February 12, 1926 WILM E TTE LI FE s t h .. ·Little Chats About" Your Health No. 17 · (No. 18 Next Friday) g. SAVE VitA. SAF~TY - l' l l' · · t Medical Effects Often Differ. 3l:U . DRUGSlORI A Tasty Box of Favorites · .. I F there were no other rea~on against ~e If medication, the fact of the \Yidely diff cren t react i()n ~ noted in d iff eren t people a:-; ca u~ed hy the use of the sa me n1edici ne \\·o uld conden1n this practice a~ hazardou ~. Valentine Sweets For Valentine Sweethearts _The phy~iriat!. w.ith all his ktHndedgc of cause:-; and etlcct.. tnust ~otnetin1e. change tnedicine:-; ~eYeral time~ hef()r<' the de~ired n..·sult i:-; obtained . . \dd t() self n1edication the probability and danger of incorrect self diagnosis and you can read i Iy ~ <: e t h c f <, I1y o i :-; u c h a"-' t ion . Y()tt can't affurd to l'xperiment with your \\ .henc\Tr yon twcd nH.:dicinc y()tt need cl\\' 11 Artstyle Far East Package health and life. · medical adYice . · pr()fc:-;~ional L et us fill your Prescriptions JWa~t I DRUG STORE Candy is the proper gift. The Far East Package is the proper candy. Phones 28-29 · One Pound Box $1.25 ,· . FRIENDS-NEIGHBORS-RELATIVES of our . Septetnber and October patrons tnade our January business three titnes as great as our Decetnber business. · WHY? Because our sales and service satisfy. ..... We offer you three nights free trial in your own hotne of any article listed below; Crosley,Fada,Federal,Pfanstiehl, Thomson, Sonora and Kellogg Sets Philco Socket Po,ver Outfits Balkite Cltargers and "B" Battery Eliminators. · All accessories installed free of charge BOB'S 1141 GREENLEAF RADIO SHOP PHONE WILMETTE 3573