18 WILMETTE NEXT WEEK IN WILMETTE (Recorded at the Chamber of Commerce) Friday, February 19 7 p. m. Junior dinner-dance, Guilmette Country club. 7 :30 p. m. Wilm~tte chapter, R. A. M., Masonic hall. 8 p.m. Wilevansbrook Encampment, No. 177, I. 0. 0. F., Odd Fellow's hall. Saturday, February 20 7 :30 p. m. to 10 p. m. Juvenile dance, 6th, 7th and 8th grades, Guilmette Country club. Sunday, February 21 7 :30 p. m. Sunday Evening club, Congregational church. Monday, February 22 Washington'" birthday. Tuet ~ ...y, February 23 12 :15 p. m. Wilmette Optimist club, Lake Shore Terrace. 8 :15 p. m. Guilmette Council, No. 922, Knights of Columbus, Odd Fellow's hall. 8 :30 p. m. Tuesday Community dance, \Voman's club building. W edneaday, February 24 12 :15 p. m. \Vihnette Rotary club. Guilmette Country club. Thursday, February ZS 7 :30 p. m. Wilmette lodge, No. 931, A. F. and A. M .. Masonic hall. 8 p. m. A. T. Sherman lodge, No. 892, T. 0. 0. F .. Odd Fellow's hall. Friday, February 26 7 :30 p. m. \Vilmette chapter, .R. A. M ., Masonic hall. LIFE JUNIOR DANCE TONIGHT February 19, 1926 I Guilmette Country club juniors and their guests will thr01ig to the club this evening for the Junior dinner-dance which will be one of the outstanding social events of their season. The College Crew from Chicago univer ity will provide the music for the evening. Dr. and :Nlrs. Donald M. Gallic returned to their home at 1115 Elmwood avenue after a delightful cruise to warm southern climates. After a short stay in Washington, they ,,·ent on to New York to sail from there on the Toloa for Havana. From there they went to Jamaica and on to Costa Rica, to Panama, to !\cw Panama, then hack to Havana and 1\ew York. Marries in June ··, ) -o- · ~ Mrs. S. 1!. Dingee, 926 Lake avenue, her d~ughter, Miss Annie Dingee, and Mrs. Sam Dingee of \Vausau, \Vis., left \\· ednesday for Biloxi, Miss., where the~· will spend the remainder of the " ·inter :--l'a:--on. :\1 rs. Sam Ding-ee joined her husband there. -0- of 61 () Lake avenue cntert'"ai;lcd the ~fen\ \Vhist dub ~{on day evening. The men will hold their next meeting at . the home of Arthur J. Taylor. 835 Central avenue, ~[on day en·ning. ~farch 1. -0- :\. l. ~f on at Photo by Ray MARY HELEN PANCOAST FUTURE MEETINGS Monday, March 1 8 p. m. ~r eeting, Chamber of Commerce, Village hall. $19.50 store. Fragrant spring flowers, American Beauty roses, and hcarb, artisticallY arranged. and strains of harp musi"c played by .Dorothy Bell added their charm to the beautiiul reception giYcn at the Pancoast home, 1301 Greenwood -0avenue, Thursday afternoon, February :\Irs. E. P. Fatch, 611 \\.·ashington 11, when Mr. and :Mrs. Josiah A. PanaYenue. will spend the coming week- coast announced the engagement of end as the guest of her mother, Mrs. their daughter, Miss Mary Helen, to Judson M. Stone, son of 1f r. and :\f r:-:. Louise Bruno. of Downer's Grove. Judson F. Stone of 1234 Ashland an·:\[rs. HarrY Gri. wold and Mrs. Richard X. ·Tordan of the Linden Crest apartme.nts arc leaving Monday to visit }[ rs. George Murdoch in Davenport. Iowa. They will he away about a week. . . .. nuc. :\f rs. Pancoast and her daughter and Tudson F. Stone were in the rtcciYit;g line and as . isting \\·ere :\lr . Arthur Hammond, 1f rs. \\'illis Hutson. ~frs. R. E. Pattison Kline, ~Irs. Bart(lll Little. ~frs. John R. Cochran. and 'Mr-.. Henr~· Jonas. Assisting at the tea table \H're the foil owing sorority . ister..., of ~fi~~ Pancoast. the ~fi:-.->e-. 1\aomi Sloan. 1Telen DYche, Vivian Holme . , Beat rice Pank. · ~f arv Louise Gent, . :\f arrdite ~f elind. ~r aclcline TTammmHI. Virginia TholliJhOn, and ~~ r ..... Ru~...,c-11 Chandler. The wedding '"ill take plare in June . :\fr~ > ~ · .lll Tame~ fall(l\\"a\·. who ha-> heen ill in th(· Evan"tc'n ho~pital \\·ith ptH'tttnonia ior about 1\\·o \Yeek:-;, ha"' returned to the home of hi . mother, 11rs. A. \\'. Cal)(,\\·ay. <·i r127 Ele,·cnth :--tn·et. -oGo via the picturesque St. Lawrence to all important European ports. Scenery, eervice, and Old World charm join banda to make your trip enjoyable on a Canadian Pacific Empress or Monoclau (one class) Cabin steamship Dr. C;1rl Duth Campbell oi Tul:--a. ( )kla .. \\ lw is taking a :--pl'cial dei1tal cour-.e ior children at thl' Xorthwe~tern Dental college. :--pent Sunda,· a~ the ~ttt!'-t (,f ~fr:-;. Albert :\.. ~frKcighan of 1025 Creenka f aYenue. This Comfortable Coxwell Chair with . olid mahogany frame and coven·d in a selection of fine mohairs. i~ typira 1 of values to be found in lounging chairs at Br0\n1- Cmlandt 's. The price is By th_e short sea routs to Cherbourg, Southampton, Hamburg. liverpool, Antwerp, Belfast and Glasgow. Arrange your trip NOW to saU from Montreal or Quebec. Only 4 daya on the open sea. Further informatioa from local steamship agents or H . . H. 1<;1\\'orlhy, Steamship General ~ Ag-(·nt, 71 E. Jackson Blvd., Tel phone Waha~h 1!)04, Chicago, Ill. . W. A. Kittermash'r, Gen. Agt. Freight 1 )l·pt., t·4o The Hookery, Chicag-o, Ill. Do you know that you can own a H A R T 0 I L BURNER as low as (50.00 down and about $2 5.00 oer month? · ., I ~ $59.00 Brown-Umlandt Furniture Co. 1567 SHERMAN -'\ \'EXUE Telephone University QJOO E\.AXSTO~. Canadian Pacific . HART OIL BURNER CO. 1514 Sherman Ave. EVANSTON Greenleaf 1752 - . .. . . L. ILLINOIS '142 Elm St. WINNETKA Winn. 1146 ..-..__. I.. ~JIJJIJJIIIJJJIJJIIJIJIJIJJIIJIIIIIIUIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ --· __ - _,.. J