Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Feb 1926, p. 22

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22 WILMETTE LIFE February 12, 1926 St. Augustine' s Church Presbyterian Church First Presbyterian Church of Wilmette Located at Ninth Stre-et and Greenl eaf avenue. Dr. George P. Magill, past'or. Sumla:'l· school meets at 9:30 a. m., classes conv ning- at 10 o'clock. The Adult d partment meets at 9:4a, with classes at 10 o'clock. The special missionary topic di~cussed in the first perio<l this n xt Sunday will be, "th (· :\Iissionary \Vork Among the Ne.groes. ' ' f'hristian En<lea,·or society meets at ;, :30 p . n1. to 1liscuss the theme being studied for this quarter, "The Christian Citizen Practicing His Religion ." Soein.l hour an<l light lnucheon imnwdiatt>ly follo\ving- the m cting. _\lJ young· IH·opl · cor<lially invited to atten<l. The '\Yt>l·k-tlaY ::;ehNlule: ~t·uut 'J't·oo p .:\o. ;;, ~Ionday nig-ht, 7:45; :\l(· n·~ ~ig-ht, Tuesday evt~ning-, 7:30; Th e :\lot·ntita club, \Vedncsday afternoon , 4 o'clock; l\Iitl-w ·ek service, \Vednesday (·Veiling-, S o'clock; Young- I' ·oplt·'s Ht·cl'(·ation, Thursday evening, 7:30; · Tlw !Joy Hang-ers, Fridn.y aft rnoo·1, 3:30, and the Ju11ior Joy-Givt>r!--, FrU1a\· afternoon, 3:30. Th<' Int ·rmedia.tf' . cltopartments' r··ct·eational progTam for Friday night will ht· omittl'd this Friday nig-ht, and th.Young- J>eoplf"s n·creational pt·og-r:un for Thursday night of tH.: xt w··· ·k "ill bt· omitted. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR A FREE SAMPLE OF Sunday, February 14, will b e Qu i n quagesima Sunday, or t h e Sunday nearest the fiftieth day before Easter. There will be Holy Communion in S t . Aug·ustine's at s a. m., Church schools and Bi ule classes at 9:45 and Morning L'rayer with addt"Ss at 11 o'clock. I '\Ve cltwsday, F bruary 17, will be A:-;h '\Vednesday, the fit·st day of Lent. There will be Holy Communipn iJ! St. Augustin e's at 7 a. m., the Penttenlial otlic at 10 a. m. and Evening J·'rayer with address at p. m. During the Fridays in Lent there will be Holy Communion at 10 a. m. ~·specially for· thos who are not able to attl'lld re~· ulat·ly on ~unclays or "ho ome to t~arly ,ommunion serYil' 'S. t ht ·r · a. 111. During· th·· \\'t· dn~·sdays in will IH· Holy · 'ommuui·Jll L('nt at 7 COTTAGE CHEESE Wh ipped tn Pu re Cream You ' Jl never in the w orld kno w ho w downrigh t good Conage C h eese can be un ti l you taste Dixie. D ixie Cottage C heese possesses distinc tive q uality. It is pasteurizedit is richer- of fuller flavor a nd fin er tex ture. Wh ipp ing in pu re. fresh cream gives Dixie North Shore Cottage C heese in im itable smooth ness and delic iousness. T ry it. It w ill prove a p ri me favo rite with th e whole famil y. Get your F REE sample from an y of the fo llow in g grocers: Gt"nthnt·nc .llt-nt lUarkt-t "\\.llmette (oroeery Ynn Dt-uMen (oroeer y llrlnknuan 's 4.i rot·t·ry Sehlo"'ser'M (,; roet>r y Eust ao; nd llnrkt-t The Associn.ted guilt.ls will meet Thursday at 10:30. A lig-ht luncheon is sen·cd at t·ach guild meeting for :!:i C('llts. .\ poll of the women of th·· eougn'atgation is being taken to see wh ·thl·r FridaY would be a more suitahlt> guild da;· for tlw majority than Thursday. The Lent ·n noon-day r-;t·t·,·ic ·s in t ht· <..;anick theatrL·. 64 \\· . l~andolph st n·t·t, beg·iu .Ash \Yed ta·sda~· . The spt·a k~·r, Fl'hruary 17 to 1!1, will he ! {~·\·. Jalllt'S \Yise, uishop o( 1~ansas . TIH · '\Vt'stminst. ·r l..?:uiltl will lllt't't Frid;ty, 1·\·ht·twry 1 ~~. tllt'r·· will l~t· a spt-<·ial dt·\'o tional s~·rYit··· for Wttllll'll ftor dinner an<l tiH·i t· t·eg-u lar tnt·t·ting Th · o[ all tlw <·hurdws h..td at th·· l't···s- Ttlt·~da .'· ~·\···ning-, Ft·bruar~ · lti. hytt·ri:tll t'hU!'I'h at :! p. m. untlt ·t· tht· llf· :·;t·· ~~ · · s at·t· )Jiss :\Iarin11 ('o\vin and _\nna \Velch. Lt·ad(·r, :\Iiss auspict·s of \\'on1en 's llonll' and Fot·- ~[iss ThP < ;uild will lit· t·ig-n J:oards of )Iissions. Th· ·t·t· will ~ar<t II I :nl\ntlt ·t·. IH· addt't.'Sst>s and dt·\·o tions lt·d IJ,· t h · t·nt··l'l<tilll'd, tog·t·thl'r with a g-roup of WO!lll'll of the difft·r··nt chur<:llt'S in Guild members from a Chicago church, \\-ilmt·ttt·. \\'ontt'll uf ~l. .\tlgllstitH·':-; this Fr ·itla,· (·\'t·nin~. at dinttt·r and an ,.,.,.llillg ,;arty, in t ht · ('hun·h gym:lt't· el->pt·cia11y in,· it~·ll. nasi urn. North Shore Food Products Co. 427 .. 429 N. Morgan St. Chicago ~Ir. and ~Irs. Fred Arm-,trong and Th e :\len's club will ha\'c· a Lincoln's their t\\'O little daughter:->, oi the ~~ IY- Uirthday program Friclay evening-, ercign hotel, left this \H'<.:k ior San February 12. A special muRical proDiego, Cal., \\· hc~e they \rill remain g-ram haR ueen arranged. The spf'cial until ~larch. ~Irs. Arm:-.trong i:- the sp ·a kl' I\ for this occa~ion is th lion . daughter of \fr. and ~lr-,. Charks H ·rb ·rt X. Laflin, of :\lilwauk ·<·, '\Yis ., ~· .-neral couns1, North·w(;stern l\t:utua.l :\f cClll' oi 631 \ Yashington a n·tnH· . Life Insurance company. All men or -ot ht· ('nngTegation are i nvit d. ~1 r~ . T. B. Potter of 607 Forest avenue was hostess at luncheon and bridge Tht · Annual Day of Prayt·r, und Pr Fe<ll'ration of to the "Sterling Club" on Friday; Feh- the aus{licc·s of th · 5. \\'Pm··n'l-> J:oar( of For i~n ~li!-~sions of Xo1·th .\tn .. ri<'a, and Tht· (·ou11<'il of ~ I ~~~~~~~~~~~~,@~~~~~ \Vonlt ' ll for llotnl· :\lissions, lwld Fl'ida~ · . Ft·bruary l!t, at pr~ogT:tlll ~ will be o'clock S ·U CCESS In the short space of two years, the natne CHRYSLER has cotne to tnean "all there is" in Quality and Perform-Beauty Lies in in tht· Fit·st l'n·shyU·rian church. ::\Irs. 1~. · ·. Ila\'ison will presi<h·, A musical ht · furnisht·d lJ\ :\Irs. Fr tl l..t·chlt·r with )Jiss Allt~ n :~t tht· org-an. Tht· spt·akt·rs will he )Irs. Danid Slt·t ·I' t·t·, an o11icial "f t ht· national org-anizat io11, :uttl )Jiss Sarah Xort·is, a tt·acht·t· in tht> school at ~:u.Tanwnto, <'hilt· . All wottlt'll an· ill\' ltt·tl to eonH· and spt·tlfl an lllltlr t··gt · th··r in p ra ~· ··t·. Healthy EYES It's not so much the size or color of the EYES that makes them beautiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiates from them. Un# lesskeptalwayscleanandhealthy, EYES lack1this alluring lustre. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and oeauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par# tides and keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna. Our illustrated books on "En Care" or E~e Beauty" are ~REE on request. 41 ~pokt· Xu . 7, of th~· \\'otllatl ·s s·H'it·t~·. art· pla11ning- <L trip to South Amt·t·ica, on Thut·sda\· t·\·t·ning- Ft·hruan· 11:-> ilt '\ o'elcH'k, und(·r th,.' lt·:ult·r·s.hip ' of Proft·ssor .Jamt·s of Ev:tnstotl. Professot· JatnN> has travPl!t·tl t·Xtt·nsivelv throughout Latin Antt·t·k a, an<l hi~c..; pictures and 1 ·<'tun· will IH· interesting- a ncl instru('ti Y<'. An in vita lion is t·xt 'tHled to the mt·ll, W()lllt·n atlll ('hildrt>n, and th( ·ir fri .. nds . Th·· puhlie is COI'dially ill\'itl:'d . ance. "Drive a Chrysler and Learn the Difference" To buy or sell property successfully, avail yourself of the ·EvANSTON Moroa SALEs W. D. Reagan, Mgr. 1840 RIDGE A VENUE Phone Univ. 2277 ad- vantages of consultation with The Murine Company l)£pt. 33, Chicago CHRYSLER ··sa" "10" ··so" ......_ ...... II

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