Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Feb 1926, p. 1

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I WILMETTE. LIF . E A Weekly News-Magazine for Wilmette and Kenil'!lJ(Jrth \VfLMETTE, ILLINOIS, FEBRUARY 12, 1926 VOL~ XV. t\0. 20 PRICE FIVE CENTS . COMMUNITY TICKET OUT WITH ITS CANDIDATES ROB HOME; STEAL CAR Thieves Ransack Maass Residence and Drive Away With $1,000 Haul in Stolen David Nelson Car Country Club to William Taylor, Frederick Tilt ~ and J. F. O'Neil Sponsored 1 Thieves ·who broke into F t , J. ]·, .. ""f ·" aass, 8?2 ·ores f or T rustee Offices ... .. At the mouthly general committee Dr. W. E. Barton, Author of One the home vf meeting of the Ouilmette Country of Best Known Books on 1 club Tuesday night of this week Presavenue, ast Emancipator, Is Speaker Sat urclay evening, arc thought to hav~ ident Max Zabel announced the ap. . . . . .. abo taken a Dodge sedan. belonging pointmcnt of a Civic committee, the Sunday night, February 1·t at the ( .ltldldate., tor \'(.trtou.~ vtllage.. nth- t<~ David :\cl-,on, stolen the same eve- pcr:-:;onnel of \\·hich is: Clarence E. ( 1 f t1 Dra.Yer, chairman; ~lr . and Mrs. B. \\'ilmctt e Sunday Evening club, there Ct · ., to . l··~ " . Ot l·cl. tttl< ·11 111 til" " \ 1II·.l,.!,'t' l ntng f rom t 1 lC' rear yare 1 o 1e N ~ e 1son el('ctton tn :\pnl WC'rc· selected at a home at 82 1 Elnw;ood avenue, directlY C. Bm\'cn. :\fr. and :\fr~. Robert H. will he a cclrhration of Lincoln's meeting of l·itize th at thr Villagl' hall ' across the alley from the 11aass re sr- Candish, :\fr . and ~Irs. A. ]. De- Birthday. Dr. \V. E. Barton, the auSunday afternon. February 7. and \\'ill dence. The ~laa-,s home was tooted of Berard. ).fr. and :\fr~ . H. L. Fogg, Mr. thor of one of the be s t known books . f · , and 1f rs. \\· . D. La\ncncc, 'Mr. and on the life of Lincoln, will be the appear o n tl 1<.' l >a It 0 t UIHl er tl le (Icstg-- I a new rae110, a ur coat bel mging to ).f r "?\ :\1 r :\1 d M nation of the Communit.\· ticket, .\fr s. ).faas s, jewelry and other articles . r s ... l .\·e - aca btcr . . r. an l r . speaker. Dr. Barton .is also the fathf , X. E. Xe\\·man. ).fr. and :\Irs. Clifford er of Bruce Barton, the noted maga· '> fH)Jh Orc<l I)Y .a g-rnup \~· I11c 1 1 a ew \\'ith a total value of more than $1.000. Older. :\Jr. and :\Jr .. C. F. Renneczine writer and author. He is one ,~·...<'e~~" .a ~o <:ttt l. ntt·~l .;~ t;J,at.torn.t a.' P~thThe burglary took p lace early in the kar, ).fr. and :\frs. A. B. Seibold , and of the best known mmtsters in the 01 1 111 I~ ~~: '· ~~..ll -~'~ l.llldl: -: r ."'Sll~. ~\II.~ l'\'tning- .\[r..and ~rr~. :\Iaass had gone I \fr. and \{rs. Lloyd Yost. . . l:nitcd States and i said to be an exLill. <·\Lt tiTI stgn.ttll~lf., <K>~ thL to the mo\'lng ptcture sho,,·, lc:wing The purpose of the comtmttee wtll cellent speaker. 10 ~) n\\' lll~\\' mTe!~ : \ma " · )· \\!:ox, the lights on in the hou se \\'hen they I he to afford the cluh means to take ~ext Sunday being the close of Boy 1 1 1 ,cor~~, v :"·(': rt lttr\\' · S .111 ~- rt'turncd th<:y noti cc·cl that the frot;t I an interest in the all-round dcvclop- Scout \\'eck. an invitation has been 10". ·.t 1ware. 1 .1pt, .c org-e . . 1.mng-- , !Jade . ; \\'ere pulled clown and im- mcnt of \Yilm ette. A se ries of pop- extended to the Boy Scouts to attend t~r. Jan.lt'" ( ~ald>. E~1rl /\.. Pl'tttbone, llll'diateh· notifi.ed the police. The uJa.r meetings are planned to be held this meeting in a body. ~ ·J ~~~rdort · and 1·. TI . C'ro-,..;le\·. · 1 .ta< l ~atiH.'< · l entrance throug-h '·l t tl1e clttl) · til"' t'n tl1e nature · t1 11n·es " "' . . to I>" ~ The musical program ·wilt be renSelect Business Men a rear door. breaking the glas~ a 1 Hl ! of forum. to he ~ddresserl hy t.n~n dered by the Piedmont College 11ale For the oflicc oi \ .i lla~t· Trthlt'<·~ Clpcning it from the inside after which I ~dw ~rc charg~d \\'tth the :espO~lsthd Quartet composed of southern moun( thrL't' tn lw -,electL·d l tIll' ( ·ommunitv thn· chopped an inner door to pieces. It,\: nt. c.onduct!ng .the a.ffatrs ot err- taineer . . All in all, the program will ,; . . tam c1v1c hodtcs mcludmg the Park [id;:l't ha..; \\.illiam '£';1\·lor. 13i) I he ~el :-; n car \\'a s s ~anclmg ncar hoar<l, School hoard, Village hoard and one of the most interesting of the year, it is promised. Central an·nttt·. prL·..;irknt <;f the \\'il - the rear of the yard, \\'tth the key s Plan cnmmi:'sion and others. A change has been made in the nwt ll' l 'halllhcr (,f C(mlmrrce and , in it. ~femher . o f the family . aid The new committee i:-; scheduled to spraker for the Sunday Evenine; club promint·nt \\'ilnwtte drygoocl..; and that they heard a noi sr in thr rear meet at the club :\fonda\· evening, for Sunday, February 28. Ct>cit Rob-,hoc lllnr hant: Frederick Tilt . ()l.=i , cai-ly in the e\·cning but had paid no Fchru;u\· 15. to plan details of the erts, of L ondon, critic, es~a\'i~t and Laun·l :t\'L'lltll·. a formc·r \'illage truc;;tee ' attention to it. 1'hey di:--co\·err<l the propo~c~l meeting:'. author, was scheduled to speak \Yord and \\ell known Chirago htt::-iiH'~~ lo-,s of the car later in the cn·ning. --------has iust been received that he is ill man. ;tttd Jo-, eplt F . ()':\l·ill. 1033 · It had brt:n driven through bu she s ;~nd ·has cance lled his Am erican tour. Sheridan road. general nwrrhandi--in ~ in the n ar of th{' lot and into the C'onsequenth· for Sunday evening, Febmanag-n oi tht· J) a yi., Dn· Cood-, com- I a lit·\·. Police bel ie ve that the ~ame ruan· 28. the club ha s a rranged to pany~ Chica!,.!o . . , pn~< .n ~ \\'{'re rcspon~ible hr both han: \f. H . H. Toachim. a natiYe of Calcutta. India. ~a uthor anrl tra,·eler, For \ 'i ll ;u..~t· ( ' Ink the ticket prt·- thdb. The motor car \\'a..; iound .,t·nt-.. ~{r . . . l.t·l ;lll(l Y . Pit·r-..n n. ~~q abandoned at Illinois and La Salle \\.ednesday. February 24. will hr a ncl one of the fon·most authorities F()n·-,t (1\ l'llllt', claughtl·r ni F . r. 'I ::- t ryet.. Chicago. on \\.e dnesday of "lcgislatin· day" at the \V ilmette on India and its religions, its literaSchei(kn ht·lm ..and prl·:-t·n t ~ t'\\ Tril.~r t hi" week. Chicago pol in· ::-aid that \\' oman': cluh. \vhen an all-l.lay meet- ture and its nhiJo.;;onhies. who will Tll\\' lhhip Clnk. it had heen '-tanrlin~ tltl'n· thre e day s. ing. under the au . pires of the \V om- nrak on "r.;-~·,1hi anrl the Nationalist - - - --- -- - ;~n's c luh, the \Yilm ette League of \fovem cnt". 'fhe mtt"~cal program will Pettibone For Treasurer \\·omen Y oter~. the Catholic \\'oman's he bv the Chicago Y . M . C . A . ColF1,r \ ' illage Trea . urer the group ha Dollar Days Are Near; lege ·Gle e cluh recently returned from and the \Yilm ettC' Parent -Teach .., concert tour. ckcted Earl .-\ . Pctti~>one. 512 C ntral l Merchants Laying Plans cluh er associat ion. \\'ill he held . an'.nttt'.. \\Til ~n0\\' 11 m~~trancc t~1an. \Yilml'tt e merchanb arc occ upyin g The' morning meetit~g ,,·ill he es< attdld~~!l'" tor the ofl1cc..; nf lthrary thrm . el ves these day~ \\·ith thoughh pecially inten.':'ting to mothers. it w~s Bird House Contest Is tru~tl' t'" (t\\O to he elected) will be ahout the great semi-annual bargain announced. ).f i~ . Edith Rockwood Opened at the Library altnottll\.'l.'d at a latn date. it \\·as an- da~·s . designated hy the Chamhrr of \\'ill speak on educational legislation . Thr second annual hird hou se connounrl'd at ~unday\ meeting-. Commerce as Dollar Days, and \\'hich Luncheon will he sen·ed at 1 o'clock test for \Yilmette boys is announced by Tht· < ·~~ mmunit\· Ticket trustee are ~chedu l ed for Tuesda\· and \\'edin the afternoon and the lunch eon :\Ii ss Anne L. \Vhitmack of the Public c:-.ndiclate~ will opilo~e Trustees John nc~da\· , Fehruarv 23 and it. speaker will he ).f iss Rena E lrod, lihrarv. The contest witt begin immeClark Bakt·r. Clarence F. Draver and Ct.' t;eral arral{gement:'i, including the John F. \\'i cdlin. who"e tl'rm~ expire ::-upply oi banners an d othe r display:- r~.·pre~cntati\·e of the twenty fifth diate!\· and is open to any grammar schoo.l hov of the village. The houses thi.., -,pring- httt \\·ho, it ha s been an- ca llin g thl' attention oi. the hu.\·ing pnh- '-L'lla toriat di :-; t net. The afternoon se~~io n will hegin :-tt must he readv for display at the library nounrL·c l. \\'ill he candidate..; for rc- lie tn th e eventful day:', arc in charge ekction unc!t-r the de-,ignation of the nf tlte Retail committee of the Chant- 2 o'clork ancl the speakers will be ~fr !,. In· \f ondaY, ··March 8, and the prizes Hcnnl' Party. \\'hirh s pnlhOrl'd their her of Commerce of which A. S. Yan ( ~eorgr '.\fat he s , \\'ho se subject will be \\:ill he a \\·~udcd on the following SatCo-operation," and urdav, when the bird houses may be candidacies t\\·n year::- ago. Drusen, \\'ell known grocer. i::- chair- "l nternationa l removed hv their o\\'ners. There wilt '.\{ i~s Esthrr Dunshee. \\'ho \\'ill speak ~ . J. :\T ilkr \\'ill he tlw Home man . two fir st prizes , it was announced, Party'., ranrlidatl' ior tlw ofticl' oi \'iJ .. Con~picnous on the counter., of the on "Congress anrl Congrt>~sional Is- he one for young- boys and one for older ~tte~. The meeting is open to the !age ( 'Je rk. it \\·a~ annonnrt·d la-;t \·a rion..; stores co-operating in the Dolweek Jar Day~ featurr \\·ill he attractin· pur- public and all women of the village vouths. The judg-es have not yet been chases marked at onl' clollar. <h the dc- are itL\.:.ited to attend. it is announced. picked. Last year the contest aroused much rnthusia~m and a great many ,ignation c·i the harl!ain day~ implies. bird hou e s were en terrd. Rob P. T. White Home; 1 "UNCOLN" SUBJECT AT DisCUSS Village SUNDAY CLUB FEB. 14 A ffa. at L'o·rum trS .6.' · ti;rJ .. '; 1·> 1 W omen:ls Groups Will Hold Joint Legislative Day 1 i .· .l. part of th e loot taken by burglars who entered the home of Peter T. \Vhite, 717 Greenwood avenue, last Sundav C'\'rning while the familv was awav.- The hou se " .t:-; ran sac ked tlwr ~ ughly by the thieve s and many articles of value were taken. Entrance wa ~ ga ined through the basement, it \\'as sa id. The exact amount of the los . had not been determined late in the week but it is expected to total a large amount. Police are attempting to tin k this with other burglaries which have occurrrd rccentlv in the village · Dr. George D. Upson Take Jewelry, Money Prowlers Invade School; Heads Optimist Club Kenilworth Seeks Bids Four watchc~. a quantity oi je\\'elry Take Incidental Supplies Dr. George D . l'p:'oOll. dt.' nti:-t, \\ ith For Plant Improvements and a lar ge amount of money formed \\. hile mcmhcr of 'the \Vilmctte Opera Drama club \\'er<' holding a dr ess rehear sal at the Byron C. Stolp school la s t Monday evening, thieve s broke into the Central sc h ool. next d oor, and ran sac ked th e building. They broke open a number of desks used by teachers and stole a <]Uantity of small change and various articles such as fountain pens, which had been left in the desks. Police believe that a gang of boys are responsible for the thefts. It \vas reported that an attempt had been made to enter thf' Laurel school on Tuesday evening, b.ut the thieves were unable to gain entrance. in the Brown building-. was pre. idcnt of the \Vilm e tte Optimist cluh at the meeting of that luncheon cluh Tuesday of this week. Officers rho . en to . er\'e with Dr. t..Tpson included Ernest C. Cazel, vicepresident; Dr. A. H. Tuttle, secretary; N. A. Schwall, secreta ry, and Lowell Bevrer, sergeant-at-arms. installation of the new officers will he held in the near future, it was announced at Tuesday's meeting. Orian Galitz, of the Wilmette Music Shop, is the retiring president of the Optimists. elect~d offlccs The Vit1age of Kenilworth this week is advertising for sealed proposals on contracts for the in s tal1ation of a steel elevator water tank, motor dri,·en centrifugal pumps, switching and metering equipment and chlorinator for the munirinal water plant of the village. Kenilworth purchased its water plant in Julv 1925, and is now rehabilitating it. P'tans and specifications may be obtained by prospective bidders at the office of Village Clerk. Clive ]. Taylor, in Kenilworth, or the offices of the engineers. Alvord. Burdick and Howson, 1417 Hartford build-ing, Chicago.

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