Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Feb 1926, p. 17

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= 925 Februar y 12, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 17 ;· Kenilworth News TO HEAR ORCHESTRA Hold Up Kenilworth Man And Take Jewelry, Cash \\'hile on his '"a'· home from work \\. cdnesda~ ~Ycning of last week, John Cuckheisen, postmaster of Kenilworth, \\·as held up hy two men and robbed of a diamond ring and a pin, Yalucd at $200 togethtr. and $300 111 cash. The r(lhherY occurred at Railroad and Lin den ;l\:uwe. on the outskirt ~ of the village. The men al so took from Cuck llt· i~en a paper containing the comhina t ion oi the ~ a ie at the postofncc . They l.'-..caped in an automobile. The 1\oyremore ~- ~ hoot gave ib jun1 i<· r Pn1m Friday night. Th -2 giri:I irom ~enih,· onh ,,·ho attended werc. j I \ 'i rginia \\'oo<llan<l: Bernice Cole. BarJ foldcn. and Phochl' Hedrick. , har a 1 1 The J..!"Yilll~a~ium oi the ~chool was : tran,((l.r med f(1r the hall into a large tent p<lYili(ln ~urroundecl with an d ier tin· desert . cene and ri~ing nH,on ., Th(' }.f orris Shnman orche-.tra irom the Cr.) lege Inn played . , II. 1 : Friday evening, February 19, the Kenilworth ctub \\·ill again he ho sts to the Chicago Busine s ~~en 's Orche::.tra, Clarence Dcvans, director. The concert given in Kenilworth hy thi s group of players last year wa :-; very l'njoyahk . It i!'> the only symphony nrchestra in the countn· entireh· made up of am a tcur player s. A ra r.c trca t a~ \\'ell a!'> an evening of good mu"ic 1s anticipated. -0- AMONG T HOSE AT P ROM I ~· I II I' t' Thc KcnilwCirth club i~ giYing (Ill(' oi the mo~t delightful affairs of ib ~c a~CIIl this evtning. a lllet ~ qut hall. Priz(·s ,,·ill he a\\·arded ior tht· l)l· ~ t co~ttlllll'~. l'(lpe Han·ey and hi-. per "O llal orcht·~tra oi tt·n piece ~ arc ~ up plying the mu-.ic iPr the a flair " ·hi r h \\'ill be a hrillia:H c,·ent on tlw -.or ial calendar. 0 - MASQ UE BALL TONIGHT MEDITERRANEAN CRUISES S.S. "ARDIATIC" FEB. 25th. S.S. "LAPLAND" MAR. 6th. MADEIRA - GIBRALTAR - ALGIERS NICE - MONTE CARLO - NAPLES -ATHENS- CONSTANTINOPLE - PALESTINE - EGYPT - SICILY - MONACO. ( )ptio.nal stop-o\·er frotn S.S. "Adriatic" to ~.~. "Lapland" allows 16 days 111 Palestine and Egypt. J· !' I · ll.L r }.ti ~~ Loui~t· Tin ~ tnan oi 1\.aJha~ l'it,· }.!r~ . :\ . D . llannah. 417 :\J>J,ott-. ~ ~pent ah(lllt a \\·eek <h tht guot (;i ion! n·ad 1\.cnihYorth. and ~~i~s Eliz~lr~. ~amuel 11. Clark (!i l35 Fullt:r 1 aht"th llannah 23(, \\'(·Odstock an·m1e. Jane. ;.. l i~s Tin:-,man ,,· a~ n·t urning 1 are Jea,·ing tomPrH·\Y to join \f r .... :\ . home from :\e\\· Y<1rk whert· :-,he \\'l'nt \\' . Hannah. to bid "bon \'Oyage" to Iter parl'llh \\hO ' \Jr.; . r. T . Bark.u~-:-245 Cumnot road. ~ailed. on a ~1editcranean crui:-.t. Kt:nih,·orth. ldt Thur. da,· for a t\H) -omonths' staY. Aiter Yi!'tting her ~i:-,:}.[r~. Grant Ridgway, 207 Cumh\.·r · tn in K..'t~t~a:-, City. ~he ,,·ill continue land an·nuc, Kl.'nih,·nrth, cntertaiiH:d 1 (ll1 tn California. I a few friends for ~[ r~ . lht rnham· :-, I - oI guc~t. ~fr~. ~IerrinJan, at luncheon at I The l·:,ening Bridge dub ""ill meet La Petite Gourmet before going to I next :}.f oncla~· to han· dinner with ~f r". the Chicago ~ymphuny orchestra con- Grant Ridg\Yay. 207 Cumberland a\'C' c.·ert Friday. lllll'. ~l'nih,·ortlt. --o--o"}.f r. and ~~ rs. Robert :McNeill Burn , "}.[ r ... . Carl Keith. 310 \Yar\\·ick roa 1. f1l-l E~sex road. left Tuesday for New ~enihYorth. and ~1 rs. Fred Bulle" 220 C>rlt·an~ and Biloxi. In New Orleans .'heridan road ~e!lihYortlt. entertained the~· will j(Jin :}.fr. and ~fr . . Frank l.!llt~b at Yanl!'hmg luncheons last F. Pht·lp~. ()}() :\hhottsinrd road. Ken- 1 , \\·eek t(l hend1t the ·c nitcd Charities. il\\·orth. Tht.·_,. expect to he gont· t\\·n -o1 wcek~ . One oi the Kenilworth bridge clubs --o mtt Tue :; da,· with ~fr~. ]. G. \Vcimar f I ugh Forl'-.man. 515 ~-:~..,t·x road . (II F.YalbtO;l, who entertained the K<.·nil\\'nrth. Karl B. Kurra<h·. 527 Ab- memhn:- ior luncheon at the Orringhott~ford road. ~idm·y Hal( oi Indian L[ ' I · ton hntt·l. r til roa< . and Ben' In· ~r cCloud. ·llri 1 ()Cumn<1r road. retttnH·ri ~atur<Ja, · irom Ogdl'll Cook 11i the Kt·nih,·orth Tnn their triJ ! 111 ~l' \\. ( >rleans . . rdurnl.'d ~aturclaY irc1111 a two week\ I - 0hu:-ines~ trip to :\c\Y Orlean:-. }.1 r.... \\"illiam A. "}.f oultnn and llcr daughter. Dorclk. 255 Raleigh r(lad. , ;;;;_;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Ica,·c next fridav for ~ara..,ota. Fla .. to vi~it ~fr~ . "}.loult(Jn\ parcnb. }.1 r . and ).f rs . Charles \\'. Tordan. who han· a \\·inter home therZ· . 1 1 II Extension trips thru Europe by rail and motor-escorted or independent-itineraries arranged. WORLD CRUISES 1926-7 BOOKINGS NOW OPEN~ IINTERNATIONAL The Travel Bureau 25 E. Washington St. State 3313 MERCANTIL~ 1iRA.VELERS CHECKS are Widely Available RATE ·11 of I OA> MARINE cos CHICAGO G. H. CONNOR Safe-Convenient WINNETKA BUILDING NEWS Vol. I George \\'ood:- . . ay~: generally keep . a :-.ccret. an keep s a diary. Winnetka, Ill. :\ mar~ A wom - No.4 I Pearl Sale On All Pearls "In the spring a young man's fancy, lightly turns to thoughts of love." And m summer and 111 autumn, and 111 winter-sec above. -0- Burt .\. Crowe. 234 Raleigh I road. " ·ho ha~ hccn in the Evanston hospital for three \H't·ks following an operation, returned to her home Sat urday and is rapidly recovering 1Iiss Pattv Foresman, 515 Essex road, Kenilworth,- is prolonging her stay in the East to at tend two Junior proms ; this week, one at Yale and one at Cornell. ~[ r-. . Now in Progress 2,0 % DISCOUNT -o- The Pearl The unsurpas~able beauty \.li well matched pearls make thctll the ideal ornament. Every woman who owns a Pearl Necklace values it not onlv as an article of adornment, but as her most cherished trca ure. In our stock there are many strings of beautiful, periectly matched pearls ranging in price !rom one hundred dollars to many thousands. Start a string and add a few pearls from time to tim e. The long luoktd for, and talketl <1i :o;chool building in the south part of Glencoe 1s now under \\'ay. :Mr. Crowder has moved into hi"' Stranbtrg Bro~ . of Chicago are the new home on Hibbard road. con t r;t ct (Jr.., and Wl' ha YC clo:-,cd a deal \\'ith them f(lr material and lttlllil(' r. Chri ty Brown, builder, is making wonderful progress on Mr. Ho"·a1 d's new home on the east \\'c kno\\· a man 1t1 this town side of Sheridan road, near the who 1s already making plans ior north end of Maple avenue. hi.., garden. The strike in the hard coal fields seems no nearer settlement than it did five months aRO. But, coke is Fire Fire Fire Mac Draft, professional chimney sweep~ will be in Wilmette to sweep residence chimneys and clean furnaces for one week or longer if business warrants. Will make any chimney and furnace work like new and prove it. Save you 20% of fuel and prevent a serious fire. For prompt attention leave your order at the Wilmette Fire Station. · a wonderful fuel, a great many people prefering it to anthracite. For the fireplace, order some, of Ott!" street near \\'alnut avenue. \Vin- nice dry hard maple or Cann(·l nctka. These homes arc of a Coal. decidedly distinctive type, and are an asset to the village. ~Ir. R . E. Crosby b cxccptio!l ally bu~y thc~e day~. He ha-. h<lU:'e" under C(lnstruction at 200 La kc a \'l'lllll', Glen cue, 1452 Scott a\·cnttL'. Hubbard \\'ood.., and Ehn Charles E. Graves & Company Jewelers and Silversmith s lltuurtku Qlnal -~umber Qin. ...._ 1fADISON AND WABASH Established 1857 823 Spruce Street Winnetka 734 ~ ·--------------------------------------------------------'

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