February 5, 1926 n t.; WILMETTE LIFE 9 --------------~~--------------------~---------------------------------------- v. h l' (', 1. a Record Breaking Year ~~~and a still it r. ~) Greater ear to Come With s~les in excess of 250.000 cars, Dodge Brothers. Inc., have just completed the greatest year in their history. Had it been possible to produce cars in sufficient numbers. their increase over I 9 24 ~' ould have been even more substantial. This year the production problem has been mastered. A $10.000,000 expansion program stands completed- and the enormous output of 1925 will hr nearly doubled! Production on this stupendous scale makes . possible the astounding low pnces announced January 7th. It makes them possible even though the car is better today than ever before. These arc but a few · o f the vital refinementsr Rich and attractive new colors. Absolute smoothness of engine operation. A new snap and elasticity of operation throughout. · Smart and stylish new body lines. Complete vision from every angle of the sturdy all-steel body. Dodge Brothers Motor Car has always been an exceptional product. With these refinements. at these new prices. it is without question the greatest value Dodge Brothers have ever offered. Touring Car Roadster Coupe Sedan Delivered $862.00 861.00 914.00 968.50 c. M. McD.O NALD 1019 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON UNIVERSITY 224 DCDEiE- BROTHERS ·MDTDR CARS ~a--~--~--._-------------------------~--------------~----------------------~