WILMETTE LIFE Little Chats About Your Health. (No. 16 Next No. 15 Frida y) SAVEWit/z SAFETY · The 'O bject of M edicine Today The grc.H object of mcd ici ne tod.1 v cure . 1 ·3t=u DRUG $TORE s more .1long the I i nee; of prevention than of Th.lt dorsn't mr.1n tb.H phvsici.1ns .He rrl.1xing in their efforts to bring relief from sufieting .1nd disc.1se. It simply me.1ns th.H greJter efforts .He being put forth a long the lines of preventing scriou troubles from occurring or of m.1king undue headw.1 · through .1 better underst.1nding of ho\'>' to live so .1s to ,1\'oid illness .1nd dise.1se . nr And just .1s It jq c.1sier to d.1m J nvulct th.tn .1 river so is it cJsier to correct a n v ill .1t itc;; v rv beginning th.1n .1frer it h.1s .been permitted to become of serious pr~por ttons . An illness in the f.unilv should urge \' ·:)ll to c.1ll the ph,·c;ici.ln would d '.11 with .1 fttc dic;fon·rrd in vour Lome . .1s prompth· JS you ·rh.tr i" thr <;.tfcc;t \'.-.1v under .1ll circum st.111crs. Let HS fill )' OUr Prescrif>ti o n s I DRUG STORE Phones z..quart size, $2.7 5 RADI I~ Yer·y SON 0 Not in This Radio Shop E · · n1onth of the year is a radio n1onth \Yith us. We are al\vays t·cady to giYe you a real radio ser,~ice and on short notice. Ask Us Abottt Ottr Ycarl)' Service for $10.00 Husiness is good- becat1se, '\Ye have at all tin1es hacked up our sales and service to \Yhat '\Ye had originally clain1ed and in all cases giYen a n1ost satisfactory· ser·vice. \\l e in rite you to exatnine or try in your paratus '"e have for sale. I~Al)A-KELLO(}(} 0\\'fl hon1e any radio apf \VAVE MAS'I~ER PFANSTIEI-Il.J-SONORA l~alkite Radio Prodt1cts -- Philco Socket Po\Yer Outfits BOB'S 1141 GREENLEAF RADIO SHOP PHONE WILMETTE 3573