Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Feb 1926, p. 7

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926 Fe brua r y 26, 1926 · cnt, t ') WILMETTE LIFE 7 vVi ll iam G. Hibbar d·, :Mrs. Willia m L . MEETING OPENS VOTE Benson, \ Villiam R. :Moulton, W illiam IJ. B. Farwe ll, W illiam DRIVE FOR PENFIELD .]. Carey and A. Sanborn Hale, a ll of ~IcKenzie, \", ... tl II ' , 11. · a·. k .: ,,. l·t :111 ll rt . ur [·i ('(' t- lh I r1!1 \Vinnetka and Robert Stoddard of \Yilmette, were among the others who lllade brid talk:, on the o·eneral t heme of lca,·ing no stone untur ned toward g<:tting out the Yotc on April 13 and in every other honorable way furthe r Laudatory expression of their ap- ino· the s ucces::-.ful campaign of the preciation of the services of Frederick gue:,t of honor. ' \ V. Pen field as county commissioner; Mr. Penfield, himself, · also spoke their determination to do all within briefly upon the subject of his camtheir power to secure his re-nomina- paign and with much fee ling expressed tion at the primary election on his appreciation of the loyalty being April 13 and stirring appeals for a~ shown at thi · time by his friends. nearly a one hundred percent vote as At the suggcsticm of ~lr. Booth the possible on thi s date, as well as in all chairman wa:, authorized to appoint a future elections, were voiced most committee of two from each of the four enthusiastically at the dinner given for ,· illag~s, tc! formulate fu r ther _p lans for ).f r. Pen field at the Skokie Country car~ytng to:ward ~he campatgn. The cluh, .. Glencoe, Monday evening. chatrman w tll appomt 011e man and one e hundred fifty voter , both men j \\·o.man fro_m each town, and ~he apan women \vere present from the pot~ltecs \\'l ll e~1large the comnuttee a:, ~ 1 K em·1 wort 1 till:\' deem p ad\·tsable. rour n ·1 lages' o f \ \ ·. 1 mette, 1, R 1 t· ·· 1 ass eso u aons 10111 \ \ mnetka and. G lencoe, man): of w In a set of resolutions adopte d , citpersonall_y votced the. sentm:en t ex- izcn of X e\\· Tr ier who have b een pres sed m the fo r egomg,_ \Vh tle tho se c losch· in touch \vith Mr. Penfie ld and who, .because of lack of t~me were not ,,·ith hi-. \Vork as county commi . sio n e r penmtted to. do so, heart tly applauded for the pa st fou r yea r s a n d prior t o tho"e who drd speak and .gave u nque~- that time ,,·ith hi efficient and wi lli ng tionable approval of what v. ·as atd ,,·ork as president of t he vi ll age of '[ .and clone . ( ~ fencoe for six vears an d as p r esident Following the excellent dinner. the oi the X ew Trier Citizens' league fo r regular Skokie club service, \ Vi ll iam t" 0 Year~. expressed the ir appreciat ion S. Elliott, of \V innetka. p r esiding as of t l~is sen·ice, and asked for a f urt h e r cl_1airrnan, bri~fly outlined the ohj.ect :-.bowing of thi-; appreciati on by a skor the meetmg; stressed the rm- ing- that a large vote t urn o ut a t t h e portancc of the independent voter; coming primary for \Y ill iam B u sse fo r t'tnpha..,ized th(' urgent ncces.,ity of the 1 pre:-.ident of the county hoa r d a nd f or 1wrth ~horc to\\'ns turning out united- · count\· commissione r , a n d fo r F r eder ick 1~ in ~upport of \ f r. Penfiel(l: compli- \\·. };enfield ior county commis . iom·r rncntc<l the high t~· p of citizenship and hi:-. a:':-.11ciatcs on the Country TO\nb to l1e fnund throughout the four towns tirkl'l. Ccorgl· .\. \l illn. Dudley D . rl'JH"t·-.entt·d and l'Xpn·sscd confidence Pin:-.<·tl and l.aL·hlan \ \ ·. \facLcan. in ol>tainint.!' Yictory at the primary - - - - - - - - -t·lvl't ic,n ii the voter only will go to 1 \ I r .... . \ . T. RuJ,y of 237 Crl:e n leaf hl' poll-; and \·o te . . a\'l'I1Ul' ha-.· a:-. he-r hou.;;e ~ue-t, her Urges 100 Percent Vote -.i:-.ttr. [r-;. Paul _\ . Bent. of BingThe ftr-.t "Jll:akvr introrluced \vas ' hampton, ~- Y. lln y t J' i 11 .~. pro 111 i lll'll t among civic I~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;-;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~ kadn 11 i \\. ilml't tt· a nrl who ha~ been 1 :t tl t·kction <·ftirial in hi:-. home village an d t'ltical!. 1 ior man\· Year:-.. Last 1\1 o1t t l! at ~l 111 v l't i11 t.! o t t i, l' \ \ ' iI met t c Forum. ralkcl ior the purpo-.e of enco ural!.in ~ a 100 percl:nt vote in the , iJiage at all l'iection-., ~fr. King dl'li\'vrcd thl' principal addre~ , hi~ -.uhjed at that time being, ··A Full \-o t c. a Pr t' fl' qui:-. i tl' to ~tiff en in~ fticial Back Bone." })ur;JH! that addre:-..., and also 'fn lfis talk at thl' Penfield dinner. \[r. King quott:d ..,tati--tic-., from the county and -.t.tte primary in 1922. at which timl, he -.aiel. tlwn: were cast in ook count:,· for both parties. 417,291 YOtcs, · or 27 JH'fl'l' llt of the total county Yotc. Did you ever stop to con ··~en·ntel'll percent oi the total county ,·ote," he said. "were Repub~ider the time and work you lican. and 9 pnren t (Jf the tota l vot save and on top of it all you of Cook count,. elected our sheriff." will more than enjoy the .c 11 de r t h c "(.' cO-Il d it inn~ ~ rr. King debest steak dinner you ' ve ever dared that "a roml)ination of leader:-., \\·ho can lig-un· on ck l in· rim~· 9 1 bad. That is, if you dine pe r cent of our Yoting :;trengtlt, can with us. uame the ticket." Nice . tender and juicy steaks Heavy Vote, Solution That a h eavy Yote wi ll prevent this cooked just the way you like very condition and that t he Ltil u re to them. The best is our spevo t e cannot he j u . tif1c· d were poi n ts cialty. Our patrons come ..,trongly ~tressed hy the spea k er. from far and near to enjoy ··A 75 pe r ce n t vot-e in Cook co unty," he said. ··,,·oul cl he app r oxima tcly a good steak dinner, not to 1,200,0(XJ. G iv e o n e- h a lf of it to th e mention the compliments we Democratic primary a nd 600,000 fo r recetve. th e R ep u b li ca n p rimary. T hi s w ou ld be a n in c r ease of mo r e t han 100 p er ce n t aho\' e th e 1922 vo te. T hat a lo n e w o uld t a k e t h e p<nYe r a w ay f r o m th e p r ofes ·io nal vo te r :, w h o kn o w what t hey w a nt in r et urn , a nd w ill cond emn t o d efea t those o ffic ia ls who d o not do t he ir biddin g-." Many Leaders Heard Col. John V. C linnin, Otto R. B a rn e t t, Merl e B . Waltz, C ol. Abel Davi s , :M rs. Andrew McLeish and Sherman Booth, all of Glencoe; Mrs. Gathering of New Trier Residents Promises Support for County Commissioner I I JT'S going to be a " print sea~ son." Flowered georgettes, figured crepe de chines with interesting borders and, in fact, prints in an almost endless variety of designs have captured the world of Fashion. They're even more popular than they were last spring. You'll be delighted with our arra~ of new patterns. Many of them are exclusive with Adler's. ~- 11th Floor-Stevens Bldg. CHICAGO Not connected with any other store of similar name AUTOMOBILE OWNERS! It's Tune--up Titne There ts no such ttme as the present to have your car tuned up for the spnng. You know how it goes if you wait too long. The good weather sets in and your car is still in your garage with all the old rattles and loose connections from .last year· s hard usage. You' d like to take the family for a ride, but the car not having had any motor attention. you hate to go. Play safe! Put it in our care now, before the ideal weather comes and pave in tip-top shape for the first real day for motoring. -~-rr Steak Dinners The MILLER & MILLER. Wilmette Motor Sales Repair Dept. Wilmette Cafe Meals that satisfy 515 4th Street Phone 636

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