Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Feb 1926, p. 15

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February 26, 1926 WI L M.E TTE LI FE 15 ~e h (1 <1 English Lutheran nrel·nleaf and Seventh \\'illiam Guise, pastor ~t·r,· h.·t-M Baptist Church At the HlOrning· service the pastor, Hev. Francis '. Sti fler, will preach. Ht t' ~· t JAMES G. BARBER Cbieago Motor CIU· b ~':;;~~e <~tan~~ \'. O( il - ~· s ·h ' 11 lt. Im I~ k. H The Program for th Vesper concert "1 will betroth thee unto m for- at 4 o'clock will ht· found elsewhere t·\·er," will lw the st-cond Lt>nten text in this issue. from thl' minor prophets. The theme at the worship hour will he "God's The Sunday school will meet at 9:30 l\Iarriag(' to His People." The mes- a. m. in all departments. There is sage will lH· bas d on the prophecy graded instruction for all ages and of Hosea, pat·ticularly Chap. 2, verSt>i clas~t-'s for men atHl women. 19 and 20. God had a vital mes~age for Israel. He has a mes::;ag·e of even At 3:30 in the afternoon the vastor greater importance for His Church will mel·t th e boys and girls of the and the world to<lav . The s rvice of .Junior a1Hl Int rmediate <lt>partment worship l>eg·ins proniptly at 11 o'do<:k. in the third ~ ssion of his annual All are welcome. class in tht· stud\· of the ":\Ieaninp; of the Christian · Life and Church Bible Hchool at !1 : -t:) . <;raded les- :\1. mbership." sons in all departments. Th Bible There will he a speeial song servclass invites the young· peopl · and adults of th parish to attetHl and ict' at the meeting- of the "Grown- Ups" at :; :30 this aftt·rnoon in th South discuss th(-' timely l<.·sson: "J ·s \V·· ~t room of tlw church. Tl·acht·~ lh·spect fot· Law." This <'hureh co-upet·ates with the Th<· micl-wel·k Lenten sen·ices are J·;velling cluh, which prehel<l t·ach \\.ednesday ev ·ning at 7:30. Sunday The gf'neral theme of the series is: St·nts .:\1. H. H. Jaochim, author and at the "Putting- <'o<l into Our Observance of traYellt>r of ('alcutta, India, The Lt:>nt." On ~: sp cial feature of each ('orJI:!,Teg·ational ehurch at 7:30. s .. t·vil·t· will be a l:i minute review or musical progTam will be given by the dts<:ussion of the Ten Commandments Chicag·o Y. :\1. <". A. <'ollege Gl 'e club . as uutlirw<l in Luther's Small CateTht- . dt·aeon~ will meet on :\londay chism. evening at ~ u'dock in Children·~ hall. Th(-' · choir will m(·et aftt·r f'ach midw ·ek s<:rvice. Tlw ··amp-Fin· girl~ will meet at a :30 on Thursday. The ca teeh<'tical class will meet on Tht> \Volf Cubs ,.,·ill meet at head\\'t:><ln('sday and Saturday during Lent. quarter~ at 7.:30 on Thursday. :\lr~ . J. H.oy Strock, the ·wife of one 'l'hun;tlay t-veniHg at S o'clock the of our missionaries in India, delivered a very helpful address on the pro- ('honll ~ocit·ty will nwt1t for r<·ht·arsal. Jl1lSI-'d Andhra Chris'tian coil g before Th<· \Vilmett·· l~aptist church is lothe ladi(·l-. f the :\lissionary society <·atl-'tl at the corner of Forest and \Vilon A~h \\.e<lnt'sday. mette ·a \'PH u~:·s. The pasto1·, the H.ev. Francis C. Btiflet·, may he seen in his 1Irs. E. A. Dannemark of Glen Oak ~tu<ly during the mornings of the was hostc . s at a bridge-luncheon at \\"t·t·k, t·xct·pt :\londay, or hy appointm"nt. Tht· church ottice is in charge the Orrington hotel Tuesday of this of :\lis:-, :\Iabellt· H.t>nnacker an(l is open week. f·Yt-n· tla Y from !\ until 1. The church tt>leJ;hunt: numht:>t' is \Yilmette 2235. -0- for Ji't·hru:uy !:S 0 AUTOPf~Tft~eo!f!~!.~~:.~on . Velie Sales and Service Authorized Stutz S~rvice Station Repairing- Rebuildtng All Makes of (.;ara Machine Shop -Welding- Pairiting- Electrical Wholesale and Retail P arts for Paige-Jewett Jordan- Marmon- Y tllow Cab-Chevrolet 11 ~(' '· d Frank and Laurence \Vhite are home ~Ir ·.Arthur De Berard of 1220 Greenfrom Notre Dame university spending their mid-semester holidays with their \\'Ood ayenue entertained the member. parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. T. White, of her luncheon club Friday of last week. 717 Greenwood avenue. · North Shore Stutz Corporation 519 Davis Street, Evanston, University 234 Now you have an opportunity to try a really new automobile-the STUTZ Verticle Eight, with Safety Chassis. Let us emphasize most strongly to you that this is not merely a new model, not a conventional car, not a standard car of five years ago with only minor improvemnts and refinements. So radically advanced is The NEW STUTZ in its basic design that it has been the talk of the automotive world since the first private views were given to technical men at the factory last fall. So sensational is its performance that leading engineers from even competitive organizations have travelled many miles to Indianapolis to verify the reports that have come to them about The NEW STUTZ-to examine its construction, to ride in it and drive it. And these engineers, unanimously, have pronounced the car to be all that the manufacturers have claimed for it; furthermore, they have conceded it to be, without the adoption of a single untried or experiwental feature, the most revolutionary automobile of the past ten years. Now you can share in the first public trial hereabouts of this sensational new car. To miss the opportunity is to fail to keep abreast of the times in automobile engineering. ID you ever stop to figure how much you would save by making your own frocks or by having them made by a dressmaker in your home? By way of comparison, why not price a new gown in any fashionable shop and note the kind of material used. Then visit one of our Silk Shops and compute the cost of duplicating the model by making it at home, using even a better quality of material. You'll marvel at the savings you'll achieve by home dressmaking. D ( SPECIAL TODAY: An Excellent Quality of Satin Crepe in All Shades, $2.95 Yd. PRICES ALWAYS REASONABLE Char?e A ,...<'ounts Solicited VISIT OUR EVANSTON SHOP EDGAR A STEYENS. 19 INC. THEEast SILK SHOPS Madison Street b~ andin~IIII6380trtngtonAve. 1 Street at Woodlawn Ave.

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