February 26, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE Zl STEVENS . say? .. ' I ,· ~· .. ~ . ' ... ... . · I T is a rare tribute to Ashton Stevens that the exacting people of the theatre hold hi n1 in as high regard as a critic as the pu bli·c itself holds hi n1. ·~ . , . , . · "\\' hat does Stevens say?" is on everyone's tongue after a first night, actors and theatre-goers alike. There is-good reason for this dual respect. In a long and brilliant career Stevens has never fooled the public· His criticisn1 of a piece is knO\\·n to the end of the land as honest, intelligent, constructive. Stage people love hin1 for his helpfulness, his gentleness, his scrupulous fairness-even V)hen the acid. of his criticisnz burns deep! · - ., Stevens' daily column in the Herald and Exan1iner is but one of many striking features \\'hich n1ake that ne\vspaper such a \videly accepted source of information, entertainment and education. "'"" · · . ..