Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Feb 1926, p. 4

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WILMETTE LIFE Fe brua r y 5, 1926 of Elmwood avenue and the notl'h line of Lake avenue. On the north side of \Vilmccte avenue from the westerly line of -:\[ain street to the east line of Hidg·e avenue . . On the north side of Central aventtl' between the \\·es t line of Eight! 1 ' ~treet and the east line of Elen·nth :-- t rel't. On the north side of Linden ave11tH.' between the west 1inc of Ei!.! .. h t h street and the cast line oi 'I'l'nth :--treet. West S ide Parking n the north side oi I li~hland a\· ~· ' nue between the wcs~ line_of) _ FiitL·~· :1~1J 1 strel't and the cast ltnc or htdge a\· ~· 11 tiL' . ( )n tl1e ea:--t s ide oi Twl'lith -.,t:·n· ~ l>l't\\l'l'11 the north If11e of t 'entral an·11 u ~· a n d t h e ~ o u t h I i ne < f \ \' a !'! h i 11 g t cm aH' tllH' . - , . . · l)r ondtnt.:· that 011· tilL· :--t( 1L'" ot to~· -...trn·t-. opposite tho:-e ck:-ignatcd in tlu-.. ...,t·ction of thi.; ordinanrL', no park int.:· -..hall he permitted \\'itltin t\\·en y t.?lll 1~·t· t o1 int<.·r-...l'ctioth of -.tr<.·vt -.i dL line-.. . NEW PARKING RULES PRESENTED TO BOARD B No nlore busy si· g nals ! _,, Now that we have in-stalled -two t·e lephone Ordinance Introduced by Trustee Drayer Has Sanction of ·v 1 ·c Organizations Cl trunk lines, ~e can always give you t~le-. immediate . phone service. Call. up Willnette 320 or Wilmette 321 and you can'" give your orders to us at once. When you're in a hurry you'll es-pecially appreciat e "no wait" service. Ask our customers about our "cleaning, repa1r1ng, pressing" work. Judging th~is I I () l · \\"ilt1Jtttl'·=- Jlt"OJWStd 11<.'\\" parklllg urdinancc was introduced at the meetinn· oi the Village board last Tuc-;day C\: : ·ning by Trustee .Clarence r. Dran·;. -:\·1embers of thl' board ha·.-e beet; . tud~·in~ t~1e _rarking- :--itua_t!on in the hu st ncs s cltstnct for ~Ol11l' ttlltl', and have worked out tlw prl' l'll t ordi nance. which has been l'll<it>r:--etl ll\- the Chamber of CommL·rn·. tht· \\· om a n · c I u b, an d Y a r i 0 u . . c IJ u r r 11 c :and other organization. \\·lticlt \\ill he affected hv the new parkin~ ru!t--. . · · . _The pro\· i~ions of ~lw ord1nant:~· 11 ··~nde that the locattot~" ;t~ \\·luch tltl parking i-... to hL· pertntttl'd -.!tall hv ;~-, iollo\\'" : East Side Parking On thl' ea:--t "idl· Ill ~ inth , .. ,t i hl't\\'l'<.'n thl' north !itt~· 11 i lbk\\ )(,.j Wilmette \ V ell Represented an·nue and till' -..out!t linv 11l C n ·t: at Infant Welfare Meeting ll'a i a \'l'11 tll' . " () w tIt e 'n·..., r :- !d t ' , 'i \"i n t h , r' ·,., F(Jrt \ li\ ~· tllt·mhvr-.. 1rottl \ (illlll 'l · hl't\\'l'l'll the tlt~rtlt lin~· 11l Cr,·v 11,-:~i ;tt t ·tld~- cl tltt· :ttltlll:tl lllt'\'titlg ttld a\ <.'11 u<.· t o tIt l' , "u t h l:t 1v n 1 \ · t n· .-; 1l httH·hl'"tl ,,j. til t· lni:tnt \\ 't·l1:trv ~ ., (I \'l' lllll' . c i ,. t \ , 1t \ !J i r , 1!...:, ' \ \ · 1· cl11t · "' l.t \ . I .t t 1 'l. t r . ( )n till' ea-.,t . . irk u1 '1 \·nth -...trtt' 1H·- 1 · - t tl~t · I' :tl tnv r 11 >tt--e. t\\'<.'l'll the t111rth lint· .,1 l'.indl'tl ;tl.' t· l~t ·t Hirt..., -.]J""- :1 1 i intt·rv-...tin ~ ltH r,-,,,, Ill!<.· and thl' "lillh lint· ,1 l.akv :t\ t'- . . i11Ct' thc· \\ .t~tll:tt1·..., :ttt\.ili.tn \\,' lltll' . .. r~;tni;t·ci l.) q·;u·.._ .t~<·. \\l~t·n· .·.? .ttll·l ( lt1 thv t':t-..1 ... irk t·i 1.-.lt-, vntll -..trvt t \\;~ . . r:ti-.,·cl. l:;t--t ,,·;tr tltt · ...,lltll rt·ll l>~·t\\ ~-~·t·l thv nnnlt linv "1 l.;tl · t· :t' v · i;t ·d \\;( .... ·.· ~_<J .-1.1'>. 111 j()J.; \\ "il tll t 11 tllll' :111d thv 11tlt'llt\\t',tl'l"l~ lint· Ill \\ "il r. c1 ... , · ,j St ·.= I l ; 1ttd t ·; t c 1, ~ v .1 r . . i tlt ' · ' 111 ·· 1 Ill\' I I~ :t \ l' I II I l · . · h;t . . itH-rt·;t-.,·d it-. ,·ontril·t1 i"n tn·i i t1 t l1t · v <t .., t ... i d l' ·' ~ I I·.It-_\ , · 11 t It . . r ~ ·, -: 1().? .:::;·: \\ 11 \. 11 . \\ i t It t IJt· It \' lp I 1 i It l . -' 1' . I · ' l>vt\\t'l'l1 tiH· 'c·utl· lltlt' ·tl l. :tkv ;t\' t ; t 11', i l i ,1 r ~ . .:· _; .-+.?.?.i , ' " ;1 ... r.t i , '· d . , h · \' i 11 ~ tlllt' :til thv tH·rtlt li!lt' .. i ~·vntr · tl ,t\·:- ;1 rt· ll l:trk :tld,· tn <-rt·:t ...,t ·. lllll' . l: urthl'r intvn·-...till c' i;t\1..., rt·l'"rt'·d t' < ltl illv -..cntthva-.tvrl _, --ic k .ti \\ 'il tllt· n1v vtit1~ ;q·pcar in :tll·l tht·r noti ct? tlll'ltv :1\.l' tlttv ht'l\\\'t'tl tltv '"tttlt lin,· in t!Ji . . i. . ...,ttv "i tltv l.trr . I~· - ~t t! p :t:..: ·· I .: 1-'· ·h tll :tl'.' l. .t d i · ·< I i" !i '.. .I " ttl' II; I I (I \\' 0 11 r~ tl p p I~ 2 () t h t ,[ lt l' l' t II i ~l========================================~! I I I I .. I frotn their satisfaction, we know that this branch of · our serv1ce Y o tt Calt Btty the Genuine Selb)' ARCH PRESERVER SHOE Here in Wilmette at substantial sacvings throughout Fe lJnUt r')' lS · p~otnpt, courteous and careful. Cleaning-- Pres.~ing -· Repairing I i ,-Du ha ,·en 't learnt'd t lw t't'l"l'l ()i true io<>t comi()rt. beg-in lliJ\\ t1· ~\car thi~ \\utHlcriulh· ea...,, ...,Jt<Jl' that give~ ~u lllttt·h :-...tyk and -~- <l<ld appcaratH.'('. Yuur iel't and \'tHJr children\ il'ct dc:-...lT\-(' thl' \rclt I 'reserver ~hol'. The Satisfactory Store SCHULTZ & NORD The North Shore's Leading T ailot s 4 TAYLOR'S BOOTERY 605 Main Street Wilmette 385 Tay lor's Dry Coods Store at 1125 Central Ave. 1152 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 320

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