Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jan 1926, p. 27

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Januar y 29, 1926 · WILMETTE LIFE 27 t l· · ,, .\I ,J 1 t .. · (' d · d.· I The eye~ of the automobile " ·orid arc now turned trJ\\·anl Chicago. On Saturday afternoon, ] anuary 30. the doors of the Coliseum will swi ng open for the twenty-sixth annual National Automobile Sho\\' given under the auspices of the ::\ational Automobile Chamber of - Commern: and the people of Chicago and other :-.ection!'oo . of the country will get their fir s t vic\\· 1 of the lat c~t advancemenb and achie\'(: mcnts in the fine art of pa s:-.e nger car and acce ss ories manufacture. The ~ how will continue until Febru ary r,. The 1926 national ~hO\\' in Chicago . f:~ \\'i ll rank as the l arge~t and (Jilt c,i the . . g, mo s t important of all national -..he,"·'· ' It \\·ill typify the march oi tilt· automotive indu !-. try toward the goal fJi ul timate pcriection in pa -..se nger rars. , taxicab s and acce~:--orie:-: it \\·ill lH· a fi t t i n g cl i Ill ax t o t Ire y e a r 1925- t hc grca te :-.t in the hi~tory of the aut omobile indu s trY- and. at the . am<: tim e. it \\'ill he the curtainrai-..n ifJr "hat promi...,es to he an even gn·at<·r an d 111<·rc s ttr res...,i ul year fnr th l' incl1t..,tr: . How ·To Go To Church A man that doesn't know hovv to go to Church is to be pitied. He is about as badly off as tlie man who says he has no use for a Church, for neither one believes in the stand he takes. How should a man go to Church? The answer is- regularly. And as for the man vvho claims to have no use for a Church, his statement is contradicted by the very fact that he lives in Wilmette. Frankly, would you think of making your . home in Wilmette if there were no Churches here? You are~ no doubt, either a Church member or one \Yho has been a Church member at some previous time. Then~ sir. acquire the habit of going to Church! I I (j 1'1 " I. }\ ; :t· l )( '( .· ,[j '( 0 · f 1'· (1' 1 Host of New Models ::\cnT l>dorc in the Iii<· ni th t· automohik inclthtn· kt,·c ·:--o llJan,· nt·\\· tnod(')..., oi car:-. h .c en pre:-ented at- a nat i<>nal -..IHJ\\': tH'\'l'r l>t·fnrv ha'- thnv l~t·t·n "<' lllurh f,f gl'nvral int C'rt·..,t 1<· thv l!rval artll\ ' oi autCll1l<·hik <·\\llt ·r -. ll,t ·r.., and l'llththia "· 'l'h t· l'l ic;t~" , I! o \'.' " i II 1' t · a 11 t · ~- nq ,J i li <' a t i1 , 11 c , i 1 1. ,· i:trt th:tt tlw incltJ .., tn· ha a taiJH d tllt· l1i;..:hv-. t dt'l! rt't' c,i p~·rit·ctJ<·I1 in 11 1<·(<1!' <':tr n l:t nui;t,·turinl!' t'\·,·r l....tJ<·\\'11. \ j, .,. \ t.tr . . :tl!<l tht· t'l·ll,tructinn it·:t tu :·,., c1i . \ n1t·rict tl ;tutc>tn(,Jiik-. harl rt·:t<.·llcrl \\ll: tt :tppl' :tn d t" ],\. :tn it , ..... Jut. · in .11 1· lllit ItT 11i ck'il!ll. ~i n n · tl~t·n t11t ' tll t'l'l!i\' ... c·f tlw nJanui:tcturvr" kt\'t' ],<.til ttll'lll'd !Jl(lrl' tr·\\:tt·t] '-ttldlt- Jll·il1t'ni {.!"ran·. attract in ·1lt' "· vndttr:lllt't·. , tfvty and ca-.<· oi rq·t·r.ttillll <·i car-. :\ nd all that l1a , he('IJ at'\'lllllpli-ht·cl itlll!lg tJH"- t' ll l<l'-l illl)Hl! ' : 111 Ji11\' \'.:JJ l~t· c·n vin,· in Cllit':L;..!r· nn ~ ;t turd. " .t1'·1 :til ll\"\1 \\ l'l'k hY . not take the benefit of that earl\r . training of Yours that made ·vou the fine fello\Y that vou are, and go to <-:hurch regu larly? That is the \Yay to go to <-:hurch . · ., · el 7 " Lure Local Residents to Far-Off Hawaiian Isles From far di:-tant 1 fa\\·aii runJc-.. thv ic ,]]owing notice : \Velcomcd by 50 Ifa\\aii an di,ing boys, the Haw aiia n band. and -..cores of natin.· fl ow<'r girls a-.. -..he clltl'red the harbor, tlH S. S. Cit,· oi Lo-.. An - ' ge les arrived January 8, carr_,·ing a capacity loa d of visitors who will :-pend the mid -winter in Hawaii. 1 :\m ong the arrival" \ en· I [arn·\· Keeler, 1frs. !\.farv K eeler. !\.1 r~ . Genevieve 1Iason, \Viiliam ~{a son. Fred L. Murray, and 11 r s. Grace D . 11 urray of \Vilmette. Ill., who will mak e a s h c,rt :-- t;n· in the island :-. A great numb er of Yisitors haYe made arrangements t o Yi~it the lao Valle\· on thr island of ~1 aui, ·'fl'hr Y oseinite ~f Ha\\·aii." and Kil a ueo Yolrano on th island of Hawaii in the Hawaii National park. 1 I Good Preaching, Good Music Good Fellowship Morning Worship at 11 UUUUD Directory of Churches: The First Presbyterian Church Ninth Street and Greenleaf Avenue REV. GEORGE P. MAGILL First Congregational Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues REV. STEPHEN A. LLOYD St. Augustine's Episcopal Church 1 140 Wilmette Avenue REV. HUBERT CARLETON 11 r. and 1f rs. C. A. Koepke of 414 \Vashington avenue have left for Sarasota. Fla., where they "·ill spend about three wreks . On their return theY will stop in New Orleans for the ir ardi . Gras. ~f rs. Charles Rav McCallum and her infant son, \Vordcn Locke 1fr allum. have returned from the Evanston hospital tu their home, 930 Oakwood avenue. -o Rill Tord an is returning from the rniver~itv nf Tllinoi" ~undav to "1)('11(1 a week with his father and mother, The First Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues REV. GILBERT STANSELL ·Wilmette English Lutheran Church 701 Greenleaf Avenue REV. WILLIAM GUISE -o- The Wilmette Baptist Church Forest and Wilmette A venues REV. FRANCIS C. STIFLER St. John's Lutheran Church Wilmette and Park Avenues REV. HERMAN W. MEYER Mr. and Mrs. R. Torclan of the Linden Crest apartment~.::. v..r. I Published by tbe Interchurch Advertising Committ~. Wilmette Church Council ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[m~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

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