Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Feb 1926, p. 12

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WILMET T E LIFE F ebruary 19, 1926 TRY a· s. T bue is nothing like find ing out things for your!:df. We would rather ha ve you try our food than tell you how good it is. Satisfy yourself. St. John's Teams Will Find 'New Garbage Begin Work Soon Play Again Monday Night Disposal System on Sheridan Road The St. Joh n 's basketball teams have , · Is Not F eastble Paving at Ravinia booked games with strong Chicago Of interest to the motorist who uses Sheridan roaa trequenuy in his travels; also the automobilist-m u siclover who frequents the rustic beautv of Ravinia Park in the summer month-s during the opera season, .is the an: !louncement hy Anton ]. Cermak, prestdent of the County board, that a !'ection of Sheridan road between Highland Park and Glencoe will be under con truction in a few weeks. This road, part of State Road R-42, has been in poor condition for some time. The construction includes the building of the bridge at the south village limits of Highland Park. According to present plans it . should be co~pleted and ready for traffic in June, pnor to the opera season. Paving of the County line road from Sheridan road, to the Green Bay road will be started directly after the oper~ season at the park. As one link is utilized as a spur or detour while the other is improved, it is the desire of Mr. Cermak to work on one at a time. The County board president believes it unwise to interfere with Sheridan road traffic during the summer months. The port!on of Sheridan road through Glencoe ts also to be paved in the ncar f uturc, it is said. fives for :M onday evening, February 22, at the Howard gym'. There is no admission for these games and sp"ort lovers in the vi llage are invited to witnt;ss the contests. . Mon~ay of ~his week the St. John's hghtwctghts tnmmcd the Glenview Eagles, 29 to 12. The lights have not been dcfeated ,this season though they have engaged some of the be s t tl' ' ms in their class in Chicago and on the north shore. 11rs. George Dorman of 622 Central av~nue is entertaining at luncheon and hndgc at the Guilmette Countrv dub next Monday in honor of her n;ot her ~rs. \Villiams IJ'olmrs, who i~ depart~ mg March 1, for a vi~it of six weeks or longer in Ne\\· York. Pawturkd. and Salisbury, 1-1d. Tempting Service MAC'S Bowling Lunch 11 --o1'1rs. John Campbell of 815 Lake avenue. gave a n:ry delightful dinner a~d bndge party to a group of her fne~1ds on Saturday evening, February 13, 111 honor of 1\11 r. Campbell's birthday. A . M . to Midnight 59 Wilmette Avenue 1I A SETH T nm·us Westminster Chime . t $50 .00 TAXES Special . \~~es:-.ments now due, pay at the Village I fall and ~ave tin1e and n1oney. un.la~· In anticipating the time, di~tant not more than a year or t \VO, when . \Viimette will have to find some other method of garbage disposal than the present hog-f ceding system, Village Trustees W. \V. DeBerard and Clar ence E. Drayer have been inve ~ tigatin g a new type of reduction plant at Scar~ dale, N. Y., now in overation al){)ut two years. Information ha s been received rect:ntly hy the trustee . indicating rat her clearly, it i. s aiJ, that Scarsdale ha-., been having trouble in adapting to American conditions this proc<:~ .., inl ported from Italy and knmn1 tht·rt· a-, the · Becarri proces s. The llll't hod j.., to fill concrete cells tight, cxrl'pt at tht· to > for gasse~ to escape, and ll()ldill ).!' many ton~, \\·ith raw garhag<: and al lowing it to ferment for about a Jnnn th. Even when the period of fermentation ,,·as extended to SO da ,·s , t ht· l'lld product of humus. readih· ·u . . ahk ;t.., ;t iertilizer, did not develop·. To add to the troubles o i t hi . . fi r.., t .> f the tqH~ in this countrY. \\TaltlJ,· residents · liYing near the - ~rar-,d;d~· plant, brought ~uit nn account of (,<J,,r . . and have appa rcnth· been -,urn· . . . , i ul in abating it, for a. dcri-,ion ha~ lHT il handed dmn1 giving the rit\ i1'11 :· months in which to cstahli . . h ;lll"t hn type plant. ~fiss Fannie ~f. Pratt, 41.:; Jlr ;tir!t· an·tnte. had a~ her guc..;t..; la-,t ,,.t'l'k. her sister, 1frs. A. P. ~farla \' u1 Dubuque, Iowa, and 1\lfr~. Alirt·d ( · Kennedy of Omaha, Neb. .l ' .. t · I . , "· ·C: · ~~ ~ . ~ ., .J l .. -oUrs. Jol111 1~. '1IacFarbnd oi .;-l Crescent place is leaving t lw b ttn part of the week for K trw:- ha. \ ,. i ...... where she \Yilt be the gm·-.,t 1 ,i ht r sister, ~{ rs. B. Barrows. ' ... . . . J Cf'he Chimes ofa Seth Cf'homas 1oill hringFr~endliness into your Home No other article ta kes so .im portant a place in t he home as a wellchosen clock. It carries with it an atmosphere of welcome. It a dds . ,, touch. a Ill" 1ve d-In There are so many new and finely fashioned S E TH T H OM A S clock designs that descriptions are inadequate. You must see them to realize what they will mean to any room in your home. CHIME 90 A new creation in a ch ime cloclc b,. Seth T~o mas. Beautifully to ned arran«ement of ch1 me no tes. Heralds each quarter of tho h our on a ccurately t uned roda. T wo- toned !Dahogan y O&M. Hei&h t 9 inches. Base 21J{ 1ocb es ...··· ·· , , , , , · , , , , , , ·,,,,, ,$6(),()() Vill.age Hall will bt: open Satafternoons until Marrh 13th. E. 1T. I<ERR, Village Collector. -o~I r and 11 rs. Phillip L Sigger .... · I ~.n H1ghland avenue, entertained t ht·ir brother, R. Calvert, on:r the wt:~:k - t · nd . ~[r.. F. F. Birr of 504 1[apk -o- ;l\ L' nue entertained tlw ofticcrs oi tl w "Daughter:> of the ~ile" at lunrht·on Friday, February 12. CHIME 9S (Dil 6rack.t ) Where a mantel is n ot available, thisclocll with a bracket has proven very popular. · With full Westminster C h ime movement $42.00 W ith h our and halfhour strike . . . . . . . $22. 60 Bra<:ket . , · ·· · .. $4 .00 JtfzJJJ!:. SMOKED FILLETS Finnan Haddie has always been a general favorite Smoked Fil_Iets are even more so because there i~ no waste. .s~1n and bones removed- all solid meat. a most dehc1ous and appetizing food. .... Special for SaturdayBooth's Genuine Cod Fillets 35c per lb. TELEPHONE WILMETTE 6 49 NO TOLL DOMINIC PAGLIARULO . JEWELER AND OPTICIAN W almette Avenue Phone 1061 ~Q~;I)tiJ Ft~ft,;\R 1£ S:~ Cl~lYJ.e ~.Y ( 15 57 SHERMAN AVENUE Evanston

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