Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Feb 1926, p. 26

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26 WILMETTE LIFE February 26, 1926 Dr. L. \\'illis Strong, llJ S Chestnut ~{ r:-.. James E. Redman. 1309 Clw~t nut aYetme. entertained at a formal ayenue, is leaving Saturday for a golf luncheon and bridge at h~r residence, tour in the south which will keep him on \\'ashington' birthday away two or three weeks. -o- -o- Outline Fine Talk Sell 400 Tickets by Fran,k Slutz at for Woman's Club Bridge on March 4 W. C. Feb.17 Meeting ?\f rs. Emil Nord of 829 Park avenue C. A. Rindell ha s just returned to Four hundred tickets already have his home at 1317 Elm\\·ood a\'!?nttl' <:tf- departed Thursday evening for a bct'n . old for the pivot bridge to be month' s stay at Hot Springs, Ark. ter a fortnight's stay in ::-~('\\' Yo rk given at the \Vilmetfe Woman's cl.ub Thursday afternoon, 11ar,ch 4, to rat se the remainder of the clulf s pledge for th e state endowment fund. Mr.. C. ~file s McDonald and Mrs. Albert 1\. Page are in charge of table reservations. :M rs. Theodore 11oreau and Mrs. T. ~1. Camelon will preside at the punch bO\d. ?\irs. Charles \Vanncr is in charge oi the affair, and the remainder of the committee is comformerly with posed of Mrs. R. E. Pattison Kline, prizes; ~fr s. K. P. olwell, ·M rs. Hayes McKinney, Mrs . \Yilliam Holmes, ticket chairman: :M r s. Freel ~1. Bowe s, Mr:,. Arthur Dixon, ~1 r s. Raymot.H. l \Vhee lock , Mr s. Charles Harri so n Smith, wishes to announce that he has established himself in busiMrs. Pern· L. Smithers, 11 rs. Ralph E. ness and is now ready to meet problems of painting and Pettit, and 1Irs. H ope Thompson . Announcement ALBERT W ALLBERG. C. D. Macpherson decorating with a supenor grade of workmanship at moderate cost. 2715 REESE AVENUE t EVANSTON Telephone University 8507 :M rs. E. \V. Thoma:; of 1231 Creen\vOocl avenue has been ill at her hnme for the past \veek. -o!\Irs. Charles A. Lundberg. 1538 \\.al. nut avenue. was hostess at a vanishing luncheon \Yedncsday. NOTICE TO TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS BILLING CHANGE The date of rendering telephone bills will be changed in April. Telephone subscribers vvl1ose accounts are payable at the WILMETTE EXCHANGE will receive bills in the future dated the 11th of each month. This change, as part of a ne'"TBilling Plan for all Exchanges in the Suburban Area, will greatly simplify and expedite the rendering of bills so that our sub· scribers \viii receive their statements more promptly. Please be sure to read the explanation of this new Plan \vhich accompanies your March 1st bill and your bill received during April. Frank D. Slutz of Dayton, Ohio, rra ve one of the best talks that has been given before the Woman's club of Wilmette at its last meeting. He spoke on the "Schoolmaster and th_e Twentieth Century." ~:fr.. Slutz 1s making a test of hi s theory of education in the fine laboratory, the ~lo raine Park school, where he said , he would rather be called "the school companion to boys and girls" than their principal. He first spoke of the four points which were discouraging to the youth · of today: 1, disregard for supremacy of law, a problem to be handl~d, ~c cording to Dr. Slutz, by teachmg m herencc of the ' law; 2. jazz - mindedne s .:., to he counteracted hy giving meaningful talks and discipline;. 3, craving for p:-.ychology that isn't: to he met b~ teaching scientific psychology: 4, growth of materiali s m; the cure for which, he . uggest:, lie s in the securing of great per;;on..; for ' teacher:', those who will instill in their pupils that contribution. is a finer art than possession. and who will encourage in a child the cn:atin: p m ·e r rather than that of imitation. ~rr. Slutz then named iour pha"e" of, as he said, the "plca:-.ing -,ide of the vouth mo ·e ment": 1. great interest in ~ducation; 2, rc\'(· rence for truth and tolerance for opinion; 3, world ncigh borline:-.!'1, that dynamic power oi kno,,·ing our close neighbor, South .'\ merica. \texico, and Japan; .f. ;.[ r <:at hunger ior religion. He ~poke oi religion a:-. :,olllething interwoven in ourseh·cs, and stated that every boy and girl ha:-. the righ to find God and that "the S\\ L'ctening r-eccipc of life is service." \Jr . and ~r r .. C. A. Keller, 820 Gret·nwood a\·tmH.', had a:; their out-ui-tc·wll gttL·:-.h on t\\·o occa:-.ion:-. thi :-. pa-.,t \\l'l'k, I Iat-r\· .:\ . \\'ardenburg oi L<h . \ngt lt·~ . and ·\Jr. and ~Irs. G. :\. ~Jagee c.i .\[ anito\\'OC, \\'is. The ~r agee" \H·r<.· en route to ~[iami. Palm lh·ach. and Da \Tnport. Fla. .... ... ' ." ' ·. . · . " · ·· . .. .. .. · ... . ..... ·c --- - --- -- ..... ·· \< . I t 1!'I a :-. e rio us mat t c r for a 1) c r son \\'ho feels the need of gbL!'Ises or \\'ho ha" painful or uncomfortable vi:-.i0n to put off from day to day having a thorough eye examination. Eyestrain, \\'ith its accompanyingnerve racking headaches, is mcrelv an itwitat ion to nervous exhat;stion and often results is a complete physical and nervous breakdown. ·· 16 )·ears of successful practice Illinois Bell Telephone Cotnpany DR. 0. H. BERSCH vpiometriat 1177 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette Phone for AI·I·olntment Wll. 2766 or Res. WU. 1107

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