February 26, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 11 ) ,, l. · .. / Chicago's North Shore and Suburbs Are Finding it Out Chicago ~ Nonh Western Railroad suburban trains, and the new busses . 5 .- Ample parking space is available. for an hour or a day. within easy reach of the stores a decided advantage for motorist shoppers. So come ·roD A Y - or some day this week- and learn why you can accomplish more- do it in less time- do it with less money- and enjoy your shopping as you never have before. Evanston trade is growing fast because people are finding out these facts from actual experience. It will pay you to come and learn for yourself. I j -· EYanston merchants are giving daily demonstrations why "It Pays to Shop in Evanston." And there's a comfort and satisfaction in the pleasant surroundings that adds zest and anticipation to a shopping tour conducted here. Come and learn why Evanston has become the buying center of over 150,000 people- why Evanston is attracting shoppers from Chicago's North and Northwest districts and from all the nearby Suburban towns. You will find it easier and more pleasant to shop in Evanston - for these reasons: 2. - There is a selection of merchandise equaling that to be found anywhere - 1,000 stores to choose from- where you can get just what you want for yourself. your home. or for ,1ny member of the family. 3. -There is no terrific congestion in Evanston. You can move around in comfort. make better selections, and shop without a headache. You can take your time. and make better time. 4 .- Better transportaion saves your time and spares your effort. The Evanston shopping district is made especially easy · of access by frequent electric Rapid Transit and North Shore Line. .l . .. ·r : 1.- - Shoppers save money in Evanston. Rents are lower. and overhead is less. The answer ·will be found in Evanston pnces. " 1 · ~ · . · Why put up with intolerable traffic conditions? No congestion in Evanston! · Ev·a nston Chatnber of Cotnm.erce