February 19, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE ----------------------~~~ · ------------------~-- · t ' ·f': ' ' 1-. I .. . ~ · · ast xpans1on iiiJq dvanced uipment ~~ .ew rices oss · e 1925 was the greatest year in Dodge Brothers history. More than a quarter of a million Dodge Brothers Motor Cars were built and sold, yet demand was far in excess of production-and continues to mount. To meet this world-wide need for a smart and dependable motor car, Dodge Brothers, Inc., have recently completed a $10,000,000 program of expansion, vastly increasing production and lowering the cost of manufacture. Remarkable new machine equipment has also been installed costs and perfecting quality. further reducing As a result Dodge Brothers. Inc., were enabled on January 7th, to announce a schedule of prices that has revolutionized all previous standards of motor car value. Prices all the more impressive because they apply to a dependable and trusted product made still better in many vital respects- e . ..... .,..... I I f · . · .· a I · Engine operation incredibly smooth and quiet. .. .; . t Instant engine response and elasticity . Stylish new bodies finished in rich and distinctive colors. Exceptional driving vision. And the most important advance tn steel body construction stnce Dodge Brothers pioneered in building the first all-steel body. t. I ·. ·. ... Touring Car Roadster Coupe Sedan Delivered -$862.00 861.00 914.00 968.50 .+ ~. l .· c. M . McDONALD EVANSTON University 224 1019 Davis Street DCDEiE- BR.IJTHER.S MDTDR C:ARS ----------------------~·~------------------------~~-