February 19, 1926 WI~METTE LIFE 7 ·· J ' ,, . { II ~ · ,. I Tuesday and Wednesday -February 23rd and 24th Visit our store next Tuesday and Wednesday, February 23rd and 24th. You will find we've made special effort to feature unusual values on these two days. Please remember the quantity on all items are limited, and while we expect to have enough for two days sale, you may save yourself being disappointed by coming the first day if possible. ·I Fine Quality Gingham, 27-inch, limited quantity · # 9172yd. LC 1 All-Linen Household Towels · Size 18x27 4 for $1 . ., . . · Full size, good quality Sheets, $1 ea. either 72x90 or 81x90 Larg~ size Bath Towels 3 for . $1 exceptionally good quality, bordered. Pillow Cases at 4 for . . . . $1 either 42 or 45 inch width HeavyWeight Mangle Cloth 3 yds. $1 finished especially, 45 inches wide ·~ Large Feather Pillows at $1 each filled with new feathers. Fine Quality White Nainsook 5 yds. for $1 for underwear. Women's Flannelette Gowns, $1 ea. formerly sold frotn $1.50 to $2. Unbleached 36-inch Muslin, 8 yds. $1 for general household use. Full length ruffled Curtains, $1 pair novelty materials with generous ruffles. Curtairi Marquisette, 3 Yz yds., $1 either with white or colored dots. . . ~ Genuine Imported All-Silk Pongee, 2 yards for $l Fast-Color Rayon Tub Silk, 2 yds. $1 many attractive new patterns. 45-inch White Oil Cloth, 372 yds. $1 good quality and smooth finish. Plain ColoredPlisseCrepe, 372 yds.$l fine quality, pink, white, peach, etc. a. NOTION ITEMS Coats Sewing Thread, 2 doz. for $1 any size, either black or white. Women's Silk Hose, 2 pairs for $1 slight irregulars of $1 quality. Large size Oil Mops, 2 for ··· $1 readyoiled for use. Gingham Apron-Dresses, $1 each fast colors, all ~izes, several styles. Fast Color, 36-inch Prints, 4 yds. $1 for children s dresses, One doz. White Toilet Tissue, $1 Shopping Baskets, 2 for ··· $1 strongly made, large handles. aprons etc. Kotex, no phone orders or deliveries 3 boxes for $1 ,. Rag Rugs, "HitandMiss"pattem Size 18x36 2 for $1 THE WOBTBEM·CABBICO 1146-48 WILMETTE AVE. PHO_ NE WIL. 588 co.