Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Feb 1926, p. 43

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26 February 19, 1926 :i WILMETTE LIFE FOit SALE-HOUSI<::HOLD 'GOODS 24 LOST A~D FOt..T ~D 43 FOll ICK~T-AP:\HT~IE~TS c- 2 .; .; . , r c at n- r · X!J. 1tc ,, .. \:'\TI·:Il -- I'L .\ Yt ·:w-~ ON .ALL rx- Fon ~..-\Lr.;-niNTNG ROOM FURN£- .LOST-RMALL, DARK GREEN PURSE ~~ 1'11m1 ·nt :- f':'-;( ·t·pt hanjo and piano tun·. c hairs, table and china cabinet. containinb about $30; in or around EAST\VOOD AP.\HT~1b~TH (IS l · ·r ~~ n·ll 1 ·.· t 1 a no\\' bPin~ org-aniZP(l. l'honf· \\'ilmette 1387. North \V st rn depot on Feb. 12. EASrl \VOOD AT rEXTHAL ST .\ddn ·!":- \\'il. Lift · .\-7!17. l7L21-ltc Kindly phone \Vil. 1867 and receive ron.:-.:EH, :-.:OT COCHT APTS. AI'11 LT~21-lle I - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - reward. 24L21-ltc CLAll\fED BEST OF XV.:\V Ai'TS ~=~~==========~~;;; l-OR ~ALE-\V.-\LNUT, DINING R~I. in Evanston . 4's and :,·s wilh (·xt:.o t:.: Jll:;J,p \\' .o\. .\ 'l'EU-FE:\I.'"LB !"et, oblong- tablf', $-tO. Tel "'ilm ette L< >ST- \YHlTE FOX TEHI IEH. \VITH 0<'(1~. clost · t~ . H e a!"onaiJle J' l·n ts: :1~ ~~ . - 17L21-ltp black spots: has black breast; harhlks. to C'. & N. \V.; 1~ min. d o \\'n nt'ss with name ":\Iickey" scratched \\· . ~ XTI·: l > ~ ".0:\L\N FOR ALTEH.\- IS \\' A~'I'ED-IIOUSF.HOLD GOODS town. Sound-proof, Jan·<ro·>JI I~ on plate. l'hone \\'il. 2055. t : .. rl \ · ,.rJ, in l'l ·ad,\·- to-\\·Par d(·partplayrooJ,Js fur· chil<lrf'n. 1'\o l'~' : tr :tJ·'··· 24L21-ltc l';t!J :'II i:-.- lhtl t · hin ~ "n ! ' IIi\' . near public g·olf cr1ursf· . 1 I WIII 't ,,: , \V A:'\TF.D TO Bl Y SECO~D HAND ] II~ I. 12LT~:?l-ltc premis e s. J>hont· nr<> e n! (·n f 1~11~1 . furniture ancl t·the1· hous<>hold g-0ods. :{I , T :-.; 11 - I f ' Hig-hest pric e for sam . Crost Fur\\ ' .\ XTE II \\'H ITE <;II! L · FOn niture Store, 1 (104-6 Emerson St., :..: . ll! · !'Hl holl:-'t· \\·ork: famih· nf ·I : E\·anston, III. Phone 'Cniv. US9. .FOI{ ln:XT ('IISY ,\f'.-\ltT.\II·: .·T: 1 rl'l' . l'(· q .: g·ood honw . T(;J. Kc·nil. 1 :-iLT:-.:11-tfc; kit('ht · Jit·tt~·: hr···: tkt'a s t !IO '· k : pr i \ a lo · :.!1!111. 12LT~21-1t(' hath: <lr( · ~sing:t!Jd Ji\· in g· J'OPlll: sob O\'t" r a few dollars and grieve ~. FELL-NEW AXD PSED FUR~I~ 1 \Yh~· h" at t· d : c 11 n v en i .. 11 t I :> 1' w :t t t' ( 1. \\ ' .\XTY::D EXPEHTENf'EO rauL ;.til wint('r wht.>n :\lacDraft by tur bought n.nd so!ll. 11l44 )taple 1'11 1' !.!t'llf>l'al hous<>wot' k: no wa:-hing~W<'f>ping- your chfmnf>y and furnace l. AYe., E\'anston . Fhf>lle l n iv . J. 03. 11111' ironing-: family of adults . T'hOJH' can mak<> thPm work like new? Save 1 ' LT:'l3-tfc ! \\' i Ill! d ].; <\ :? ;~~ II Elm a11d Li nd· · n \\· in n. I :n . 12 L T 21 - 1t c ~· nu 20 ~~ ot fuel and prevent a :n .T X-:? I -1 t <· ·:-;(·riour-: firf> . For prompt attention ,\ L"'l'O~IOUILES .\ X! . .\IJ:EH UF I'O~lTlOX~ .-\111-: :.w ca II Fin' ~tat ion. FOI{ !{EXT lii<:ATEI> . :-~ ltOII.\T. 1~'C (o})l ·n for · compc·tPnt g-irl: or " ·o mt·n. 27LTN21-ltp · 11 o or apt. : own 1· r It· a,. i 11 g town has .\ppl ,\ · at th<· ""ilm<>ttt> ('hambt·r of 1t·a:-w to :\la .\· 1 ; ·w ill m :tlu· < ·nnC'· :-"o mmt·ITt· ollic:t·. \Yilm ette. sion . l'hont· \\'ilnwttl· :~ 1117 . 12LTN21-1tp North Evanston I I It; FIRI·:! FIRE! FIRE! Fred 'k. H. 'J'hon1as & C< ! I :{ L T :'\ ~ 1 - 1 t p CG M CID.rr ~Iffitt®® cdl u~®cdl CC&rr~ ~.1 X ehenzahl Cpholstery Shop ATTENTION! \\'.\NT I·: I 1- CENI·:H.\L :'IL\ID, \\'HITE : H, at- e~. .r, r FIJI{ HI·:);T 1ST FLI!. HSKKI'Ii . !'llit1·: lg-t·. Jiv . r·n1. , J.d: ·m .. kit('h . bath . l'r·iYatt· t·ntr ·alt!'t · JIO!Th . <;:tragt· if df·sit'l·(l. l'h . \\'il. :-..1-t-.T. ;{ L~ 1-lt p F<IJ{ HJ·:XT -- FLAT. :-1 HIHJ\JS ;\XIl hath: 1 h]fl!'\.; fi'Oil1 \YilnH· ttt-' dt·pot. l'h ··lll· \\-ilmtotlt· 1121. :H,21-Jtc F<H{ l!I·:XT - ~\I' . \!{'J'.\11-:XT ~t. farnif ., · :: adults. l;f,·n<·ot· 11. \\ ' .\~TEll '7-t J:lufT ~t. Tt·l. 12LTX21-lte FlH~T ('LASS t:PHOLSTERING DONE at ~· our hom t:> or at my shop. Prices Clf{L: HALF D.\YS: "- a ·· hint..: anrl gt·n .. t·al hou:-P "·orJc T1 · l. \\.il. 3022. 12LTN21-1 tc C. ~I. c DO :'\ : I~ D n·a!'. \\~ ork g·uaran t <:'cd. 3 Electric l'lac t·. Tt:l. \\'i I m ette 2!.'16. 27TN21-ltp .\, :~ L~ f .·)- ,_. \\'.\!'\TEll \\.HITE NC'IU.;F: CIHL: hal·f "" all day . !'hun Kt:nil. ~V311. ltLTN!?l-ltc I (I I ~I J)OD~I~: HRO'fHI~RS ::\IO'fOR \ ~EI-IICT ~ES ll;t \'is ~ALE ~t. ANT1QU8 F't:RNITURE REPAIRING and rdinishing. upholl'tering, mattr<>sS(·s ren e w d. Fred Nitto, 1210 <'entral Ave. Phone \Vilmette 2430. 27LT19-tfc PI:\~0 TU~I~G 11th FOI~ T1 ·l. - \\'illlldlt· ;;-}{CHI:\f 2:~!t~t . I -1 t ,. ~ITl' .\ TIOK ~\\'1·d i ~h: lU·::'\T ~t.. FLAT. ,.. ... \II 1 , ' Elm F()l~ \\'inn..tk :t. :\Trs. !'!2~ \\"ool~i (· ff~>r . \\-.\!'\'TED - n.\HDENEI~: at I i h··rt~ · af't(·r :\fa rch 1 : I F<lH I rniY. 224 20LT::"\2fl-tfc :n:r:-.;:::n--t tc lti·::'\T -- H.f)(l:\1. K!Tt'll . bath . l'hon.- \\'il. :lll':!. :{I , T .\:'\11 lll 'o· l'· · nthl.'· a:- !wad ~· at·dt·n~·r':-: a:-:.~i:-tant loll laq.!,·,. e:-tat . .\ddrt·~s \\ 'il. Lift· . \-7~11. 14LTN21-ltp ;-, !"IT I .\TIO' \\ \ '\'I'I·:U-FE'I.\I,J·: :'\ :! I - 1 t J1 I - 1 ~·:! :i H'l'D~ON C'OAC'H: \\~I II mod1·l. n(·\'t ·\' lwt· n run. s1·ll at s ll:o;tallt ial r-:aving· over }\{·\\' \\'i 11 finan<·(· if dPsired. pric ... T(·l. \\'i lmt'ttt · 1 71. 20LTN2l-1tp I at ··:-:t HA YF. YOrR PIA~O TUXLD FOR the ~ e w Yt>ar·. Price::; reduced for Februan·. L . .,y, Foster, 625 Park Ave., \\"ilmett . Phone \Vtl. 908-M . 2gLTN13-tf,! J· .\ I~'IJS(~ I·'( 4 FOIC HE'\T-ICOU\1~ F<tH 1!1-::'\T with pr·i\·:tt·· tr : lll ~ Jl. Fl'l!Xl~IIJ ·;Il ' ITl' .\TIIl.:\ \\ -Til. -- L.\l.XIIHY .\.:\!) t·l· aning \\tori.; : ,.,p : Tht11·~. and Fri : :..:' ""' n · I':- . T1 ·l. \\ 'i l. l1 i1;·. 11":1r \\ ifo· :-: ITl '. \Tl<IX \\.TII. -- EXI'EHT L.\l'Xdr··:->' : ··"! : t.:·"·d l'· · t'~ . {'all L·ni\. :;:l'·~·-~I. l:iL:!l-ltp :-:JTl'.\Tf(l.:\ \\ 'Tfl. - Jti·:LI . \I~LE <'01 ·. maid: :: rla., ·:-: ht ·:-< t ro · !'~ . ;;:{;; E. -t1:-t :-t . l'holl· llal.-land 11:,!~1:!. 1:iLT~1-ltp ~ITl'.\Tf( ;'.\LE ~1l·~H<'ER. ~J·~nl r::s ~.' l~adgt·r · with \\' in tt·t· t·ncl.: I'TH·<·ha n i( ·a II.\· Pl·!'f.: mon· spf>('O than w iII t·\'t·l' \1 =-··. For app't call ~· :!IILTX:!l-1 t· · \\- i l1n 1· t tt· :t 7 :~ :! . )J: :-:port ..m ,.\ :'\D DEl'OR:\TIXG "" .:\. P. HIT.J ,S 1".\IXTER .\ND DECORATOH E:-t imat1·:-: gin· n upon application 1 ~ ~:! \\"ilm~·ttt· .\ Y! ·. T<>l. \Vii. 2718 2!)L13-tfc :lt DUSIXESS SERVICE l1<tth: o ·;t~ l ~i do -; t .· X11 fl!ht · l' l'PO!llt·l··~ . Lif,. A - l!lli . l 'n·f+·l·:tlol\· 111 lll :ll l :tll+l . \dd! 'l ' '-'" \\'j(. ll.:!l-Jll· H .\f. I·' III! ~ ..\ LJ·:- 1 !t~ .-. 1·:~~1-::\' ('()A,('IJ: Ht·x ::.:-,IHI milP:- : fir·:- t ".' Ja:-;s condition: full f'hont· \\'11··quip . incl. :-nu J. IH ·l's. :?itLTN:!l-1 tp mt-ttl · 111. t-'IIJt T<n·nrx<;. Sl.X: L E - ::\lt H 1X g·ood t · o Ill1 it i 0 ll ; :\ bargain for quick s;tlt ·. l'hon· · "'inn. ;,;,fi-R. :!liLT X:! 1-1 t(' ~.\ LE - ~II ll > J·:L :-,o, ;) PAS~. OI'E~ 1 1:1.\'llt·s, t·xtrar-:, $100. I 'l1<111 f> \Vii. 231Ji 2oLT~li::i-tfc t·\' t·n i ng-s. ~ ~. ,.\ T T It.\ I 'T I \. E I :\' Dr. Elm(·r E. Lampert OHTHODO~TIST Jllfldo·l'JI. 'i' t·]]-t ·qlliJIJI· d , E . ~ . l!ll!lJI ·; \\' t· ll furn . and h·· :lt+ ·d : ll! ·: tl ' lou;.; . :·11111 tr: ·. 1:-- . l~· · f;.; . I'll. \\' il. ' l ·l-.f. ~1.:.!1-ltp t"hi<'ag-o ,,., >I 1: \\'Til. - J ·:Xt'EI{fi-:~<'Eit t::!:!~l. Ftll{ 1!1·:'-'T furni~llo · d tr:ltl;.;p . ('E~TH . \L L.\H·a: J.H:IIT \\ 'l·:LI. r·ootll : pr·i\' . hath . :'\1 ·<t r ')', .J. \\.ittl l. ~~~~::. II.T :'\:!I - It I' li<>TJ-:T,LJt;IIT <H'T~IIll ·: l'holl·· ! ·n i\·. IH ' ~1'1'1 Otlkf·-F'il·ld Annex Building\Yinn E>tl.;a Officf> \\'innt'tk[t Tt'U!-:l & Sn.\'int!.!-: Hank Bl Jg . l'hone "'inn. 1211 31 LT~H- t:=c \\'1 LL cop~· ing· 1 :ii..TX:!l-1 t p \'1'10' \\' .\ , '1'1-:ll-:\1.\LE \:'\U FE:\1 .\1,1-: J.'( ll t !" .\ J.J.·: 1 ~I :! :-, ;nodt·l. :!I - J.'()f!f) T<H'I{IN<~ <' .\H . Tt·l \\'ilml'tt P 1)2:3. :!OLTX21-1t<: TYPI~T no at htHlH'. TYl'ING AND \Yimette 3267. 31LT9-tfc room!" : for · li:!!t :\lain tntn:-i··nt .~ ~t. l'h"n·· and n ·:·ddt·nl .~. :-;JTl- .\TIII.:' \\'if. lllRo IJ..T;;tl -t f ,· \\-Til .--I"OOK .\XII l:t'Tlt · l·: · · ~JI. l't ·l o·n11pl· -: Ulan \\' ill dr ·j,-, .. l'huno · !;o ·lll ' uo · 11111. ~ . \LI ·: FOH ~ .\LE-:UJ~CELJ,A:XEOU!ii F<l!{ IU·: XT L .\lti;J·:. FJ:II:'\T Jtl)(>.\1~: ln·ight. ~ · lo ·; lll, t' t>lltfort;thft.: o·ast ~id1· . Tt ·l. \\'i l. l~dll. -tL:!I-111' 17' FOit 1101 ~EIHH.D (~000~ FOH ~.\ LE-f'O<YL T .\ln. . E. 11E.\l'Tff'ull .\ · inlaid. <'ir<'as:-ian walnut. incl. all nl'('t':':-'Ol'i o·:-<: a I :-o hallrl:-:oml'. llhI" 111..:·. mah .. :-ilk dr·op-lig-ht. T1·l. \\'il:!11.21-ll<' ml't t· · :! :; ril . F! >I~ ~.\LE <; t·:nc H.\ I'll 1< · )L\G.\ zint· (unbound) from 1 !ll :~ to 1!'l:!;) i'l<'lu:-:i\'e: in po ·r·ft·('t Condit inn. Phon" \\-inn. :iii0-.1. :?1LTN21-1tc F<ll{ I!EXT- L.\l!<iE lt«Hl~l \\'ITII d()Ubll· b1·d: lll':ll' all tr:ti!SP . -t:!O l'ark .\\' t· . T1·l. \\'il. :!!1:: . -tL:?l-Itp FO H H EXT L\ IU; 1·~. F HOXT JtO()~J fUl'llisht ·tl: \'1·r~· tlt-sit·al>lt·. Tt-'1. \\'ilml'ltt· /Ill-H. -tl.~l-1tl' ~ I .. F·urniturc at a Barg:ain Ll\.IX<;, lliXINc;, I~I ·~P .\Nn ~r~ rot1n1 furnitun ·, int·luding· rug·" . rlil'ht·>'. min·nr:-'. lamp~. in fact all fut ·nishinL:::- of ~~ ,.,,oms: :\Tarshall Fi(·ld 1'\IL: ll.h:!fl \\'ith small rug-s tn match : mu~t \'al'atl' all(l dispo!"<' of ,.,., . n · thint.: at tliH't ·. :-:hown fr ·om 10 tr· 4 or h~· appointmt·nt. 12~G A:-:hland . \ \' 1' .· \\'ilm1·ttt·. l'hont' ~:{4. 17LTN:!1-ltp FOI{ ~.\LE T.\CPE \"ELOrH l>a,···nport and fin·>'id" will~! chair. p!·t ·fl·(·t ('ntHlition: ~l:'i.tiO ft~l' both. l'hlltH · \\'inn. :!til . l7LTN21-1 te I··< f'.\LI·: ('HILll'~. EN.\:\TELEI> h· ·d with matt n·ss. Jlt·rft·ct ('Ond itinn : oak rl in in ~.r t a hI ··: <'om hi n n t ion "·inn. 1 t:R-t . dt·l'f.\ and sidt'\)oarrl. 17LTN:!1-l tc )I{ IF ©If §ca1ll~ IT1rn~lffi 1r®rrwn®lf IP1Ulfi2)~ I IUSII TEn I1l ER Pl'l'Pl ES, EXCELh·nt !'pt>cinwns; highly bred; subject to r<>gil' tra t ion in A. K. C. Phont· 'Vilmette 3035 32LTN20-1tp FOI~ FOH f'.\ LE - ~1.\ HOC .\NY. HOLL-TOP ·onclit ion. PhOIW l'X ('(·11 I'll t 01·!"k: \\.ilml'ttt· 1 71. :?1LTN21-ltp ~.\I ,Jo:-RI)ll'LEX )J.\NGLE, ~. 2;-.: H] Stl n il-l' t· I- p 1at 1· d, ho~: !.:cou t hug-1 ,·. Fun n··~s·r-~·a·cuEs A:\'D FO H OJ<'I<'H'ES l'hnnt· \\'ilm··th· fi7. ~ . 21LTN21-1tc FOH Hl·~:'\T ,'TOI{Jo:S, ~HOI'S AXJ) apaJ'IIIH·nts. Tt>lf>phont· \\'illtwtka f)~ :-1LTN1 '7- t r't· FOl: - L.\TE :\fOPEL EDEN washing· nHt<'hint> . Phon" "'inn. :~!11 . 1.. 1 ·~ 21LT~~1-1tc \\'HITE AND SABLE, 6 yrs. old: pedigTt·t·d pap('r supplied: ·; 1 ry friendly with children: a ftnt> appearing dog and for a family that will give him g·ood carP and a good home, will st·ll for $100. Phone \Vii. 713-M. 32L21-ltc ~cot eh colli<', male: :-:.\LE - Fill{ ~ ..\LE ~· tlfod - IL\I:Y ('AHHL\C:E l'H!Htit i1111. T1·l. (}It'll. :Hi8. :!1 - FIX..\~('IAJ, lN ~~4 IIUSINESS OPPORTUNI'riES \V~\NTEP TO HENT-HOC!·U; "TITII 4 bPdrooms. Not 1)\'l'r $100 Pt>l' month. ..Addn·s:o; \Yil. LifP A-7!'1~. 7LTN:!l -1 t (' \\ 'A~'I'Eil .... LTN~t-1t1· tS '1'0 Hlt;~ 'I'-S'l'UltE~ F0f{ :-:.\LE-ti SOLIP \L\LNl'T, in~! DIN- A~D OJ<.,I<'ICE!oi ehaiJ'!" and tahiP, PXC'f·lh·nt C'Oilnit ion: n·asonahlt·. l'hnnf> \\'inn. 2:!fi1. liLTN:!1-1tp WAXTEl> TO HEXT Hl'~I:'\I·~~S buil(ling. l'hot!l· \\'iln1t'tl1· :l:~ ·li' . :-. I :J' X:! I - 1 11' ·· 10 \\',.\.:\'1'1·~0 '1 ' 0 Jtt<::Vl'-U04.HI~ l·.()l{ :-:.\LE -. \~'fl(H'I·~ ~ECRETAHY, choict· Eng·Ji:-:h pil·t·t·: l!t'neral litH antiqu(·s. N1·\\' shop. IR54 f'lwnnan A\'('., EYan~ton. 17LTN21-ltc F()H S.\LE :~ PflO:CE. C'.\H.YED. Jq·own mah .. (·: · 11(·. Vt·loUJ' upholstPrt' d 1i, ·ing rm . !"Ui t I': vx<·(·ll. N>nd. Phone \\'inn. fi!I!I-.J. liLTN21-1te FOH RA LE P.\RLOR GR.\ND. Stark piano. hro\\'n mah. easP: <·xC'<'ll. cond. Tel \\~inn. 1120. 17LTN21-1 tc \\rANTED - <'LE"\N, Fl'RN. HOO.\T. With l.;itC'h .. hath ann pllOilt' : :\Ja··r·;l 1: l\farriNl couplt·. .\ddr<·ss \\'il. Lif<· A-7!'10. 1fiLTN21-1tp '\VANTEl> OLD I·$TABT....IRHED rt>al estatt> firm wants R:l l{·fmHUl; familiar with North Rhon~ property. Finf> opportunity for ambition::; man. Address \Vii. Life A-793. ,.·nn. 11LT'~21-ltc SA LE-3 rTECI·; nEDRl\f. Rt rTJ·j, mah. tini!"h: $50; !lx12, g-reen, \Yilton. st·aHtk!"s 1 ug-, $Z:J. Tt·l. <rlt'n. lOnG. 17LTN21-1 tc On Friday evening oi t !Jj.., wrd.;: an interesting "moving pictun tiltn \\ ;u he shown at the Episcopa l rit~trcll a11ditorium under th~ atl"!lil'v , t~i rilL' \\'ilmette Sea Scout~ . Tltt· tirk t~i the film is "\Ving~ oi ti lt' Fkt t." and Commander Rufth I( int.: L'. ~. ~. recruiting officer for the l'ltic ;t.l! t> di:-trict, \\'ill he preset .t t(l t ··q d.~in tht· film. A cordial in\lt.diotl ·, ··'lt'JHkd to the LOST AND FOUND :!4 public. ;1t11J aJJ n l l_\ . ~C.lltlh and their TAN AND \VHITE, SCOTCH parent.; ha\'~· ln·t't' lll\'lted to attend. LOST licen~'>f> no. 594: wearing <'oil it· JHIP: Tl " nH·c'ting \\ill l>L·gin at 7 :30 o'dock, bla<'k hat·ness. Tel. Wil. 2079. Reward. 24L21-1 tc ptt·t n ptl.\ . I t.< )< · \ r.. :\I f·:Hf'AXTILI<: I X\' P.ST::\1 E:\T l\1·:-idl·n t property owner in \Vilmettc'·. who ha!" for ye~rs conducted a sue('t·ssfu I r<>tail business in Chicago, (Jt>sin·s to open a store in same line in \Yilmt'ttC, \Vinnetka or one of the North Rhore to\vns; in order to realizf' plans as to equipment and uniqU<' character of service adapted needs hig-h-g-rade clientc·le for a Investor would additional capital. 6c g-i n·n cvc·ry opportunity to con"inec himself as to character and ability of advertiser and as to prospccts of return on investment. Adtlt'I'!"S \\r iJ. Life A-7!)S. 22LTN21-ltp (;I I( )J FOR SALE \VELL EST AD LIS HE D g-ift shop; will sacrifice for immediate di!'lposal. For information address \Yil. Life A-795. 34LTN~ 1-1.tc Sea Scouts Sponsor U. S. Navy Film Friday Night

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