Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Feb 1926, p. 10

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· 10 WILMETTE LI F E February 26, 1926 Exhibit of Batik by New Floors LAID AND SURFACED OLD FLOORS RESURFACED TO LOOK LIKE NEW OPEN STUTZ 'AGENCY Reception Will Follow ~ Garden Club's Program · North S hore Stutz Corporation E · tab The vYilmette Garden club will hold its monthly meeting at the home of ).[rs. C. R. Bixby, 1104 Ashland avenue, \Vilmette, Friday, ~farch 5. Early each year, the club choses an annual to be raised during the summer months by each club member, and the reports of the varying degrees ~f su~ce:-;s make an interesting mcl'ttng tn the .. early fall. The choice .of see ds is made at the :March meetmg. The main program. a talk by ').frs. C. D. Ewer, on "The Arrangement .of Flowers" is to be followed by an miormal reception ior the ne\\· member .... lishes Attractive Store S hore Hotel Building in North I The North Shore Stutz Corporation ha:-; ope ned an attractive store in the Tanasko Milovich Beginning Monday February 22, 19 26 MESSING & CO. 1411 Howard Ave. Chicago P. E. DOWNING PHONE H. P.· 566 P. 0. Box 423 .\'orth Shore hotel building, Ev.anston. ior the sale of Stutz motor cars. The president of the company is Ceralcl MahonY, well known as a resident of Hubl)ard \Voocls. The vicepre::.ident, J <~seph T: Leimcrt. was f.o~ mcrlv assoctatcd \\' tth the Stutz Chtcago Factory Branch, Incorporate~l, a~ ·whole. ale manager. Mr. Letmert ts well known to many resid.ents on. the north shore through l11 s prcvtous of the ~frs . B. \\·. Thurtell, 201 Sixth -.,trcct. connection as vice-pre . ident will be hostess today at a vanishing Cable Piano company, in which conluncheon one of the chain now being · nection he wa s re sponsible for the p·j,·e n fo~ the \Voman'.., guilcl f the artistic 1 rcsentation of the ~fa son and Hamlin piano. Congregational church . J a me... Barber, 1508 Elmwood ave l nue, Evanston, and ,·cry well known o n the north shore, has arranged to :.: · n ·e all Stutz 0\\·ners, irre spec tive of the modd of the car, with the mo s t expert and prompt sen·icc at a ver~· rva~onable price. The assurance of this character oi ..;en·ice and it" con,·cnience 1 ... hould bt· most welcome to pn· . . ~.·nt ~tut; n\\'ners. , Th e company'. finan ial sta nding. 1 lll l'rcltancli . . ing t·xpl'rit·tlCl' and a~:.ured 1 permanency, coupled with the unexn·lkd reputation and charartt·r (li ~tut7 motor car~ -.,Jwttld attract a mo-.t liiH·ral patronagl', it is cmpha-.,ized. I ,, l. A HOLD CE REMONIA L The Lcwa Camp Fire gro up lwld a : <...'t·n·mnnial at th(' hotlll' of \Ti..,, \l;tri<ttl l;kntn·. C)1(J (.'entral ;t\' t'llltt·. rl'rt·nth· at wl;i;._.h t'i mt· Lorr aine !hi!..!!..!' and ').l ~trian Langdon \\' (·rt· Ltkt·n int~> the group. · Jean Cro:--:--ky. \lary Flizahl'tll \I eX ult\· and Cat!Jt·t ine Fllis rvreiH·d the rank- ()t firt'-11lakt ·r:--. '1'11~.· girl::, rcn·ivl'd many honor-., \\'ul\ during the \Yinter 11.10nth s. DODGE BROTHERS Wholesome Foods -· .... . TastY Meals ' - to "LT tlw food lwrt· ynur :--l'kctin n i-., tn kill>\\ that it j.., <."\.l..'t'Pt it 111a lly g()od. ior J l.~T ·r : DELIVERED C.M.McDONALD 1019 DAVIS STR8ET I Tt is \rhol<:=-Ol1le-a nd ta..,ty -becatt'-e it is prrparcd "jtbt right, and ~en·cd in a way that promotrs happy, health ful eating." Sundays to 5 I 2 Personal Supervision ot Fred Mille r .. I -~ CENTRAL I CAFETERIA Nelson Building ' UNIVERSITY 224 Central Ave., east of Wilmette Ave. WILMETTE

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