WILMETTE LIFE February 26, 1926 Boward Neutrodyne 'I Kenilworth Happenings · The Value of a Good Name But in this modern commercial age that formula has been improved to the extent that a goorl name and great riches-at least greater pros perity-often go hand in hand. The firm that builds a good name for its product through a long record of dependable service, and faithful adherence to an ideal is soon given the full confidence of the public, its products become easier for dealers to sell, and distribution becomes nation-wide. The Howard Radio Company considers this public confidence and recognition as its most valuable asset. As a direct res ult of it, the com pany has, from a s mall beginning, greatly prospered and grown. Naturally then, we endorse the policie s that have built thi · good name. ·- The ancients had it that "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches." TO GIVE BRIDGE TEA :M rs. Leon Menard Allen and· Mrs. Leon Ballard Allen were hostes ses at luncheon and bridge Thursday at the former' s re sidence, 258 Melrose avenue, in honor of Mrs. Willi s P. Jackso n. They will also entertain at a hridge tea Saturday afternoon. -o~Jr. and ~f rs. Arthur T. ~1clntosh, 521 Roslyn road, ente rtained at the Kenilworth A sembh- hall Saturday e venin g. Eighty you n g people \\·ere their g ue sts at a s upper -dance given for their son, ~Iac. -oThe Kenil\\'orth club announces an informal danc e for the. yo ung people Friday evening. ~f r:-;. \\'alter ~f arx will he hostcs~. ~f e mher ~ will have the pri\·ilege of bringing- gue-,ts. -o.:\fr~. Jack of Peoria. \\'ho harl been \·is iting her cou:-.in ~frs. ~1cDouga1, a n d ~ l r :;. E cl win H cdr ic k o i 304 M c 1rosc ayenue, returned to hn home Tl 1ur~< I ay. - o~f r. and ~f r..... Hugh Fore man, 315 E~~cx road. kit for \Ya shington, D. C., .:\[onday. They will aJ...,o spend a icw day~ in .-\tlantic City. -0- GARDEN CLUB TO MEET The Home and Garden club will have its opening meeting Monday, March 1, at the re s idence of Mrs. Henry Taylor, 431 Essex road. Mrs. Bair of Evanston will give a talk. -o::\1 iss ~I arjoric S m yt he, 43 Kenil· \vorth avenue, entertained Monday at a "splash" party at the Sovereign hotel, after\\'arcls taking her guests to Sally's \\' atl le s hop. · -o~frs. \Y. ]. Taylor, 310 Cumn o r road, is spending this week in Barrington \·is itin g- 1\lrs . \Villiarn Dent. -aK. H . Stanhart of Ottowa, Ill., spen t the ·\\Te k-cnd \·isi ting his ~ister, U rs. Harry Crook~. 615 Cumnor road. -oDr . and ~lr:-.. I\. B. ~tolp, 336 \\'ar\\·ick road , l'lltertainecl a icw friend · at clinnn l;riclay e \·c ning. -o- ·~ ., .. ( . A Howard costa more than an ordinary radio and is worth more. Priced from SJSO·oo up Convenient Terms Open Evenings North Shore Talking Machine Company 554 Center St. Winnetka 712 Church St. Evanston 'umnor road, ha:-; been ~J>enclitlg this week in Barring L>n · with ~~ rs . \ \ ' iltiam Dent. -oThe ~lah Jongg club met with ~Ir-. . \\'; tltn F. Shattuck , 33H Kcnih,·o rth <L \Tnm·. \\'ednesday. -()- ~I r-. . \\' illiant T. Tavlor. 310 · \[r . and · \fr..,. \\.ani Starrett of \fr. and ~frs. Charlc:-. Howe. 240 Kenilworth an·nuc, returned la st week I~ichmond road entt;rtaincd at bridge after spendi n g a m ont h in Florida. Saturda~ l'Yening. -o- -(1- \1 rs. Frank hcrn·. 422 :\l>hottsford Dtttlgb-. Crook-.. 615 l'umnor road, rPad. entertained h~r hridgc club at whu attend-. Knox college, \\·a.., home luncheon Tue:-.day. for the \\ttk -e nd. -00- New Orthophonic Victrolas, Radio and Small Instruments. \ \ '. \ \ '. \ \ 'hce lock, 132 Oxford road, ~frs . .:\lirL·d R Hulbert, 52R :\bb ott"entertained at lunche on and bridge on ionl road. entertained her hrid~l' club \ \ ' ashington's birthday. at lttJH:ln·tlll Thursday. -0- .\li-. -. Patty Fore:-man, 51.~ 1·:..., :--e x road. r<:tttrned homt: \\.l'dne scla\· after a \·i-.,it in the Fast . . -0- .... ... .\fr:-. . Edwin H edrick. 304 ~lL· Ir o-.c an·ntll:. ctitcrtaincd her hrid~e club at lunrhcon \Yednc ...,day. -o\1 i . , leanettc ( ·hern·. 4.22 :\bbottsionl roa.d, spent the \\·~c k -c nd in 1Iilwaukee and \\ 'aukc~ha. ) . ~ . l.lltt, 322 Crn·nk ai :t\'t'lltlt', un ckn\t·nt an opt·t:ttitlll i()r ;q'}H·ndiriti ... \\ 'c dnt·:-.da\ ()i Ja...,t \\t·vk :tt the 1·\·an't on Ito.., pit ~d. I lv i., r v corn in g rapid I y. Could You Use More Titne? . RTUNATE are those ·w ho. e bu:-.inc . s activities pern1it the estahlishtnent of an office in the Carlson Building in EYan. ton. There's n1ore titne for "·ork-n1ore titne for play. .\ fe,,· ofi1ces en ~ttite or . inglt' are · till a \·a ilable. · 51/2% MONEY ll :t \ 'P l· · J't·st. ftiJH1s ~t · t· to loan ()ll on choice i 111 proYell ~ort.h SJH,re Suburban rt·:-;tdt·nc·t· JH'ttJll' rty at :; %% in- us renewals. E. G. Pauling & Co. F 5 N. LaSalle .St. Main 0250 ·· ·~ R.B.WARD FUNERAL DIRECTOR You can recom mend us when the occasion demands professional attention fur friends, relative-; a nd acquaintances. Lady Assistant Private Amb1tlance ll . II !the 'l'el. Greealeat GOO Sheldrake ~00 CARLSON B .U 1 L D 1 N 0 · ., (fbrazy Sauate --Evanston a.mr.h Slleil Cit~ Avenue etllllONSOJJ! ~·~ MoltTH E . HoT£.1IIOS CHICAGO AVE EVAHS'IOII PHONE I I llNIVERSITY 600