= 1926 January 29, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 25 The Herald and Examiner's Great Offer of I h· tl ' Il l. 1 :! :1 r · t' l ill . t ;, th ;,· I · zn ' CASH PRIZES ' 'l'h.- foreht"ncl is that of a fnrnous editor who founded t ht· :\ t·w , . ork 'l'rihune; tht- nose and t"yes are those nf n ,:;rt"nt atrNwlwr and t·l.-rgyrnnn and the chin IH thnt of n ltrt-sitlent whn in hiN youth '\'\'RM kno'\vn aM :t r:a il-s ltli tt t' r." (4,000 Cash Awards in All) THESE ARE THE PICTURES IN SET NO. 1 Put Them Together and ·Tell Who They Are! Play This New Game ""Makers ol American History"· You Can Win as High as $2,500 in a Single Prize Second Prize, $1,000 These sections of photographs when cut apart and properly put together again, will make pictures of three f}lmous men in the ne\v game of "Makers of American History." (Ill Third Prize, $750 Get a flying start! Begin p 1 a y i n g this fascinating game today- now. Clip the pictures, put them together and tell who they are. Simpie, educational- a child can do it. er t -· 11H.. '('1. BE SURE TO SEE THE RULES AND LIST OF PRIZES IN Tht" fort'ht·nd iM thnt of n dbltinguisll.-d ··r.-aeh.-r and :author \\' host· Mistt·r ,,·rote .. ( ' nt·le ·rom's Cabin." DOMt" und t·~· t·s nrt" thost- of u Jtrt'sid.-nt n ·ho abolished sla,·t'ry; tiH' t·hin iM thnt of u 1nnn '\vho waa an unsut't't'NNful Jtrt-sidt·ntial candidate in 1S72. Next Sunday's· CHICAGO }\1 t k, Y111 by s~. Herald and Exa1niner Wiltnette News Agency 1 Electric Place Wiltnette 1765 'rh.. for.-heatl Is that of a prt"sldent who said "lVfth mall<·.- to'\'\·atrtl none, '\VIth ehnrlty tor all"; the middle Meetlon Hhows tht" nos.- nnd .-y.-s of th.- ntan 'vho Nignt"d .JefterHon Davis' ball bontl aftt-r tht· eh·U '\Var; ehin ha that of a noted abolitlonbtt. en an 1 (" nt 111. of irl