Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jan 1926, p. 40

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40 WILMETTE LIFE J an u ary 29, 1926 "Snow White" to Show I ' New Dance Place Proves i' :\1 rs . _F. E. Parry of 622 M aplc st_reet, F b · entertamed at luncheon and hndge, at N ew rier e · Popular With Loca ans Thursday, January 28. On Saturday, February 6, a dramatic Bol):-. dance Land, Evanston's new-ofantasy in six sce nes called "Snuw ,·..,t dant:l' en1porltllll, is proving- quitl' ; Sidney :\1 . Sutherland of 204 Golf te!· ~' hite and the Seven Dwarf s," will he popular ,,·ith the dance ians of the ! rare left f<,r :\t'\\. York January 27, tn pre se nted at th e New Trier auditoriu 111 n orLil :-.llCI!"l'. It 1:-. located at 737 ~I ain I l>t· a\\·av ~~ wn·k or tl'll day:-. by tl1e :\ew Trier Dramatic club. The s treet. and dances are held t' \Tn· . - omember:- of the eighth grades of the Thur:-.d;ty and Saturday l'n·ning-, irP1i1 :\1 r. and \I r:-.. Frl'd l·. Spinney ui village s han· been · im·itcd to attend H until 12 .o't:lork. \ 'ern<.n Curry's 1 (J]l) J;pn·:-.t an·nne ;tn· in \1 iami, Fla . thi · play as guests of the Dramatic "Red I lot OrchL·:-.tra" iurni:-.hl·d the 1 TilL'\. \\"ill .J,e a\\" :t\' :-L'\Tra l weeks. club. The play will he presented hy .1 mu ... ic and there is ~.3(>() :-.quan: ied -~---------------------.; cast compo"ed entirelY of freshmen and of danrl' tluur :-.urian·. it i:- l'xplaillL'<l. 51J2 % Money sop homore:-. . Onh· t-wo of the ,,·h ole Thl' ntanagn i:- Rubert 1~. - ~~~h. ,, j I:_ ,._ lf~V ~ funds tO l oan On J C'holce , " , ,, 1.. ' ·-d :--. · ,, 1 h S h 11 r... S · b u r· han ca:-.t ha \"l' had pat~ts in past plays and atbtOil. I" I' SIt) I · II~ ' t· f' !" OJ·l' I" t ~ at r., ~ Gfr \ ll · then o11ly did minor hits. Thus, a n ew ,, . , t · :--1 ~ .... ~- (IS on r··n ... wals kind oi p_lay ~,·ill be g-i_n·n hy a cast Knights of Columbus to new to lootl!ghts, " ·Inch vcrv iac !. E. G. Pauling & Co. coupled witll the able roaching- whirl! ear a on vo uhon . 5 N . LaSalle St. Ma an ozso :\[r" Fl' ·. . ;· . . . _ . . . it is. receiving, g-uarantees the ,·en·\.· _ "J:: ,· o.l_uti~ln in it... l\l'l.;tti11n _to l'llri-, - . _::.- - - - - - - - -· - ·- ·I· Jz,ti.>_Lth F 1:-.du.: t , Sla tul at the and bn·ly way j 11 ,,-hi ch it will he gin·n t1:tn1ty. \\lll be tht· :-llhJl'~·t 111 a krturl' ttg 1 1t. _\\ 10 ' ' .t:- to h a Ye cdchratcd her 1 · to hl' l!·i, l'll ll\· t lll' 1\n·. 1: . I . ~vi(kn 9lst t · h1rthd :. ·L,. - next · )ttllt' · 11.. "s · :-.e · ·( l a\\·a Y I · · l>l' r ~. 1n·1 11· t' :-. ... or - u l· ... I , r 1 ·1 ll 1 >l!' ;ILH l Ia ', ;1t 1 ~~~~r. :\ tl~le.tt~ . a~-~·nue ·-l~o~He la~ t Club Pivot Bridge Stands ~ l.~,y"l :~ uni,·vr ... ~t _, :tt. an_ (I~Jllll tlll:l·ti.n~ t . d~l)· ,l:l 1:-. :-.lCll hue.: 1~1 comOut as B i g s · t t Ill (}tnltndtt· llllllll' ll, 1'-.ll l~llh Ill ltJ pany "It h :\lt :-. :~nna 1£ . ,\ v l'IS:-. and " ?Cle y ven ! Ill! ~ l>tb. t hl· itl'ld :! t t llt· \\"illlll'l t t' :\ J r s . ( · e r t rudy T· y ~ t 111 a n . J' h c t h r e c I h u r :-. d a Y· :\ l a r c h -+. 1s t h t' d a t c o i t h l.' 1 \ \ · 1 ,n 1.t ; 1· ... L -1ul 1 · \ 1!Ill 11:t v n . n i 11 ~ · 1 : 1· h " ·ome_n \HTC last tnend:-.. ~frs . \Vci ss pi,·ot bridge to he gin·n ll\· th e \\ 'tl - I rtl.tn· 1~ . · · Pocahontas M . R.-$7 .00 was taken 'L 1 . 11 'l'l ll' 1\ll'l"llll~. · · 1 'f b~· F death about six month s man's club (Ji \\ 'iltnt'llt' .·tt _> c,',·I(J' ' '-1\. \\ 1\)\" 1 · I (.jl\ "11 lll t ]11' Special Sale 5 da ys only. ag-_ o .. ~\ rs. · eltman, \\·lw is in her the aiternoon. l!l"IH "I<ll l'ul>lic. \\ill · :d 11 i1h lud · :1 · 1 ·!·1, ctg I 1s reported a~ \\·ell and quite '1 1 . · "· l'l. F" ,\ 1.11-) t:-. :\. \\'·.tlllll' t- gl'nl'l·al gran1 (li 111\1-..ir. .1ttt'S, ,f" lllllllt'di:tt(' deli\"t.T\", C. J) , ac .Hrs. JScher has more than l·h· 11·r 111 -111 1 '1.· · t 1 · t tYe. 100 1 1 · 1· · · · · · · · · =-. .<1 :-. ... 1 ... l' < 1:1 Ill ; 1" 111 g a rcar-., 1111\\ · (111 tr;tck !(tad lilt" < e:-.ren( anb 1ll t 11s Ytru.llty, among rangl'lllt'Jlh, ll\· a ronunittvt· ("(Ill; >O eel . , · - . - · them a great-grcat-grandchtld f :O..J ,. J> . . ll II l :. \!1 ... . "- \\ . .l 1·1d.tlt t'lll··lt:t1 lll'd !Ill· ()r ktli l():td, _;(k t1111 Jll()r~· . 0 · · r:-._. _ ·.'· l 0 1\\l' · aye-.. ~lcKtn- lllt'1111H·r ... (li lt ··r TlltJr -..d:t' rlul, thi, nt·,·. \\ tlktlll II. ll1 dnlL'" J ).1 l'·t~nl' -~ J . . St. John's · ghtwe ·ghts . ._ . ; ·· · · · . \\t·t·' · tt l!vr :q1, trtll t1 1:t 11\ tl11· 1 .11\(J.-1\ 101~, ~lr:-. . . \!hut :\. 1 age, .\lr-,. l . l'rl'. 1 1 Defeat Chicago Quintet \1 dn ~~ d )oll ald. ~~ r.... Frvderid; \1. I .... lltJ\\·l· .... \1 r .... . \rthur Dix(t1l. .\1 r .... TilL·()T Ill' I ig·J~ t \\ T i l! h t h a ... J..: l' t h a JJ t e a 111 n ,.- d ( Ir ~ . ·' , \ I (l rt. a ll · ; l \1 d :\ I r . , . R a I p 11 j> d t it . Auto Repairin g in~ the rol()r..., oi St. 1o1m's Lutheri\11 ~·hurch. l'a-,il~ ddt·a ted .the Cl'nter Park Guaranteed \Vork and Smith Now .\f l't lwdi~t lights in a game at tht· How Evanston and W ilmette Branch Reasonable Rates in Their New Offices ant :-.d10nl this \\"e('k. The final count 510 Greenleaf Ave., Wilme-tte Ross Skelton ,,·as 21 to 0. 'i'hl' \f l'thodi ... ts faikd to Ct'<ll"l!l' l'. l'roll and .\rthur \ ·.I Tel. W ilme tt e 944 ~core in the Ia~t half of the game. Wilmette 3 55 5 4 1 o Prairie Ave. ~lllith. tlw IlL'\\. rl'al t' -..tall' firm (li Kr <d l l ~t. lohn\ hl'ct\')"\\Tig-hts \\"l'rl' forced tn takl' a trimming. 20 to 0. at th & ~lnith. han· thl'ir lll'\\. ()lftCL' at -lJ<) hands Clf tilt' enter Park hu s kies. r ~outh F 1 ,urth ... trL·ct, 111 the Schallnan fou rclothes washed Jack Pater.-,on. famous soccer coarh l>lo<:k. l'<Jllippt·<l. rl'a<h· inr the :-.ea:-.on\ free if you ..... 'I' · f htbllll_·s ... 110\\ opt'llin , g . The_\· t'XJlrt':-.:-. ring us a t · -'t'\Y ncr. n· en·ec 1 t 1 w game:o; !..! r all' t ul a p 1>l"l' ria t inn in r t 1H' ft. Ii cit o u :-. 1 1 1 ,,.Inc 1 lroug 1t nut a largl' rnm·d of Electrical Repairing t · ntltt~:-.ia<tic rage fans . l'xpn· ... -,ioiJ-. lor thl'ir :-.ltr<T:-." \Yhirh Radio Sets and Supplies _ ____ tht·\· ha\· ~· rt'CL'i\·l·d fn,nl their lll:tn~ Eveready "B" Batteries \1 usic Master Loud Speakeu I ril:nd-, Base Plugs Installed Basketball earns Split ri nc Lin"' of Lighting Fixtures WI ND S HATTE R S G LASS ~onors in Three Games Two Have Gone T · 6 lf ) I I I --- ---- - H T lk E l . ;l'h E COAL (I n. L · 1 .:::. - - - United Coal ~uyers of Chicago Kroll T Kenih,·o rth community ]q ..;J,ctk 1 ll During thl· stron~ \\ind ~aturcJa,· tt'am..; pl;l\·e <l three l!:llllt'" \\ ith 1·\·a 11 ... l'n·ning. th~· larg-e plate glas-; \\"indow 1 1n11 tt':tnh Tttt·. . <Ja,- :·fte rtliHlll, \\·inn in l!· at thl' \\'ilnH·ttl' F(l11d ~hop. -l1i .! ntJt'. ln:-inl!· on.· :tnd t\·in .l! (Jill' . Th·, Fllt~rth ... trn·t. \\·a:- hrokl'll out. Kt.nil\\"llrth lit>ht\n·il!ht..; til'd t hl'ir F,-_ -;tn:-.ton nppnlwnh in ;t i:t..;t l!;tllll'. Tit( ·--------~ .----------· F,·: ,IJ:-.t<·n middll' -\\·l·it·ht 1l'all1 \\<t:- virtoriott... ~wt·r tlw Kl'nih'. ,, rt h quad ln a . core oi 13 -, ' :tPd the )(l'nilworth senior team trimn1ed F,·;1n..;tnn 1S- 11 :\11 three ganw \H'rC' pla~Td at F,·_ anston. Adams Electric Shop Fourth Street Phone Wilmette 1040 SEH Y I f' I · ~ Tht·J't· 110 t· ·diotl :-> d· ·l a\s to ~ poil ~(Ill!' lll1 ·: tl ht·l "l' . \\ ',: ··llt\\ :Jitri · SSI · S Sll lf kit·ltl Sl't'\"1' ~ U··s t s \':l]·:t hl~ a11d :tr1· pl<JY ltl our t·apidly. Tempting Sen'ice ---------Sew for Orphanage Friday, Feb. at Woman's Club Children of the Ltkt· ntnfT Orphan age \\·ill benetit h_,. the :-.twing done next Friday at the \\.ilnll'ttl' \Yoman· ~ club tt11der the au:'pires oi the phibn thropy department of the club. commencing at 10 o'clurk in the mornin·r and lasting through the afternoon. with a luncheon sen·cd at 12 :30 o'clock. Women of the ,·illagc, anxiou" to aid in philanthropic \\·o rk while th·_, 1enjoy a social chat. are cordialh· in-vited to attend t he-,t· meetings. the- next of which occur~ February 19. I 'lour \\ i:-.lll':-. 111 regards tn thl' 5, l·uneral "t'r\"lrc;-; \\·ill he re:-.pt'Ctl·d m a 111 a 11 lll'f t h a t \\" iII \\ 111 ' o 11 r approbation. \\'e a;-;sun1e ail oi the re:-pon:-.ihilitie:-. fllr handlinl..( the de t a i Is () i t he c l.' n· 111 on y. () 11 r kno\\"ledge and experience· are at your servtce. MAC'S Bo\vling Lunch 1 1 I 1 59 A. M. to Midnight Wilmette Acenue Ward & Buchholz Funeral Directors Lady Assistant Private Ambulance I Bob's ·------------------------· Ae 912 Chicago Ave. I II Ph. Vniv. 600 DANCING Every Thursday and Saturday Evening - 0 l Recently having opened a ptano studio Miss Edith Ray Young will accept s few more pupils. Telephone Wilmette 3 65 1 Dan Land · ~ Admission Ladies Gents 50c 75c 8360 sq. ft. of dance floor VERN~;;i~0RRY'S " R ed H o t 0 r chest ra " Dancing from 8:00 to 12:00 P . ~· Come early and stay late. You II be sure to meet your friends. '7~'7 MAIM STREET, EV AMSTON

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