Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Feb 1926, p. 10

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10 WILMETTE LIFE F ebrua r y 12, 19.26 Fe GIVES HEALTH TALK Announce Betrothal Dr. Caroline Hedger Urges Mothers to Carefully Guard Health of Pre . School Children pi tlll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ·:tii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiii!U Her Valentine ! L et it be flow ers. A delicate creation , fragr ant and bea u tif u l, exp ress·ing . as nothin g else can , the warmth of your friendsh ip, the deepn ess of your affection . For Mother, Sister, Friend or S weetheart , we' ll m ake y ou just the ri ght Valent ine. JOHN WEILAND Theodore Weiland,' Manager FLORIST Evanston Store : I 6 I 4 Sherman Ave. University 50 2- 8607 1 I Wilm ett e Sto re: 6 I W ilmette A ve. Wilm ette 2 I 28 Store Open All Day Sunday, Feb. 14th I Dr. Caroline Hedger, member of th e :-;tali of the Elizabeth McCormick ~I emorial fund of Chicago, spoke bl'iore munhers of the '·ntral-Laurl'l Parent -Teacher a~ . ociation at the lh ron l'. Stolp ~dwol auditorium Tut::-.da,· aitanomt. llt·r ~ubject was ·'\\'hat til~· Parent-Teachers a :.soc iation ran do ior the health oi the child." A lar g~· aud~~nre heard the address. Dr. I l<·d ger ha -., been a practi:-.ing phy-,iriat l i1·r man\· n·ar:, and has been cspcrialh interc~t<.:cl- in child \\·cliare work. · Dr. I ledger told the mothers pn· ..,ent that it \\·as their duty to put thvir (·hi! drcn in the hc:,t pos~ihlc phy ~ iral ron I cliti on l>tiore ~ tarting in ~chon!. :-:.!J,. tc.Jd oi ,,·hat Parcnt-Tcaclwr ;t-, ... ,,ria tio·n..; in other communitiv~ had c),,n, · I l l tu\\·anl the care of the pre -.,c )l!l(d rhilrl In ~ic.ux City, Io\Ya, ~he -,aiel. an t·x ;tmi nati( lll of prc- srlw() l rhildn·n ln r! ·* cli~rln~t·cl tl1e fart th;tt 37 ptT cvnt 11! them h;td ""lllC phy-..ical dcfvrt. Thi · lta:-. -..inn· ht'l'Il nit dc,\\11 t<· a \1 1'. \ 'Illall pl·rrt·ntag(·. <:.he -..aid. T'hoto b;.· Root })r. lkdgl'r. \\Ito ,,a.., i11r a J~,n~ ti1 11·· M iss Marg a re t Tawse a -..rhool pit' -..ici;lll in thv l...'lti c;u..!(l rlt<l(d:-.. said th;tt in n:c .... t ca-..v ... oi (lln ~lr . an<.l ::\fr.]. Cord un 'Lm·..,l· ui 730 ta~iou-.. di-..v;t"t" tlllv 11i tht· tir-..t "·' IllJ I· (:rt'l'tl\\<HHI <t\l'lltll', \\ 'illll~·,i,· . ha\·· ;111- 1111111" i." a ~.l'\Trt' ccdrl. and u~·l!t'd \'1!llOliiH'L'd thL· l'll .~agl'llll'llt 11 j th~.·ir "JI~·rat11111 td nwtlt,·r-.. 1>~· ku·p11_1g th_nr claugiltL' r, ~fj..,, ~larg;IITt Ta" ,,. , 11 , ; t·h_Ildrvn at htllll_t' "h~·n tltL·_,. dt-..pla, vrl \\.illiau 1 11 . ~LttlH·-... , 011 ol ~I r-.. .. \ . c . tilt-, ,_,.111Jtl(J IIl . ~ltv -.. a1d that ~lwrv l'llll~d .\lathe:-. 11 i .\drian. ~I irlt The .til- ~ ll,,t Jl!l ...... tl>l~ lw l'IIIJIJL:"h lll<'cltral ra~t· 111 i IlfHinrt·Illt'Jlt ,,· a~ 111 ade at a ltttlrht·t>ll tilt.' -.,rltoctl~ to take pr(Jpt·r rare ol thv and bridge gin·n in the hallr!lot· t , 11 tl11.· rht!drcn unle:--<; thcr~ \\'a-., al so co-op~· Orrington hott·l. Fl'hruar~ 1, rat11111 Cit\ thL· part. 01. parent-.. ~Tt'r ad ' '1'1 dn· ...... ';1" L·nthu-..Ia-..tl ·;tlh· n·rci\'t·d h:: · H' anncltllll'L'!llt'nt \r;h rt·\ l~.t 1 L" 1 111 .t th!J,l' Jlrv.;;rnt. lllllfllll' \\a~ · \\ l11rh kvpt thl' :"~0 ~11·:-,t-, 1 · I in :--thJ>t'lhl' until tht· de-,-..vrt \\'a . . i -- ---- 1 ' c r n· cl. \\ h c 11 t \\ t 1 pi 11 k h l' a r h '\ n c d i . . - ~I r. and ).1 r... . 1...' h a r In T. 1....' h; ll1 d k r . ,c,o\'cred in the heart- . hapcd .ice cre~m· l !J31 lli_nnl<lll a.:_ vi~tll: .. EYan-..t<,n. fnrml'r1 he table wa.... adorned ,,.Ith '-III'IIlg I~· n·:-.Hknh Cit h.<'niiworth, left Satur I 1 flO\\ l'J"'\ and decoration:-. apprllpriatl' inr clay for 'l'thron. :\riz. U1 join thri r 1 1 \'akntinc'" da\·. -..on. 1l"r ;tti<' Chandln . . . - 0~fi~-., 'Lt\\'-l' attl'ndcd ;..;l,rtlt\\T..,tl'rll i tlllin·r-.,it\' and \\a-.. a llll'lllhvr oil till' ::\fr-.. . He~inald II. A. (~rt'l 'll IIi 31.' _\Jpha o·mirrun l'i -.,()rorit\·. ~lr . }.fa - Park a\Tntte. \\'ilmctte. -..an!.!. a group the-.. a!tl'IHkd tht· l'ni\'l·r:-~1\ ,,j \lirlt - 1 oi . . ong" (J\'I·r \\'~1:\Q Thur-..day. F·h1 igan . ruary 4. t .... tH ~ of ft; p; <11 · Cl 0 I . I ·temtuuullnmuun mtmnnnutJnututtutttuuuuttttttntt lllltlltllltlt tttttuttlltunutlltllllllttlllllllllllllllllllltllt tlllltltllll(llllllllllllltllttllltlltttltlln llutlllltlttl lttlttlu · \ ra IOill' \" ; ) 5 \\'a r _ · 1 \ rrs ~I 1\ na r ke r. 730 ( .l' ll t r a I a \ ' l' \\i~k I:t,~u l. Kl'nih~·o.rth. i:-. <.:n~~;taining nu-c, ·i: .:.J~cn~ling- thl' "inter \\'ith hn at dinner and bridge thi~ cYcning in daughter. ::\Irs. F . C . \'inrcnt, of Sa .-cclehratinn oi ~f r. 11aloney'..; birthday. ramen to, Cal. \I r..... -\11 ----- -o- d t'l' \\ I l I -0- -{)- Lotti-, T. Starkel. 025 Oakwood ~Ir. ancl ::\fr" . J.. \ . :\t·u-.e-, oi ltJ3.:; an·nttL', entl'rtaincd 12 gue~h at a \'al - \\·a~hington an·ntll· ldt h·hrttan· (,, 1 entine dinnn and hrid~e ~aturday for a t\\o \\'t'l'k-.,' trip to Xt·\\· York City. 1 n·ening, February 6. I . ~Ir-. . I --------------------------------------------------------------·----i ~ ;-~~HEADQUARTERS~ -- ~ ~~ , SMELTS Jt~ NO TOLL for I .i i Perfect Valentine Flowers Flowers-not darts-are Cupid's favorite ammunition. l This ts the season for Smelts- enjoy them while they are at their best. We will have them on Special Sale Saturday. No. 1 Smelts 35c lb. Extra Smelts 4 Sc lb. TELEPHONE WILMETTE 649 VILLAGE FLORAL SHOP tn The Village Theatre lobby Wilmette 3 6 7 6 OLEWINE INVESTMENT CORP. Second Mortgages Made on New and Old Property 732 Park Avenue Tel. Wilmette 2517 tiQ~~~~ Ff$,~\I.Jt~~§ ~A1f!4.'fl~J~'~f 15 57 SHERMAN A VENUE

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