Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Feb 1926, p. 11

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February 12, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 11 French Club to Stage Ticket Sale /or Mardi Gras February 19 Bridge Foretells The French club of New Trier high Brilliant l!.:vent school will stage a Mardi Gras cele- Tickets arc selling r apid ly for the bration in the mess hall of the school 1 Friday afternoon, February 19. There pivot bridge t o be given. on the after- will be dancing and entcrtai~mcnt. The noon of Thursday, March 4, at the school orchestra will furnish the ·music. Wilmc · r· \\Toman's c1uh. The pledge The proceed . arc to go to a fund to i of the ciLII> to the state endowment provide some ::\c,,· Trier student with fund was $600, half of which has been a scholarship to go to France for travel paid, and the balance, $300, is the and study thi . coming s ummer. All quota for this affair coming in March. s tudent s of the school arc invited to Mrs. Charles A. \Yanncr is the at tend. chairman with the party arrange--.-------mcnts in charge. ~f r ~ . R. E. PattiS POKE GIVES SURPRISE . on Kline, presidc~1t of the cl~th for the Sp( 1ke ::\umber ::\inc of the Pr*2sbytwo years preccdmg ~[r s. ::\. P . Col- t<:rian church gathcr<:d at the home of \vcll .in office: i.;; in charge of priz__-s its chairman, ~Ir s. Frank J. Pfahler, and 1s pbnnmg one for each tahle. ! .?04 Sixth st reet, Tlmrsday afternoon The re t of the committee is composed ! <ti la -.,t \\·eek to gin· a surpri se party of ~[e s damc s );. P . Colwell, HaYe s . I j(,r }.Irs. Piahler " ·ho has hccn con).fcKinneY: \Villiam IT . H o lmt·s. ch~tir- 1 f111ed to her home mo. t of the winter man of tick<'t"; C. ).fj]e .., ).far Donald ! io\l()wing a ~erimh operation. The . and Albert 1\. Page who are in char~e ~poke held its regular meeting at ~fr s. of table re ser\-a tion -;: Thc(tdore J. Piahlcr' . home Thttr!--<lay of thi s week ~forcau a~d J. c:am{'\OJ~, ho ~ J~i ~al - 1 ~ty comm1tte<.·: T· ... Pattt-; o n l<dme, I The re-gular lll<.·nthly mreting oi th e m chargc .o f pnzt·..,: l·rc· d ).f. Bowc ~. junior .-\uxiliarY ()i the Infant \Vel 1 Arthur Dtxon. Haymnnd \\' heelock. fare Societ\· 0 ( Chicago will he held Charles Harrison Smith, Pt·t-r~- 1.. ).fonda,· afternoon. February 15. at 2 ~mit here;, Halph F. Pettit. ;llld Tf ope o'clock. at the home of ).lr . Roger Thomp so n. E. \\' illiam c; , 410 Fore st a\·c nue. Mr~. lamb C . Elder ancl ).fr!-- . H. L. \\'ei . . t· i1aar " ·ill a-;-.,i-.t thc ho. tes s. '~ 1 I I ).!· !'· 1 · M ee 1ngs 0 pen sewing "::\ot onh· member-; (li the \\.Ciman·~ ~ . :. . lluh nt \\ tlmette, hut all women ot the Yillag-e arc invited to attend the FridaY all da~· se ,,·ing meetings hcld at the \Yoman's cluh under the au . pice of the philanthrophy department oi the rlnh . The \\·omen con,·ene at 10 o'clock in the morning, and luncheon i:; -.<.·n·ed at 12:.10. The work thi.., month j.., done for the Lake Bluff orphanage. The next mc·tting takes placl' Friday. February 19. to Women of Village l ~rr. -o- and ).[r s. \\'allace B. J?crnke. 300 Creenlc.af avct:ue. a.rc re.ceivmg the cc,ng-ratulattOtb ot thetr fnends upon tht: birth of a nn Friday, Fcbruar~· 3. at the EYan~ton hospital. at ourJ/ttractiliJtj rnu 'It Jllorvet -o- I , ).frs . F. A . 1{ (, -.~. 414 Isabella trect. hac; returne~l tn \\'il!nette after a werkend -.pent 111 Dttro1t. -o, \[r s. Gu\' R . Knickerbocker of 906 \,reen\\·oO<i aYenue entertained her Thur~cla\' luncheon bridge club thi.;; . week. · JJricetL/ at The Silk Shops are as_low PRICES as you will find them anywhere for silks of equally good quality. Many people associate the idea of high prices with a specialty shop. To convince you of our policy of genuine value-giving, we invite you to visit our shops and get our prices on silks of various qualities. You will be surprised at the noteworthy values we offer. .r FOUNTAIN SQUARE-EVANSTON THE BOOT SHOP SPECIAL · TODAY: An Unaaally Good Qaality of · Geor~ette in All Shades, $1.95 Yd . PRICES ALWAYS REASONABLE Charge Accounts Solicit~d VISIT OUR EVANSTON SHOP Misses' and Children's Dress-Up Shoes For After-School Parties Patent Leather Button \vith Fawn Color. Wrombo Cloth and Black Cloth Tops. Goodyear Welt Sole. Sizes 5 to 8 Sies 8,0 to 11 Sizes 11 0 t o 2 , EDGAR A STEvENS . . INC. TilE SILK SHOPS 19 ojq~ EaSl. Madison Street Street at Woodlawn Ave. and in&anstonlll1b.}80rrlngton Ave.. $S.so $5.90

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