Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Feb 1926, p. 34

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34 WILMETTE 1 LIFE UE . \1~ February 12, 192f~ 1<~~ ' 1 ' . \ '1 ' 1~ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notice -t~ 1 ~~~\~~~t:d~~r~~!mdei~~~tc'r 11/r~~ c~~i~:~o~n~~ Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, W'INNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Offering ExclusiY~ly OUR 10-ROO::.\f COLONIAL _no~n~.: 1 [ ~ituated in the choice st·dwn <_ \Vinnetl,::t, spaciOUH li\'ill~ room, ll- · hrar,,·, Jl\Usic room, l:tl')..:t- ~\·ood _·:,t! . lut,l inun<·dia t.. o<'C'IIJI:tttt'~-. prtt·t· ::;_ .·. flttlt . I;LOl{lD1I~Fit({:\JATHI.:-.. Rates-- all eash with order ath·erthtementN n·hen broacht to our office nt 1!!!!!! C<>ntral A ~·e., '\'llmette, or ~64 Lincoln Ave., \VInnetka. · advertisements will be acto \Vednesday 12 o'clock tor the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers: Thursday 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE ~EWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka ~000-2001. 15 cents a line in papers. 30 cents CHARGE ~P eents. Average type used. 10ffo diNeount on one paper. 25 cents a line in any two a line in all three papers. JIINDIU:\1 of five words to the line. No black face I E . \~T :-;rrn:: \-.\<'.·\:'\:'1' . 1:1·: .\\ ' Tfl-'l'L_LY woud· ·d Jut. _~"on .. 11i1 ·lll . to. st_ [_ lt _ H,'.n and :-: tu! ' t ·:--, IIIII ' lot · llllll·lo-1, s.t· 11 ti I 'I · p J' il-t ' :-; ,-, ,fltlll , I Deadline for Insertions-Classified cepted up Fn:d'l r H. Thotnas & Co. tt\\' :'\:1 ·:1~ - ~ Jn:nAJtl)(:'\:1; X! ·: \\" I! i g h- gT a d (. I' t. s i d I'll ti a 1 tl I . \' t' I ( I ]IIIlo lo 1111 Fl~tt'ida East ('o:t!-;l fat"itl:.,: · ,\ t ]ant it' o<·t ·:tll. :\l:tl:~· Ill · \\' h<·lllf ·s : 11 1 · ;qJ:trtrnt·nts :tlrt'ad .\· buill. .\lt·d· ,. ll " t 1· I. 1 : o I f I i 11 I\ s . I ·r i t· t · o f I o t :-- i 1· _ t·ludt ·s pa\·<·d strt ·(· t s :tnd t·· · tt lf·t sidt ·w;rll\s. l'lats and pholt· ~ :11 · ·! fit-t ·. \\'. ,\ . I 'ridnturt ·. 1 :l~l X . <'l:t! :-:t. ('hit-ago. E\-:lllstutt otli· ···. II ··\\ ard : tttd Uitlg l' :t\1 ·s . ILT:!II -11! :-; .\1.1 ·: .\T \\' JL.\IJ ·:TTI·: 1.1.\1! '1 1111 Ut · itt\\':tldt :t\' t·. <l ldo<" k S"lltl 1 , I .: t k· · a \ ' t·. ,X· · w 7 -rltt. l·ri1 ·!' h ,, 11 · t:l: li':t d ill )Hll 'dl ; J.;it..Jtt ·l t: d t l li ll !..! tl: "IIi, ., · 1 111. : l:t r :..: · · I i ,. i 11 t: 1 111.: :: 1,, , ! _ 1'111 :-:.: lr : tllt l'ltt.: l·uilt I ll ( l il t, ti!· ( I "" I ' . ~ - ... :t I' !, I' i I . k l: a I '. I !..! ' I r I II . I !' t ·· ~l.ort t; .-; :\:! '- 1; , .-. I :;,l tl ll l. .~_: 111 d 11 \\ II. To· l' I IIS . llttlro 11 .f . :-;,· lt\\ .t,, 'f', I \\ ' iltttt·tt·· 1 ~. 1: I L :!11. · 1 .-\(:Jo::\'TS Ftll~ l.i t1il · 11 ;ttt d 1 ·:1111 \\' i lll l t ' ( ],a :!:: ~.rl I LT~:!0-1 t, · In \·est 1g-ate Bargain . !l - - - I-,1-,()_ -J-~D-\_r_Q _U--S-0--- ~ (; LEXcuE UK\1. E~'I ' . \ ' I ' E ICE.\1. E~T.\'I'E \\ ~HA'r? (; lcncoc Garcl ens \VOU lcl be annexed to Glencoe 2/ 6/26 and the pncc~ \Yott1d be raised. \\'hite I !rick; Eng I i :·dl :\ n·h it ··t· t ut , .. Tilt- Hoof S rooms ; ;; h;ttlts : toil & lav; Oil Jit.; Att'd Gar.; Tilt·d hall : lihr:ll·~· ; living room; conHt · t·\'alttt ·.,·: butler's pantry & kitchen 011 1st fir .: maid's roo'm and bath s ·para tt ·; 3 :\IastPt' bedrooms(' skeping· P<"h . on 211; h au. wooded lot with raYinp iu t·x('[ usiv, nt·ig-h lJorhood; u lll ' 'lll:tll~ · d at $31,000. RJ~NJI .. \VORTH- :-:I'LI·: :'\:1111> l:l'Y 1:'\: 7 1~.\T 11~1 ·: .. I !.!· ' l i\·. 1'11 1. sllll ,\: s lj, :..:. 1wlls .. ll :tt ur.tl flt ···Jd .. 1 d· ·li:..:thl'ttl l" ·d t' ltl :-: .. h \\'. ht ., ··ltokt · 1 ·;tS I. St'l' . ('orl l \', "]. ' ' ,\.- s l· ·: llll ll ':lll !". :-:t· hoob ,y o· hll'l'o ' l!o s : ! .. :t\1( , l : llld ~ t· . hot. St ·\ ' t·l' :ll titlt' tl'I '('S,: gar. Pric d a.t $16,5~0.00. :\fake of- ~ 1'. ~t · t · us (or )l :ll't 1\ ' lllar ~. I r. 1 :-t and 2nd ::\Inrtg-agc' \\"ill build Jl l (IJlt lJ l~· ~- ou r lt oll ll' j 1,:- c;;- iJ r ·· JEJE:o§:U:Mll\t~IP ®~, lt} r;~ I I:.! ' I .I '"II'! · . \ ,. ·... pa _, · n ~ cTJh I·~ n d or "I :. l 'l!lllt· ·s \\'i]lllo ·ltt · :lHifl-fil I LT:'\::!11 - l t·· I C'hark·s f J. .-, I ~. J ~ret hold T ·· l 1 ;;, I L:!1· .. I lll~lll':lll ( 'l' .\I :ttlt ~t. \Y i lm, · tt·· HO\ \~ $~-=' ~IL"Cf-I? \\-ell, 100 ft. lots no'v arc $-+2.SO per foot. but should be per foot. "':tiE~? .-\ t a near f u t u r c dat c not yet announced. X1:W Brick Home-9 rooms; ;~ tile baths; h. w. ht.; sun & sl. Jllll'l'IH ·s: hr ·akfast nook; fiJH' hutl(·r's pantr_,· : larg-e billiard room; :!-(':tl' htd. att'd gar.: in exelu:.-;i\'e t · a~t s. ,., i1111. $42,011(1, ()nc Block to Sheridan Hd. '--I~~ H -------l~argains \YI. 'Nl~TKAXt·w :\lag·niticent l~l'i el\ l~ t·sid· · ltt·· · 111 1 n rooms; 4 bath s; (li I h t .. :! -<·ar att'd g-a1·. 1Ht flr. lat·gl· tilt·d n·t ·t·pt ion I) all; unusually wd 1 ba I a nct·<l living room; large dining t'IH1111 ~:· sun room U)H!ns into Jarg·· 111·i· k tilt' porch; tin e pant r~· a ttd lllud<"1 l<it chen: ~nd tlJ·. ;, l:tt·g· · h ·drooms; with wardrolH' <"losds; :~ tiltl·aths, mastt·r ht·droom ha~ tit ·Pplat·(·; pri\'aU· sl. pch & pri\·;dt· hath with Sl')). ti}p HhO\\'t'l'. at·d fl. '1 lll:l icl':-; ro01ns & tilt· bath, st or;tg· · spa<'t' & )>0!-5Sil.Jlt' hall t'OOill. 111 J ·:x<·lu~ivc> :..; ·ction on larg-1· woo1lr·d g t·ou nd~. 1.\l ~Tl'< '( "t 1 OX LA}{( a; L.-\:'\1 >SI'<tJl· ·d lot: watt·t· lwat: ~ IJ<tths: ·· o,;tr:L tui. and !av. on 1st floor; fit·, ._ pl:t< ···. ThiH homt· ha~ l H"autiful woodwork tlll'uout atHl has l~t·· · tt k1·pt ttl sut·h fitt·· < ·<·llllition that ~- ou can Ji\·,. in it :1 , ·.·ar without ~P· · Ilding :t doll:tt for . dt ·<·orating· 1!1' l'~']l:tir~ . I sp:t<"i<nl~ h· ·dl'olllll!-' Oil :!<1 t'lnnr :lr·· li:..:ht :tlld :til',\' . ~:!~·· tlllll . Tt ·rt!IS . in . \creag-e 71111 .\ <'l't ·S at '.\[f'l(t·ltl'~· ' pl'it·t · \'I · J'y ] u W , tittrt .\ <"l't·s adjoining· l'aul J~ ;td· · r l':t:· \\'au{'OJtda. :! 11 "\ ( · , ·· · s Jlt · a r . t r a 11 s. i 11 I l, ·, · r ti , ·I t1 . 1;:~ . \ 1 · 1'· · ~ 1111 K"tz J~d .. \\· . of \\'ittl t· t "· 1':! _ \ ,·r· · s 011 llill Hd . , \\.i11nr-tka . Tt:lf'}JlH>ne F. H. \\'anl , \\' i ltn· t t· · ~~ ~ ·;: I LT:'\:~< '- 1 ! · F. Colen1an lhtrroug-h :-; To· I. \\'iJ. 1; )II I LT~:!It-i~· · \Yri-IERE IS GTJ~~CO:E \\'E JL\\' 1·; 0:'\:LY .-\ \'1:-:I:Y 1 ·'1:\ \' lots J, ft at this luw prt< ·· ·. 11 . · slr:tdo·; ~ ldrwk:-: to s··hft()ls( cult\· · ··lit to tr ;ttt:--p . : illllll' "\' t·ttl· Ills o~ Jl t' :\t't ·)lt !"ll't ·t· t s . l·:;t:-;,\ t ·· rttl!" . . \, ! ' " I" I' fI (~:\H. DEKS? F. I I. (~_\'1'1 I FI~C( )_\ L \\'1·: tll-'1·'1·:1~ .\ l.'l:'\:1·: ~<tl'TI T Fltn:>.:T. \\'CIIIdt ·d Jot '·It 1:-;:tiH · IIa st . ll·· : tr 1:.!th : .-.u rt. front h.\ 171 llo-t·p . Tit I· · to lH· ~ltlall do·pt~:-;tl t· J, ·an ·d up i11 ::n d:t,\!' \\ill lrolrl it till I il :-:udt t it11· ·. l'ri· ··· (';t~ll. :' ti:: Jlt · J' ft. \\ ' t ! I II· t ( t 11.:r:>.::!1· - · · l·' <tl: :-: .\1.1 ·: .\ :'\:1 ·:\\' t't·~ll·'<ti:T.\!.: 1 . 1 . llr·tlt· · :-;J,;tl t i-.lt, I '11 11\ :-;llll'< ' ' ' '"'>Ill !', :tll :ll!ltt! t..: ; !I ';I L:· !tort\\; , · . I t· ; I t · !: I l' L! ,. \\ I"" I' ·ol I" I I (It I ' I '. ~ I" :111 t 1full~ I ; 11" I:-;, ·;q, ·d Jr·l 1 1 , 1! 111"1'· l' l!;td 1'111111· 11 \ \ I!· I' J,l .t J· Jl"illtlll· · ltt . \\'ittlt. :!111;:· . !LT .. :!·· -: · ,· !· 111: :-' .\1.1 ·: 1~7 . \t 'f~l·::-; . \\'I·:LL 1."·· .· l· ·d. Il l lt()llllliltg l:;tt'l .!tg( >11 o! ·11 11 t 1111 :-:tat·· .tid ruad . l'ri· ···d ;, l llttrlt ·di :lt· s al··. I' II . lltltot t , 1: .·. llll!..:lllll, Ill. l'ltllllt · ]lU!Id· ·· ,J::-1: -· I LT:'\::!11- . !·· <·I~ 2 blocks \Ycst of Dluff St. and 1 block north of Dundee or Skokie J{d., on Tiohlfelder Rd. S.I\TD T ""ill clri,·e out Sunday and look it oYer before the pnce is rai~cd Iooc~. ~UFF \\' i 1111 . ~ .-. l I LT:'\::!11-l tt· 1·: dd i n g t on & . \ 11 c n . I n c. !Ill r.i 11d··n .\<; 1 ·::'\T~ CG®ll cdk~If & § lii1® califY Phone Central 03i4, Chicago 1 J.:rx~o-.a(' ( ;]..(~:'\:( '( )J·; Eng-li:.-;h plastt·r :tlld tilllh t· r honw of unusual dt-sign: ·' l'ltts . ; maid'.s r111. and bath Oil lst: ;{ ht·cl t' tlls .. 2 hath!-> on :.!nd; lg-t· .stllt rn1. ; woodt·<l lot. \\'t>ll landsl'a)H'd ; hou.s<' t·xet:llt·ntlv lo('atl'd; att. and httl. gar. l'rk e $~1--·- l·'ltU ~.\LE .\IY lft~.\11·; 1:'\: \\'1:'\: tlt·tk:t : <.,,~~., . lltt~<l. \\hit·· <'t~lt·nial: 1 l'llt'l't'flll h;··lnns .: liY . !'Ill. is larg1 ·. sutrlt.\ and llonH·lil.;· ·. <'t~lonial wood tirt·Jtlan·, t·llalllt·l \\' fiiHI\\'nt·l.;, oa], tlout·s; Areu st. ht-:tt. lal· ·!-'t :'\:111\:(1], oil llltl ' llt·r: lit·\\' st .. r;tg·· W<l lt · t· h· ·alt·t·: t(lilt·t in has· ·llll'ttl r.·;tt · Yat·d lo\·1 ly fot· <"hitdrt·tr, t' lllll)llt:tt·ly ft·ll<'t·cl, woodt·<l, attcl g·;tnl··n; t>lle(':tr g.1ra;..:-t>, sidt· dri,·· ·: v!11st· to 1ine sd1nols, dt·pot a ltd st .. rr s ott l~t · auti ful stn·d . II :t \'1· bought a larg-er hom · :tnd will \':to·att· "\pril 1st - my JH"i<·t· is *1,,:-,on: nllg1·. F·.ntto. a.t ti',, hut fut· qukk s:llr· and good ('ash dow 11, " . i II <" o 11 s i d t·r an offer. l·'··r full tlt·l:tils st·t· 111~ agt·nts .\ \'( ·. End nf "L" I 'hottt·s \\'illlll · t t ,. lrt7 ;tn cl ·Ill I L:!tr - 1 to · For 1:'\:\' 1::-:T 1:'\: 1"\1\:1·: ('tll'XTY .\t 'I~ 1-:.\t; 1·: 'Ill i 1 · l.; 1, r 1 · ri t ~ . I: t d,.. r t I r. .\ nth 41 n y :-' .\1.1 ·: L..()TS <IX <'lfi ·::-;TXl 'T. \sltl:ttrrl. !trth, 7th antl ~h· · rid. t·. ,,· it!t llJI . ri:..:hts and pit · r~: litt l · d11\\ 11; 1··111-! ttllH'. John I'. <:a:..:· ·. ' : · ':r:qw :-'!., \'in ·land, X··w .It·t !'· · ,\ . l L~.r·- ;: ·· llfli<··· : ll :-:" . La :-'a]], . ~l.. <'hi<'agn. I LTX:!II-1111\' 7 1{ 00.\I STl'CC(l JI()t':-:E; F< ~~~ ~.\LE stilt por<·h: sl··t·ping vorch; 2-car gar a g l' 1 ~ ··; ll h a r g a i n. \Vi n 11. ii 4 ti- .J . 1LTX1 7-tf,· !-'Ill~ ~.\1.1·: ~.- I~~ H 1:\[ 1~( ' :'\i<: . \\' I X:'\: 1-:'1' 1\: . 1 :-, I i I LTX:!ti-ltc S:\ "\' ! HERI·: IS .\ H.J·:.\L BC\~ iII g IHti] ;:\!I,IHifl , t'lllll! it ioll; I 'It" II· \\ ' i 1111. u t\\ '. :i(IO. ' ~. E. 'VI~NETKA Dut<.:h Colonial Shingle p1·actically new: & b d rms.; 1 hath: ~un J'm .; brkft. nook; conv. to sehools a n<l sta. $H·,OOO. VACAXT X . \V. \Y1!'\~ETKA llf'a\'ily woo<h·d lot on Pl'iYatt· I~oad, 11 .GOO square fl·et-$:.1,5~10. GL-EXCOE 2 STOH.Y FHA::.\IE: lwat ; g-arag·t·. ·> liO~IES li Jt(H).\IS ; ll. ,V, Lot :illx 1 !.10. 1 H.OOO. * Ston· ~t ueco ; li r1,orn~: :.! baths; gan1ge. h. " . ht·a t; Lot :-.ox ton. ~:.!o,ooo. Y AC' AXT liOx 1 !t7 IX 1·::'\ ( "l.l'S[ \'1·: \Voodland Pari\ :-; ulHI i \·is ion, Dt ···rfleld; high and <lr~ · : stt·1·ds in: water tu <·ut ·h lint · : Jn·opt>rty paid for and propt·rl.\· r··<·ordt·tl at I lt·t·rfi eld. Ownt·r n1ust !1watt· in \\'il m <'tte :111d will t·ottsidt>t' tt·:,dt- to" ·a.r d first <"l:\H~ h1·1111· itt \\'ilnH·tt··. Ea~t sidt· pn·f<·rrt ·d . "\d<lrt·!-'s \\'il. Life A-7GS. 1L17-tfp \\Hh gar;q..:· . :! I !·~·. II.TX:! It-11<' FOJ{ :-;[·I:LI·:.-\~1·: J{I·:~'f lEoiEo§lcllilll\t~ ~®calTilty ~@ \\'inn. !.1-room hrick C'ulo11 ia I;· ti ht·d t·ooms; ~ 1J a t h :-; ; h . w. h v a t : g· a rag·t · ; I "·a u ti ful gTOUJHl::-;, ~Ox2~10. East. $:i0,1100 Tenn~. 1 l-ooo ltitt \\' i I till'! ka' A\'('. 1 LTX:.!II-llt' VAC;\N'l' 1 GOxfl~: 1 nLo K pet· toot . ()t h<'t' gOO<l val Ut·s Lal<e Forest. :~:~2 F'HO:\I LA K 1·:, from .' Iii; to I·"'OH. HALB 7-l:c H 1.\l . E~\ST STilE hom e; 2 hlo<'kH tt· "L". :\lodern . $17,!iOO. T rms. lf>O ftet in \ \itltll · tka. <"hoi<··· lt~<·a tion; o·wn<·r llt·t·d~ ntont·~·: wi II sa<"rifiet.· for $1--11 p··r ft.: a II impro\'t·ments in. (IX A:\" 1---WHt~l 110~11-: 1.· llt-St IIOI'l]H·:t~t St'('lion of \\' i)lll t ltt·· at '~ prL<·1· from ttt·\\' to :\Ia~· 1 : at l't·gul:tt' pri ·t· of $~ ] :-, p··t· lll(lltth ft'Oitl .\la y to Oct. L·111g·t·r lt·ast- 1na~· bt· h ad if dt ·sin· <l . Fot· full dl'tail~ phllllt · · R. :liO :t ~1. J()liX~'l'()~ Lind· ·n J?()Jl ~\\'1 · . & CO. H4 2 L:!tl-1 t <' \\.i lllll'ltt· .:·\ Hon1e \\. ith an Jneon a: 2 ~LAT; 6 HI H 1.\l~ !·: ~\('II : JUSt OYt·t· tlw E\·an~ton T..l )T iillx :!on, IU~VI'-.'\ 1" .\lt'l':\II~~TS \Vi 1111<· t k:t lint ·. l·:at'11 of th<.·. e C'Omnwtliou~ :tpartllll'llt!-' is a complete home wi t h l<~tlg ~outht·l'll exposut· and awnint:!-' nn tht'l·<· sitlt·!->. Steam h at; 2-<'ar ga t·agt·. I .ot lH·a utifully landscarwd. 1 lwtH· t· liYt·::-; in one apartm<'nt atHl rt ·nts tht· otht·r for $145 monthly. This \'t ·ry attra('tive property i!-5 offered for $:.!ti,~,tto. T~rms. \Valtcr P. Stnith & Co. Park Avr. ~heridan \\'i lmt"tt · G!IX 1L20-lt c EA~T\VOOD North Evanston BEST OJ? l·~AH'"J'\VOOD 17 X Hd . Glt·li('Ot' .J 10 Highland I 'k. ~til lLTX~0-1 t(' FOH HALE - FIXE:-.. 101. OX <'liEST- KROLL & S:\1ITH 41!1 4th St. l' h on f' Y ilm <· t t e ~. oo Btul of "L" 1LTN20-l tc FIIH. SALg 100;) ASH STH.hET. l;eautiful, n w, 6 rm . hom<·; eornt·r lot, ri0x177; h. w. h<·at: ftn·plac<.·; tile hath; 3 porches; lavatory in basena·nt; 4 doHt-ts upstairs: one car $) garag· . Lowc·st down payment and 11IO.St <.:Ol1\'Pl1it-nt tl'rms Oll 110l' th 421 .Jth ~t. En<l of "L" ~-;hurt·. Vrakt·. Tt·l. \\'inn. l!l:ii. !'hunt · \Yilmf·t tl· 2760 1LTX20-ltc . 1LTX20-1 t<' nut an·.; 4 lwdn·ont~ ~~~ fit·.; maid's quartet·s on 3d; laJ'gt- Jiv . antl dining rm.: quart<' I' i'il wvd oak floors thruout; 2-<·ar g-:u·.: ht ·aut. lan<lseap d lot. Uarg·ain :ji~:.,ooo. Tt·rms. I ('( )JL:\'EH, APAH.T~1ENTS AT CENTH.AL XOT COrH.T APTS. 0~ ST. AC- CLAIMED lHI®niTil~®ITil & 0C11©llll lliiTl~o in Evanston. he<ls, clos<'ts. n<'a!'ona.hle rents: 1 ~~ hl ks. to C. & N. \V .; 1 min. down town. Sound-proof, lar ge rooms; playrooms for children. No 1·ear apts. near public g-olf course. OwnC'r on premises. Phone Gr nl ·af 1919. NI<.. \V .APTS. 4's and 5's with extra :n.. T~6-tfc FOH. HEX'l' Ff.J.-\1', ;-, H001\1S A:'\:D bath; 1 hlo<"k from \Y ilnwtte depot. Phone \Yilmette 1724. 3LTN20 -ltc

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