WILMETTE LIFE .f'ebruary S, 1926 Gayer Hues in Vogue Basketball Games at for Springtime Garb Howard Gym This Week The Gayer hue_ with distinct stripes and plaids will he the order of the da ,. for the well dressed man this spring, according to Emil Nord, of the firm of Schultz and Xord, tailors. Top coats will be semi-form fitting. though in . general the . tyle. will remain much the ~ame as last spring, ~fr. 1'\ord explained. Patterns in grays in plaids . cem to ha\'e the first call for the approaching . ea on, though blues with di stinct . tripes also hid fare to meet the popubr fayor. Shade . in tan arc also rrcei,·ing their share of fayorablc attention. ~Ir. Xord onh· recent~\- rdurn('d from the ;mnual (·onn'ntioli oi cutters and de . igncrs held ihi~ year 111 !\ew Orleans . · St. J o h n's first and second teams arc schedu led to play against each other in the evening basketball league next ·M onday evening at the Howard school. Because the gymnasium of the Byron Stolp school is being used most of the \\·ee k by the Wilmette Opera and Drama club, ·w hich is presenting "In Old \'ienna" on Tuesday, \Vednesday and Tht1rsday c\·enings, all basketball games oi the t\'en!nglcague will he held at the Ho\\·:1rd school thi s ,,·eek. The ~chedulc of otlu.:r games ha s IH 1t been annOtlnC"tl. Mrs. Mary E. Burroughs, Former Resident, Is Dead ~f rs. ~[ arv Elizabeth Burroughs. Rl years old, a· former rc:-.ident of the ,·illagc. died in Chicago la:-.t ).fon . ~ay nwrning. Funeral scn·ices \\' ·re held \Y cdnesday afternoon at t h ·· Graceland chapel and burial \\'as in the Graceland cemeter _ ,.. HeL George P. ~Iauill of the \ \ 'ilmdte Prc:-.hyterian chu;ch officiated at the :-.~..:n·iccs. ).I r-;. Burroughs had not been a residrnt oi the village for :-.ome years hut \\'as \\'ell known here at nne t iml', it \\':t~ said. DIES IN OAK PARK ~frs. \ \'. ]. Stewart. of Oak Park, grandmother of G. Ho~s ~tnyart. (J19 Se\'(~11 th st rcct. died ~ udden h · in (Jet k Park ~fonday of thi~ week .- Fun·.' ral ~e n·icc we~e held Thllr:-.daY and buria l was at the Fore~t Hom<.: ccmct en·. ~ f rs. Stc\\·art i~ suni,·ed b\' anot l~cr grandson. \ \'illiam .t\. St~\\· ;nt, of 620 berry :-. t rel't. \\' inn et ka. STRAIGHT EIGHT $1795 ~-~~ \ \'<: have space to name on l~ a few of our t~avel,. hook;: . "L?_ st Sl~ t ps an<! Lonely ~cas. hy I clll:e IS a record (I) shi)H\TCCk" ancl shipwrecked men. Haworth has \\·ritten an unu~ua l boo~ By ANNE L. WHITMACK of exploration, "On the Headwa~ers l·t the Peace H.in·r." \" · H . Hudson s ha~-c Something special lllight be . :-aid ahraYs been popular and "ldl~ Day~ 111 about eve~y ne\\· ho~lk that the L1hrary Patagonia" \\·ill bt.:' no exccpt10n. "Tnra added to Its collection · the _last month. 1 ·tnd ·· h\' Bingham, tells of the <:xb u t \'" c h a \' c space to mt·n t 1on on I." t h e j· .. f a 11 c ie 11 t p c r u. · 0 most outstanding one:-.. '[\n, that comt.· P 01 ct wn ' . · 1 - s tr 1))0°Tap . . !)t!Olla c parttcularly to 111_,. nund are on negro 1 . 'l' \\·o ""' ~· ." C" .~ .. , 1 .... '"'. . Ill':. _ ; _ ~pirituals. Do roth_,. ~ca rhorough \ "( >n I ~\·~:n If ed1n .s . ~~.~ I ·1It ,~s ,'t_ n I_ ·~l:.Je ' 11 .,egro "· 1 ' 1,_ u 1··r.. , · s 0 Ill' ~ Llll s L 1 fl ,. t I Jl' '1' r<u·1 o f tIt' ~o "~ong, .. 1 lt'- <. 1· . 'a 11 <1 () ........ cau:-;e it is so iascinatingly told. ;tnd the )f nm·els there a:<.: ~1o end. \\ e d<: "Book oi Amcricat!" :\cgrn ~pirituaJ-.,," . not feel able to rntiCIZC' Do. Pas so-. hy J o hn:- <! n· hecaus_t' it g·in·:- the n·r.' i "~lanhattan T1yn ~ln_.': it n_la\ .<~:. ~~~a ~· esst·nrt· ol the llltl. 1r. ! liCit he gooel - tt rl'rt,l!nl~ h dlllt I l'!lt. 1':-.yrhu!Clgy ha :-. ah,;t~·=-- been popular ' Tht·rt· han· ht'l'll, m:tn~· .. n ·qtH·:-.h. II·I" r('ading in \\ .ilmettl' :tn d \\T ha,·e he - 1"Thl' .-\mnican 'I ra~l·d .'. -~~ -' · Dn·hn, gun to acid hooks in :-.pt·c ial field .... Our and abo f(\r " :~pa :- HJI!ata .. !J,· I Iur -.,t. lll'\H' -.,t one i-., Ce:--('IJ's .. ~f ental Cr()\\ th I "\\'illiam." ),~- ) <lllllg p~ollll ... ~ ·s to. h_e :1 of the Pre - ~chool Child": another that I geH1d nm·vl and "Till' l·at tlnnl! ~pm-._ !J as hn·n in rk man d i.., "P-.,yr J I() logy,.. t cr." hy D(ldd ha . lH·CIJ \n·ll !-- po kt·n 1 " . ~~~- En·rett D . ).l<trtin . Other recent hooks arc: Tht· lil>ran· cla-.:-.ifirati()n oi t ' COil(IIJl :\ .. n-Fiction - Hollingworth -- "\~r.c ·:t ir:- :lll.d -.ori'olog~· COHT:-. an illll1lt'lbl' t i1;nal Pl'~·c holog-y ' ': \~'hf'~:~~- r- "So~ ·i:tl . \\' l' c Ia:-.~11\ .. I if,. ··-\mongo thf' Tn~('ets ' D)ToOl' tcrnton·. t Ill':' II ~l ,,. t.lo ~··~-.~ · 11 ·111 h ... ·· · ... ,.t 011 .. . . · ,litHer · _ t' -'<,.,a "" 11 , , ·l .. 1· · IH"admg:-- st_lch .!>ook~ .a ... "I }\c Pr~>IJit·IIJ ··~t,·:lln'hnat I>nys··: l'ope-;-"HuntiJq. : (If p(l)ltllatHlll, 1>~· l.IIX : .. I he ~enate \\' ith tlw now ~n(l Arrow'; Hakf'rand the Ll'agut· oi :\ation-.." 1}\· Lodge: ··nram~ti<' Tc·('hniquP": . Scott;-"Sc_-_ "Our l;orl'i~n :\ ffair~." II\· · ~I own: J, ·,·t· ·<l H<'~<ling-s in En~ll:c;h 1 t:os< ·.. : .. ._. · · .. · · · .. .. \\.ilcl('-" Halladc of Hf'ae1Ing-- (,ned . :'torth _.-\n~.cnrl~t. 11)\1. ~tFl~ltiJ and \ !su;d ("rnth··rs- "C,·n tlf' HPnelt·r"; PNtrSOJI '.< ucatton. e< 1te< >y reemall. "nooks in nl~C'k an(l Refl"; PPrry Our art collection ha-. had a 11t1111hn "Tn I -'rnis of Folly": Tomlinsonoi heautiiul reit-n·nrt IHlOk-., addl'd ttl it "[;utHinn RiYf:r"; r.acourt-"Frf>nC'll r the Lht' oi art :-tttdt'nh alld dv - Litc·ratur(· Dunng the Last Half C't ·n f( 1 . · I ur \'. " ~1gners in gl'n<.Tal. Other he 1ok:-. are l-~id ion -r.~lzn<' - " EUJ..!:Pll i0 r.ranllc- t .·· "Compo:--ition." hy Dfm·: "I 'rart in: and "P··r<' Goriot"; R<' lloc-"Gr<'f'n (h·· ·r~rience oi Dr a \\·ing," 1> ,. ~pt·<:d: c-11a t": 1:urt - ".Toh n O')lay"; Co.l.'l~"Sketching and Hcndnin~ ;11 Pvncil." "I:aek Hom<·": D<' la !~::<:he,L.:\ . (' I "II I "'I'J I . plell'f'rS of tlw n~\1, n . Dum.\~ 1 )~ :upt ~.~ : an,< ll'()r_, <ltH l'r;trtHT "La Dam(' clt> )fon~orf·au"; F'orst1·r-ol l olor. hy Sn(·\\. "I:oom \\~ith a · Ykw": li<'I'J..!:(·Shl·im· 1 :\ ver _ ,. intriguing J,oe.k i-. "The D()r - .. ··JTapp~· Enel" : .TanviH- "In thr ~a_ t ~tor Look..; at Biograpll\ ... ll\· Collin~ . I gasso Sea"; l'ailJ< ·- "Snn.~ of . fo.lt : · -. . · ·. · · \ k I ~hnt·nn - "Grr-~· Ca n<l<'r : St l'l'!J . · 1r I{_~:-. JU< gliH.' I:t~ _cliC l.t-.tlll.tttng. : 1HHI I "Tht · Hoom": Turg-Prtf'Y- "Hou!'·· ··f ~) 1 Sl'V('I'<.' CfltiCI~lll e·lt IH·vtr. ' _and !·Oct:- <:c ·llt lf· Folk": Yan Yf ··htf'n - " IHit·tl IS \ \ 'ood's "Poet-- oi :\nll'rira ." En·n t:ow ~~~~~· ··: \Ynlpnlc· -"l'r· ·luel· · tr1 .\r1\Yhartnn - ".:\ladam· · d. tinJt· a !\ohcl prize i~ :t\\ardl'd \\l' ar.t· ,, .nturt·": deluged with quc:-tion-. ;tlHJllt tiH' prizv - Tr· ·~·mt·s": \Yhitc·-" ~im;t." \\·inner. \ f an,· timt·-. " .,. han· ,,nh· -.cat tcn·d iniorm.ation t(J offn. and ~q· arc· ~ke,kit· \\'inter cluJ, antHitlllC<':-- ;1 ... g-ratdul for ).frs. ~larhl(· \\riting "Thl' it-. prO!..!T:tlll ior ~atnrd : t, .. l: t·h ru.tn Xoht·l Prize \\'innn~ in Litnature." 11. a childn·n· ... hard tinw irv t':trni,·;tl \\'<' are all :-.o bu-.,· that tran-.lati 1 , 1h at .? ()'clocl--. \11 -.k;ttl'r . . ;trt· rvquin· 11 oi rla-.-.icallit<:ratun."~ an; a IH 1n 11 1 ,, u-. to \\t·;u· lfard Tinll' . . ,-,~ . . tumt · .... an ·· and we icc! particularly happ,· ( l\l'r pri7<.·-. \\ill h<' gin·n. \I nt ion pict urc-. I fmn·\ "Homan Litnaturc in Tran~la - \\·ill he gi' t'tl ;1t X:1; 1 ,·rl"rk in t hl' tion." run·rinl! a:-. it doe-., repr('-.cnta- en·ning. prerecll'd hy a -.v]i -.t·n·irt tin· :-.election..; irom \\l'll kno\\·n writ - "tiJlJWr of l,vd-.teak -.ancl\\·irhe-. and 1 French cr~. Frier! nioth at 7 <,'rlot·k. At the Library I 1 t· · I· 1 ( I I' l 1 t:rougham, Fitli~lH.: d motor. :P,4"x-t 1:!" S-eylin<.lt·r in ln.t ·~t two-ton<; lacquer. AUBURN QUALITY No victory remains won . New champions make new rec ords. For 1926 Auburn leads. Auburn is not content t" remain a "fine old name." It is a fine new value. Instead of trading on a past quality reputation and producing a smaller, cheaper built car, Auburn increases values in every way- larger motors, heavier frames , finer bodies! It beats anything on the road today. Proof? Drive it! If it does not sell itself, you will not be asked to buy. 8-8 S ·dan $19!):i; S- 8 Bro u gham $1795; 8-, S Roadster $1 695; 8-88 Coupe $1745; G-66 Sedan $1695; G-GG Brougham $1495; 6-6 6 Roads t u $1395; 6-GG Coupe ~1445; 4 -44 Sedan $11~15; 4-44 Roadster, $114 5; 4-44 Coupe $117G. l"reigh t and tax t.·xtra. PALACE CASH PHONE Uaiv. 2720 M~ &RKETPHONE Univ. 2720 Very Best Sirloin Steak THE HOUSE OF GOOD MEATS 1559 Sbe·maa Ave.. Evaastoa Very Best Baoon (Siiaed) 31ba. $1.2.5 Prime Beef Tenderloin 45c Fresh Sweetbreads 42c Choice Pot Roast Bondurant Motor Sales 1027 Davis St. EVANSTON Green .1046 65c 191j 2c Headquarters for Fresh Dressed Poultry