Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Feb 1926, p. 28

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WILMETTE 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111"11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"11111111111 LIFE Febru ary 12, 1926 privilege of a rea l home T find ease and comfort in living at T he .O rri ngton . The service of a t ra ined hotel organization combined with a true home atmosphere makes The Orrington the choice of the discriminating. 'u-niversit y 8 7 o o HOSE who cherish the Seven instructors at New Trier high school enrolled this week for a course in educational sociology at Northwestern university. They are Principle ~----------------· Frederick E. Clerk, Samuel Vernon, "Should \Ve Recognize the New Frederick . Kahler, Gordon Van Kirk. -----....,.~~~~~~~~~==· Pussia ?" will be the subject for dis \Ve slcv . Brown. \Valter A s chenbach cussion at the Chicago Forum in the and F. Carpenter. Olvmpic theatre Sunday afternoon. Fe.hruan· l.f, Fred A. Moore, director The Se" ing cluh met for luncheon of the ·Forum announced this week . l\'1on daY at the home of ·M r s. Charles The speaker will he Capt. Paxton Ilih Holmes 200 \\·a r\\·ick road, Kenilworth. hen of New York. Captain }I ibben se rn·d i 11 the A me ri can diplomatic se rvic e ior eight year . . and in that capacity " ·as pre:-;ent at the Our Sprin g first Rus-;ian revolution in 1905. From 1914 to 1917 h e wa " war corre:--pondent ior oilier's \\ rckh· and the .-\ ~~ocia terl art se lling very rapi<iiy and are Pre ss. T 11 1917 and ]f)J H lle Sl'f \' l'd in great demand . They arc ail with the Roth Divi sion and is no"· a Yerv beautiful and rca so nahh· captain in the l'nitcd :-;tate" army r<' pri~ed. j t will pay you t o come se rve corps. Durin g tlw l:bt fi\'{· in .and look them oH r. vc;lt-s he ha s hcen ickntified with :.L\ 111 e r i can r e I i d work i11 H u ' ~ ia . He ha s just returned irnm a t\\·(1 B. COPLAN, Proprietor month< Yi"it in Ru ss ia during which time he t rave lccl over ~.000 111 iJc .., 1126 Central Avenue through various parts oi the countr.' Phone Wilmette 2403 and was ahlc to have yen· close contacts with Chichcrin. Trot;k,· and oth er Rus sian leaders. giving h.im po ssesFOR YOUR SOUTHERN sion of the most recent valt(:il>lc in form:Jtion on conditions in the Sm·ict Republic. En·ry po"sihle effort "a-... made t o find a competent person in Chicago t!l debatr against the reco~nition of Ru-... sia hv the ·cnited State" l.!on·rnment. Captain Jlibhcn taking the opposite side. The Sprakers Bun·;ltt oi the A-. sociation of Commerce and other rep l\Irs. John ~lar~hall ni \\'innetka is resentative person<; and organization-... to have a leading role in the produc- aftrr a real srarch. were unable tr· tion "The Duenna" to he !'-taged in var- procluce ~uch a debater . Thcrdon· ious north s hore comlmmitics this the Forum prcs('nts Captain ITiT)hen to 'fl I . . I give his information on C<lnditioth in \\'ee k· an d next. 1c proc uctton wtl Ru s.., ia. be seen at the Byron Stolp auditori- I TEACHERS ENROLL AT N. u. II Guild Player Recognize Soviet? That Will Be 'J 'ext of Ji'orum Address R: Coats, Dresses and Hats UNIQUE STYLE SHOP TAYLOR MADE WARDROBE TRUNK Specials at $35.00-$50.00--$67.50 Utn in \Yilmcttc tonight and \\'ill he in E,·an!'-ton and \\' innetka next \\'cek. Glimpses of League's Ca1 end ar o f E ven t s At the regular monthly llH.· cting <·i the North Shore Catholic \Voman ·..., league held at the \Yinnctka \\'oman· ... rluh, Tue . day, Fel.>ntary (). a card part : " -as enjoyed by nwmher-... and thl'i r friends. The tour of the Field ~ftt:--eum ~clll'd ttled for \V ednesda , ., F e hruan· 17. " ·ill he postponed until ·..,pring. 'fhc next talk ll\· ).fr:-; . .\nthcn n French ~I rrrill "·ill h (· gi,·en at t h·t· home of 11rs. Franci" Bonner. 2.f3 Scott avenue, IT uhhard \ Yood "· \\' rd nesdav, Fchruan· 1i. at 2 o'ciClck. .\11 memh-crs arc urged to attl'nd a" thc-..t · t a1 k s arc we II w or t h h c a :· i 1~ " NEW VOP.K .. 11111111111111111111111111111 1111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111 11 11 111111111' · EST. 1859 CH ICAGO PALACE CASH PHONE MARKETPHONE Uaiv. 2720 Univ. 2720 THE HO.USE OF GOOD MEATS 1559 Sherman Ave., Evanston Very Best Baeoa (Siieed) ~lbs. $1.2.5 Columbus Foundation Club Giving Bridge Tlw l"olumhtt-. Fuundati(ln rluh. with a large nttmhcr oi intl'rt·...,tt·d nH·mher-along the nortfi ·;:,JlOre. " ·ill giH' a card party Saturday aitcrnoon. February 13. at 2 o'clock, in the hall room oi the Edgt'\Y:ttl'r Bl·arh hott·l. The procced:-oi the alTair \\'ill g(l tO\\ard the huild i n .~ f 1111 cl i (I r a l' -~ t lw I i r r h 11 r c h at t lw l..Tnin·r!--it,· oi lllinoi .... lt i:-; hope<! t hat g r o tlll d \\'iII h t' I J r o ken i or t he churrh this month . ~1 rs. J. J. l·:nright j . . gennal chair man oi thi-., affair. and aJ-.,o one (If the patro'ne~-.e~. Prime Beef Tenderloin Very Best Sirloin Steak there's going to be a new wife-saving s~ation. 45c Fresh Sweetbreads 42c Choice Pot Roast "For Fuel-Use Oil" Prompt Deliveries from Our· Winnetka Bulk Storage Plant 65c 19lj 2c )Braun Bros. Oil Cot; 11 For Fuel-Use Oil" Headquarters for Fresh Dressed Poultry Wilmette and Winnetka W'ILMETTF. 290 WINNETKA 1565 ·«Y/4?WAl2ddffL&74ki01a'QUdllVFAYAYAVii!ii!ZYAWd7RAWffL7AWWH/ffA>A?lUUWff4//UZZZ?&!2l,

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