Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Feb 1926, p. 6

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WILM.ETTE LIFE · DRA~A ~kin February 19, 1926 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OFFER Exceptional Sale of FOod · T·uesday 23rd and Wed·nesday 24th Dozens of Dollar D a y Bargains too numerous to itemize! So watch our display \vin: do\Ys for a fe\v examples of ottr bargain da)· offerings in don1estic and in1ported foods. Those of our regular patro~s an ma~kind,wmbmk~ks in each and everyone of them. The "Passing of Third Floor Back" to Be harassed landlady as well as her Presented by New Trier Players This "guests," realizes the golden rule. From Saturday unhappy enemies, they become a family of kindly, helpful friends . By H. E . D. Firat Serious Drama "The Passing" of the Third Back", the second play to be given by the ~layThe sermon in this drama is very ers of ~ C\Y Tril'r. will be presented eYident: charity and love begets only at the ~e\Y Trier auditorium, Satur- kindness. This is the first serious play day. Fl·bruary 20, at 8 o'clock, with of the year at New Trier. It speak:> the following cast: well for the Players that they are able :\ satyr. Carl Keith: a coward . . · · \Yhitfield cook: a bulh·, \Varren s to gtve tt. Howe\·er, smc~ the Player :> Seibold; a shrC \\·, \ ' irgit1ia Hannah: represet~lt the. most e~penence~ mema h~s sy, Eunice Stoddard: a rog-ue hers _ ot _ t~1e Drat~nat~c. clt!b, . m f~C.t. Dand Rumsey: a cad. Stephtn lJar- form a s.eparate umt \\htch ts supp<?:-,C:d \\·ood: a cat. Jlclen Bro\\·n: a snob, to be capable of better yr?ducttot:s Emilie Durham: a ~tut. Constance than the rest of. the club, tt IS ccrtam Yon\\'ellcr: a cheat. \ ·: rginia Jiaight: I that. tile pla~ will be a fine success. a pas~er-by. the "third iloor hark". ~ltssJ Ela ~tanwood has been spc.:ndRohert Kcm·on. ing several \\'eeks coaching the pla~· It i:- L'llCO~traging to k tW\\. that t hc~c with the re sult that during this Ia . t character~ do n<?t remain thl' ~amc type ,,·eek, only the last;_lwur polishing ha -.. throughout the plaY. although the roles been nece ssary. \\ tth her fine coachare played by the same 1 ;eople. The in.g. ~he Player _inteq?rct the d_ram.a stor~· takes place in a London board- \nth 1ts full mcanmg ol human kmdhing hou~ e . the landladv of which is ness. Since only onl' pcriormancc i..; rharactized as "a cheat". to be giYen. tickl'ts are now being . <·ld HaYing to grind out hrr existence at such a rate that it i · po itiYe that a by keeping roomers and boarders of Ycry re::-ponsin· and sympathetic authe non-paying, bluffing sort, ha s not dience \Yill gin· their enthu:-ia-,tic ~up tended to sweeten her dispo ition. She port. fares eYrryone \Yith susvicion and consequently. is her. elf treated in like Give Schultz Power in. manner. Ilcr little maid is a girl from Granting Use of Hall th e "industrial school" and is a general little slaYey around the house. ReC. C. Schultz. superintendent of pubcei,·ing icw good things into her life. lic work::-, has been Yested '"ith full au and expecting eYrn less-she neyerthe- thorit,· to u e his own discretion in thL· less reYeals a de _ire to he finer than matte~ of giYing permis~ion tn inquir the 'Ort of liie she lead=- '"ill allo"· her ing parties desiring_ the u-;e oi the Yil !O OL. Into thi=- housrhold of distrust- lage hall for meeting purpose .;; . Her tomg. catty. grasping natures. comes one fore ~fr. Schultz has reierred ..,uch in "·l~o has a personality _o powerful. _o quirie ~ to the Village hoard. The ma tqmd. and withal so iorceful. that just ter came up at this time as a result oi hy l11s presenct: among them. he suc- the Public Library rrque.-.ting pcnni . . ceeds in al:~olutely ' changing their sion for the use of a room for the meetrhararter:'. Kmdness, courte-;,·, the will ing of the north shore librarian .... to see onl~· what is good ari.d admir- Thursday. which re quc. t "·a.- granted SERIOUS ., .. , ~~ \' . ·· .. · ·~ . who arc ac- Come Here to Shop for Better Things to Eat Miss Cassidy of H . J. Heinz Co. tvill be with us all next week and tt'ill demonstrate customed to place their orders arc by telephone in vi ted CITY MARKET CO. 627 Main Street Phone: Wilmette 1870 Wholesale-MEATS-Retail cordially to VISit this s t o r e T~tesday and Wednes - Eat the Best in Meats and Fish Pay Low Prices . . .: day and make a per6onal selection. To describe this sale over the wire \vill be impossible- since tt IS so all inclusive. SPECIALS for FRI. and SAT., FEB. 19-20 --Young pork Loins, Half or Whole · 2 7c '· Varieties. t h eir tt6.S1" WILMETTE Groeery & Market Redke Brothers 1142-1144-1146 Central Avenue 6 Phones Wilmette 420 to 425 Spring Lamb Legs, lb.. 35c Young Roasting Chickens ··. 42c Native Rib Roast Beef Choice Cuts 40c Strictly Fresh Eggs In Cartons ·· 33c Wilson Certified Hams, lb. 32V2c Best Creamery Butter 1 lb. Prinb 49c FISH SPECiALS FOR LENT Fancy White Fish, lb. Sliced Halibut Steak New Holland Herring, lb. Fancy Norway Mackerel Smocked Fillet of Haddock

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