Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Feb 1926, p. 39

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February 19, 1926 WILMETTE In LIFE 39 $100.00 each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $800.0& 9 Brick valve chambers, cylindrical in shape forty-two ( 42) inches in internal diarn~ter, and six and oneh:Uf (61h) feet deep with walls eight (8) inches thick and with a cast iron cover and lid weighing four hundred seventy. ( 470) pounds, constructed in place, including labor · and materials at $80.00 t·ach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $720.00' fi2 Cast iron valve boxes six (6) feet long and weighing two hundrecl twenty-eight (228) pounds (·ach, at $10.00 each, (installed in place) ..................··... $620.00' 4 i <'uhic yards of crushed limestone laid in ])lace for hydrant foundations, including labor and mate' ialf-i at $4.00 per cubic yard .. $164.00· For cost of Engineering Service~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . $9,500.00· For lawful costs and expenses of JM\k i ng- n. lHl collecting the as~esf'mt-'n t therefor ...... $12,076.50· Tot:tl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $213,468.00 ...\ tH1 T hereby certify that in my l'),inion th<' above estimate does not ·l·X('I·t><l th e probable cost of the im1" ovemen t pro1>osed and the H.twful I·Xpf'nses attt· nding- the same. I latt·(l this 1flth <lay of February, A. 1>. 1 !J26. EARL E. ORNER, l'n·::.;i1h·nt of Hoard of Local Im111'0\'t·m~.·nts of the Village o! \\'ilmette. on DIX AXCE NO. 1410 .\X OHDI~ . \.~CE providing- for tht· ~:onstruction of a sy!-lt~:-m of cast iron main water supply p;pt· with all tH·et·ssa ry crosses, valves, h~· dra 11 t!:', fitting·s and connections in < ···l'tain str~· et:-: anfl avenues in the\ 'illagt· of '\\'ilnll.. tte, Cook County, 111inoi:-; . l:E IT < )l{J>.\IXED 13Y THE' F'RESIlll·:XT AXIJ UU.ARD OF TRUSTEES 1 IF THE \'IJ. . . LAGE OF \VILMETTE: ~E("I ' IH:\ 1: That a local improvellll·llt !-:hall h<· malh~ ' in the Village of \Vilmdtv, in the ('ounty of Cook and ~tat of Illinois, the liature, character, localit~· and <h·scl'iption of which local i mpro\·pment is as follows: That a syst m of <·ast iron main \\·att> r ~upply pipe with all necessary l't·osses, valves, hydrants, fittings and t·onnL·t:tions shall be laid in the following s trt:e ts and a venues : In Kl.'nil worth Drive, north, from IUdge Av en u e to Greeley Avenue; In Kt:nilworth Drive, south, !~·om Hidg·e Avt:nue to Greeley ..:\venue; In CloYer Road from Ridge A venue to G n :t It· y A , -en ue; In \\rashington Avenue from Ridge AY~>nu e to Greeley Avenue; l:t Holl~· wood Avenue from Ridge Avl·nue to Greeley Avenue; Itt ..:\<Jt'th AYenu e from Ridge Avenue to <Jn.:l'lt:y Avenue; In Kenilworth Avenue from Greeley .A \' l'llUe to Locust Street; In \\"ashington An~nue from Greeley Av~:·llu · tu Heinwald Av nue; lit Franz H.oad from Greeley Avenue tu AI ks A venue; Elmwood .\venue from Greeley A \'l' nut..' to A 11 e s A\' en u e ; In Lak1· Avenue from Ridge Avenue to H.l'inwald Avenue; 111 ~chiller ,'treet from Ridge Avenue to thL· west line of .Braun's Sub· division; In Seg<·t· Stret t from Ridge Avenue to the west line of llraun's Subdivision; 111 nlum ~treet from Ridge Avenue to .. ., ., ..... ' . · Reinwald Avenue from Wilmette Avenue to Locust ' Street; In Locust Street from Reinwald Avenue to a point 215 feet north of Kt:n ilworth Avenue; lt· Orant Avenue from Reinwald Avenut to a .point 215 feet north of The freshmen of the Mallinckrodt Kt-nilworth Avenue; high . rhool entertained the junior and fn !-'herman Avenue from Washington A n·nu<· to a point 215 feet north sophomore classes with a Lincoln proof Kenilworth Avenue; gram, Thursday afternoon. February, 111 <'h·v<·land A Vt-'nue from '\Vashington An·nuP to a point 21:, fe t nor·th of 11. The freshmen girls felt Ycry much Kt ·nilworth AY<'IIU ·: encouraged because oi the acknowl- 111 llatH·oc·i< A\'(·JIUt· from \\~ashington .\n·nue to :t point 21:., feet north of edged success. of their program which Kt · nilworth Av1·nu1·; 11 1 Allt·s AH'IIUI· from '\Vashington follows: .-\ \'t ·tnH· to K t·n i I wol'th A venue; PatriotiC' :\l1·<llt·y ... ..... <'. 1-'. :\fur··~- 111 \\'··ntwol'th AVI'IIUt' from \VashingC"la~s ('horus tc"' A\'('llUt· to Kt·nilwol'th Avenue; "T...in<'oln" . . . . . . . . . . . :\Tarin n Hust i ng !1 1 I· tll't ·sl .\ ,·, ·tlllt· from \Vashington :\ \' vllUl· to Kt·nihvorth Avenue; \'iolin !'-it·lr·dion .... .. .. :\Tf'nd<'lssohn 111 .\llt·s A\'f·nue fr·om \Vashington :\Tan· .Tan1· !'-it· n~· . [l<'<·ompanit' d by .\\'t·JIIle t(l l ·~lmwoocl Avenue; ( :Prtrude Ginaine 111 c;t··t·lt·\· .An·nu<· from Lake A\·<·nu SmilP . ....... ... . Cntherinf' Ginninc· to the· north lin:: of Kenilworth 1 :;: t·dt · ns !'-iubdivision, extetH1t·cl Wf'St l~ip \"an \Vinkl ro, II rpln.~·) ......... . :lt'I'(ISS (;J't·l ·}(·\' .\V1·nuc; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fr· ·shma n Clas~ The · r~ual \Yay . . . . . . . . . 1'. Ff'r~Uf' 111 1 ·xf',·rd "\\'t' l.lUl· from Lak1· Avt·nu<· to ll!t · uurth lint· of Xot·th Shon· :\Jan· Lnuist· r:,\'J'llt ·S. a(·( ·OillJlHiliecl by t "t·· ·!" t ~ul·d i \'is ion; :\I a, - ~- Lynch It , l't·itt··t · totl .:\\·t· llUI· ft ' fllll Lake AvI , t · c i I a t i o 11 nut· to tl11 · nurtll litl<' or :'\orth Short· (il ·ralditl<· Harn·~ · t ·n·st Sui,<] i ,. isioll: l.:tnd uf' IIIIJH · <tlt<l Ft·t·l' <1nm ......... . 11, Y:tl·· .\Yt ·llUt · fron1 Lak1· Avt·JJU·· to '\\' . H. (i:t!'tltH·r t h1 · ti<'l't 11 litJt · ,If· :'\ort h Shore Cn·st En1i I~ (:nul d. l·:lioz:tl~t · th l't-lt ·r SuhdiYision: .\ )·'J:t).! IIJ ' i)J .... ..... ( 'l:t;:-; In ~ll'!vitl .·\Yt ' ll\11 · from Lake Avenuf· to tilt· llnl'th littt· of X<Jrth ShOrt· !'n ·st ~lllHli\'isio11: .. , lll.l(' \'1'10, l it II ar\'a nl .\ , .,. " ut· fro1n Lal'f' A venut· t ,, t h·· JJ<~rl h I i ll·· of .:\"ot·th Hhon · \ 'ILT..u\(;}o; I IF . \\'1L:\JETTI ·: ( ·,·, ·:-: t !'-iul,di\'ision: I'}{(JI'(ISI·;f) (JHIIl:-;"AXl'E FOH. TIT!;: In (':unl,ritlgt· . \\' t·IHI\- Ct·om Lake AV(·('(1:'\!--iTJ~I·<·TlO:-;" OF "\ SYSTE:\1 OF llllt· \11 th1· tllll'th lin·· 11f .:\"orth Short· ('.-\!'-iT JI{IJ:-;" :\1.·\1:'\ \\' .\TEH. HUPPLY i t'rt·st ~ulHitYisiull: I'II'E IX CEI~'L\IX STHEETS AXD : lt 1 ('olUtllhu:-; .\\'\·liU· · frotn Lal.;:" An·.·\\'EXI'I·:S ].:\ T:I·TI-: \ ' ILLAGE (IJ.' , llllt· t·' tht · north li11· · 11[ Xorth Short· \\' 11...:\Jl·; TTE, TOt:ETJIElt \\' JTH TIIE I ('l'tSI ~llltdiYi!"i(lll: J~J ·:<'O .:\DJI.:XJ>.\~I'IOX <~J.' '1'111·: BOAHI> llak ~tn·· · t fr<JJII l'· · lltr:tl An: nue tl! tW L<H'AL Dli ·'I{II\'J-:~11.:.:\TS A.:\IJ I l:lul!t !'-itn·d: TilE J·;ST DL\TE nF TilE: C'O~'T ()F !11 l:t·,,wtl ~tn·t'l ft'fllll l:lum .·treet to ~.\!() I'IUII'II~I-:Il L\ll'l{U\'E~TEXT . Lakt· .\\' t·ll\lt ·: :til in thP \'il1agof .:\11til·t· is h· · n·l·~ givt·ll that at th· · \\'ilnH ·ttl ·, t'uok <'ounty, Illinois; r· ·gular nt~·t · ting r·f th· · J:oanl t,f in th· · lltHlltH ·r sp,.f'ili··l1 in :-;aiel ordiT rust ·· ·· s of t lw \' i II a~, . 1, f \\ · i lm < · tt ,. , 11 a 111 ·' · tog l't 11 '· r \\' i t h a 11 .·· s ti 111 ate o f h· ·ld n11 Tut·sda~·. Ft · hruar~· Hith 1!t:?ti, I til· · \\!Jolt· ··o:-;t flf :-:aid itllJll'O\'t·ment; tiH · follll\\' illg _ JII'"JI_t'S··d ordinance for :tll<l. \\t· l't ·<'"lllnH · tJd th1· ~Jass:q.~·· of :,;.aid th· · t:oll:-:ttllt'lloll 11! a :->\':->tt· Jll of ('a:-;t "rdttlall 'L' <ttlll til· · tnaktn(.!· of the llHiroll lll<lill wat· ·r :-:llpJlb: pipt· in c· · r -~ prO\' ·JIH·nl thvrt·in t·ontt·tll)Jiat··tl. t:till :-:tr····ts and a\·t·tJII··s ill tilt' \ 'ill:tt.:·· HPspt ·ctfulh sttlnnittl·d, ··f \\'illll· · tt:·. tog1·th··t· \\·i th th1· n ·l'lllllE:trl E. Orner ). llH lld:ttiull of th· · l:u:trd nf Loval l1n.John F. \Vi dlin l l:":tnl of Lopt·t ,\t·lll· 11t:-; ;ttHI th· · ··stimatt· of th· · .John 'lark B:1k<>r) t· ;t I lmpt·ovet·r,st td' sa id prupt,:-:t ·d it!IJII'O\'t·lll\·llt, \V. \Y . Den(·ranl ) 111 ·· 11 t s o f "as il·trt~du··l·d a11d r· ft ·t'l't·d t1o tht · ElnH·r Tl. Becker ) th· · \" i 1 1 a 1-!; L ' 1 ~ ·. ,,· ,· r a11d \\':ttt · r t'"llllllillt·l of !':tid ! !'. E. l>ra\'PI' l ,,f \\'ilmt ·ttP. 1:c,;tt·d: f'aul .\. Hctffman ) I 1:1 t t·d. \\'il!lll't t<·, I IIi tiOis. FI'IJru:u·~· lfith, 1!l:?G. ( IJ~l>IX.\:'\('J·: .:\!I . lllrt. u l·: ('cnnu·:' u .\ 'I 'Jo,, a-:~'1'1 \I \'1'1·: .\ 'u High School Girls Give Program for Two Upper Classes nue to the west boundary line . of thf' Village of Wilmette; In Riftge Avenue from the north bounuat·y line to the south boundary line of the Village of '\Vilmette. If! H.einwald Avenue from '\Vilmette A venue to Locust Street; In Locust Street from Reinwald Avenue to a })Oint 21;, feet north of Kenilworth Avenue; fn Grant Avenu from Heinwald Avenu-e to· .a point 215 feet north of K<·nilworth Avenue; f11 Sherman Av<'nue from \Yashington .·\ n~nue to a point 215 f1·t-'t north of K"nilworth Av nu ; T11 <'levela.nd Avenue from \\"ashing-ton An·nue to a point 21ii fN·t north of Kf·nilworth Avenue: In II ancocl< A venue fr·om \Vnsh ing-ton Avt-'nU<' to a point 2Hi feH north of Kt · nilworth Avenu1·; I :1 A l}(·s Avt>n ue from V\"ashington A\' t·nu<' to Kenilworth Av(·nu ; In \\'t'ntworth Av<:nue from \Vashi ngton A \ '<'llUt- to Kenilworth A venue: I· 1 Forest A ven u<· f1·om V\·ashington .·\\'t'llU(' to Kt>nilworth Avenup; 111 Allt·s AvPnU(· from \Vashington .\,··· nut · to ElmwtHHl .AvenUI" 111 1 ;r· · vll·~· Av nue from Lakf' 'Avenu£> to tiH· north lin<· of K ·nilwot·th Gardt·ns !'-iuiHlivision, < ·xtendt·d west :tt'-t'l·ss (;rr·t·l<·~- Avt>nue: "' 1 l.xfonl AvPI1U<' frotn Lake Avenue t<' th .. north litH· of Xol'th ~horP <'n ·st !'-iUIH1i\·isi<Jn; l11 l'rill l.'<'ton A\'PIHJt· ft·om Lak~· Avt·liU·· to tht> nol'th lint' uf Xorth Shore t 'rt ·st ~uhdivision: 111 Yal· ..-\\'(·nut· fum LaJ.,;, . A\·t·nue to 1 h·· lllll'th litH · of Xorth Short: Crest ~uiJdi\· isi"n ; I '" I OHHI' \ ' ( ' E. ... .. 1-:!>-'l'I .\1.\'I'E II\' 110 .\ICU OF J.()(_' _\1. PHE~IUE'\"1' OF HIPUOYE:\11-:VI'~. ICI·: nni\11-:,U .\ '1' 10' 1.0( ' \I. OF IW .\HH OF 1\IPHO\ E:HEVI'~. 1 TO Ttl Till·: I'IU·:slPI·:xT .\.:\J) 1: 1.\l~r, tiF Tl~l'!'-iTJo:E~ tiJ-' TilE \'ILT...\til·: cW \\'IL~IETTE : ... · ~ ' " ,. t ~ 4 .. I ~ «( l.~ .. ". \\· ,. ht·r,·with :-;uhi!Jit an otlitl:tnc·· ft·l' t}lt' l'tlll!"II'UI'tioll or :t >'\"Stt·J\J of ··asl iron nt:tin watt·t· suppl_, j,ipt· with ;II I llt·ct ·s:-;a r~· er<JSS(·:-;, va 1\ ··s, h~·d rants, fit ti!lgS :tlld l'tJilll\'(' tillllS, ill tht· f'o))ll\\'ing str··t·l:-; and :1\·t·IIUt·s: ln Kt ·nilwPI'th J)ri,.,., t1orth. ft·onJ Hid~· ·· .-\Vt·llU·· tu c;n···lt·\· . .-\\'t·ll ut: In Kt·nilwol'th llrivt · ·south, ft'<'lll IUtlg··· .\\' t·tlllt' to <:r, ·t·lt·\· A\'t'lHI\·; J n ( 'lt~\'1 ' 1' Hoad frotn l~i;l~t · .·\ \' t·llllt· to t;r, ·tlt· \· .t\Vt·ntt··· In \\'ashin~ton A\'l 'l.tUt· fl<·lll l~idgt' A\' l·lJU<· to c;n ·t·l··" .\\'t·llllt·; ftl llolly\\·ood -'\ n ·lltl!· front Jtitlg1 · An· llllt· tu c;)'(·t·lt·\- "\\'t·lltlt·: I11 Xonh "\\'t·n u; . f'r(lm Jtid!.:.t ' .-\,·,· nut· to (;rt·f'lt·~- .\Yt · nu··: In Kt ·ni lworth .\\'t·llut· t't·om (jn ·l'lt·~· .-\\'t·IIU· · to Lol'ust ~trt · t · t: ln \\r:ts hillgton .\Vt·nu~· f't '!Jill (in ·dt· Y A v t' II ll \. t () It\' i ll \\' :t l tl .\ \ 'I. 11 u (. : In Fr:1nz Hoad frotn t:l'tt ·l· . . . \\'t·ll UI' to .A llt·s .·\ \'('ll Ut·; In Elm\VPoLl .AYt'llllt· fn·tll l:t·t·t·lt·~· A\'(·llUt' to Allt·s .:\Yt· tlUt-: rn L:tl\t' A\'l'llUt· frotll ltitlgt · .-\n·lJUl' to H ··in w aId ·\ ,.l' 11 u t · : · In S('hillt·t· Stn·l't fnnn l~idgl' .-\\' L'IIlH' to tlw ·wt·st !in1.· of l:l:tlll ·s SuhdiYi~ ~ion; J 11 S1·g·vr !'-it l'l'l ' t frotn I tid~t· to till' Wt·Sl Jinv of l:raUII 's ~ioll; .·\ \'l' llUt' ~ulJ<li\'i In I:Jum Stn·t·t ft·om l~idg-~.· .\VI'I1Ut· to t):\k !'-itr··l't; Jn Jlig·hland An·uut · frotn l:idg·t· An·tltt't..· to Oak Strt·t·t: ' 111 Ct·lltral ~\n·nut· ft·om ltillg1.· .\\'1·llUl' to Oal\: !'-itn·<>t; Jn \\'iltnt..'Ltt· A\'t·nuv ft ·om l{idg<· A\'1 'JIUt' t<J the Wl'St fi(H!Ildal'\' lillc of tht· \'ill<lg"l' (Jf " : ' "t dtt-: . lal nlt'nVi(·W Ho;ul (l'ollll \\'i!ml'ltl' AVl'llU(.' to the west lJout.tlan· line of th<> Villag·(' of \\'ilnwttt'; · ln Hi<lge Avenue frotn the north hOUlHla n· lint' to th( south lJoundary 1i1w of the \'illag~.· uf \\' il mt:ttc. Till·: J:().-\Hl> t~F' L!H"AL 1:\I 1 ' 1~1!\'E:\lE."J'S UF. TlfE \'fLT..u\GI·: UF \\~IL:\II~TTE , ancl 'f'() T If 1 ·: PHBSIPE.:\T .\:\1> nO ..\ I: P OF TI!L'~TEES UF THE \'ILLA<;E ( W \YIL:\li·:TTE: Tilt' r:.,ard of Local ImprO\'l'lllt·lllS " ( t lw \·iII; q . n · of \ \' i lm ' t t ,. h a\' in;. :ld<qitt·<1 a l't·!·wlulion and caused tu h1.· l·la<lv a draft of an onlinan<·e fot· tht· ··onstnH: tion of a s,·~tem of ca:-:t iron main w a t··r ~upply · pi}le with all tll·~-~·ssar~· crosst·f', Ya1Yt'!:l, h~· drant~. tHting:-; an<l ('OHJH·ctions in tll<' following- :-;tn:ds <Ulll aYt'liUe!:l: Kl'nih\· orth Drive, north, fr(lm II! ]!i<lg-<· ~\\"t·liUc to ;n, ele~· Av IIUt· ; In Kt· nilworth DriYe, ~outh, frotn H.idg-t A\'t'l1lH' to nt'<·elt ·,\" .A\'t' llll ·: In <.'IO\' r Hoad from Hidg-l· A n·nue to <;rl'Pky Avenuf·; In \Yashing-ton .A\-('Il Ut' from Hid~~· .AYf'liUe tO (;l'l'Plt',\' ....\Yl·n uv; In HoJl,· woo<l Avt>nu · fr·om H.idg-1· to ( irt·dt:,\. A Yl'I ·Ut '; In Xorth .A\·~;·nue from ltitlg-t· AYt·nut· to C~n·l'h-\- .\Y<·nU·': I 11 Kt·n i 1w o'rth A vt·n ue from G l't' t ·It· y .Avt ·nue to Locu:-;t Strel't; 111 \\'a:-;hington An·nuo from Grt·t · lt·~· ..\.n·n ut· to Heinwaltl An'llUt·; In Fran?. Hn:td from Gr··~ · lc~· Avt· ntH.· to A1lt.·s Avenue; In Elmwoo1l AH' nue from <;re'lE,\' ..-\n·nut· tu .Allc·s Avenue; In L:tk<' Avenue· from Hi<1g-t· An·n ut· to H1·inwaltl AY nue; In Schill(·r' !'-itrl'et fnnn H.i<lp· Avt..·nUL' to the wt·st line of Braun's Suht1ivision; In ~~·g·t· r Stre<'t from Hid:.::<:, ..-\ \'t·nuP to tlH.· \\'est line of nraun's ~ubt1ivi sioll; i 11 Blum Street from Tiiclg-1.· .\ Vl·JHH' tu Uak Street; In IIighla n<l .\venue fn·m n h1gl' ..-\ n··nue to Oak Street; In CC'ntntl Avenue from hi<lP:l' A\'t..·nue to Oak Stre t; 111 'Vilmette Avenue from Hit112:t' Avenue to the wel';t hound:n·,· line of the Yillag(' of \\'ilnwtte. · Tn Cll'llYi1.·W lto:ul from \\'ilmette Ave- lt l :\1· l\·in AYt· IIUt· frn111 Lal..:t· Avenue to th·· north lillt· o( Xonh Shott· t 'r··:-:t Subdivision: 111 llan·al·tl Avt·nut · fo111 . Lak<· Avt·nu · t" tht· north lint· ··f Xorth Shorf' ( 'rt ·st !'-iubdivision · Ita < '< tlliln·idgt· .-\.\'t'll~t· frotn Lalil· .\\'t'llllt' to th·· north lillt· of Xorth .'hort> c·r,·:-:t SulJdivision; 111 ('olumllll!:l .\\'t·llll(' from Lal't- ..-\\'··IIUt· to th1· Jlftl'th litll· ,d' Xorth Shot'l· 1 'r· ·:-;t SubdiYi~ion: l11 1 l;tf.\ !'-itrt·t·t [J'I)nl t·,·ntral A,· ·IIU·· t·t l:tu11J Stn···t: 111 l:ru\\ n Stn·t · t fr11tll l:Jum Strtet to Lal\t· . \ \'t·IIUt·: .Lll in th· \'i1hq.:;t· of \\ 'illlt..tlt·, ('"'d" ('ount~· . llli11ois: i11 til· · mann· · t· s)lt·('ifit·(l and rt.:comlllt · ll·lt-tl IJy said J:o:Lr<l of Lll ·a ! Iml·~'"'· ··nlt · nt~: and sai<l Duar·d haYing· Jll't ·St ·IJ!t·tl til tht· l'l'l·::ii<lt·llt :tlll1 nuanl · d. Tru :-; t··· ·:-; (I r :-:aid \ ' i llag L' a recomJllt·JJd<J tinn that :-;ail1 local itnprovt·lll"llt J,.. tnad··, 1 het ·<·IJ,· :-;ulJillit a11 t'!"t i Ill:! lt · of l hv ('USt of tht· (.'()ll~ti'Ul' tillll ·d· :-;aid Jlllfll'(l\' l'lllelll, includi·IJJ,!; l:Jio~n·. JJ1att ·t·ials anti all othl'l' , .xI"'IIS··s altt·nding th1· s<lltlv, and til~.· ' · 1 · :-: t " f 111; 1 k i n .~· a 11 c 1 co II· · <· ti n g t n , · ;1:-.:-;t·s-.n\l·lll th· · t· .. for, as }II'U\'id ·t1 I·~ · Ia\\', nameh: Ill:! .-dl I i tlt· :tl [,.,. t of six t til i 111'11 inl··l'lJ;t) di:l_.lllt·l··t· <'a~t il'oll main \\ · :1 tl'l' SU)I)I}~ · pipt' \\'l·ighing· 3:} 3 ; 111 )111\llltls Jlt·l' lillt·<l1 f(IOt, CUIIStl'Ul:tt·d i11 place, _! invludi11g labo1· and mat ·· r i a 1s at ~ :! . :! ;; Jlt' r foot . . . ~ !Ill,~~ ti ~. ~.o 1111111 li-nt·al ft't·t (If L'ight < ~) inch 1n t ' · r 11 :1 I d i a 1n ~- t 1 · r t' a s t i ron m a i 11 \\'<llt·l' supply pipt·, \\'t·ighing· -!'jl:.! P··lllltls }H'l' litH·al fool t·on::;truct· ·d in plat'J-', int:luding lahtll' and nt:ttl't ·ials at $:?.'i~1 Jlt:l' linl'al ft>tlt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3~.;,1)1).00 :!:'~"~ lint·al ft·1.·t of LL'n {10) i111:h int ··l'll:t I d ia llll'tt·t·, ea::;L i t·on ma i 11 wat··t· suppl,\· pipe \\'t·ighing li;~ :-. , 10 pout1ds JH ·J· lint·al root, < ·"n:-;trul't,.d in plaft:, int'luding- laho1· antl lll<ll··rial at ~;J.:Jo Jlt·t· lineal ft·ot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $~.22G.UO :--.-.~.11 linL·al f~·I.'L of twd\'~· <1:!) iueh intt· tna1 <lialllt:!tt·t-, ca::;t iron main ,,·a t· r supply piJH' weighing ~:?.1 JIO\Itlds JH ' r lin ..,al foot, ·on:stru<.:tetl i n 1dan·, i ttL· I u 11 in g· 1a h or ant 1 m atl·t·ia Is, at ,"-!.UO pt·r lineal fll<·t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .... $3-1,~00.00 I i :-;ix (fi) inch cast iron gatP \'alves \\'itll L':tst iron \·a h·e box, inst<tl!t-d ill plac l', incltH1ing labor atl!l llJatt>t'ials at $a~·. oo t>:tt'h.$l,:J-10.00 1 ·1 L · ight t~) inch cast irun gate , ·afn·:-;, install ·d in plat·t·, inl'lud.illg labor and matt·J·ials, at $~·11.110 t·adl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $700.00 It'll (10) inch ~:ast iron g-at~.· Yalves, instalh·d in plan·. illclUt1illg- labor a11d matt·ria ls, at $. ll.Oll t'<H: h .. $320.00 :· 1\\'l'IVl' <1:!) inch ca!;t irou gate \':tin::.; in::.;tallt-<1 in place, including labor and matt·rial::; at $10li.UU.$!HJt.. no I:!:! six < c;) inch cast iron the hydt·ants t·ach fitted with a six (6) i 11 1.' h :t u x i I i a r y g ·a t l' \'a I n .· an d :-hut orr hox and with two (2) 1 two a11d one-half (2 :!) inch hose nuzzh·s. and c·onlll'('tt·<l to the main lt~ a. ~ix (li) inch int !'Hal diam' t~ · t· cast iron watt-r suppi~· pipe, \n·ig hing· thirly-thre' and 3 / 10 l :l ::l. :n pounds pc r 1inca I foot, illl'luding· labor and matt·rials, at ;:,120.00 ea<:h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,640.00 ~ L'onnt'ctions to L'Xisting mains, inc) uuing lauor and matt-rials at .. ua k ~trcct; l .t Highland Av en ue from Ridge Avenue to Oak Street; 111 Ct..·ntt·al A venue fr ' m Ridge Avenue to Uak Street; 111 \Yilmette A Vt·nue from Ridge Avenue to the west boundary line of the \'illag·e of Wilmette; ltl Gh·nview H.oad from \Vilmette Avenue to the west boundary line of th e Village of '\Vilmette; It: H.idg·e Avenue from the north IIOUJH..lary line to the south boundary I in · of the Village o \Vilmette: In H.ein waltl Avenue from '\Vilmette :\venue to Locust Street; Itt Locust Street from Reinwald Ave· nue to a point 215 feet north of Kenilworth Avenue; I 11 Urant Avenue from Reinwald AveIl ue to a point 215 feet north of Kl:"nilworth Avenue; In Sherman Avenue fr·om Washington Avenue to a point 215 feet uorth of Kenilworth Avenue; In Cleveland Avenu(' from \Va:shington Avenue to a point 21;) feet north of Kenilworth Avenue; ln Hancock A\'enue from \Vashington A venue to a IlOint 21;) feet north of Kt,nilworth Avenue; ln AllL'::-i AVL'llUt· from 'Vashington Avvnue to l~enilworth Avenut·: ln \\rentworth Avenue from \Vashington Avenue to Kenilworth A.Vt'nue; I 11 l·~on·st AYl'llue from 'Vashing-ton Avt·ntw to Kenilworth Avenue; Jn A.llt·s Avenue from Washington Avt · nut· to Ehnwood .Avt nue; In Uret·lt·Y Av 'nue from Lake Avenue to the north litll' of Kenilworth

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