Februa ry 26, 1926 WILMETTE I LIFE 1!1 ·~ -----------·-------------------~ ~ cadet is to Stage and Screen News and Reviews .,. ... . · · '~ . · ·' . .... ... VILLAGE THEATRE The storv of the wires and the rails which- first linked the west with the east, . has been recorded on the <:ocreen for the first time. Described In· Robert Louis Steven . on as a g~eater achievement in the world's historv than the building of Troy, tbis t-remendous theme furnishes the l>a:--is for "The Iron Horse," the \Viiliam Fox super production which comes to the Village theatre next ~r on day, Tuesday, \ Vednesclay and Thur~day, ~~arch 1. 2, 3, and 4. .\" ames which h<l\·e come down in hi :-. ton· and will go on forever, appear in th~ cast. Lincoln, Grant, Dodge, BufTalo Bill Cody, \\.ild Bill Hickok and Bat ~f a"ter:-.on are jus t a few of tht·nL The picture is not a melo- Urge Women of Village drama, hut a spectacular cinema S f Ph 1 h n·rord oi tlte linking of :\m ·rica, to ew or i ant ropy IJ<t-.ecl on historical records. The philanthropy dcparttnent oi thl· Tht· dramatic ston· ha:-- been made \\"oman's Club oi \\.ilmette has arinto a pmn:rful picture, \Yith Gcor~c r;lllged that the Friday se\':ing he dotH.' < )'f~rit·n, I. Farrell ~I acDonald and in \f arrh i(lr the Cook Count\· Jlos \1 adg · B~llamy in the leading- roles. · pita!. :\II \\"Ollll'll of the .Y illage, I o!Jn Ford, the director, used a regi- \\·hctl1cr they are rlub members or ·n1ent oi cah·an· <ttHI four tribes of not. who are intl're:--ted in charitable 1ndian ~ to add t~J the co lor. : \n cnor- \\·ork. arv cordially inYited to attend nJ :Hh ca~t ()i capahll' arti:--h s upport s tht·-..<: meeting-.. which conn·nc at 10 t ilt· principals. . o~rlock and la:-t until tlw latter pa~t In addition thnl' \\ill !Jt' an .\t::-.Clp·~ ot tht· aitnnoon. :\ lunrhcon 1-; 1:ai> k. a l'athe ne\\·s reel on ~fonday ~trn·cl at 1~ :30 o'clock. Friday. ;tlld Tue~da\· and a Pathe revi ·w on \larch ~. and F ;·i da _, .. \larch FJ. are \\.l' dnt:-.da\·- and Thur:--cla\·. Due to the next mel.'ting day~. t·, till' length oi thl' pictur~·. :>how.., \\'ill hv:...:in at i :L) and ~ o'clock. ( )n Sat urda \' , Fchruan 21. ~f r..;. !~in-Tin-Tin. thl' \\OtHln d()~, \\·ill l~irh ard T. H(;-..kint: of Rlk Park an·I>v -..ecn Frida v and Sat urda \·, · ..\larch llttt· ga\ t' a lunrhl.'nn for eight :--mall _; awl f>, in a ;W\\' pictun: ut" the wild l)o,--.. in hon()r oi the tenth birthday of c.tlkd "The Cla:--h of the \\'oiH·:--." .\ he;. . . on. Ted d il' . _\ f t e r t h <.: I uncI; con . . trong :-.upporting cast include:-. June tht· hoy-.. \\·en· j()yiully entertained at .\1 arlm\T. To compll'tt· thl' hill an hv \ .i ll agt· tht·atre \\·hne thl'y sa\\. < >ur Gang cotnedy, "Cood ( ·heer" and J(dJnnit· Jlirll·, in "Thl' Lin' \\'irl'." ,t I >at he nt·w~ red will 1><.: :--hm\ 11. -o~1 r ..... Charks :\ . Eldridgl·. 10.2CJ Lake ;t\.l'llttv. l'lltl'rtaint·d U> guc-..b at a vatl · T H E N E W E VAN STO N i..,!Jinl!" lunrhl'on Tttt·sclay. This \\·a:-- the .\11 interesting l'XJ>l'riml'nt \\·a-.. tried ],, Dirertor Rol>l'rt /.. l.t:onard in till' fi r ~ t o f a s e r i e s o f t h e s e a ff a i r ~ to h e 11;akin~ oi hi-.. pr11duction. "Danre ~fad t:·i,·en <h a benefit ior tlw \\'oman'-; Cuild of the Congregatiunal church. lit: -.. ... " \\·hirh rotlll'" t(> the .\t'\\. 1 and as a "gob," but now "Dick" Former Wilmette Girl be seen in a role decidedly original-that of a young Italian flower Weds in Evanston Home seller-in "The Beautiful City," a First Letha Lo·ring Stevens, daughter of t\ational attraction which is to be the Mr. and Mrs. Sidney P. Stevens of Evfeature attraction on Thursday, Fri- anston, formerly of Wilmette, was marday and Saturday. ried to Harold S. Cunliff' of Chicago and St. Louis, Saturday evening, FebHOWARD T HEAT R E ruary 20, at the home of her parents. Richard Barthelmess m what is at 7:30 o'clock, Dr. David Hugh Jones ' called his greatest picture "The officiating. Beautiful City" '"ill be seen at the Upon returning from a short honeyHoward theatre next Sunday, ~[onday moon, Mr. and Mr . Cunliff will stay at and Tuesday, February 28, ~larch 1 the Stevens' home for a month or so and 2. The ' Cene of this picture is before going into their own residence. laid on the east side of New York The bride attended Vas ~ lar college and ( 'ity and the film fells a dramatic story Korthwestern university, where sh·e was uf liic in the ~lums. Dorothy Gish a member of the Kappa Alpha Theta play~ oppo:--ite Barthelmcss. On \\ ed- sorority. tH:s day and Thursday, ~[arch 3 and 4, 1\fr. and l\frs. D. \V. Smith, 337 the f cat ure will he "The I~oad to Yesterday" and on Friday and Saturday, \\'a hington avenue, were hosts to 12 ~f arch .l and fJ. C(JIIetl ~Ioore wjll be friends :Monday evening at bridge and seen in "\\'e ~loderns," a story of a midnight supper in celebration of Mr. Smith's birthday. Jl ~ht-war youth. --------- ._,AMPU I" MEWS C<'nt. from 1 :30 · to 11 P. M . TODAY, SATURDAY 4 ACTS 01' LOOP VAUDEVILLE 44 THE M~DNIGHT FLIER" wit h Culle n Landis- Dorothy Devore ALICE DAY COMEDY Monday and Tuesday ·i··-a_ll_a_a_a_u ___,_ - . Newell & Ret chi n I THE PHANTOM 01' THE O~ERA" . 44 I I I Cont!nuoua i Eve ry Day--2 :15 to 11 :15 i N . W . "L" Station at Howard I 1 -~ 1 I R ichard Bartbelmess I Dorothy Gish I In i "THE BEAUTIFUL CITY" ~· nul:~ ~- . J EDUCATIONAL COMEDY Topics-Patbe News Wednesday "FOOL AMD HIS MOMEY" 4 ll Hn . nntl Ft· h. ~s T u «>N., liar. i i i i , ' M a d g e Bellamy-:-William Haines AT NIGHT DISCOVERY HOME TALENT ( Cash Prizes to Winners) S inge r s, Dancers, Musicians, Acrobatics , Novelties, Jugglers Lea ve name at box office Thursday I_ ~ I f n l su I . "Our ', - Gang" Comedy ll :ar. ;,..,_. I ': i· ··EAST L YNME" For fifty years the greatest of all love stories with 12 Great Known Stars AT NIGHT \\ t· tl. :u u l 'l' hurl'l., f Y e tta G od e l ' I ·· . ·- ~ L\·an:--t()n tla·atrl' lll'Xt ..\l(anday, Tut·:--da\· and \\.edne:--da\·. 'i'wo light - hairl·d i>t.·opk \\·1.·re a:--ignl.'(l t· > the leading r()le-.. oi thi~ ~letro - (~olcl \\_\"ll-\[ayl'r pirturl'. Clarl· \\ "ind:-(.r, one oi the 111o~t l>eautiinl oi the fair contingl.'nt of tillllland. play . . the fl'minine ll·a d, while C<anrad :\agt· l. one of the it'\\" J. 1 onde lllt'll in the industry. plays opposite her. fn "\\.hat ILt)JJll'lled to Jones" the Lttl':-;t l."ni\·t·r .. ;tl-.lt'\\·el coming on Tlntr:--d;l\·. Frida,and Saturd;t~· Reginald Dennl'y, i.mprrsonate:-; a wonl a n for seYeral important . equence ..... Being a ma~ter oi all t IH· manly . . po~· t "· aP athlete. Yarhtman and expert rartng dri,·rr. the· star had an a\dttl t inlt' in trying to perfect his rharact(:rization. B t1 t ~ r a ria 11 1\i~Oil. hi:-- lead 111g lad~· cam e to t h e r e :-rue . a n d 1! a n· h i 111 'l'\·rral hour~· in"truction in the manly art of being a \\"()man. Tl1at she i-.. a (!ood tcarhcr, or Denny a good 1mpiL i-; '·e vident on vil' \\·ing the sccncs 011 t lw ..;rreen. HOYBURN THEATRE "The Can· ~ran." a spark! in~ l'(llllt'<h· \\·ith ·~ratt ~f0ore ancl Dorothy f)(',·,> r~· in the leading roles. will he tht· il'ature attraction at the Hoyhurn theatre next ~f ClndaY, Tuesday and \\.l'dnesday. This 1~ a romrdy-r0man c e \,.it h an u nus u a I t w i · t in it \\ hich \\'ill appeal to cYeryonc. There is no screen star who can riYal Richard narthelme~s in the \·ariety and scope of characterizations he c~~a vs. Fans thought he had exhausted e,·ery possibility recent ly when he appear.ed on the silver sheet as a \Ve t Pomt .;.._ _ _ _ __ _ .,_,_ . _ ·~ I I I I I . ' "THE ROAD TO YESTER- _ 1 DAY" Fri. unci ~u t .. ... I i I I CHARLESTON 2-CONTESTS-2 Children and Adults Friday and Saturday li ar. :i-U Collee n Moo r e Village Theatre I I . I I I " WE A ll Nor th M~DERNs" Shor~ 1'r nins Stop at Ho w al'd '~, I I I ' .J. 'I i i i i i ~- i .... j i ·~~- a - -·~~'·) ij Tom Mix and Tony in latest production 1 I ·The Yankee Senor' CHARLES CHASE COMEDY ! F ables-Sportlights- News · THE NEW n. l {oppe l , Y o ur Home Theatre 1 \lonaglng Dl re-e tor EVANSTON Claire Windsor Conrad Nagel . HOYBURN \Inn., T u t·:-o.. \\ t·cl . t ~ Kn·n lngs, 7:30 -D; l\lnt. Tues., 3:30 \1 ou.. I 'l' u ('s.. , ,.('c l. :uul Thurs. \l :ar. 1. ~. 3 an cl -' in · ., t I I i 1 - ------------------- I _ 1 ~ n I I ·. BIN-TIN-TIN i = i ~~THE CLASH OP I WOLVES" \ lsu. \ t·l'l n)t s J.':·hlt·s. J·ntl· e :\'e" ·s : 1ntl l':1t ht· H t· ,· it~ "·· ~~THE IRON HORSE'. ' . . ... I - i i Matt Moore Dorothy Devore 'DANCE MADNESS' I ntt·:-ot ' t'WN Pirst Uu u \\·t· t·kh· "THE CAVE MAN" Latt·:-ot t'o nt c tl ~- Evening DISCOVERY NIGHT Cash Prizes T hu rs .. Thurs~ay ::\"{' W H l <'i r Nt Itun '\Vee kl y 'l' hurM., J:.' ri., tnul Snt. F ri. :llld )fa r. :; n ncl Fri., ~n t . Richard 'Barthelmess Dorothy Gish Reginald Denny in i , 1 ~-··--··-·--.,-·-··---··) .\l s n , latt.·Mt Our (.; au g Com e.l y uud P u tla e ::\"(' W H I "WHAT HAPPENED TO JON~ES" .\n All Laugh Show Denny'H B eHt "THE BEAUTIFUL CITY" Lnt ~H t C oJU ~d y Xew s Wee kl y ~n t . Jlatiuee- 2 a ntl 4 p. m.