Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Feb 1926, p. 26

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WILMETTE LIFE February 19, 1926 Gregory Resurfacing Realty Board Endorses , Hearing Is Postponed 100 Percent Vote Plan A p u b lic hearing on the proposed rcThe regular monthly dinner and :-;uriacing of Greg-ory a,·enue was ad - 1 business meeting of the North hore journed by the B o ard of Local Im - Real Estate Board \Yas held ~1onday, proYcmcnts from Tuesday of this week February 15, at the Lake Shore 'l'crto Tue sday evening, ).J arch Hi. A group race, \Vinnetka. of Gregory avct~l!e prot.>erty ?"·neTs A very intere s ting report o f the ).[id\rho appeared at I u e:-; day s hcarmg rc - \\'inter convention of real estat e board s que ;-; ted the adjournment in order that held at .Kew Orlean s wa s read hy they might confer with expert s relative Pre s ident Jlill, who attended a s dele to s curing the best possible material gate. for the contemplated resurfacin g job. Clark '1'. 1\"orthrup o i \\-inn e tka \r as These property O\Yncrs will also lwld elected to honoran· lllL' Illhersllip in a conference with hoard men· hers \\·ith the hoard in recog.nition (~i hi" ~ er the purpose in mind oi working- out a ,·ice s to and interest in thL· hoard o\·l·r ~ati :- iactory plan for the impron.·nH.' llt. a period of many year :-.. The meeting- unanin1ou~l .\ · e nd o rsed r. and :M rs . B. H. Knapp, al. o Mr. and }.J rs Louis A. Clark. formerly re s - the \\'ilm e tte Forum plan ior 100 per idents of \\'i lmettc. now of the Or- cent voting- and \Yill send pkd g e rington hotel. Evan s ton, arc spending blanks to a 1 its met11her~ in onkr to ).f \\'hat is ·characterized a s ~omcthing it~ practical citizen s hip is prom, iscd in the meeting at the OuilnH·t te IIC\\' Wilmette's Future Will C ·Be · Topic ' M att · g tttzens ee tn .... Countn· Club Tue sday, ).!arch 9. " ·hen cn' n · -citize n o f \\' ilmcttc is i_ m ·ited \\·lw · is in any \\·ay inter es ted 111 the future progrc~ s o f the villa ge . The them e of the meetin g \r ill h e an appraisal of the \\' il_ mctt c () J til l' pre s ent and a fo rc ca ~ t lc?_r a plantH:_d future it is explained. \ tllage Prn t ~ dent Earl E. Orner \Yill hL· one t~t the s peak e r s and ha~ chosen a-.. 111-subje c t. "Xot a Crcater But a l~t· ttt-r \\' ilmette ". The other s peaker \\ 111 hv announced later and will talk on pla ~· grounds. schools or a prop os ·d l·c·nlll tUnity center . For some time memhn~ < 11 t I! t· Countrv Club have "han~ d in the gen eral irc for \\.ilnwtt_ L' to he up and doing-somewhat lik e \\'innl'tka on the north and E,· an ~ tott (Jn the :-.outh it is explained in the annoutH' t· mcnt 'of the ).farch 9 meeting. A ci,·ic-.. committee \\·as accorcli11gly appuintl'fl In · the hoard of director-.. and \\·ill han' charge of thi . meeting. The ).farch 9 meeting \\·ill l>t' t· ntircl~ · non - partisan in ch;d·artt.'r. ritizell:-are as~urcd. and tiH'rl' \\·ill nf rour->t· he no admission charge. Opponu11ity yill ht· gin·n for open di-..nt....-..ioll and qttl' "t ion..: The Ci,·ir-.. ro1111nittt- or thC' Countr~ · rluh. at a mccti11g .Jf<,tHby t·vvning en dorsl·cl th<' 100 per rent \ ' oting meeti11g to he IH·Id at the l'en tra I ra i t' kria. ).f at-ch 1S. and ur!.,:'cd that a.... many cluhmemhrr-; a'> po -. ._ihly could. to at end the -.c.;;~ion . I' ~ the remainder of the \\·inte r in Lo s Angeles. help the .plan along. HOSTESS AT BOX PARTY P. Van Schaack of 614 Linden a H'n ttl' entertained a group 0f friends at a hox party at the Chicago Symphony orchestra. concert T u esday afternoon. February 16. Her guests \\'ere ~ f i->s Grace Edwa r ds, an d Mi ss :\throne \'an Schaack of Eva n ston , .J l rs. Charles E. Ka hl ke, a nd M r s. J ocph Capps, of Chicago, a n d ~ f rs. Edward Yon k e r s of \ Vi lme tt e. Thl' Friends hi p circle is g ivi n g- a da nee at Comm u nity H ouse, W in n etka. on ~aturday e\·ening, Febru ary 27. ). f u sic will he fu r n is h ed by ·Meek's orc h estra . -o~fr. and .Jfrs. Carl 0. \ Vall iser. 251 Green leaf a Ycn u e, arc r ecetvmg- cong r at ul ations upon the birth of a hahv da u ghter, B;:trhara Alice, born J anuary 16. - 0- ~r rs . C. HORNER PIANO CO. Pianos Pho~og~aphs dc . . . ... ... ... Radio Headquarters for .. ZENITH RADIO 15 21 Sherman Ave. Phone Greenleaf 464 That we know how to serve is best determined by the many tvhom we have served OBSERVE BIRTHDAYS Josiah :\. Pancoa:->t and her 1\n> birthday~ ocrurred in the home daughter, ).fis s .J[ary Helen Pancoa~t. 1301 Gn' l'll\\'ood a \·cnuc, w.k! re ho s - of Dr. F.d,\·arli Cummi ske,- at- 13.~ te~sc-. at a tea given on Thursday Elmwoo<l aYcnuc on Febru;:;rv 14. for afternoon. February 11. hoth Dr . C'utnmiskrv and !;is small da U. !.!.h t cr Kat heryn, ·who wa~ 6 years old. rl'h·hratcd ~aturdav afternoon \\-i th ;t rhildren':.... party for about 1() oi l'athen-n\ little it ietHl~. The decorations ~H·re in bright colors, and Consult with Smart t h ~· r l'i r <: :-. 11 men t s Y e r y s u g g- c s t i v e of ~t. \ ' ah-ntine. The children had a de& Golee in regard light iul time playing· ganH.·-... and dane~r rs. mg. .. 4 · to all matters of rea] . .. v ... UNDERTAKER Our Sitnple Creed To strive constantly to establish ourselves high in the estimation of those requiring our service To perform our tasks in such a way as to lighten the burden of sorro\v that the bereaved must bear. estate and building exterminated In Overstuffed Furniture by XTERMX proceaa of fumigating and treating. Furniture returned guaranteed free from Infe-station, odor'"!\s and thoroughly vacuumed. · · finance. ~.II ~1l~~RNrvttl~!91i~ · ~J Our Litnousine Hearse Its beauty, simplicity and quiet elegance, together with the entire absence of depressing and sombre atmosphere has made a tremendous appeal to the discriminating public. We have served tn our profession and have lived on the North Shore 19 years. NEW Sales and Service Station 6017 Broadway, Chicago · ... 1124 Central Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 654 Marmon North Shore Ph. Longbeach 6428 Open Evenings and Sunday ...

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