Jlnreh 5 / t:l ll HILL 9:45 to 12 :15-Import ance of Childh ood-Patty Smith Hill, Tea h rs· college, Col umbia u niversity; Edna Nob l e "~hite, :\le r r ill PalmPr !'lch ool, Det roit; J o h n E. Anderson, l:nive r sity o f 1\l inn.; Dr. Ira S. \ Vile, psychiatrist, Ne w Y o r k ity. 2:30 to 4 :30-Prohlems of the Adol escen t-Can the I>ar ent und e rstand·: Dr. \ Villiam Burn h am, Clarke L'niversi t y; D r . Frankwood \ Yilliams, Xati onal Commission for :\lental Hyg i e n e. _j~LJ~LJ~ "------ ~ I I IS ABELLA ~ tt. ~ It ~ ~ ~ N D ~ GREGO ~ -, .------- ~ ,....------, , -- - - - ~ /"( ~IJUT' -J:IY{;tNEEP ~ T. era t i<.... ,)-Dr. Arnold Gesell, Yal e J'!'lyc h o-Clinic; \ Valter Dearboru, liarYard u n i versity. T h ere w ill he a dinner Fr·itlar. :\larch 5, at w h ich Henry Xeun.., ann. l:rooklyn Eth ical Cu l ture society, will ~peak on the Deve l opment of Charactt'r and Jtleals. Other speakers will h e Ernest Horn. l"ni\'t:"I'Si ty of Iowa. Hounct-talJl <lis ·ussions during lunch<t:" ·m will he hPl<l dail\· on Sex Edu< ·at i v n, Cultura I Haelq..~:round:-: for th ('hilll, Xur:-t·r:'\· Bch(,olH, and the tt·ehn iq ue a n<l materia 1 ( l { typical v hi Ill ~tudy classt>s. An ordinance regulating parking on treets in the churdt. dub and school di~trict and on \\·itmette a\'enue will come up for th ird reading at the next meeting of the Yillagc Board of Tru ~ tee , Tu(' :-. day, ~larch 2. Tlw ah n n · map is puhli::.hed at the request of Chairman larence E. Drayer o i the Public Sen·ice committt·t· o i th l' "' ar d in onkr t h t' Saturday, Jhareh 6 9 : 45 to 12:15-The Home, the Chil1l. citizens may be fully informed and that any who wi h to he heard may appear bef re tht: l H> ar d at t hat lllt: l' t tll~ . and th e Sch ool (In co-operation with Por tions of streets where vehicles will not park nor tand longer than to load or 1:tll oad va :-:- en ~ ~.· r . . .t rc ...,Jt"'"n h.: t h e Central Council of Childhood Fed- ht·a,·y . hading. - -- -- - C. OF C. MEETS MONDAY The \ \ 'ilmette Chamber of Commerce \\ill hold it. regular ~hrch meeting. ~r unday . . . ,.t·ning, ~larch 1. at the Yil lal!'e hall. The meeting, which begin ~ at H o'clock, ,,·ill include a vote on t Itt· rt'\' i:'cd constitution and hy - la\\·~ of the (lrganization, it is explained. I 1 Bot Cross Buns-A quarttity of these delicious rolls will be baked each day during LentAtid we've tnade thetn for twenty years! ~~ r. and :\Irs. H. E. Pollard, and :\f r. and 11rs. James F. King of 807 their daughter, Harriet, 913 Thirteenth A shland avenue left Tue s'iay evening :-.trt.·et. ~pent the past week-end in fo r H ot Springs, Ark. \ Vheaton. We Clean Window Shades BRENLIN Bancro f ts Sun fast s Hollands ( ~ unr:uatt· t· cl ~hndt" ( ' loth lnng w.·aring· window 111 at, ·ria I \\'iII w a~ h :-chad· · \\'it h I \·ory soa J1 a11d watt· r . Th, · Ha n d Made Camargo Opaques ~ gallon good grade Interior Paint for a large as· sortment of Framed Pictures or Varniah $1 Days Sl The.Wilson Bakery 1162 Wilmette Avenue Phone 414 Wilmette Window Shade and Paint Works ALFRE D EVERS, P r o prie tor Gla-ss, Mirrors, P i c ture Framing, Mi r ro r an d Re-silverlng 1133 Ceatral Avenue Phone '\\rllmette 3493

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