Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Feb 1926, p. 29

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February 19, 1926 WI L ME T T E L I F 'E 29 Stage and Screen r. t News and Reviews "TI I, s I, ). !.on Chaney "·' the leadmg role, IS com- and Colleen Moore are among the pop- program given Wednesday, mg to the VIllage theatre next Mon- ular screen stars who will be seen at 24, at 2:30 o'clock. The soronty day, Tuesday, \Vednesday and Thurs-jthe Howard · theatre during the coming day, February 23, 24 and 25. week. Lon Chaney makes his appearLon Chaney has triumphed again. In ance in "The Phantom of the Opera" "The I\otre Dame" he on Monday and Tuesday, February 22 played Quasm10do, who turned half- and 23. This is one of most elaborate angel to save his beloved Cathedral: productions of the year and gives Chaa.;; "The Ph?ntom ?f Opera" he ney an opportunity to display retur.ns all dev1l to rum a ctty-f?r love. markahlc genius for character mterIt 1:- !he strangestJ. most compelling role pretation. On \Vedn e sday and Thurstamous s t ar has ever attempted; day, February 24 and 25, the th1s queer, half-mad creature about attraction \\·ill be "Soul 11ates. R1chwhom Ga s ton Leroux \YOve his ani Barthelmess wi ll be seen Friday French Classic. It is certainly the and Saturday, February 26 and 27 in ..; trange st. most breathless film produc- "The Beautiful City," his latest production the public has ever been offered. tion and Colleen will be seen "The Phantom of the Opera" is the Sunda'· in "\Ve ~f oderns." a dramatic. ... tory of a man with the gifts of a god ston· of post-war youth. and the face of a devil-and a soul, once noble, warped by his own physPLAN CLUB VIEW DAY ic c:d ugliness. It is a great study in The annual View day of the Womp-..ychology- hut it is more-it is a an' . Catholic club of \ Vilmette will he great human document told in terms he td at the Art Institute February ot- t hrill.;;- and more thrills . 24. at 11 0 'clock. ~1 rs. Pauline Palmer In addition to the feature picture will be the leader. It is hoped by the therr " ·ill h(' a. Hat Roach comedv, a committee that all the members anrl P a 1h o n""" ree I on ~~ onda\· and TUes- 1heir f ri ends will take ad ya n tage of da v a ml Pat he reyie\\' on - \ Y ed n e sda v 1his opportunity to view the ex hi hits and Tlntr~d;l\·. Tlwre " ·ill he a sprrial 110 " . current at the Institute. ~e Ph VILLAGE THEATRE 0 f · h 0 ·, at~toQl t .e pera: Wit · I1 t ion of hi~ iaea o f ~onor; stro ng in h ~s J 0 love ana tmbu ed With the true A men· can spirit-the spirit of the west-he I moves a powerfu l and commanding fig·t ure, through a drama that is epic in quaJity and strong in suspense and huMrs. Asa B. Cooley of 1258 Scot t man interest. avenue, Hubbard Woods, will open her home to the members and guests of HOWARD THEATRE · the Iota chapter · of the Mu Phi EpLon Chaney, Richard Barthelmess silon honorary musical sorority, for the T Open Home for · Program Given by M · / S' uszca orort, y C<lnt. fr o m 1 :30 to 11 P . M . Fe~ruar.y IS NOW SHOWING r . c. h e 2~, ~~nchh.ack of, th~ h~s d If If n y n th~ Jea~ure ~foore composed only of musicians who have distinguished themselves. The following artists will appear: Anna Burmeister, soprano; Margaret Farr, pianist: u Phi Trio, consi ting of \ValJy Heymar George, violinist, Lillian Pringle. 'cellist, Agnes Conover, pianist: and a vocal ensemble, Flora \\Talker. soprano, Paula Doering, soprano. and Cooley, contralto. These programs are given to augment the permanent scholarship fund from which money is taken to aid some t a lented and wor t h y stu dent each year. .. ~{ ·'THE IRO ·N HORSE" Monday "The Bad Lands" SENNETT COMEDY ,. ~Irs. 11 1 1 , ~ . .~- a.------~--·~ Th Village · eatre I 1 I I ·'· II. 1 ~ with Bert Lyteii-Aima Rubens AT NIGHT Charleston Contest 8 Piece Orchestra Wednesday, February 24 11 I j ~ your Home Theatr· """"'"'· Olanactnc Dlr·e tor r n J1 I 1 j Diseover~ and Night "THE PARASITE" with Madge Bellamy and 8 Piece Orchestra Thursday John Golden's Comedy Hit s e 3 <>'cloek "" ~I Ollcla , .. Ft>hrua n · 22. · \\·a:--hing-ton 's hi r· hd:-~,·. ~f rs. L. Hohmeyer of 246 Green - ,""in!! lo the lrn~Jth of thl' pic!tirt· the kaf aw~lUe cntsrtaincd at bridge in j """ i11n· n ·t·niwr 0 : On :- ot I 1 l A I ¥_ a a e y · y roc -.,· and Saturda,·. Fehntan· Frida 2fi an d 27 . .th e feature attraction will )1,. " .\riznn:1. s,\·eep-..take..;." \Yith Hoot Cih-..1111. Thi-.. i ~ a thrilling wc-..tern. \\·itll plentY o i hanh· ridin~ and the - 1- 1 perinrmances will begin af · I k a e s 2 f d I 11 a \. (' rt y 1- · th at er .;;, h e. en·:tt··-..t l ' f ( l " rountn· hor:--e race evrr fih nt· d Tn additi o n · thrre will he a Ch:t rlit' ('Jt ;, '" comt·rh·. "TIH' Ctwa-..~· TIn-,.,. ," a Pa' he ,.,.".' n·e I "nd a K ,.J- the 11\'XI mpetmg ot the ·- ort , It ·\ Kolnr filt n . T]w inll (\\\" in sr \\'l'l'k. .\lthtCal :-nctety .\fonday. l·e hruar~ 2- . · ? .1 ~·H I -t, t ' , 'f' I 1" T '\farrh 1. -· n,n Tr(,r .. t·. .. I ~-oI' l .f?6 I I fltll' oi the hiLrrr t·-..t production-. of th c Dr. and ).[ rs . ~·- R. ·.cc ~"· - ~attre. 1 "t\'l'tltl<.' · ·'t1t·-rta111ed at hn~ table :; ot ' t·a r. \\' l'II 1 )l' " lO \\·n . . .. .. · · bridge \\. ed nesday en~ tung 111 honor 1 HOYBURN THEATRE lli :\1 i-.:-. ).Ina \\'hite of Buffalo. " ·ho Ul'n Lyon. portraying thr role oi a i, 1he g ""' t oi her t'ous in. :--1 r s. Eccle-. \ outH.~· 111an about t0\\'11, find:-. a com ~ral taxicab driver on Broad\\·a \·. For . t lark he decides to take tilt· taxi Newe ll & R et c h i n .drin·r to Paris for a fling in the ).font l ll:trt rc . \\.!tile enjoying the triple pka-..un·:-. of \\'inc. \\·oman and song, ' tilt· t..:rl·at \\·ar break-. nut and both are ~ The Homile of Harmony I ·d r ;n \'11 into it . Thi-.. h tl ' trend li "The Kew Com Conunuous -:.. mand 111 t'lt t. ·· the }{ohert T. Kane p roEvf'ry Day~ :15 to 11 :15 · d urtinn wl1ich comes to thr Jloyhurn N. W . "L" Station at Howard the at rt· \1 ond<n·, Tursda\· and \\-ed ne-..cb \ oi next. \\'eek. Bianrhc S\\'eet ~u 1 uln~·. F (' h , 21 s t pia _ , . . ·oppo..; ite Lyon . and pnwidl· :-> the ht·art intere-.t for the filtn. Lou Tellegen - Gertrude Astor ( )n Tlmr.;;da,·. Frida\· and ~aturda~·. in :\I untl· Blue \,ill he . :--ec 11 in a new "BORROWED FINERY" produrti(ln entitled "'flH· ':\1 an l·J~ :a lso ... tair-.. ·· lt i~ a nn·:- ten· ~t0n· and ts ( ' unu-th- \\' hut·s th e \Yorld I ; :--ai<l tu l>c full of thrills and ·laugh..; . · ('umin~ Tu ~ 110110 r <II ~frs . l·annte \'i:--iting her clau).dltcr. \\.alli:--n. z.: ; l Creenkat Pa_\·n.L· will ~>.e her.e until ,IJ<' ~:-. ka \'lllg tor an t o Calif1lrnia. -o).J r:- ..-\d o lph H. Ruth r( . \\·ill. he ,,"t<l. \\.innetka. Pa\·ne \\·ho t~ I : F.,...nlngo, 7·30-11; llat. Tu .... "'"" ).f rs. Carl).( 0 . : a\·enue. . r~. I ).f arch 1 1. 1 \\'hc.n I : extent cr tnp 1 : _ - 'f of 13-tJ O\\·er ::\ hostc h Sl the s~ for : -' U u u .. 'l ut·N, t·'t·h . :.=::, \\'t- tl. :nul ThurN. :.::1, :.!4 nnd :.=:-. LON "HANEY "' iu .llutint-t· .llun. nnd 'l'ut.~s. I . , ~_ .: f ~ ~- ""Wages lo· Wives" Jacqueline Logan - Zazu Pitts Friday ALPHA PHI BENEFIT I hTHE PH·NTOM A I ~:at. wr; I OF THE OPERA" ~. I " (""· ""'"· "·"'"· Hnl Ro"·'· j 'onu·d~· ...... P:atht· n ·., ....~"·· 1 -. ""The Midshipman" with RAMON NOVARRO OUR GANG COMEDY Fables and Newa. Saturday l<' ri. :end I· ROO T GIBSON in l·'t·h. ::u nud :!i' ; 1 . ~ j ·· ARIZONA SWEEPSTAKES,. .\I No . Pnthe N ews. 2 Reel (.'hnrl ('H I ! 1 I anti Kelley i ""THE MIDNIGHT FLIER" and r-·- ·-·-~----·-·.- I I 0 wARD IH ~ 4 Aets Vaudeville Coming Mon., Tues., Mar. 1-2 ~ I I I t ' OF I ~nt .llati::::!R::~ ~- "'PHANTOM THE OPERA" ~~-·~-~-~~-~~-~-~~-.~~-~·~-~·-~~ · -~~-~~~c·~!·~~~~~~~~~~-§~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ · 4 p. m. I C hu M (' C onwtly I ~ NEW . THE EVANSTON Starting Monday BOYB'U BN Mon., Tues. and Wed. I I I THE NEW EVANSTON \ \-illiam S. Hart has a lways been :-.ignally surre"..;ful in the stories he has had ior the ~creen. hut it is doubtful 'i i a · more hanpy srlection was ever tnade than "Tumhle\Yercls." his first production for l.~nited Arti!'ltS Corporation release. which is coming- to the Kc\\· Evanston th ~ atre next 11onrlay ior a week's r u n. Centering about the {!r eat rush fo r land rlaim~ in the Cherokee La n d Stri)) hetween Kan.;;ao; and Oklahoma in 1889, t h e stor~· In· Ha l G. E \·arts has heen made into a thri ll ing screen drama h y C. G a r dner S ulli van. . Tn the r ole of Don Carver, a \\·IIHI hitten "1 u m hl ewced" -a rovin!! co,vhoy an d range b oss of t h e B ox K .R~ n ge. Bi ll H a rt is cast in a part t h a t 1s tdeal · for hi s particul a r type of c h aracter .. I ovahl e. fea rl rss, q ui ck to fi g h t 111 def~ n se of th e d istresse d or in vin dica- I 1 I ' I I I ~ \l u n .· Tut- s ., l ·' t·h , :.!:.!-:.!:l I I ; i I · Lon Chaney ... f William S. Hart returns to the Screen in in BLANCHE SWEET BEN LYON "THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA" ( ' cmu-cl~-'l' lit- l<' ighting· UudtUINO l'THE NEW COMMANDMENT" Christy Comedy Firat Run News Weekly Thurs., Fri. and Sat. \ .\ ' t·d ., 'lluars., Ft.·h. 24-:.::. I ~ c.. I I _a_a_a_r_·_·_·_a--.,_.,. \\' illi:un l<' ux t·rodut.·tiou I I I ' ~ "SOUL MATES" niMo ( ·o nu·th -Trhuuu·d l<'ri.-~ut.. in ( ~ ultl I I i "Tumbleweeds" AN EPIC OF THE WEST Note: This is not a Cowboy Picture, but Historic of the Co-vered Wagon Days. MONTE BLUE in l<' t"h. !:U-:.!7 i . ··THE IRON HORSE" I I i _ "THE MAN UPSTAIRS" Also BOBBY VERNON All North Shore Trala· St op Howal"d at , -,_ Wm. S. Hart at His Beat "GOOD RECEIPTS"

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