WILMETTE LIFE· A Weekly News-Magazine for Wilmette and Kenilworth \YTL~1ETTE, ILLINOIS, J ANl AHY 29, 1926 \"01.. X\·. XO . 18 PRICE FIVE CENTS CALL COMMUNITY CHEST PERSONNEL TO MEETING Workers to Meet for Purpose of Outlining Plans for Annual Solicitation 1 Chu1·ch Exceeds Goa/ i~ $Jl5,000 \MAGIC IN THiS PLAY I Orpera a?d Club Rehearses "In Old Vtenna for Eastern Star Organ Fund Benefit I Th L· l;ir~t Pn.·~hyter i an churc h of . --Group of Citizens Evolve Plat\\' ilmc.:tte went over the top in its \f agic-tha t a llurin g something form in First Move in Vil\"irton· \\" eek campai~n for $175,000 that fa!->cinat~·!-1 tb a l_l , "-h~ther we hap -. lage Election Campaign Ja..,t S~ndav t·venin~. when more than pen to he s 1x or s 1xty-ts to play an .that amou~1t had been pledged. The in rt · nt Jl' rt in the 1te ·t t>resenta \\"ilnwt te' ... l'rnnrl annu;tl ( 'ommunit; lJH> ,t ct ·x Though the \\'C ather of r ece nt days ,t - campaign "·a · held und r the dir ection tion oi the \Yilm c_ttl pcra and.Drama_ 111 a,· 11 0 t lta,·e l> ee tl 1 ·catt've of the · 11 d 1 ( .11 .. , , campai!.!,n. !->clH'clttl<-cl ior tht· - J H J)' · f B kl ' r 1·. k 0 f \f n ? , . ~ >I )r. . I nne o roo· vn, .'II. c~uh . ~chedulcd lor the evenmgs ot glo~·ious springtime, harbingers of one :'·<·e · _ . · an~ 11 -- -- · wtll_ h_e the c.ul>- Y .. and \\'a" for the purpose o-f pro- l·el>ruary. 9. 10 and,. 11 , under the kind or anot h er have not b~en m!<:t~t or dl-..rt~ ... ..,l!,n ;tt a prellmtt~ary c:ull- : ·i cling funds for the liquidation of the !->J>Onsorshq_> of the_ \\ tlmette C hapt er, acti ,·e. Pn.minent among th ese has 111 11111 L!· l·eh - indehtedne:-. . on the ne"· Sunday school Onkr of J·.a~t<. :·_n ~tar. as a ben~fit for 11>"l'It tit" l>f>1 't 'l'al J>C>\\'- \\'0\\", sc ,·e ra1 of p.u~n nwet_ g :\foJ~day n·e 11 ruarv 1. Ill tit~· (lfrlct-r-.. ·tn rl ·til (.'( 111 · . I 'II I . 't · . c > · lnnldtnl!' and tn n11 < aiH eqmp an - the IH'\\' \lao:;onlc temple organ tund. \Yhich han~ been convened in r ece nt . . ' 111 01 1 ~ let" : ll' a-.-,onatton. 11ther lc argt· addition to the church. Ilona and her magic pool will loom , \Yeeks and out of which at lca .·t one __ rlw se"'" 1011 · to t;tkt· . plan· at th_e The drin· ior fund::- !->tartcd with ,1 prominently throughout th e produc- 1 t~..·ntativc campaign platform has been \ dla~e hall: \\·;1.., l';tllvd 111 :~ lt-ttt·r cit- 1in 11 vr held \\'edne-,dav. January 13, tion which promises a di s tinct novelt ~· l'\·o lved. -~·ctt-d tr> \\ fl. \l J-:1"1'1: I ,IF~·: thl.; \\'(Tk h~· :1 t \\'h irlt mr lrt..· than 30l) persons \\·e n~ Thrre \ "illage trustee.. a Village · t:nt·t~try J < tmv-.. I\ . I r~~tf m:tn . .\n C\: J·n·..,t·nt. Su!J..,cription.; \H'rC not taken Trea~urer and a Yill age Clerk are to r.trt trom tht· ldt('r tn!lo,,·..,: unti l !--t:n:ral clav s latn hut on ea ch he elected in April. It ha s not been "The anntt:tlmn·tinL! (tf tlw \\"ilmvtt·· t·i tht· tir-,t th.rl'e da\·~ .,"'.25.000 wa<> announct·cl whether th<" pre.ent trusCnlnmunit,· ( ·!J,·..,t a-..-.nriatirln, inc .. will \.rJ .. ~. · rl and the amount increased unt rrship incumbents, Tru s tee s , John 11e held at- th ... \"i l ia!.!~· h:lll 11i \\"ill n<·llt· til Sl77.0flll had J,t·en pledged -at the Clark Dakrr, Clarence E. Drayer and :\Tnnda:':. Fvl>ru:try I. }CJ,!{j_ rJo-.e oi tlw drin·. \fo-,t of the suhTohn F. \\"iedlin . will see k re -election. ":\ftmhvr . . r,j ;tll Cf·mmittvt·-. -.h 11 u1d ·· riptiolh \n·re un.;(,)icitcd. it was ...:aid. Tt is thought that Harry\\'. ~filler will !,t. prc-.cnt at tlti-.. annual nweting-. The pkd!..!t'" extvnd nn·r a ft,·e year n ot lw ;1 candi date for re-election as · 1 anc 1 t1 1' 11 t'\ ,. r lltlr-lt l>tlt.l(ll.tt(r \ "illa .12·c Trea s urer, a post he ha s held "Tt j.., tht· un a 11i1nc ·1b r·pinion ni all pcnoc ' c -. " ,., > inr :-.t·,·eral , _·c ars. Lea J. Orr. village llf till' llll'tnh('r-, r·i tltt· .\d\ i-.nr _ \· )J();trd \\'1'11 pro 1>:t 1I 1y 110 t Ill' .., t ar t t· cl t' 0 r t \ ' tktt the Cnmtnunit~· <..'la·-.t ralll]laiL!n yl'ar.;, it ,,.a.., -,aid. clerk. holds his office by appointment, _ _ _ __ - - - -haYing assumed the clerkship when "ill he a great -..urrt·-..., tlti~ Yt'ar. and 1 Pr eside nt Orner re signed to become a ,,.l, tiH'rt:fr,rt· "<di\·it t1w ea~nv-,t cor;1nd id ate ior Yillage Pre s ident. :-~per~tion of all nwmiH'r-, of t1w a-..-,or· For the pr e~e nt. at lea . t, one must ;di(lll , a-.. \\1..'11 a-. tlw L!~'lll'r:tl jltlhlic in r emain content to - tudv the following tltt· \ ' illage of \\"ilnwttr. Dr . Ht·rt Fd\\ard ~mitlt. nationa l dip latf orm.-cltaracterize(f as tentative'·Leh Gn." rl'rt··r 1 ,j .\lt'l !·, l~ ihk rla--~e=--. and the ,,·hich " ·a.; presented and read at a '1 · t . . t' l~n·. 1-:rnt·--t 1\.,·hrhad-: . J·a:-.t(lt' <·i the Ilona nt th .. :\Ingle J·ool . f . .. 1 t ( The Community 1es a..,socta tOn, : J" I' . 1 ' - ..:, -kl 1 in north !'ltorr musical dramatic~. meetmg o repre se ntative cttizens as .11(' .. ,,·ltl··-11 lt ·,t~ ,'l" ., 1 ·tr..,t ,apt I--t c lurr" ot . t<lC to Ill. I I . I 1 1 tl I I Sunr1a,·. :\t thi s meeting, also, a 1 , , , 1 -..n e .<, JHirJlOse a . · t tOtl". 1t tc) > ' 1" c atlg 1· lt' gtH':-.b ut_- 1 10110r_ . <lll( 1 1 rln;t. · \\' 1o . h -. l' '< · · 'tt ee was appom ' te d. . unilivrl ..,{,Jil·it:ttinn oi iund 1 r .1II r t·_ :--,\\·l'dl'll. \\til 1 . . · k' o· , nommatmg comm1 ,._,\p~\ tn,...,. po~::-.esses t 1 1l . 1 . t t' t t F hrttary 7 ' l - '-\H·:tkl'r.., at t1tt· annual dllltH·r <II the t\·r ot a 0 IIL!llill'd rltaritil'-.. and \\·vlian· Cl!..!t·ncit·..,, 1 ') . I . .. : . . I I ' \nt 1 Ill " rue Ions o repor e . .\Ten· .. Hildl' l·J.t .. .., ()i the \\'ilnll·ttt' ar- Ltl'll ~Y c. _JH.'t·nng 111to t ~~· tuture ant I Tile' ])1,-·.tt'orm ha s h ee n presented to i-.. r(lnductl'cl under tltt· dir~..·rtion r·i t1H' i-..h .\l vthndi-.t rllllrr 1 1 11 'I' llt'-..- <I ra\\' lng trnm_ I ter magJC poo I tl h' \\.Tt\rF.rT~ LTF~ over the signatures of a '· tP 1 H' H' c folio \\ in~ t.:"rr,up (lf riti/.t'lh · cb' n -'t·ninl.!. Ft·l>nnn· 2.!. in till' clwrrlt . . t·crets that lte beyond the present . 1 'tt · t'ng of the follow'tng· . · ,,-. . t · . . · . · 1 com m1 ee consts 1 · · 1 w1 .\ ·I Vl~ 1 1l'Y 1·""~'~ 1 1.c ·~ 11·· l,a ··~. parlor-. at ,, :3tl n'r1nrJ..:. ~Ill' \\tl 1 appear oltl'n 111 t 1 11.' pay lJC,I 'I'\ . . 'f 1~~ · r'-"'orrr" \\r Kihhv r·: r·:-:i rl· ·lll: l!rdlf·J'( ~IIHitla!·d. \'il-··-pn·~. I I 11 011 \" .. l011la' .\ . "' 11 0 X. \.h. "'-'. · itl··11t: 11an <: . ~til··~. tn·:t:-:tt1···1·: .J. 1~. he,a.r:-; the ttt e_" . c tt·nn;:~. .\rthur D. \Yin s low. Ed\Yarrl Zip£. ""trrnalt. ~··<·n·t.tr.': .Tohn II. ~t'11 :tr· f··r, I 1w pr:clurtiClll h rharar enze? a.., 3 \,.eorg-e \Y. Springer. James Crabb, Earl II ··P·· Tht,ntp:-:""· :\ln.;. X. 1'. c'rll\\'t·ll. upvrt'tta 111 three art~. Tl~e mus1c wa~ A. Pettihon<', S. J. Nordorf. anrl F . B. :\II~ \\". I'. :--:.II~· . .J . 1! . li :li'Jll'l', Frank \\Titten hy - ~ll an Lt·necl:ct. and th(' CrossleY. 1: . 1 ·::1~··r . 1·::, 11 E . 1 )J'llt'l'. :\lr:-: . .f . t :. 1 1 11 1 k f G 1 · Ta"~··· l!arnlrl :\Icdt.·r. J>aYirl Xt·lson.l )-' 1 ,JJn\\·inL! nnt rt ·ro 11111H' lldation~ of t(l(l-\: :} tH ynr:-. an· t w \\'Or· 0 orThe tentati,·e platform rearls: l>t· 11 . " . _Hapt~· · ltt· . . perial ach·i-. 1 ·n· rommitlt'l' (lll rer - don \\1b on and Dnn Crane. "'T'hf' rnpi1l !!'rowth of our Yill~H!'(> in 1 l:uriL:· t ( ·lltlllllllt ·r· :\lr~ . :--.; , 1'. ( .,,_ ! . rI Tlw C<ht of "Old \ "il'lllla" has been I nonulntion. tE-rritory an<l ine"reased "'II. vllairlnan: l';\1·1 1>. Kin:.:. :-;,.,. 1·"- rt·:J tion:'mattcr.;.tw ,) tohn~g:tn"Ht'-. · I· · ·I . . 1 ... 1011 ~,., l 1 .,,\'a hH'~inlwotw rtyha!=!rlf'YPlOnf'dnrob t:try: llo~t Kill!.:. ~Irs. Erl·\\·:t rrl L . ha\'l' het'll ron-,tructcd !Jy D. C.. tone. ~t·ttti.< \\lt \ 11lltHtt ~. care anc t:t lt-ms that d (> man<l for thf-ir proper :-:il'lwirl··nllr·lln .. ': . '~': lTl'lmuth. , din·ct(lr athktir.., in \\'ilnw ttc -.ren e-, clone hy a ~cenic expert, \nil , nnrl in~t l'o lntion. as nf>Vf' r h<>fore, the 111 1 c'alllp:_tign < llllllllllt····- lfto nr.·; l· nw- - ~ ·h(·nJ..,. () , - tl . .., . 1 ·.., llP\\. in opt·r:t- cl t'p irt the old city at carni val time in 1 at! ntion of ~nr-Right f' d, intel~igent l··r. t·h:tlrnJan: IT· ·nt· _ ,. .1. Hnae"k, sr·cn·. lli. r;t ll.lt I I ·til it" resplendent colo rin gs Re- I othcf' r~ who 'nll work ha;monwusly 1 1 :ttl< tit' , t:p·y: ~l :~x \\· . Zab··l. Fr:tnk J! . l·:aL:t'l', 1 · tlnn at the lcntra -..ctCHl . , .. -£ .,,_:n tHl ,..,-ho, h;; hu ~ in_f'l'S (>X:n.Prif>nre, have . ,·. 1 111 1 1 IIa;T,. ('. J{inn··. ! ot lwr i.; prartil:all~; Clllllpldl'cl on t1w lLar-.,,t s l,t\e >Le~t prngn-.~ or s:~ dr·mon~trntt'll thf't: ahtltty tf'l _saf'e-.. -.r ()\-~ nal \\Tl'k:' and It appears that \\ .\d~·.· rti-..iiiL.:: . and l'uldicity ('ommit-~ JlltJilltl\lct . ,· ·I I . . ) Jtcl · ..,t tit" 1 !.!'ttn r rl thf' Yillngf' mtl"rPl'ts. This or· pa\Of(U -.," ' "l · ' ' ' 't }f .::1 th e.<' an ·,.,. IT . H . h.uhl, r·ha1rman: .lohn ll. H . l :-I Tl . . ..... l .,,., ml'ltt· 1s ::-.unn to ,,·1tnt..·..,s the most un- !!'nnizntiOn 1> 1P<1 ~C'S 1 Sf> anu J.: 1pri\-h. Llo,·d <'. llollist< ·I·, Stanlt·,· the ow,trc ::-.c 1001 · 11s 1 ,t at .- .cr ·l I . t', . ,. , t t'1011 0 f ti <lirl ntP~ wh om tt snonsors to faithful ~~- ~\\':t!lht·n;:.' .T~>hn T .· \Y· ···<lnn. · ~!ide than that at thv Ct·ntral :-.rlw<'l tbtt,l c ram,t ll Jlll::-.t:n a le 1 a<lh n · tH'f' to thf' following platform: l>l~tnt·t t aptaln!'- :'\ o. 1 - ll :uT~- :\1. and is so placed that the natural slope sea.on. ' J. Eeonomy t:a.-!1111:111. l'h nnt· lti7~·. 1 ~-tfl Hill strt·Pt; f l I . . .. 1 h, .._ 11 ·Jp.; to Tirkcts may he obtained from mem - 1 "1. TlH' ~nm(> deg-ree of car(> should 1 Xt~ .:! l' dt·r \\';(L:llt ·l·. l'hon·· ::~!17 . 17t n o t te anc 111 se\<..:a p .l<.. . t . l>er:' oi the Ea:'tern ~tar. I hP f'X('rd~<'fl in thf' PXTlf'nditure of \\r:t!'hinL:tOII ~tn·t"t: Xo . ::- - <'urtis E. 111ake a lt1ll .~l' r declllll'. nuhliC' funcls as would hf>. f'_xerci~ed ·'o!t·gTO\'\', l'hnno· ~11!1'. 1 :-;::~ Elmwoo<l; ln· pruclf·nt and honE>l'lt ndmim~tratton :--.;o, 1 - Xil-h olas 1'. :\lillt·r . l'hon p ~:)!Hi, o f priY:tt(' capital. '\Vhilf' taxes , both 177;-, \\"ashing·trlll: Xo. :-, ~ I! oy A . H opC'l'nt> ral nncl ~twcial l'ho11ld be l(>vied kin~. l'hont· ~IIi. t:{:!:! ·;~·~· · · nwnnd : i\o. for nrnn Pr maint e nnne" and nec(>ssary 6- .T . X yt· :\1:\ va li~t l'l', l'hollt · n!'-H, !11~ improvf>nH'nt~ no public funds should .\ ~ lll an d : Xn . 7- .r. :\f. Thro<·l,morton, f .-\11 rc!->idents of the Yillage po · iti,·e- h "' "'Xl)f'n(l(>d without car(>ful and '<·ltll Y<>1111 . c rher.·r, 13 -_, ·ca r -old so n 0 1 · 1 'II ,- " inv el' tig;ation of nt>Nl and value. l J'hnn·· :!Ill:!, 1: l~ l Elm\\·oorl; Xo .. h · must sec ure t tetr sUttt' <llH \'1 a~e skillP!l ··a 1· \\ ·. !-'t"hlnidt, l'h ont· :>.7, ~27 Elm' lliot V. Youngber~, 419 \Va s hin g-ton <intomohilc licen ses bY Fehruan· 15. it "? Tt i~ not just to the taxnayers wn 11d: Xo. !1 - L\·!-'lit· \\'. :\Iillai·, l'lHHH> avenue, \\'On the sil\'cr s kates in the \va s sai d ll\· Chief ilcnr\' Brautigam of this village to continue to (>tnploy . thL' JWli-ce clej)artment thi s \n·e k . nn t> ngitw <' r. huilrling inspector and 1 ~ 11 . ;i1o \\·a s hing·ton s tn·l't; Xo. 10jun'nile rare" oi the Chicago Tribune 0 1 \\rilL 1>. L,·:tr~·. l'hoiH' ~111:-.. 4:~11 T f' nth l · Cl · nttorn<'y unon a fef> basts, such offist n·t>t: :\o. 11 E. Tit·l' ht>rt Lilly, Phon e ; 1\'l'~ Skates dc.rby, helc 1Il llCa~u A iter that date. the chief sa id, tho se C't rl' shoulfl hf> employ(>d upon a fixed 7fi7-.J. :!:lO Xinth stn·t't: Xo. 12- John last Sunday. Tl11 s \\·as a quarter tntl~ \\'ith n ttt the proper lict.' P ·e:> will he monthl:'-' ~nlary. This would r(>sult Clark l:akt·t·, l'hon~· !1:>.:~-H., 347 l\fapl c race and Youngberg was . kating under brought to the s tation. and no excus- in a saving- annually of many thouan·nu~ ·.:_Xo: 1 :~ - llarry \\" . lfopp , l'hon e I the colors of the Henry plavground of es \vill he accepted. Other communi- sand dollars over th<' present system. 140 t, ~2;, LuHlt·n . . . . f I N 11. Zoning llnca~o . He ts a re s 1man at ew ti<' s are already getting after the care"1. Th(> (>rf>rtion of anartm(>nt buildTrier high school. lc . s driver \\'ho lias not complied with tngs or remodeling of dw(>llings Into the law hy ser,uring his licenses, as- apartment buildings in resirlential oisS<'rted the chief. The cooperation of tl'ictl' ~houlrl hf' stopnPd. We re-affirm BANK OFFICIAL MARRIES our faith in the Zoning Ordinance residents is requested. whkh our people were informed in a. Announcement is made of the marThe \\'ilmette Chamber of Commerce recent local cnmnaig-n was invalid but riage of :Mrs. Josephine Van Riper, will hold its nr:xt regular meetin~ 1{onthe vital principle of which has b(>en BUILDERS HOLD INSTALLATION daughter of ~f rs. L. Burton of the rlay evening, February 1, in the as . emr(>cently declar(>o valid by our SuThe New Trier Chapter No. 94, preme Court. This ordinance if vigbly room at the Village hall. The prin- s~vereign hotel, to Dan G. Stiles, Sat-cipal business at this session will be a urday afternopn, 1anuary 23, Dr. Order of the Builders, will hold a orouslv enforced bv our v!llage officials wnt confine industrial and apartvote on the revision of the constitution Stephen A. Lloyd officiating. Upon re- nuhlic installation and dance at the ment buildings to areas defined in the Winnetka Masonic temple, Monday turning from their wedding trip, 'Mr. and by-laws of the organization. There Zoning ordinance and to its enforcewill also he various committee reports and Mrs. Stiles will reside at 1030 Ash- evening, February 1, be~inning at ~ ment the candidates of this organizaof interest, it is announced. The meet- land avenue. Mr. Stiles is vice pres- o'clock. Refreshments wilt be served tion are nledgerl. (Continued on page 36) and a large attendance is anticipated. ident of the Wilmette State Bank. ing begins at 8 o'clock. i Drtve for Funds D~ama ELECTION DOPE EARLY HARBINGER OF SPRING --- I r ' '- Noted Church Lr Jers to B G t t !den's Meet e ues s a Build Toboggan Slides on Committee's Advice I l . .· tl - I -Os-, Wins Silver Skates in T b D b Chicago ri une er y Get Licenses or Go to Court, Chief's Order '" '" Revised C. of C. Rules Up for Balloting Monday