Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Feb 1926, p. 1

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~ . · WILMETTE LIFE ~============================== YOL. XV. !\0: 21 \\. IL~IET " E, 1 A Weekly News-M~gazine for Wilmette and Kenilworth . FI·. HI~L· ARY l<J, 192() ILLINOf PRICE FIVE CENT~ · l " ·i ll be of intere s t to north s hore <)Ill' of the most interesting oi thi ~ arti:-.ts and art critic:-. to know that the Many New M2mbers Omitted From Rule Granted . . l'a~on's programs at the \\. ilmettc Sunclay EYcning club is promised 1 -o r the cU1noun ce ment o f the Daughters of In T Ia· parking ordinanct.: n·:-. t ricti ng the night of February 21 when · Horace di ;t na of th e Second Hoo sier Salon i:; By A. H. H. parking oi n·hirlt · tll1 part... oi Cl'rtain A:-.hton, famou s traveler and lecturer, o ut. lt \Y ill he held at the :\farshall .\. T . Shertl'etn lo<hre. :\o. R92, I. 0. " 111 gtn· an i llu ~ tra t td talk concern· . ., rt"L"b in the \ 'i llag't· oi \\ "ilntctll' and ing hi:-. experiences as special obser- Field .-\rt Callerie-,, :\larch ~ to ':\farch 0 . F .. of \\"ilmette. has been actively " hie h ha . . hn·n UIH.k r Cull . . idna t iotl hy ver for X a val rn tclligencc accompany- 20. cm~· ag· ed since the first of the year in :\m ::mg the ex hibitor:-. " ·ill he Janet ti lt· \ ' ill;t~l· l~ t1a rd j,,r :-.11tlll" tin1e. ing the airship "Los Angeles" on her con £erring- dq.rrees upon young can:u..:aitt hvion· that body at it... ntt:eti 11 g tlight to Porto Ric(> and the \ ·irgi11 Scuddtr, recenth· from Pari s ; \Ya,·didat e..; . man .-\dams, Gl~nn Cooper Hin ::~ ha~,.. Tut·-.day t' \"l"lling \\hen it \\a . . p~t-. . . l·d t o T....lands. .-\ year a~o the Sovereign lodge John Jam<:~ Aldrich and Lucie Harl . . _ ~f r . A shton ,,· a~ the fi r::.t civilian pas,t 'l'CO tHI rvacl!ng 111 a !()rm ,,·hirh it ...,l·l1gcr eYer taken ol1 a trip on thi . . rath. In fact, all the Brm\n count\· pa:-. . t:d legislation permitting the subgrotq; and all of the Richmond groui1 , ... IIO\\ thuu .l.dlt . \\ill lH· finally adoptl'cl. II great Zeppelin and m<:td.e th_c 4,000 mile ordinate lodges to accept candidates ~~~ ·q m·-.t-. irtlll l a nttnth n oi n ·-, idl'nh ,.<1yage throug:h the atr, " ·htch was the " ·ill be there . " ·ho are 18 years of age or over. The . 11 1 l(lnge :-. t m·erst·as YO\·agc e\·er attempted It will intere~t the uniYersit\· alumni . . 1111 II 1~ 1 :ttl< :t \"t"llUt· that tktt ~tn:et be 1 fill d. · 0 · minimum age had previously been 21 1 . . . . . >y a 1 1e 1 mm- 1 e atrs 1 11p. n t 11s to know that Purdue day is ~farch 9. t·llt tttt·d lr()tll tllt: lht til -. 11 tTh tJH.: ludt·d 1 journey he made 4.001) feet oi :-.tartling years . Then at the last session of the Dr. Elliott. pre~ident, - will speak. Earlin the (Jrdin:tnn· "a . . grantl·<.l. I ligh - I beautiful motion picture film~ which ham day i~ .:\[arch 11; DePauw clav i~ Grand Lodgl' of Illinois. last October, Ltnd :t \"t:lltJt· i-. tht· narru\\t'-. t :-.trt·t't in -.ho\\" dearly <.·n:ry phase oi the thrill- ~f arch 12; l. niversity of Illinois -day permi::.sion \\·as given to all lodges in Tilt· 'ill:tL:l'. 1)\t.t. :t' it "'b pt·int~ · d uut. ing voyage. ln his picture he goes in- i~ ':\larch 13; Culver day is ':\larch 15. the state to amend their by-laws so i-. :·t il u ... t·d a . . ;1 tlml\l~h traffic and to c<~n.-,iderahle detail regarding life Genl·ral Gignilliat will he there Cul- that ra ndidates who are between the !lil' n·-.icknt . . thnt·t·ll an.' taking care oi : tht~ard. th e intracies of the rigging and n : r day with a young arti::.t \rho is ·ges of 18 and 21 can he accepted for t_l~t· )1:trkit1g proldt·nl t11 tilt·ir ()\\tl :-.ati-,- tht· opt·ration oi the great ship. Tic painting the picture:> of their war one-half the regular initiation fees. J.tt· Jtlll. TrthtLT \.'. L. Dr ;t\'l· r. cl!:tir- tt-11 . . ()f the diff1cultil':- (li aerialnaYiga - hl'r :.h.'~. ~uch a by-law \Yas adopted by A. T. tll.tll ui thl' pul>liL· ... l'n·in· ·r 1 >tnmit tn: tit>ll in a. ligh~cr-than-air cr~~it a~ com Sherman lodge last December, with the .-\m()ng the prize donor::. arc: J olm (· :-. p b i Ill' d t h a t i11 a , 111 u r l1 a . ., t h L' p n· . ., - I ~ a r e cl \n t h a 1r pI an c s an~~ o t . t h e s t a r t re:-.ttlt that young men are now making 1 C. Shaffer and Frank Cunningham of ~ ·1t ordin:lllrt: 11' '". ha-, tllt· appr ,, ,·a ! \ ltng l'ffl'rts c!f_ ~ucldet_1 cltmattc changes applicati8n to join, some of them being ,,( tht· l"h ;ttlliH·r <·i <...'()tJliiH.: rc~.·. the 1111 the S{'tbJtt\·e heltum gas and tells E,·anston: .:\Irs. Ros~ ]. Beatty of :-.<1ns or relatin:·s of Odd Fellows. In Highland Park: George T. Bucking\\·.,~nan· . . rluh and t~IL' rl~urrhl·.=-- . and \ i_ '.' lin:ly det~til_ al_l .the ~x:iten:ent)in thl' dcgrt'es conferred during the last ;1 .... tt Jta-, ht'l"ll up tor <11-,ru-. . . wn :-.o llcknt to th ~ta~ <lt :\Lt~ agucz, I or- ham, Ed\\"ard Carry, Edward Rector, few weeks fathers and brothers of the memorial prize; George Adc, John T. l·lll.L!' it ,,ill n·· cl tllll, t l>t· arloptl·d i 11 it-- I to Hico,_ \\hen the heat melted the c~young candidates took impor.t ant parts, pn·-..t·t1 t it~rtll. n1vnt _ o t the \\·ater _halla~t. ha~"· _Hts .:\1 cCutcheon, Lucius Teter, Joseph in a manner that was reported as Note Streets Affected ' tllry ~~ the. :--tory .ot thL· ~aYy" pwn - Dl· iree:-.. Donald Dcirees, and many highly inlpressi,-c to the young novitiother:-. . en \\"<·rk \\"It h he !tum gas . ates. l _ht.· :-.l'rttt~t1 ot ... tt"l'l' t" tnrlwkd 111 the The soloi ·t this Sunday en'nin~ \\·ill Plan Many Events "rdtnanrl', tt>llo\\: l>l· :\li:-." .-\nna :\yherg. ,·iolini . . t. ~"'ducat Thursday en:ning, February 18, the ( ln t hl" \\"l'" t ... jell' 11i :\in t h :-.t rt: l't hL· - 'I ------ ---present class of candidates . will be 1\\tTII thl' Jl\lrtlt lill \' ()i < _>a~\\"()Ud an·nut· and the . . Puth !tilL' til ll·ntral a\·e gi,·en their third and final degree . II til' . Then the next three meetings will be de,·o ted to entertainments exclusively, () n t h t: L' a ... t :-- i d c < 1 i '1 \ · n t h :- t r l' l' t h e - ' Dr. Harold Rugg. of the school of after \\"hich another class will be startt \' l'l'll t h l' north Iine o i I. a k c a n ·n u c education o i Colum hi a un i \·er:;ity, will a nd thl· :-out11l'a:-.tcrh· litH' oi \\"ilmctte En·ryonL' \\·ill knn\\. that Dollar Days speak before a joint meeting of the ed on the course of Friendship, Love, ;~n· nu~· ~·xtl"JHiing n-o rth tu thl' :--outh an· hl'ing hl'id in tht.· village next Tucs - Central- Laurel and Logan-HO\\·ard and Truth. The night of February 25, lt1ll' PI Um\\t.HHI Cl\TtltlL'. 1 day and \Ycdnesday. Fl'hruary 23 and Parent-Teacher associations at the \\·ill he Roll Call Xight, which is the <>n thl· ea:-.1 ~ide oi I·Jen·nth :-.trL'l't ~-t. by thl' number oi banners and flags Byron Stolp school. ':\f onday evening. annual reunion of all members of the hl't\\l'l' ll thl' . . outh litll' oi Lakl' an·tntL' displayl·d hd(lre the Inca! husine:-.s ':\f arch 1. at R o'clock. This is one oi lodge. when all are expected to report :tn cl thl' north line ui l'L·ntral an·nul' . hou . . e:-.. The merchants will take this a :-.l'ries of il·ctures on educational mat- either in person or by letter. The first t >n the ea:-t :--ide ol \\.ilml"ttL' a\·e- means oi attracting the attl"ntion oi n·- ters sponsored hv the Board oi Educa- Thursda v in 11arch will be devoted nue het\\-cen the ~outlt line oi Elm - -.idl'nb to the fact that it is .t special tion and the Parent-Tl'acher organiza- to a Yer;- :.;pccial and unique erHertain\\tHHI an·ntll' and the north lilll' oi occa:-.iott. Thc:-.e days haYc been de- tions In· means of " ·hich the school nH.· nt for the members. It is expected l.akl· aH'IHll'. :--ignated hy the \\"ilmette Chamber oi autlwrities hopes to interpret the mod - that ~I iss Carol Rickert, ·a talented c )n the north . . idl· of \\"ihnl'ttl· <t\'l' - Commerce :t!:-1 the great semi-annual ern school curriculum to the residents blind girl. will gi,·e an hour's program of her musical compositions. Then, lltlt.' from tlw \\·e-,terh· line oi .\1 ain bargain days and the rounters of the of the village. · · business places " ·ill he iull of articles Dr. Rugg has been \\·orking for YL' ars on ~larch 11, a card and bunco party, . ., t rl'l't t(l the east lilll' oi 1 {l{ig'L' avepriced at one dollar. on social science material and under at which matn· valuable articles wiil lllll' Dollars Da v .- are arranged 1)\· the be given as prizes. will he held in the On the north :-.ide of Central an·nuL' tnnchants. th-rough the sponsorsi1ip of that head ha:-. been correlating work lodge hall, under the auspices of the :,l't\H'l'n thl' \\'l'"t line oi Eighth street tiH.· Chamhl'r of Commerce, as oc- in geograt>hy and history, approaching :-.ix bowling teams of the lodge. This it from an entirely new view point. and tht· l·ast linl' oi Ekn·nth stn·l't. ca:-.ion . when the buying public is .~in'n affair will he public, and the proceeds The \\":lmette schools have hcen of On the north :-.idl' of Linden avenue a spct·ial inducement to get- better ac will go· to the establishment of a relief thl' systems to usc Dr. Rugg's material hl·t\\'l'l'n the ea:-.t linl' (li Eighth ~trl·et quaintl'd with the merchants and the fund. ancl thl' \\'l'St linl' oi Tl'nth ~trt:t.'t. fttl11itv and wide varit>t,· of their wares. all through the experimental stages and he will discuss the subject of social \\'hile the. bargains a~c ' in themselves Community Chest Group umhualh· attractin'. the real aim oi "cience in the modern school cur- Watch Out for Mac Draft f the hu,iness people is to meet their riculum. All parents of school children Disguised as Soft Coal ans rtve or un s natrons as visitors engaged on an ex- are i m·i t cd. If you see something that looks like :\ t a meeting of members of the \ \ 'il- pedition of inspection of the vanotts .BurJZlars Beilt Dog and a lump of coal, coming down the street, tndte Comnnmitv Che~t association. rommunity stores and shops. "d we:.tring a tin helmet and hlo·wing a held la~t 11onda): eYening, officers for Rob GonzaIez R est ence bugk, it is · ~racDraft, the genial chimthl' en:-.uing year were elected and plans STREET OPENING PROGRESSES Burglars who entered the home of S. nev sweep, who will be in the village ior the annual driYe for funds were Opening of Blum street in the terlllade. Those \Yho were elected to of- ritorY \\·est of Ridge a\·enuc. in con- N. Gonzalez. 1201 Greg-ory avenue, last next week. ~1ac gets up quite a draft fice were Harry C. Kinne, president: tenmlation for some time. wa" dis- Friday evening, heat the pet dog he- through the old bugle and is ·quite as Robert Stoddard, Yice-president: ]. R. russed at the meeting of the Villacre longitw to the family into a state of efficient at getting a draft through ~~ iiarper, st.·crctary, and F. A. Andrew. Ho:q·d nf Loc~t Tmprovement:> 'rues- insensibility before they hegan their soot-clogged chimneys. He has paradThey gained entrance cd most of these "Cnitcd Sfates for the treasurer. As the first ~tcp to\\"ard the day of this week. Securing the <ledica- depredations beginning of this year's drive the cam- tion of ct>rtain pronertie . involved ha~ throucrh a ha-,ement door and, after past ten years blowing sweet notes out paign and budget committees were ap- 1 nrorrresscd ~atisfactoril)·. it \\"as said, searching the house thoroughly carried of his bugle and soot out of chimneys pointed. This is the second year of the with ;11l hut two i·lter('<;t('d owners off a ~mall ?mount of mone~·. a suit and he expects to Jnake \Vilmctte fire ;:1ssociation. which was very successful 'iP"ned un to date. 'fhe Vill<tcre Attor- helon~ing to 1ft Gonzalez and a coat insurance rates drop. Anyone who services may reach him its first season, and members are anx- nev w~" instructed to investigate the belonging to his wife. The dog, al- needs hi ious that even better results be ob- nrono.,ition further anrl to report to though seriously inju;-ed, will recover.l through the fire department, it is anit is said. nounced. tained this year. ·he hoard at an early date. !HOLD HOOSIER SALON ! ODD FELLOWS ARRANGE HEAR CITIZENS ON NEW zeppelin Flight Shore Artists and Art Critics NUMEROUS ACTIVITIES PARKING REGULATIONS Subject of Next North Invited to Exhibit in Marshall Field Art Galleries Social Events to Feature FebRequest of Highland Ave. ResiSunday Club Talk lt ruary and March; Initiate dents That That Street Be ,,.a. . .. . . . . I Flags Will call Buying Public to Dollar Day Tours Noted or to Address Meeting of Local P. T. A. Units 0 PI D · F d

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