Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Feb 1926, p. 3

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February 5, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 3 YOUNG ARTISTS ~ APPEAR WITH CONCERT PLAYERS Sy~phony Soloist .With Symphony Players $30,000 MINIMUM~.. GOAL IN 1926 CHEST DRIVE Invite All Contributors in 1925 Campaign to Attend Association Meeting Monday Players of Chicago G1ve Next Concerts of Series TuesdaJ, February 9 In keeping \Vith their announced poliry of pre s enting several distinctive young American arti sts with the s,·mphony Players of Chicago during . the present season, the officers of the Ne,,· Trier Township Orchestral a s sociation ;mel Conductor George Dasch annoqnce'i the engagement of \Viltiam Tiellcr, piani s t, for the fifth concert oi th e current series at ~e\\' Trier Hiah -. chool. Tuc. day en.·ning, February 9. ~fr. Beller achieved early recognition with the winning of the ~1ason and Hamlin pian o prize in 1921, and he was recently declared " ·inner in the ftnal conte s t held at P rtland, Ore., biennially by the NatiOital Federation uf 11 tt!-oic club . . in which hundreds of young An.1eriran arti-.t competed. ~ f r. Da~c h .~ com pl<:te program is as t ollows : < ,,·ertur· ·, "Fingnl'~ C a vt ·" . lUpus 26) ... ..... ..... -:\f(·JH1dss ohn :--.\' IIIJihOn.\· Xo. 4 n .. ......... . ..... DecthOYU1 -:\lo\'t ·tnt·ll t: ..-\llt-g-r<:tto 1 lurd ::\lov· · Jlll · llt: l'r(·Sto "I ~hap!-'IHl i e E!-:pag nol··" for Piano ;1 11<1 < lrdll·;o.;t ra ........ Liszt-Hu:-:on i Jp~s ~.t·t:(·Jl<l 7, ..-\ -:\lajor In t< ·rm is~·don ;:.:, .t ·· ll;tdt · . ()pus :~ . . . . . . . . Lr·o \\·ag·n<.:r Allt·J.n·· · tto qun:-:i .Andantinr, ~~( · fhaft. S( ·hr rhythmisch l lH·m · and Yariations All(.·gro .\lolt(· Elo·git · and \"a]..,, . for String< Jrdl· · ~tnL (Up us 4 ~) .. Tscha i kov s k , . ·\lan ·h Sian: . ..... ... . T!-:><:haih:rov. :-;k~- Afte rnoon Concert . In t ~ lL' i o u. r t h con c er t o f t h c y u till g perq>k ~ :-,enrs at !\c\\" Trier Hiah ..,~· h_<·ol. by The Symph my Plavers t:tof l h1rago, will pre:-.ent a . soloi~t with thl' orch.e-..tra, another young north sl:or~ arti~t. ~li:-.:-; Pauline ~Ianclw . tl'r, ptant"! · The concert takes place Tuesday a 1 t nnoon, February 9, at 4 o'clock. J.!tc. r ~~mpkte program is a" follows: · lrtl··llJf · t t a . . . . . . . . . . ~chnt .. ·n - na!--< 'h .Allvgi'O .\ltJ!to Monday eYening, February 8, the Wilmette Community Chest a sociation \Yilt hold its annual meeting in the Council chambers of the Village ha ll. The meeting wilt select five directors for a three~year term and transact other important business, it ts explained. Every pl· r~on \\·ho contrihut d to the Che:-.t la s t year i:- a member of tiF~ as:->ociation, and if the entire membership 1 attend ~ ~Ionday\ se:;sion, the :lunth·27" \\·ill <:xceed 1,000 citizens. . \\'hilc such a l.arge_ attendance is unhkely. the m<:ct111g h expected to be . thor(1Ughly rcprc..,cntatin: of the community and it i:-. hoped that those i!ltcr:. e~u: d ,,·ill he :-.ure to reserve the dat1~. \ : Thl Che!-ot, inaugurated in \Vdmctte ~a:-.t. sp:i~~~· \Ya!'. t~1od.erately s~1ccessful 111 Ih mtt1al ~oiicttatton and 1t is cxpectl·d that, pn1fiting by the cxp.'riences of · a year ago. the appro:-tchi!1S' dri,·e ~rhcduled for the week of )..far,:h 22-2H- \\·ill he mnrh better and mor,"! ea:-.il~ · handled. Collected $21,000 in 1925 In 1925 there " ·as pledged and collected $21.000. " ·hie h \vas pro-rated by the Budget committee and distributed among eight different charities and "·clfare agencies some\vhat in accord\Villiam Be11cr, pianist. \\·ill be the soloist with the Symphony Player~ ance " ·ith the amounb thev had reoi ( 'hicag·o in thtir concL'rt at .:\e\\' Trier auditorium Tuesday C\'ening. Feb- ceived from their indiYidual -coll ections ruary <J. ~I r. Beller i~ regarded a .-. one oi the most hri1liant of the younger in previous years. The sum indicated mu~irian:-. in the country. HL' won the ~fason and Hamlin piano prize in above '"a" k . ~ than the participating 1921 and only n .· rL·ntly " ·on tir-..t a\\'ard in the biennial C8111petition for youth- groups had hoped to receive and t he obligation of the village - by precedent ful arti:-ts conducted hy .the .:\ational Federation oi ~fu:'ic cluhs. competing -to Arden Shore and the Infant \Velagain s t hundreds of young pianisb. Tuesday's con ·ert i:-. one oi the :;erie:-; ian: ,,·as not fulfilled. Had not certain sponsored by the :\e\\' Trier Orchc:tral association . citizen:-. generously supp lemented the I I I ---- -----· _ __,_ _______ A ct Favorably on Wat er Mains for lf! est Ridge A rea Regional Plan Bod.v J fli ll Hold fVil m et te- .M eeting .·\ nda n te · t S~· ~1uhert"s 1.~ :\llc·g-ro Yh·ac(· T1·a.nscrilH' <l 11:.· <':tt, ·d ·. f<11· tht· Ylollll a11<l t<~ :\Irs: JlonH· r Cotton :11Hl tlw ~· · w TrH.~ r 1 !1gh :::l hool Orchest, a.) · _, mphony :--;o , 2, J> -:\1ajor 1 1 P~ _s :~1; ..... . ......... :. Bn·t hro\' t ·11 1· 111a le: Alh·g-r·o ::\folto I 'ulH't·l'l<l Xo. ::. c ~ .:\litH>!', ( )pu~ 37 l'iapo a11<1 < >n·lwstra ..... Ueeth'o-vt.·n 1, 1rst ..\IoYemt.·nt: Allt'g-ro con Brio <C.a<l<· n?.a. by ::\lrR. II. H. A. Beach) ~ ~olo1st: -:\I1ss Paulin( · -:\lanchester 1· rom '"('aueasian !-;k e tches·· ... .. . . . . . . . . Ippol i tow-I\\·a no,.,.. Ia) 1 l>) ~(_>n:~tina, ::\IJ'. Dasc·h, from U -:\lajor, 1 )J·Us piano ; and <le<li- In tht· Village (Duet for )larch of Sardar English Horn and Yiola) Village May Soon Check Trucks With "Loadmeter" The Street and Allcv committee oi !he. Yillage hoard, i)aul llofTman. cl1~u.rman: is in\·cstigating the a<h·is~ ahd~ty ot purchasing for \ Vilmcttc a <knee whereby a village official ma,· HTY q~tickly settle any di~pute which may anse \vith the o\\·ncr of a truck as to whether the \\·eight of the load on his truck is in violation of the village o r dinance. The instrument hv \vhich this fact is readily ascerta-ined, i~ termed a "Loadmctcr," and in a commtmication from the manufacturer receivedohy the Village hoard, the va;ious claims for its need bv this and simi lar municipalities and the efficient manner in which the meter functions, were set fo r th. The board, following a hrief discussion of the matter. instructed the committee to investigate further, and r eport at an early meeting. At a 11ll'l' ting oi thl' H~~ard of Loca1 .~ m~ctin;~· . the ultimat.e outcome oi 1 fmt.)rO\TllH'nt . . Tut·:-.da _ , l " \ vni1112,. j, 1 r a wl_1_1rh ~'-- "I .n ·n · !...!rt'at 1111portance to pu hlic hearing on t h l' re :-.ol u tion ior the \ ~ timet~<.>, \Ytll hl·. held under. t h l' a uslaying oi water main~ and ithtallation P!ce.~ 01 the T~cgJon~l Planmng- .assoof fire hnlr.anb in that :;ertion oi \Yil -' ct~tiOn, at the council chambers. 111 tlw mette ty}ng \\T!-ot oi Ridge an.' IHH.' , the Vtllagr hall. \Yednl':-.da~ l' \·cning, Febestimated ro:-.t oi \\·hirh i" S213At,~. no n~ary 10. for the purpo:-.r of di~cussing :-.pecif1c (lhjertion-.. \\'l'IT 111adt' and the wtth members oi the \Tillage hoard hoard unanimou:-;ly adoptt·d thl' nll'a:-> - and other interested \\'ilnwtte citi~ ure and an ordin;tJ1n· \\ill ht· draitL·d . zen::;, the plan inr thL· imprnn'tni.'IH in accordanrt: tiH'rL'\Yith. I and continuation of ~fain street 1to There wa:-. prl':-.ent a larg ,· nunllH·r 1 connect with Crrn·n Day road to 1 H~ oi re:-.icknb from thl' ~l· rtinn of the north. Yillage a(iectcd. and a number mack As l1a~ prL' \·imhly hren pointed out short talk:->. SonH.· were oi the opinion in \\-TL::\1 ETTJ·: LrFJ-: and a:-. '\'Cl!' agaiP that the :-.t.'\\Tr~ ~hould he put in first. stressed at the meeting of the Village and other.; thought the se\n~ r:-; and hoard. TtH'!-oday cYening. this is one of " ·ater main!-o could he installed more the most important mea..;ure..; now uncconomically if done simultaneou~ly. der con!-oideratinn . lt i-.. the planning \\"hen advi:;e<l that it is not practical of a gre;1t artLT\' oi traffic. \Yhirh Yirto place ~l'\H'r and main:-> in the ... ame tually " ·ill extend from Tolict to trench, thi:-. point \\"as waived and there Kenosha and means that ~nr this \\·as no !'rrious >hjcction to proceeding route " ·ill ('\"t'r he a n:ritahle stream with the \Yater mains at this time. the oi traftir. For that rea:-.on it j..; point sewers to come later . The matter of cd out that in plannin!..!· ib l'<~ttrsc and the cngnH'l'ring cost, it i-, :-.aid. \\·ill construction it hehooYes each anrl h<' further di:->etl"sed at the time the e,·cry commtmity to gin' thr matter ordinancr is presented for passage. The as much t hou . !...!ht as pos:-.ihlc that it iormcr estimate of $9.500 hasccl on the may protit to the iulle"t extent in its five percent plan. '"as permitted ·to coming, and in making plans for other stand for the present. . treets rontigtwus thereto. I contributions of the Chest, these ben eficiaries could not have carried for\\·ard their year':-; Program, it is explainl'cl . Need $30,000 in 1926 ln 1()_?(, a minimum sum of $30,000 ..,Jwuld hL· rai , eel. the Budget committee of the l'he:-.t announces. This amount, tlH·~· t·xplain. is not set up ~s "somP.thing t,, ~hoot at." hut is the qu .)ta nec(lt·d and C'xpected by the many \\·orth\· organization. who look to \Vilmctte. ior this help. I ,ike 1110:-.t nc\\· departures, the estahli-..lmlt.: nt oi a CominunitY Chest in \~.ri l mt't tt- needed the process of seasoning. An organization bui lt over-night could not he expecte<1 to function 100 per rent periect. hut the sponsors of th~ l'hc:-;t helieYe that the fundament'l l principle u .1 drrlying is sound and that from Year to Year the citizens will conl!rat uiatc t he;nselvcs upon having derided upon this means of rai . ing funds ior tlw ortranized agencies in the <;upport of ""hich this rommun~y share:->. ~f on day':-; meeting hegins at R o'clock. Automobile Thieves Take Car From O'Brien Home Automohilc thieYes again in\'adecl \ Vilmettc l a . t SundaY C'\'ening anrl c;tole a Ca<:illac secla~1 belonging- to \ Y. T. O'Brien from in f r . ~.n t of hi..; hom~ at 11 44 C'hrs t nut an. ' nuc. ~f r. O'Brien did not mi. s the car for some time w h en lw notified tht:.' police a srarch '"a..; instit utcd hut no traces of the car or thien·:-; werr found. In several cases of automobile thefts this winter, cars which were ~tolcn in the vi ll age were later found ahandonrd in Chicago, a ci r cum..,tanre which lcarlo.; police to hc li<>Ye the mach ines are taken 1)\· vouths \\'ho merely use t h em for joy--ri(ling. in some cases stripping them of accessories. WOULD RESURFAC E GREGORi The Board of Local Improvements. Tuesday evening, adopted a resolution for the re-surfacing of Gregory avenue from Park avenue to Fifteenth street \vith asphaltic concrct<>. at an c. timated cost of $12.270. Fchrua ry 16 at 7 :30 o'clock was the date set for a puhlie hearing on the proposed improvements. LUSK AT U RBANA ~I ilan Lu:-.k \\·ill. on Thursday, f\ h. 1 nnr_, 11. gin· a recital in Champaign, TIL. at the auditorium, under the a~ts piccs oi the local Y. \Y. C. A. On Easter .'unday he "·ill play the Bruch D minor concerto at the regular Suncia~· a itcrnoon subscription series of the Pratrm· Philharmonic in Prague Czecho-Sim·akia. '

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