Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Feb 1926, p. 32

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WILMETTE LIFE February 12, 1926 New Floors LAID AND SURFACED OLD FLOORS RESURFACED TO LOOK LIKE NEW Give V e_rsion of "Snow White" FORESEE "DUENNA" AS BEST GUILD OFFERING Mrs. Mellen c. Martin, Dr. Davies Lazear and Mrs. John Marshall Among Principals ~I r .;. ~f e llen By OBSERVER C. :\lartin of \Vinn e tk :t P. E. DOWNING PHONE H. P. 566 P. 0. Box · 423 Phone Wilmette 2814 Genthner's Market for Quality Meats Courteous Service Free Delivery 1145 Wilmette Ave. Opposite Post Office Valentine Cakes and Cookies! Next Sunday, St. Valentine's Day, will be a happier day if you have on your table our delicious Valentine cakes and cookies. They are made of the purest and tastiest ingredients and baked ·to just the right turn. Our bread and rolls, too, are as satisfying as the best home-made productions. The Wilson Bakery Home of Everything Good That's Baked · is pro ,·in g an invaluable aid to Di rl'rtor :\lexandcr Dean in the forthromin~ ~ o rth Shore Theatre Guild nrndu;·ti o n of . he ridan\ oper etta "The Duenna." Tn add iti o n to cl o in ~ thr ee danc e h (' r . l' If. :\ rr"' . ~ ra r t i n i . . a ~ "' i s t i n g i 11, the training- o i the othcr dancer :; in the intricate step s oi th e Spani 'dl dance:--. :\frs . :\fartin ,,·ill clancL' tht ' Sc,·illana s. the :\fagaluena .; and til t· Garrotin, three authentir renderin~ " of popular dance s from the .\eadem:.· of Otero, Sevillt.·. Sh e ha -. s pent year , of ~tuch· " ·ith stucknh of th<' :\raden 1' of Oter.o and i . . \\T ll qualifitd to hancl i·· her role . Dr. D;l\·it·., Lazear o f \\' inndka h ;, ... one of tlw kading role ~ and all tho -.,· who are acquainted \Yith hi., ::;uperh \·:1 in· will rea\izc the tr~ · ;tt in .;; t()r ,· inr them. :\fr;; . John ~far . . hall of \\'in netka is playing the title role ancl :ti Here is the cast that so delightfully portrayed "Snow \Vhite and ttH: i~)rds much comC'dy ;h the old h :tr Seven Dwarfs" at the Xcw Trier High school auditorium Ia t Saturday eYe- I rtdan who upset:; all the plath of c; tt·t·:l n.ing. They arc players from the "t\ew Trier Dramatic club. Propcrt(cs for parents. and un\\'elconw '-Uitor ... to til t· the play were made in the !-ihops at the hig-h school. ~lis~ Elizabeth Stanwood hand ot her charge. was the director. Best Guild Production Tho-;(' " ·ho han? kept in touch \\i th I progress being· made (Hl thi-. produt"MADE REGENT 1 tion a:-.-.ert uniH·.;;itatingh· that it i.;; t r1 :\fr.; . L. E . 'Bush of 1200 Elm\\·ood · he the finest thing thr Cuilcl kt'-' en· r an·nuc has hel'n l'kcted regent of done . Th<' nine difTnent ~ d., 11 i Buckingham chapter, Daughter-. of ...cetH·n·. the magnificent co-.tumes and the Briti.;;h Empire. and ::;he has abo The \\'ilmettc Girl Scout:-; arc or- the or~he.;tra of soln arti.,t.; from Chi been appoiuted chairman of the c.n~1l mittee o!l admi-.sions to the Bntish ~anizecl into fi\'l· troop:-., three Junior cai.!O \\'ill contribute their part alnn . .: troops, one Junior High school troop, with the .;kill oi thC' actors and t l; 1 · Old People's llome. and one Senior High school troop. I directorial geniu .; of :\fr. Dean . The three Junior troop~ arc under till' T:1 thn'ic intere sted in the purt·l ,. dir~ction . of :\[iss L~ura l~ndn.·:--. and mu:--iral .;ide of the prndurt ion it " !1: asststant.~. the Ju111or H~gh schc~ol he of interest to know that T'iaac Va: i troop, 111 cha .. ~· e of ~tts~ :\fun··! Cron· . former conductor of the C'hi Dcnoycr, and tne Senior High ~chool rago Ci\·ic Opera. i:; in rhar~e of t!H· troop, in charge of ~[i:-." J{uth Pease. music. The original score ' of "Thr These girL arc planning to han~ Duenna." as it "·a s produred in 17i .~ some wonderful times, and are hoping hy Sheridan at Dntn· Lane. L<mdon. to have five model troops. is now in the Briti.:-;h mu~eut11 and The senior girls have organized tho. c in a position to know :--tate tlw themselves around the idea of Knight- ~core for the Guild production i!'i n ·en hood.. for Scouting is derived from the J,etter than the mu . ic of "Tht· BegKnig-htly virtues of chivalry and gars Opera." friendship. All of the patrol.; :lrc The production \\·ill play in \Vii branches of this idea, each having- its mcttc tonight; Highland Park. Febindividual name and character. as far ruarv 15: Lake Forest. February to: as possible. The four patrol-. an·: Evai1.5ton, February 17 and 18: and "The Knights of King Arthur," "The \Vinnctka, February 19 and 20. Knights of the Plains." "The Knights · of the Crusades," and ·'The Knight... . DISPLAY OIL PAINTINGS of Sherwood Forest." The troop ;ts a I E. L. Kygaard, superintendent of the whole i-; known as "The Knig·hh of I .1 oscph Sea~s ~cho~l Kenilw?rth. ha_:-. the Silver Shield," suggested by a hr~m~ht an mt~restmg collect10n of od legend of King Arthur hy that name. pamtmgs. t.o l 1e halls of the school. The girls are ·stri,·ing to be 100 1wr- Tl}c cxlnhit \\'as. open 1fon~lay and cent "Health \ \'inners." and 100 per- \\ ednesday cvenm~s of thts week rent on "Home Sen·ice." ~vhcn the pr.ogran~ mcluded the sho\'·:Troop I meets \\' cdncsdays. 3 :30 p. I lllg ~f motion pictures of M.r. Nym. at the ~f cthodi"t church Ruth I p-a~rd s summer camp for boy.s 111 WyPe,asc in charge. ' · ommg. Troop IT meets Tuesdays. 3 :30 p. LOSES FATHER BY DEATH m .. :\f u.riel Denoyer in charge. Henry Allen. of Troy, 0 .. father of Troop III meets Tuesdays. 3 :30 p. ~f rs. T. K. Stover. 1044 Ashland a\·cm .. Anna ~[argaret Stansell in charge. n uc, died Thursday, February 4, after Troop IV meets Tucsda,·:-.. 3 :30 p. a long illness. Besides ·Mrs. Sto\·er m., atherine Hall in charg·c. he is survived hy his widow, t\l\'O . ons Troop V meets Tuesdays, 3 :30 ·p. :111d one daughter: :\Irs. Stover \\·as m.. Laura Endres 111 charge. in Troy for the services. Our Girl Scouts 1 four clothes washed free if you rin1 us -------------------------------------------------------------------Electrical Repairing Radio Sets and Suppliet Eveready "8" Battertes Music Master Loud Speakers Base Plugs Installed Fine lin" of Lightin1 Fixtures EAS · '-.4'- VacuumElectri(l :- . WASI-IER Phone Wilmette 414 1162 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette .. . Phone Wilmette 104~ Adams Electric Shop Fourth Street

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