Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Feb 1926, p. 5

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February 12, 1~26 WILMETTE LIFE 5 t · CLUB PRODUCTION ACCLAIMED BIG HIT ___ J. F. Kletzing Enters Bond, Insurance f·ield ] o~iah F. Kletzi11g, 522 \Vashington who until recently was principal of th~ Ravens,,·ood school, in Chi; cago, wl11ch post he had held for 4~ years. has entered the investment and insurance bu:-.incss. lie is associated " ·i t!1 Peter A. ~Iortenson, former supcrintcndent of :chools in Chicago, ~,· ith an offl~c in_ the I farris 'L'ru:->t h_uild11~g ... ~rr. l'I:tztng ha::-. been a re.stdent ot \\ d111ctte tor lllany year:-. and t:, well kno\\·1.1 lwre . II;· ha:-; l>e_cn an . out~tandmg fig-ur~ _m educatiOnal ctrcle . .; 111 and about ( l11ca ~o for a quart r of a century. an~nue, Large Cast Presents "In· Old · , . I VIenna at Byron Stolp School 'This Week --- Oncc more the \\'ilmettt' Opera and IJr~ma club has stag·cd a production H"htch delighted audicnet..·s and proved a huge ucccs s. Their late-;t is "In Old Vicuna," a tunciul musical con1cdy. \\·llich they prc . . <:ntcd 'l'u(' sday, \\'cdne sdav and Tlltlrsda,· oi this \Yee k at the B)·ron Stolp ~ch~ ol. The . . how wa s given under the at. ..,piccs of \\.ilmcttc Chapter 753, 0. E. S .. and the proceeds went to the iund that org-anization i. rai s ing fnr the purpo~c uf ithtalling an organ in thl· 111.'\\' ~[a;;onic temple. Those who witne~<;t·cl tilt· 'lla,· all 1 agret·d that C\"ery part ""a" " ·ell- ca:-..t and that all playl·d their parh exceptionall~ \\t"ll. 'fhL· \\·hole production ran smoot hh· and ~cemed abo\· the aH' r<~ge ama~teur p~·rfonnanre .. It ,~·as Jlrarttcall~· I I CupidS First Choice! JOHNSTON'S \/' alentine Candies why Johnston's Candies are the inevitable first choice for Valentine's Day. Many other candies for you to choose from. 1 1 I F. E. CLERK GOES EAST Frederick E. Ckrk. :-.uperintt:ncknt ! C UPID knows through experience-That's of ~e\\' Trier High school left Tues- 1 clay ·e,-ening oi thi-, \\Tek for a two i 1 ,._ cek-: trip in the l·:a-,t. ,,·here ht: will ! ,·i:-..it ,·ario u s educational in-,tittttion:-;. , , I le \\·ill a·bo attend a lli<Tti~lg oi the . d~·partn~en_t of ~ch()ol_ -, upl'nnte1~d~nh ' (JJ t_hc ;\<~t10nal l'.dur_atton_a l a~soetatJOn, ':·h1ch \\·111 be hclft 111 \\ a-,11lngton. D. I1('Xt \n:ek. l \ ·· 1 Ridge Avenue Pharmacy C. C. Renneckar Opposite St. Joseph Church Phone 316 11ll1H·""11>1 ..: tfl l>trl, 111... di\·idual -,tar-, ;t:-; all the lt·ading parts \\t'rt· .., 0 \\Til plan·d ;1.., tc· makl' rom- pari -,on d i ffi c u It. , ~I;~t..,;t~\~\~e~d~n~l;· s;d;a;~; · . ;;;;;:;;;~;:;;::;:;;;;;;;;;:~~~~;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;::~~~::;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ;:::::;~~~~;;;;;;;~ Play Has Large Cast ( - - - - - - - - - ---~ - -- r, ____ TlH· r:ht. in <·rder of appearann·. a-; follo\\'s: I ~[r. and ~l_r:-... _\\ · \\ · \\'ln: t:lc>ck re- I t11rned_ to Kl'ntl\\·onh 1rn111 Florida 1 -----.-- . -- ,,.:t.., ll :t lls ::\lai .. r·. propr ·ic· tc·l · c,f \\'urtzc·l- 1 pr:t··tt·t· Inn. Ed. T. \\'in:~.c · ll. Loni '-': t. a · ,. ;titrc·~s. EY1 · l~· n Por·t; C'aptain 1-.:insld, ' ' I ' Jli,.f cd' l>t't('(: ti\'t ·~. ::\Ta:-· Jand ( "hal'"'"'·: J:umsld :t!Hl Hurnski. Kinsld's llll'll. .-\rthur C'ook and HolH'r·t J) _ I :-;IIlith; .J . .lc·nnison .TO!lt'~, a.<1Yvrtisint:; ··:-tH·r·t, < : . \'in.:-il Ll·wi~; gyp~:-· dalll'i·r, l:lilllll" Hif't> ; .Jig-o, a Hungarian 1-!;yps:-·. All the new M C Ca11 Patterns are here in a great variety 1 t;:war·t ('ook; Tiona, a g:-· ps:-· g·i rl. ('hri~tr·ns,·n: Arthur C'r· · font. an .\tltt·r·icn n artist, ('}arke F. :\lair·: .Tune l'· ·nnington, an Am<'rican lwin·ss, · ; r: 11 ·, · :\ r c ( ·or m at' li: : .To n as I f. I '.- n n i n !.:. tllll. prc'}H'iPtor of "P<>tf'l' Pipt>r l'i<-\\ -111. l!;tl"· \, l· ·s." Ha~· mon<l Lun<l~trolll: Lad~· \' i \"ian V<·lancy, n n English widow. ('. Shaw: Tourists. bu1g···rs. \ 'i·· Jtll· ·sf' nHlid<· ns. "'·nit .. rs :tnd Jt,,r·tth~ · of early spring offerings. All :....' psit·s: :\f1ril·l111t> :\lorg-an, .:\liet· John- 1 ~··II. l·:,···l _,· n .Johnson, Claflys <;a.tPs, ,, M c C a 11 designs l·:dith \\'hitt·hill, ~Iil<lr<'cl Holntes, Ann < ."flc·lanll, Dorothy Hose, 1\'farian Dald" i11. l>oroth~· l.raaseh. B Yerl~· Chrisri;t 11, I·:. S. ('h:lllinor, George \V. Hose, I !·,lw1·t 1 fa7.anl. H.iehanl Shanahan. await your seleccion. The SCt'IH:ry. stage lighting anrl arti..,tic dTects ni the production wer~ de-,igncd and executed hy G. Virgil l.e\\·is and T. \Y. \Yinfiel<l. ~[iss Dorothy I<ose. assisted In· ~Irs. George \\-. Ro-;e and ~[is-s Ellen . tryker. de~ignccl and created the <"ostumes. The director of the play " ·a:-. Cecil T. ~[organ. :\n orchestra compri:-.cd oi Huth L \'iYian, piano. ! 1\ichard HambY, clarinet. Estelle I ~\Yigart. cdlo. ·and 1 fenn· <..'nrhett . Yiolin. furnished the music. Hotne Se-wing Week at Taylor's Inspiration for the needleworker is to be found in the AT TAYLOR'S BOOTERY, here in Wilmette, you can make substantial savtngs NOW on the f a m o u s ARCH-PREfor . SERVER SHOE Women . Every day- morning. afternoon and evening you can have comfortable, active. useful feet if you wear the ARCH-PRESERVER. The concealed, built-in arch bridge and flat inner sole keep feet happy-and you'll be delighted with the styles, too! EVERFAST WASH FABRICS Evening Cage League to Have Busy Session Fin' games will he plavecl in the en'ning basketball league ·next week. On TuesdaY. Fehruan· 16. at the Byron Stolp school. tl;e Alumni will play the St. John First:-;: on Thurscla,-. February 18. at the Howard sciwo l. the \\~e st Ends "·ill play the Terminals and the Preshvterians will pta,· the Barehacks. On FridaY. at the Ho-ward school. the \Yest E;Hls will play the Barehacks and the Sea Scouts will play the St. John Second ...;. The standing of the teams in the e\·ening league is now as follo\\·s: Te-am ~t. I It takes only two or three yards for a frock, and perhaps a bit of contrasting material. So why . not make your Spring frocks yourself? Lovely soft, colorful materials in charming variety that may be made up into the most dainty and serviceable daytime dresses. , I "KEEPS THE FOOT WELL- John First ......... 2 Presbytf'ria ns ......... 2 Terminals l~ar ~t. '\Von LoHt 0 0 1 ............. 1 Pet. 1,000 1,000 :iOO THE SATISFACTORY STORES hacks . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 John Seconds ..... 1 \V<>st End~ ........... 0 Alumni ............... 0 1 1 1 500 !)00 2 000 000 'T AYLOR TAYLOR'S ORY GOODS Benjamin H. 1farshall and his daughter, 1fiss Betty :Marsha ll, are touring some of the southern resorts. The\' have been in Aiken. S. C .. and Aug-usta, Ga. I TAYLOR'S I 605 Main St. 's BOOTERY Wilmette 385 l__ 1125 Central Avenue Wilmette 1914 l

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