Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Feb 1926, p. 12

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WILMETTE LIFE February 26, 1926 for this meeting Lawrence. is Mrs. !<..,Iorence Presbyterian Church First Church of Christ, Scientist OF GLENCOE, ILLINOIS Announces a FREE t~ECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE by W. STUART BOOTH, C.S.B. of Denver, Colo. Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, Th e l"in;t hu1·c h of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts In the Masonic Hall, corner of Vernon and Hazel Aves. GLENCOE Monday Evening, March I, 1926 at 8:00 o'clock THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND I A conference for Presbyterian girls of high school age, will be held in the Buena Memorial Presbyterian c hur c h Saturday, March 6th. It is an Church services 11 a. m. aU-day meeting from 10 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. with luncheon served at 12 :~0. Sunc.lay school beg·i ns at 9:30 in all A most interes ting program and list det)artments except the Adul~ depart- of speakers has been at:ranged. The ments. Th Men's class begms at 10 following is a list of t.1e speaker s: a. m.. and the '\Vomen·s classes be- Judg·e :\Iary ~r. Bartelme, Dr. Henry gin at 9:45 o'clock .' There are cla~s~s S. Brown, D r . John Timothy Stone, Dr. sui tablE' to eYery age·. <=:om~ and JO!l1 Henry Hepburn, Mrs. ;-.:onnan B. Barr, us in this service, you Wlll find a cor- Miss Florence Town e , l\Irs. Jacob dial w e lcome. Pfeiffer, 1\Irs. George L. Robinson, Dr. Ralph \V. Ow ns, and Mrs. Vera L. · <'hri:-;tian Endeavor societ:-· m('ets at l\Ierrill of th Board of Foreign Mis;-, :30 p. m. The subject for discussi<?,~ sions, and Miss Lucy f;haf r of th · is. "Dot>s t h t> 'Vorld N eed th . hurch ·. 1:nard of ;.;ational l\lbsions. Act~ u: 21-23. :\fiss Vent Johnson ~s the ll·adel'. ~ocial hour following this Tht' \Vom( n's auxiliary of the l'r eRm ee ting. :\Irs. C. A. Keller and :\Irs. I·,· t,·l'ian Tt·a ining- :-;chool will hold an J. C. l'oenen are hostes se~. Easter sal at th e school at lfl06 "J" tiri·· a\·t:'nUP, ('hil' ;q.~· o, :\1H.I'Ch S, \Vt·P k-da,· ~chedul of activities in- from 3 o'clock on throug-h th(· eve ning·. elu<lt's: thL; Hoy Scouts, l\Ionday, 7::1:1: (}uild g-irls' schedule for the bowling· allt·y, ~lotH1ay ni1.?."l1t, 7:30 t~ :-. . ::~o: HONORS 80TH BIRTHDAY ~len's nig·ht , Tu es day, 7:30; ::\Itd-wt·l"'k :\Ir~. Henn· Furst. 50.2 \\ 'ashington ~t·rvkt>, \\red tws<la:-· nig·ht, ~; :\lo L·n- avenue, is gi~· ing a bridge-luncheon in tita club, \\'L· <lnl'::;da~· aftt·tnoon. 1: Young People's H ec r eattun, 7 :3o, honor of her mother. :\1 r~. Henriett~ Thun.;da:-· night; tht· l1o:-· Han gt·rs an·l Hauen.;;tcin. of ::\c\\' Clm, :\1 inn., \\'ho t .Tun ior J oy-U i\·,· r:-;, FridaY a flt> r- is ce lc hra t ing her eighti<:t h hi rt hday noon. 3 :3o: Intt>J'nwcl i:t t t· rt ·<·rt·:tt ion, Sat unl<l\ . The out-of - t0\\'11 guest:; Frida~ · nh.~ht, 1::~11 . · Located at the corner of Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue. Dr. George P. Magill, pastor. J . .. I ·~ ' <'4 ht· ,I ... ~. . I -. \\·ill he :\fis:-. I [enrietta Hauen..,tl'in, her fot· granddaughter, oi St. Paul. :\linn., prugT:tlll :\lr:- . ( 'a rl Fur~t and :\lr~ . \\' . \\'. o'clock, in \\'hitnt·\· oi lh·lford Incl. and :\fi "" ~~~~~~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::: -:: -::::::: -::=====::==-==:::=======~~~~~~~·~~ ~·~~~~~~~~~:~t.\~ · ~=--~(·~ h~o~n~l~~·~·~~o~n~t:-;~··~'l~'I~H~·~h~o~s~tl~·s:_:·:-;. 1 : \ c1t: Ie 1 '·tanapo 1·b, I tH 1 ·- I tile ot· 1nc1 ~ '\(Jl' . \\'t·=--tni in :-; tn guild dinti\·J· ;tn d th··ir , Tttt·sda~ .. , . .,nin~ at ti ::~o Thv rt·:.:,ular ""'t'ts · · I T\\C· vani ... hing lunche()n" The Oriental Rug Market Will Be Revolutionized By Selling Rugs at These Prices Make Yottr Selection of Rugs Fronz Our New gi\·en in \\'i l111ette thi c; pa~t \H'ek to hene fit the Ladies· :\ id societ' (1i the ~feth od i "t church. :\lr .... I·: .( ~ . lknt Je,- wa~ h(htt'-,-, at such ;ttl affair at hc..~r honH· c,n Tue:-da,·. and :\Ir:;. Lee F. English ga n~ one \ \' ednesday. nan~ been -., ... -..o- and :\f r s. Jame s F. Kin g, 807 .\ :-.hI a 11 d an· ntll'. I d t T lll' day n t ·n in t{ for a sojourn at Hot pring:-, .\rk. ~1 r. YOU WILL BE SURPRISED When you learn of the prices on our n e V{ s h i p n1 en t o f f i n est .. Shipment Just Arrived -oA. L. Hire, 5 18 Central avenu ·, 1..; spending three \\ eeks \\·ith Albert \\' . \\'iggle:-\\'Orth at :\l iami, Fla. B o n d s secured North Shore on Realty ~ Improvements are an excellent form of ~ ...... . l ORIENTAL RUGS \Yhich \Ve recentl) purchased at prices that vvill save n1an y dollars. :\natolian Scatter H.ttg~. on ly ............... · $19.75 profitable tnvestmen t. ., · ! Evau~tmt. - · Have Your Rztgs Silky Lilihans, only ................... $24.50 l )ersian Irans, only ......... .. $42.50 Lilihan Dozars. for ....... . $87.00 Chinese Carpet. ·. for .. $287.00 m II I l' 1 Wlzetz .\11 kind-, and ~t/L'" tll hrgL' rarpt·h up to 13 x 2~ at unthtt.tll~ I '· · pricl':-.. ~l'Ct llld Floor I Selecting Your Rzegs Here, Yott Will Find Our Expert's Services Valuable Do you know that you can own a H A R T 0 I L BURNER as low as $50.00 down and about $2 5.00 oer month? Cleaned a11d Repaired Here Witlz Confide1zce and Assurance of Their Safety HART OIL BURNER CO. 15 14 Sherman Ave. EVANSTON Greenleaf 1752 /42 Elm St. Fountain Square, Evanston WINNETKA Winn. 1146

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