WILMETTE LIFE January 20. 102r E. E. Griffis wo . FF· RIFFIS, . For Hardwc.uing A. C. Wolff Inc. V. - f>te . \ . ~1 FrecH . ·· .ll Tinsmithing Hardware Furn · a ces Alc;o Clc.1ning. Rep .1iring. lnstJlling Boiler .1nd Pipe Covering SkJtcs Sh.Hpened by Our Spcci.1l M.1chinc~ The New Store ~ · 118? - 1187 Wilmette Avrnul' Guttering. Spouting Roofing 0 p pOSit e vi II J g c H .111 Phone 1 '5 R Household Furnishings, Pain1s, lea er, Wax and Polish Ski is large si:es C e·an p Sale L£lSt F~ i replace Special-One Week While They Equipnlt.:nt Skates Girls' $1.95 Boys' $1.55 Brooms 53e S p e c i ell 1 5% D i s c <J 1L ll t Walls (Old I\.1 i r r o I) c r co 1at<..) r () . . cup S 1.9=) Ceilings N ecd (~le(otin~! Sleds in rnany si:es Sec Otir Detllonstratiotl of · \Vall Cleat1cr at Ottr Store. Cl~ k I B Y Ictti ng this ·1.1 u nd r\' t.1k c the \\' .1shi ng fOtn pktcl v out of ; .' Oll r botne c.1ch \\' · ·k. \'Oll g.1in .111 '-'Xt r.1 d.l\' in C\" .,, scvl'n to do the things' you \\',lnt t do fift\' - l\\' 0 d.l\'~ in .l \'(' Jr. Mon' th.tn his ofiers .1 \\'ide v.1ricrv of helps. To n1.1ttcr \\'h,ll your needs no nLHtcr \\'h.1l your budget. \\',lshdJY c1n b'-' turned into ..1 holidJv. · 1~1undry ·~'-' \'t"n \\cek : i: t I lt ·s l'"lS\' · (O h.l\'(' this Lln-frec tillH' lor better things. Telephone \\ ' iiln.·ttc 1SUP (1 n :e 1d ul l' 2 1,~ 0 The cost ot good l.1 und ring is so inc · pcnsi vc t h.ll none c1 n Jfford to \VJsh the old \\',1)'. Let us tJkc the c.1res of th ..lt fiftv t\\'O \Vccks· inount~linou lo.1d off your shoulders! 20 ~o C.ilcnt·oc 1PO · I-l (1.! h land J> <l r/\ I -) 00 discount on work brought in and called ~or 1210 Central Ave. \Viltnette