Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Feb 1926, p. 8

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8 WILMETTE Mrs. ] . B a rrett ScarborQugh~ 227 N inth str ee t , will ass ist at the rec e p tion her siste r , Mrs. H. ]. C lark, is g iYi ng a t h e r h om e in Evan ston Thursd a,·. A numb e r of \ Vilm e tt e g uest:-. w iil he present. LIFE Fehruary 5, .1926 Baldwin 's a cqu a int a n ~e \vith is not fo und ed on o b se rvation COMMISSION f rom m o Yin g b oa t s a nd tr ai n s, h u t i" On llt"Mir:ahlt· Honuo~o~ nod ApnrtJnent base d o n 17 yea r s of t r a n' I o n t h e DullclhagH traiL in ma nv pa r ts o f t he te rrit o r y. John Hancock Mutual Life InsurAsa C. Baldwin, Only American He. was a m~mhcr of t he pa r ty each ance Company - o:\. D. L.t\~{,;\\- OIC'l' HY, Loan Agt"nt of tlw srn: n \Tars required in thl' to Climb Mt.· St. Elias, Will 11:: " ·· Adnms St.. Chicago ). J r~. D. L. Taylor. 849 11ichigan demarca t ion of t he internationa l line . Lecture Give Illustrated an' nn r . 1~ lea,·i ng Sat urd ay eve ning acting (u n t il made Chi d of the }.I t. to spe nd a wee k o r t en d ays wi th her \-.. -1 ( · Thlch\ in th<: onh :\ merican 1 St. E lia' part~· l a~ a~~i~tant to Thot.na . . ~on and da ug h ter-in- law, ~ f r. and · ·' · .' · . · . Rigg-... fr .. who rcpn:sentt.·d the t tut<·cl Patronize Our Advertisers ).f r!': Ph ill ips Taylor. at their home in \\'IW ha:- rl!mhcd the tcy :-lope~. ~f ).{ r. ~htc-.. . (<,l11llli~-..ioner and wa:' btc r St Flia-... \rill · speak at the \ \ <._· lnncttc ;..._' · \ J· 1 .. · · \\ 'atnloo, I<.n,·a. · ' ' J \ rO\'(..'fiHir (l 1 : cl" K< 1 · !-'unda,· en.·nmg rlul' nt.·xt :"~llllC ay . S k · ht. · ]' ... on · '1' rartn!.!,· · t1 1e Magnetic pea er nt~· ·t.· 1 >ruary 1. . Frontier oi :\ la-..J~a ." lit· "ill illu~trate ).lon·, ,,t·r. ap;trt fro111 till' pt ture .: his addre~" by -.tt· re(J\ltiron ~lick..; I \ Jr . H;tld,,·in ha-.. a ckliH·ry that.griJ ~" 111 ad e f r< 1111 pi r t u r v... t a h ·n < 111 hi .., c x- tIt e in t c r c ~ t n f a 11 \\' h n !1e a: h till, t t r 'r tho :·w fa r a w :n ·. X o t h in g- c :t r ri s the pcdition . is -.; 1 id. 1n te-.~imony ~ot. hh . . powcr. lllt·~~ag-t' h 0 ttc · r thai; a hox of lh·nch ~~ Gt"ilH Bc:-idt.·" ha,·in:..! tltl· di-.tinrtion <·f th(' l'vn l'tary . ot the Lltl\t'f"lt.\· rlu: , l li..Jilll ' -lll:tdt · Candit·:-:. J 1eina the nnh .: \n 1niran "h ~ > ha~ krl l oi ~ .1 1 Franri-...ro \\'ritt.·~: :·\\\·. wan t Extra van· 111ust bt· takt·n in packin~ f11r rnail i ng. <~in· u:-: th· · onl1 ·r now :\11(1 \\'< ·' 11 a p~~ty J7.00(i ivd up tiH' nt gl!'c d. it.:Y i to rot~1J.>Iit~wn~ .\fr . . Bal.ch.'·.tn ~n tl 11 do 1 ht · n·st. · '· 1-. .\fr Ihlch\'ln ah-..orhtng mtet c-..t \\ tth \\ htl h IH hnlc , . . · 'It ~~ 1 :11 I .· 0 1 1 " opt.~ ·' · · · · ' · · · ' 1· I 'IJ' ha-... a ma:..!nt.·tic pn-.onality as a those privileged t~> hear t 11 ~ lrt ttL.: It:rturer ;1 n.cl ll(Jt ··nh :- urn·e cl-. in tale nf the hard-..htps he and 111.., p;tr: ' lwldin~ tltt.· intn'e-.t o.i lt i-... audienct.· ..,uffercd in tht:i.r a-.c('nt of '\ I t .~ illtt in. l!ivin!.!. thvm ;1 tnH· picture of I Elia -... and part tntlarh· plct:-l'd \\'( ~' 1 For Better COMMUNITY KITCHEN all t1' I JH· t:.t ~urh a pk ;~ ~;_tnt l· 1 :\ la:-ka. ·-..inct. t(l quntt. JacoJ, '\1. Dirk - 1 \\'l' 584 Lincoln Street Home Made in <, 11 t:'i:-~l·nvtan· (li \Yar. "From the mock . . t ptr:-onaht~·. :\t the l 111\' t ~ Phone Winn. 1740 Candies ]('~·tu~c. \\'ith tit~· illu:-tration~. o tll.'l " it~· ni ). f ic.higan_ he \\·on till' l'llthu -..· with the I could in an h . 11 r ;111 <1 a halt get a a~tir a t ten tt on ol an audienn· ot 111c·r· 1 111 o r 1. · c 1 ·n1 p r l' h t · 11 ., i ' L' a 11 d ;t c c u r a t c i d 1.' a : t h a n. 2. 000. EVANSTON STORE, 1633. ORRINGTON AVE. ~f r . Ha ld\·;in i-.. a .!.!, raduatt.· r.r 1 oi that region th: tn hl' l't1uld hy month-. oi readin).!'... \\·r . tcrn H c:-en·l· uni\'l'r-..ity. Durin ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! the \Y nr.ld \\'ar he wa" with the .\ mn i ran Expl.'ditionar~· Force-., in Fra nr\ I and pa rt ic ipa t ed in the .\l('tt . . l :\ r!.! on n c ha t t 1 c. T h e ~o l oist tH"i:t !-'unda_,. nit!.ht \\' :lf 1 hl' ').fa dame Edith Bideatt )_'(,rmt.ll : -.()prano . -..o loiq o f ~t. Lukt·'-. F.pi . . rc· pal churc h. T·\·an~ t on. ------------------------LOA US WITHOUT n AUTHORITY ON ALASKA SUNDAY CLUB SPEAKER I AI~~. A----------------------·-- Order Candy Valentines NOW! c I Our Winnetka Store 1 1 '\ l r ;tnd .\f r-.. . ...\ . I.(l!l11(jlli-.t c.i 41.' t 'l.'ntr;tl :t\'t.'lllH' rcturnl'<i. ir(lt1 1 .. ·~ ·\\ Ia -..t \\ l't' k \\-ht.·tt.· t h,·~ .t · 1 ( )rk:tn-. 1 tl'ndcd a n·a l l·-..tatc ron\·t.·ntion . Tilt ·~ ;tl·t.· . Jt:a,ing 111 tht.' tH·ar iuturt · it· r Florida . 1 What About Service 1. You buy an automobile on one da y. But you drive it 3 64 dlys in the year. When the need for reliable service arises . will you find an authorized service stJ tion near your home to meet that need ? Cadillac owners in Evanston and the Nor.tb Shore communities are served by the Cadillac Evanston Branch at 18 I 0 Ridge Avenue. At this branch, trained mechanics equipped with special Cadil lac tools, service these cars properl y and promptly. The Evanston Branch is near you . And it is always ready to service Cadil lac cars in the shortest time consistent with good work . I !Like Lunch on in Your Own Hotne 1 I I I S OMEONE remarked tha L t \\' O good places t() c.u were at home and at the Cen tral Cafeteria . Not even in your own home tould food be more delectable . more expertl y prepared . more temptingly served than here . Nowhere could you find a more spotless kitchen no where more care to every detail that makes for good food and exceptional service! Sundays 12 EVANSTON BRANCH to 5 CADILLAC 1810 R idge Avenu e Evanston 6 \It ._. Un i ver sity 8 6 00 R og <:r ~ Pa rk 91 3 3 CENTRAL CAFETERIA Nelson Building Central Ave., east of W ilmelte Ave. WILtvlETTE

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