Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Feb 1926, p. 12

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~ ·,. ' . 12 WILMETTE LIFE February 12, 192~ Fe Rf?s ..-=~~s~ DAVIS ST· .AT THE "L" Wednesday, February 17 Supreme Values Throughout the Store Fine Rayon Step -ins $} Regularly, $1.69, at 86 Women·s Blouses$} Worth· to $4.95 at Children ' s Spring Dresses, 7 to 14, $} play proper, one finds these characters tishness, dishonesty, unkindness and the same, yet different in a way all the other small meannesses of which scarcely tangible. In this second scene, nature is so apt to be guilty. Such is they become ordinary types, still pos-j the state of affairs until the "stranger", sessing, albeit to a somewhat softer or the "Third Floor Back" passes degree, the characteristics peculiar to through their midst. is passing clears Dramatic Club to Stage "Pass- the types for which the,· were cast 1 and freshens the atmosphere remarkin the prologue. Then thcr.e follows the ably, until, in the epilogue, the one ing of Third Floor Back" at epilogue in which the tratL rormation quali.ty which seems to reign in all Auditorium February 20 " ·hich was developing in the second their he~rt and minds, is love for their By H . E . D . scene is completely accomplished. neighbors that which envelopes all 'l'l_H:~ players. oi the ~e\\· Trier Dra- That is, the "satyr". of the prologue. that Is best and finest. Still, one i-... matte club \\·til present, as their sec- becomes ·an "old bachelor" in the cp- puzzled: \Yho is the stranger who ha . . 1 ond n~nturc oi this school term the ilogue: the "coward" and the "hu..;sv". hroug lt so much good to pass? \Vhat dram~, "The Passing of the Third Floor - "t\vo lover~···: the "bullv" and the , and \vhcrrfon.' is his mission? \Vhen l~ack , by Jt·roule K. Jeromc, Saturdav "shn·,v" arc cast as "11usband and the pia_ , . ell(l:-;, one feels a lump in Ft·hruan· 20. - " ·ife". All through the entire drama. I on-e\ throat,-whethcr of sadness or On_ th-e titlt.· page of the manuscript movt·s the "Third Floor Back". a i happiness, it cannot he determined . ~f tlus dra2na. arc printed these \YOrds: stranger \vho yet seems familiar to Jlo\\T\·cr. one appreciates the pta~· An Idle Fane..\, In a Prologue, a Plav each of the other characters in the I deeph·. and feels that the "Third Floor and an Epilogue". These "·himsicai play. From a "Passcr-1"·" in the pro- I Back" has passed through one' own words, _h>· w~y of description, give on- Iogue, he become.;; a "Friend". in the ; life. also. ly _a talllt 1dea ·of the unique plot epilogue. I P lay Ia D iffe r ent \duch thread:-- its \\·ay through the S tudy of Sweet Ch aracter This play is different from anythin~ drama. ~ The plot concerns the adYent ( f a 1 yet gin~n at Xew Trier. This season. 1 Tn th~ ~:~t plan:. the play has the ne\\· hoarder in a London lodging the .Dramat~c club. seem: to he ~m tl~rce dn·tstons named ahoYe.-pro- hot~se ~nd the mysterious. influence I hr~l~lll~ ~- '~}de \'arte~:· ot l!lay~. Ftr . . .~. ~oguc. play. and cpil(,gue, in;:,tead of "·~llch h_ts S\H'l't and magnetic person- t ht ~ g ..l~ e A Thousand \ear . . ~go . JUst ~o many acb as is ordinarii\- the altty hrmgs to ht·ar on all the other 1 a ht:a uttful and gay fanta"Y· 1 hen. ~ ~~e. :_'he se_~~n.d unusual featu_rc -is the lodgers. Sotueho"·· because he ..;eeks the ~rst appearance of the pla)~<'r~ ~c~::~~.<:t of _cctstmg ~he roles tor each only the good and _hcautiiul in the ~;·as ','~ th~ two ot~,e-act ,~omedte<;: Fot the pt ologue. the char- people he meets, thctr finest qualitic.;; !he. l ~ystmg Place, and Thursday actcrs are cast as "a -;at'-r a cmyard. triumph. Tints. in the t1rst scene, the l·.n'tung . Just last week, the un a httlly. a :--ltrcw." and :-o. o;1. For the I atlllospherc is charged with petty cat- ~~~~·-rla~sn1~11. 1~,reset2ted the fairy tak. -- ~ , now \\ htte . ~ow, the player-... a rr··in -.tep forward. hut with a \'l'r\" different type of play. It has m~·-...ter; pith fi nc character roles; a novel plot and that indefinahl something mo-...t tH·arl~· described as "appealing rhann" . :\II in all. the coming play i-; a drama \\·ortln· of an oyerflo\\·ing h ,u-...c. "THIRD FLOOR BACK," I ~· I~ = NEXT NEW TRIER PLAY I+ '+ I+ I+ I I e I I o :: I I I I I I I I o I o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ·I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I For Professional Men Doctors, lawyers- all professional men, in fact-have need for a particular type of ear- Sanitary Aprons of$} Regular $1 .95 value, 284 Velvet, Felt and$) Silk Hats at, each, Men' s Shirts, Regu larly $1.65 , at Men' s Athletic Union Suits, $2 value, at Nested Decorated Bowls, 5 to set. $1 .25 $} value, " Champion" S t e~ p $} Ladder~, $1. 7 5 value, New Envelope Hand Bags, silk, leather, Stamped Aprons, 59c $} value, 3 for :\f r-... . Robert Ofnstead ot- ~t ihYattkl'l' a fe\v day..; ,·i-;iting her -...i . . ter in-law. ~frs. Benth· ~1cCioud o1 41() Cttmnor road. Ken.ilwnrth . . ~pt·nt -o- $} $} One that parks easily, handles without effort in traffic, serves with maximum dependability, and looks the property of the alert man of affairs. To fill these specifications Reo suggests the Series G Coupe priced extremely low at $1495, f. o. b. Lansing. ' and :\f rs. Ralph Scht·Yn oi \\. a:-.h ington. D. C.. "·ere the \\·eck-end guest-. of ~lr. and ~fro; . F. E. ~[. Cole. 315 E sex road. Keni lworth. ~f r. $} Reo Evanston Co. 1101 Chicago A ve. Univ.6194 In the Annual February Sales Lace Clocked uBuy Where Service is Handy" Silk Hose $1.59 The latest thing from P arisluxurious lace clocked silk hose slightly imperfect-costly 1n appearance, low in price. W otnen's Shoes Fine footwear in the favored styles previously priced at $8 .00 and $8 .50, now. $5.45 First Floor

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