Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Feb 1926, p. 6

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0 WILMETTE LIFE February 26, 1926 the~· have become entirely different, haYe completely turned from had h good This is e~p.eci_ally hard to ~h ; ,, c 01wincingly, astdc 1rqm the ordltla ··:· and natural difficultie" itn·ol\'(~ d ; . character portrayal itself. This \\', . , a particularly fine bit nf acting on tl · part of the entire ca~t. Preserve Dramatic Unity .\nntlwr point in fayor of the artit' \\'~b the way in which all tlw cha:·. acter..; \YOrk d to prescr\'C t} dramatic and arti-,tic unity of thr pla ·. and . hO\n' d by the way they blen<k i the action together hr the purpo . v ' : producing a single in:pre sion tiLt " the,· appreciated the Importance <·t l' a c h p a r t i 11 r e 1a t i n t o t h c p la y a " .. \\'hole. and therefore put no cxa L geration or on·r-emphasi~ into tht i respective interpretation..... To_ compJ! . nwnt one actor \\·oulcl nece:-sttatc· ti H mention of all the rest. Third, the stage ..;etting ancl ligh ing- efft·ct..; were untt. ually g·ood. anr a<ickd much to the n·ali~m anfl t·l j:)yJll(·nt of the play. . ~I u ir Pi a lig-ht and plea . at · rharactn \\·a.., furnished h t\\'een til t art..; l>Y th. );ew Trier Sympltony nr rhe tr;, \\·hich playt·d Schubert ' "~[archc ~filitarie." a "Xorwcgian Da nc<:" by Griet[. and ha 1kt m u:-.it irom "Ro. amtmde." abo h~· Schuher The attendance wa. fairly g·ood, hu not lll'arh· ~ 0 lar ge a thl' quality c·i the perfo~manre d ·scn·<:d . ILAUD '.JEROME'S PLAy j "Passing of the Third FIoor Bac k" Pleases New Trier High School I Audience I It's not too earl)' to order By OBSERVER K. The perf orma nrc oi -~ ernnH: Ter()nw' . ; play. "The Pa..;-,tng ot the ;l'hircl Fln(lr nack." l)y the J>by~·r~ of the :\l.,,. Trin Dramatic club ot ~ew Trin high . ch:1ol last Saturday ntght, \\· a~ derickclly unu"l~al. T. h.at "Y" perthe stronge..;t ltllpre . -.wn 1t gaYe. Ihap~ Fir:-.t, the Jday iHelf i:-. unusual. It p >sse:-.:-.e:-.. to be -.urc, a good deal .of f n r c(· . d r a m a t i r p n \n· r. h ttlll or· a 11 d Ill tere . . t- httt it.., pleasureablc and enjoyahle effect on tht: ~udi<.:~Jce ."'~h c~t!e to its unusual · qualttte" ot ongmaltt~·, 1 ]loth in conception ni plot and port r<n·al of c ba rartc r. more directly t ha 11 to -heattt\' of theme a:-. ~ttch. l·ur the theme it-~clf. nameh·. the pcnn·r nf oond \\'hirh a man· ,1f ftm· character ;nd 1nagnctir pn-..nnalit~·. j, ahk to 1 <.:xert O\ er thO:-.l· around him. i-.. nnt ll\· an\' nw;uJ~ a llt'\\' idea. and wnuid h;trdh: create a n·n· marked or forceful (mpres~~on if . pre:-._ented on t~1e :-tage in anY rnnYC'lltlonal or tnte rna ;Jm·r. Th ;1" it i:-. mon: than anything el:-.l' nriginality oi dramatic treatment \\'hich arcounh ior it5 -,ucn·..., ;itHI y;tlue a. a play. Play Well Acted . \·rotH!. the Player . . them..;eiH'. per- , iormed unu~ually well, particularly for ANNOUNCE DANCE amateurs. The cxigenrie~ of the act- 1 Friencbhip Circle. an nrL:anizati(Jll in .~ \\TI'l' entirely \\'urthy of the dramatic exJH:rit·nc.:e and alJility \\·hich >i girls employed in north ~horc arl' suppo-,ed to han· been· acquired home<>, which hold<> it lllt'l't in g..; eYery ll\· thrill. and "hich the hi strionic Tue~da\· en·ning at the \Yinnctk .t nicrits nf thi..; ncra~ion \\·ould tend to ( 'ommt;nit,· Hnu:-;c, announn·~ a dance Yerih·. The ~ uhtle. gradual, almo:-t to he held at Commtmity Hotbc ~atindd~nal>lc rhan~e \\·hich mu~t take urday e\·ening, February 27. The club place in all th<' 'charart ·r~ as the in- ha:-, a gymna:-itt~ll and ~.>~·ial hour at tiucnre of the :-.tranger, the tH~\\· 1 it..; \vcckly mect111g-~ :-tnd lh mvml>e: hnardl·r \\·hom thc:Y all "The Third :-.hip is npen to C\'cry girl l'll1pluyecl 111 Fbnr Back." g-rO\\'~ upon thciN., until, a north shore home. I I pr \~ tl t11 til A tU PI h et ~ c1 a f \ p p c () SPRING SUITS and TOPCOATS You have all had tailor · made clothes and know the vast difference in the workmanship of ready-made and tailor-made clothes. Schultz & Nord have alwa}s maintained a high standard of quality and workmanship from every angle - style, fabric and tailoring. Let us take your measure for your spring suit and topcoat that . will measure ·up to your highest expectation. They'll be admired. Cleaning Repairing Pressing ~111111'1 1' THB L!JRCH PRESERVED fJ SHOE lTHE FAMOUS ARCH PRESERVER SHOE that you hear discussed so much may be seen at TAYLOR'S BOOTERY, where Wilmette women are making S~ing selections daily. Arch Preserver Shoes give you authentic style. And the concealed built-in arch supports the foot where support is needed and allows the bones and nerves of the instep to function naturally and healthfully. The new Spring Models are here. - SCHULTZ & NORD The North Shore's Leading Tailors I 1152 Central Ave. Phones 320--321 Wilmette 385 WILMETTE i=jlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~

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