Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Feb 1926, p. 25

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- ·February 12, 1926 WILMETTE bin, who played opposite Lon Chaney Ill "The Phantom of the Opera" will he ~een in her latest, "Stella M'aris". Kenneth Harlan and Patsv Ruth Miller in "The Fighting Edge" arc com:tlg Frida\· and ~aturdav . In addition there will he th · tbuaf comedies and Ill'\\". reel ·. LIFE . I 25 )· v. t- te 1e Stage and ·Screeri News and Reviews VILLAGE THEATRE "\\'hen the Door Opened." with J:trquelinc Logan, :\f argaret Li\'ingstun. Robert Cain and Frank Keenan will he the feature attraction at the \~illagc theatre on :\f onday and Tuesday. February 15 and lo. This pictur · i.. taken from the dramatic no\'el of the same name hy James OliYer Cur,,·nod. It is a . tor\' of the northwe s t ,,·ith an astoundin.i climax. In additi< n there will he an Educational comedy. Kelly Kolor reel and nc,,.._ reel. Corinne Griffith will be seen 1'1 "Classified" on \Vedne . da,- and Thur·sday. February 17 and 1R -This picture ·brings to the screen a ne\\ type - the girl who takes your \\'ant ad o,·er the phone. Also. it giYcs ~fj.,., Grifflth a new opportunity at characterization. a -.. .;he has ncn·r before attempted to portray this ort of pcr.;;onality . Her .:; uccc. s i. reported as haYin~ been complete. Jark \f ulhall and many prominent !'(Teen arti"t" are enrolled with :\fi-..s Criffith in placing this delightful ~tor\' oi lifC' in XC'\\. York flat upon th(· screen. ~ There will a J.,o be a Hckn and . \\.arrcn comC'ch-. ":\ \\'oman of Letter.;;," and a Pathe reYiC\\'. On Fridav and SaturdaY. Fthruan19 and 20, johnny Hines i~ "The Lh·c \\.ire!.' his hige-e . t laug-h, wi11 hC' the Tt'aturc picture. There wilJ also be a Rthtcr and Tig-C' comedy. "Educatin~ Ru,ter." and a Pathe new. reel. On :\f on day, Tuc . daY. \Yednesdav and Thursday, Februa-ry 22. 23. 24. ;nd 2S. Lon Chancy i~ ·coming in "The Phantom of the Opera." one of thC' ~Tt'atcst picture~ of the year. II s I' y Mrs. B. Haven Sneary, 322 Oak cir- 1 DINNER-DANCE HOSTS cle, has just returned from a two weeks' 1 Mr. and ~frs. A. C. Hammond of sojourn with relatives in St Louis and 500 Gregory avenue ana Mr. and Mr::;. lllodgctt, ).1o. ~[ rs. D. ~1. Jester ac, ' companied her home and will spend Roh~rt G. :Mc~a~·· 823 Chestnut ave~c'Ycral weeks visiting in \Yilmette and nuc, arc ~entcrtammg at a dmner-dance Chicago at the Edgewater Beach hotel Satur. _ _ day evening, February 13. 0 ~I r:-; . F . :\f. Tidmarsh of ":\(anitowoc, ------\\-i ..... who has been spending the past THE NEW EVANSTON The motion picture indu:-.tn· ha:-; a week it'1 Chicago. \\·as the guest of :\1 rs . l'. :\ . Keller of 820 Greenwood new Polh·anna. \ \·eek. She is- dark and exotic. and should aYl'lllH.' , \\.ednesday of this · -oefferve sce \Yith temperament, but she ~I r . and ~I r:-.. Samuel E. Ewing, doesn't. Ailet·n Pringle. :\[l'tro ~ Gold"· vn- Jr .. 302 Fernll'ai an: nuc. \\-ilmettc. anCcmt. from 1 :30 to 11 P . M. :\1 ayn C(Jn tract tJlayer, say · . he has nounce the birth oi a son. \\.edncspurpo:-;ely decided to become a ··glad da,·. Fl·hruan· 3. Thl' haln- has hcen FRIDAY, FEB. 12 na-med Hohc.rt Rick -en E;ving: after girl." . hi., grandiatht·r. R E. Ricksen. of \\.il"I han' C<J111C' to the conclusion," ..;ay-.. :\I is-; Pringle. " ·ho \\·i)] be seen mcttc . ~~THE in the leading feminine role of "Soul -0:\fate~ ... ""hich is coming to the New :\f rs. C. \\· . Cozzetb of ()2(> :\laple E \'arb ton theatre :\londav, "that it is an·nue \\·as hostcs"' to her Thur:-;dav much easier to he temperamental than club at her home this \Ycck. Matinee only it i-.. to he joyful. Eith~r one of cour. e becomes a habit. out it reallv takes ·:·~a-~- ~..-u- a-~ ~ " ·ill po\\·er to bl'C( Jl11l' Polh·atlliai h." Newell & Retchin This picture ,,iJi he ~~10~\"11 :\[ondav. 'ftH::;da,· and \\-ednl'..;c{a,-. Fehruarv f5. If> and .17. On Thur:;d~l\-, Frida,-- and SATURDAY, FEB. 13 Saturday. Fannie Hur~t's $50,000- prize winning- ":\1 annequin." \vill be the feaHnu·· of Hnrmony ture attraction . In addition there wi11 in 00 he c(·medi<:s. nt·\\·:-; ""ceklic;; and speEvery 11:15 cial ieatures . ~~THE '-AMPU I" MEWS Glen Huater in PINCH BITTER" I HOWARD' ~'ho· I I 1 I I I ' a -INIII>CI- I Boot Gibson in Wesley B_ a rry "DOUBLE DEALING' - N. W. "L" Station at Howard Sun., Mon. and Tuea. Feb. 14-15-16 ~:;tl;~~ to I ~ . HOLD PATRIOTIC DINNER I The annual patriotic dinner gi,·en 1)\· the Ladies Aid societv of thl' \Yilll~l'ttl' Pari ... h :\[cthodi:-.t church " ·ill hl' gin·n in the church parlor:- Friday c·n·ning. February 19. The members <·i tht Ep\\·onh kague will hl' guest=of hon11r . Rt·sen·ation ... are to he made \\·it h \I r:-; . E. \I. ~ta ffnrd. ·telephone \\.ihnl'ttt: iOJ-R. Rer<: nt nt'\\Tomt·r ... tn \\.ilmettl' arc \f r. and :\f r:- . Luther Bebhet· who have mO\·ed irom Xilt-:-; to t.hl' home the,· ha\'c purch<hed at the corner of ~ixth :-;trtet and Fon·.,t ;n·enul'. f i : FIGHTING CUB" Comedy I Commandment" 1 I I I I I with I uTbe New I News Fables AT NIGHT "Orchestra and Vaudeville" STARTING MONDAY FEB. 15 First Run on the North Shore Blanche Sweet and Ben L,.-on Wed. and Thurs., Feb. 17-18 HOWARD THEATRE Love." nc\\·e:-;t of the ~f dro-Gotd"·~· n- :\f ayer production-... I) ui t s t l.1e line of straight cn1wen t ion tor a Amg at non·lty and gain.:; in trC'mendous mea . urc the di~tinction of being original. non·l. and true to life. dt.~:-;pite what would seem to t h rC'a t ( n tlw prohahle. "The Great LovC'." tell:' the .;;ton- of the love of a man for a maid. arid.en tt·r the originalit,·.-thc 10\·e of an eleph nt.-fcmak o-f coursC'-for thC' man. Further. to add piquanc~-. thrrt' i., the villain. (tr thl' :-;o-called "hean·." WIJO threatens CYen·ho(h· and everYthing in sight. :h i-..·u..,ual with villia1~s. l1e gnc..; the \\ay all good villians :-hould g. ··. -oi:- ... Emma Ebert and Ah·in Ebert of Hammond. Ind.. -;pent the }")CtSt wt.'l'k-end a~ gut.'..;b at the home oi thl'ir cousin:-;. :\1 r. and :\(r:-.. :\. L Harker. 1617 cntr~d an~nue. ~1 "The Great I I '~ A II 1 I t ""MadelorLove" with I i THE IRON ,, HORSE with Madge Bellamy and George O'Brien and a regiment of United States troops; 3,000 railway workmen; 1,000 Chinese laborers; 800 Pawnee, Sioux and Cheyenne Indiana; 2,000 honea; 1,308 Buffalos; 10,000 Texaa ateera. COMING MONDAY, .FEB. 22 Leatriee Joy Fri. and Sat., Feb. 19-20 -=------..-..-·~ I ""Great Love" I ' 1 ~- I ; II t ,. _ 1 - Wit . h Yiola Dana. R<1hcrt Agnew. Zasu Pitts and Che:-;tcr Conklin take lead1ng parts in this nro<htction. which is coming to the Hmvard thC'atre Frida,- and Saturda,·. F('hrtl;-tn· 19 an(t 20. RlanclH' Sweet ~nd B(·n lYon "-ill hl' seen Sund::n·. ).fonda,· and Tucsdav. February 1-L 15 and 1o. in th('ir nc\,. pirtur(', "ThC' XC'\\' Commandment". On \Vcclnesda,- ;1nd Thur"d::n· . Leatric-e .T·1\- in "~fade for Lm·r" wi11 he the feature attraction. I I I I OF THE OPERA" j ~ ~ -=~·-i-; ;u; ;_; ; ; _; ; ; a; ;_; ; ; ,; ;-; ; ; -; ; ; ; ·; ;-;:; ; ; ;_; ; ; ; ,_; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;·; ;:-; ; ; ; _; ; ; ;,.;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;~ ~ ortla Shor~ 'I' raiDs Stop Hon-n,.d Viola Dana 1 at i f ~~PHANTOM i .J. B · .U~oppel, NEW I Your Home Theatre 1\lana&'ID&' Dlr~ctor t i THE i i EVANSTON :lion., TueH., and \\·eel. BOYBUBM .:.llonduy uml Tuettday I ut~!-4., Ht ' I ·urn·ood'M · - ""When the Door 1 Hem .· 'I .J:auu·s Ft·h. 1:; :anti Olh·t·r ( En·nlngs, 7:30-D; ~lat. Tut>M ·· 3::~·1 i i i 1 i ELINOR GLYN'S (Novel Reason Why) Dorothy Mackaill 1 - Opened" l ·'t·b. ··soulMates" Dorothy Mackaill VAIU~TY "JOAMMA" LatN&t Comedy Firtd .\ INo, Lah·!'4t Edtu·:ationnl C'unat>dy l"nthc· ~t·\\·!'4 :nul li. t·ll~· ( 'olor .. 'l'hurs., 1;, IS Felix Kat Run XewN , ,-_.ekly ThurHdn~· HOYBURN THEATRE "Toanna," an Edwin Carewe-First I "t~d ' 1 I Corinne Grillith I ' \\-edneNdny and K a tiona] nroduction, based on a ncwspancr serial hv H. L. Gates, starts a showing next M ondav at the Hovhurn theatre. Dorothv 1fackail1 and- Tack 1fulhall appear the featured rot'es. The storv concerns the activities of a beautiful young dress model aftc·r slw is givC'n a mysterious legacy of ;1 million dollars. Amon~ the unusual features are a gorgeous fashion show and a midnight bathing party in which th(" hathers are ,.at~1er scantily attired . This picture wtl! he shown Mond~v and Tuesdav. Fehruarv 15 and 1() On \\~ednesday ·and Thurf.day Mary Phil- in I ~ i In i ""CLASSIFIED" i ~ Ht~lt>n i ' I I I ::o f I Johnaie Bines = I I I ~~THE LIVE WIRE" i .\ lsu, l.att·!'4t :: ICt"t·l & \\ nr1 t·n C'cunt'tly nnd Pntht· Ht·,·it·n· Fri.. !oint ·· l<'t>b. 19 nnd Mary Philbin " 'eekly Sat. CtHatt'dy ~ewH ThurN., l·'ri., nnd ·stella Maris' . Ju,·t'nlle Conat>cl,nntl First Hun !\ewM \\ t·t·kly l<'riduy unci Snturdny ~ .. " JAMES CRUZE Prt>Hents J.<'nnnit> Hur"'t'M $50,000 Story 'Mannecauin' · Alice Jo,.-ee Waraer Baxter A .INO Patsy Ruth Miller and Kenneth Harlan !·-----·-·-·-··-·---··) ' · of the Opern" I f'cunilt~· : Also, :: llt·t·l llmctt>r and 'J'Igt> (:..uau·tly ancl I·othe Xt>ws ~- 4 clayN, "'l'be Phnutona ~- Helen and Warren '"The Fighting Edge"

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