Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Feb 1926, p. 14

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WILMETTE L ·IFE Come in February 26, 1926 Methodist Church l>r. Stansell will preach Sunday morning·. It will be a service of power and very hP.lpfu!. Church school 9:30 a. m. Classes for all. The Pari~h Nig-ht Lt· nten <1inners bent>xt \\'ed1H'S<lay t-\'ening-, and contll1ue each vYeclnesday evening until Ea:-:ter. Th dinner '"" ill be served at 6:30 p. m. The progrAm follows th dinnet· and will be full of helpfulness to all. ~in Monday evening at 7:30 p. m. uniform. t: St. Augustine's Church Sun<lay, F<'bruary 2S, will be the second Sunday in Lent. There will be ltoly ommuni(ln at S:OO a. m. Church Schooh; and I~ihl e Class s at 9:45 an<1 the ::\lorning J'rayer with sermon at 11 a. m. Th e p1· aeher at the 'Ye(lnesday E\'t'ning L<·nten st·rYicC', twxt W <1n S<la.'·. p. m ., will b e Right H<'>v. ::\Tarch 3, at Sidney C. Partri<lg(', D.T>. Bishop o( \V t-stern \Viscon:-:in. Th<:>t·e are c h ·bra Uons of Hol v Communion <luring· Lt:>nt on \Vedtl<'s<la,·s at i a . m. an<l Ft·idays at 10 a. m . · :\lr!-: . \Yalther of th · Diocesan Chun:h :\fission of H lp ;uldtess ' <l th'e womf·ll of th e Association guilds of f't. Aug·ustine'R yest<·r<lay afternoon, t<· ll ing of the work of thi· org·anizati11n in Chicago. · Th<' r e cto!' of St . .-\ug·ustitw't-; \\·a~ tht> SJH·<·ial Lf·nu·n prt·ach ·r last night ·tt St. Paul's l1y th1· Lakt>, Ho~ l· rs rark. 1 rynwn, Junior Boy Scouts meet Thursday venings at 7 1). m. (1irl ~icouts. Troops 3 and 4 meet Tut>:-:day afternoon:-: at 4 p. m. All :-il 'uts an· urg-ed to be pres e nt. Merit ha ug(:'s for the month of :\[arch are <ts follows: BUj..:;lt>r, Citizen, Dtiess m:t lH· t·, Han<lywoma.n, ::\Iusicinn an<l Zoologist. <}it·! S<·outs. Troop 2 mr ets \V e<lnesda.r at 4 p. m. <-arl Scouts. High S<.:hool, Troop 1 hold their m t>d ing- \Yc<lnesday afternoon~ Official board m eting· :\I arch 1, at f.: p. m. Doy Scout~, Monday, 6 at 4 1). m. Troops 3 and meet Avoid the Rush good housekeepers will welcome the new shop that's coming Our new· spri ng coats, dresses and hats are coming in and going out almost as fast as they come 111. Come i~ and pick out the ones you like before they arc all gone. It will pay you to do this as everything is so reasonably priced. Th<:> LadiE>~· Aid will h(tlcl an Allday meeting Thursday, ~!arch 4. Sewing· for Lake Bluff orphanag- . Ladies' of the Second DiYision will serve luncheon. at ChoiJ· l'(·ht·a t·s;tl, ~ o'clock. Thurs<la~· ev~ninb'S UNIQUE STYLE SHOP B. COPLAN, Proprietor 1126 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 2403 Th<· l'hilatiH·a <'la~s will hold a "I< i<l pn rty" at th " hom e of :\liss Huhy :\fe~lotTan, 1326 Central avt'nu , Tuescla~· t·,·e ning, :\Iareh 2, at 8 o'clock. This party is to h giYen in honor of thost> whost> birthdaYs eome in Janu;.\l'y, Ft>bruary, :\larch :1n11 July. All n>t·ntht~rs urg-t:>d t<· <·onH·. "' good time f<·r a II iH in ~torE>. Joseph f". C'omfnl't, otw of th · Y<·!-:has sucn·<· <l(·d Jnseph B. ::\fa J'~hall, Jr., a~ t n ·asut·t·r of St. Aug-tt'-' lin("~ C'hur,·h schools . - - - - - - - - -- ENTERTAINS FOR MOTHER ~[rs. A. Koepke, 414 vVashingt on a \'enue, was hostess Saturday aft <.:rnoon, February 20. at a . urpri sc party gin·n at her home 111 honor of t h(' birthday of her mother, ~r rs. I.. Schmidt. of 407 :Maple avcn ue. ~r r .... Koepke's 28 gue . ts \\·e re her moth<:r· ... olde~t friends . George L. ~fartin of 1046 Lhn\\'O<·d a\'enue departed Thursdav for a hu..,i JH'S" trip of t\vo or thr-ee week:111 ;\ l'\\. York and Rhode Island. ~fr .... ~I art in ha:- had a. her hou se gur . . t. ~fr..,. Cora Casey of \\'at scka, Ill. -0- Ep\\'nrt h lt·ag-u<·. ~unda~· ~ yening, 6 p. 111. Topic: "America'~ D bt to ther LatHls." Lt· ad<,r~: X . l·. .Foreign Studc·n t8. IF YOU PLAN TO BUILD co.nfer with us about your financing and obtatn the benefit of our suggestions. Our expenence may help you. We have Ray ).f. ~filler, 1775 \\'a ~hinc. ton a\·cnuc. and h er daughter, Geraldine. haY<. · returned from a t \vu month~ \·isit with ~[rs. ~!iller' parents 111 Houston, Texas. ~lrs. For Sale Onl' ot the MONEY TO LOAN for construction purposes or for loans on completed buildings. tioth lcnt 111 rhoirc-..t va(allt lora llul>hard \\·<>,,<J...,, t:Xrl'll(lt llll- 1ran-..pnttatio11 . ..,1ze Ill <>Oxlrl5, lwautiiully \\Oildl'd, tt'f'llh . pr<l\' t'llH ·nt:-. in and paid j,,r. <~~~~·d Louis Frankel · CURRENT RATES PROMPT SERVICE Estate Loan Department fJ51 g(), llarri:-- on cl'onnirk Building, Chira 2(133 or \\'rite ~lr:--. llarold \\'ild. 5LFJ I·:Ili-.. :\n:nue. Chicago. ).! STATE BANK AND· TRUST CO. at DAVIS EVANSTON, \ ILLINOIS University 51 -Phones - Sheldrake 7 500 ORRI1~GTON HORNER PIANO CO. Pianos Phonographs Radio Headquarters for ZENITH RADIO 15 21 Sherman Ave. Phone Greenleaf 464

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